Daomen Invasion

Chapter 1290: : Can't escape

The magic angel laughed wildly and didn't care about the injury on his body. For him, as long as he consumed the divine power, he would be able to return to the full state at any time.

Hahaha ... You guys ...


On his chest, he was shot by the legendary knight's spear, and a flame burst. As if squirting out of his heart.

The legendary knight, who came behind him instantly, shot a short sword flat on his left hand.

The head of the magical angel was shot in a dizzy stun. This concussive power is much more powerful than cutting directly with the blade. The blade cutting may not be able to cut the head skull.

Instantly stunned, the two-winged knights flew by like bullets, and every time he swept, the burning sword was on his body, cutting a deep wound.

Colorful blood spattered around, the legendary knight's dagger turned around, hit his wrist, and the scepter took off.

The wings of the magic angel exploded, and thousands of feathers exploded in all directions.

Constructed the knights, and made a defensive action at the same time. Fifty constructs were linked, and a layer of fire broke out on his body.

Mobius ring of fire.

This is the life-saving thing of the main army's knights. Xiahe seldom uses defensive magic. He didn't use this magic because no one had broken his phase of Frost Dragon Shield.

But the control of the Dragon Shield requires very strong soul power to achieve the best results.

The frost scales on the dragon shield, and the fine-tuning of the structure, can resist different attacks.

All colored feathers, shot on the Mobius ring of fire, deflected strangely and flew to the sky.

Mechanical skewered from the knights, one by one in the air, shrouded in a vague layer of force field. Colored feathers hit, some were directly annihilated, some were drilled in.

More than thirty mechanical slaves were shot from the knights and were shot by colored feathers. The body structure was directly decomposed into a pile of parts and fell towards the ground.

The magical angel shoots feathers, his body shrinks inwards, and turns into a colored ball of light.

Got into a gourd.

The legendary knight gritted his teeth and waved his hands to retract the gourd. The angel of this **** was annoying, troublesome, and a wave broke out before he escaped, causing himself to lose thirty-three mechanical slaves from the knight.

Hope that the mechanical core has not rotted away from the knight's computing core, and it would be better if the energy matrix core is still there.


Received the gourd, and the legendary knight issued an order to retreat. He can fight again, and he can fight five more epic knights. Although the rest are not injured, the energy consumption is almost the same.

The attack of legendary angels, they are very difficult to stop.

The structure is damaged, and it is not known whether it is strict or not. If it is his own, without the formation bonus, it is not easy to kill the angel. If the angel didn't keep his hands, if he had no way to block it and he was rushed into the army, the soldiers and robots at the bottom would be miserable.

Fortunately, this angel is arrogant and arrogant, and he wants to kill himself all these knights.

In the square, the flame demon had trampled the heavy armor soldiers to the blood. When the Death Robot arrived, there were no more enemies standing on the square.

The squadron of the reloading brigade retreated, followed by a standard squadron to respond, and the medical team rushed up and found no one was injured.

The legendary knight returns, the lieutenant said: "The next step is the regular offensive, the enemy has no legend. Your team rests, let the guardian construct to help you temporarily repair the equipment."

"Thank you."

Like themselves, they all have repair magic liquid, but they are more expensive repair methods. If you let the guardian construct to do it, it can save a lot of costs.

These repair magic liquids are for self-treatment without logistics.

But mechanical knights have done simple repairs from their knights, and their repair fluids are much cheaper. However, although the stern knight's attack power is strong, it is obviously not as viable as the human knight.

Thirty-three were damaged this time, which made the senior lieutenant feel some pain.

Fortunately, that day was about to flee, he was still taken into the gourd by himself, turned around and turned in, and lost the mechanical slain from the knight, even if it was wiped out, there was still merit.

In fact, he could kill the angel without causing damage to the friendly forces.

Only consumed thirty-three advanced biochemical robots at once, and the battle report was too ugly. If the magic angel escaped again, it would be a mistake.

"This space should have been created with the help of the God of Magic. The Merrifin family does not have this ability. Therefore, there may be such monsters in every space. I don't know if other families can ..."

The lieutenant hesitated, the legendary knight said: "I am a 50-level knight with the best build squadron, and the outbreak of power has long exceeded 60. Other families, if not as powerful as me The team is afraid of losing money. "

Lieutenant general sighed, but there was no other way. If the friendly forces were not powerful, they might be wiped out by the whole army.

I am more fortunate on this side, and I am with this squadron. If you do n’t have this squadron, you want to kill the monster, and then kill the angel, I do n’t know how much force to lose.

If there is no legendary knight on the opposite side, if you do it yourself, after the monster is frozen by Asra's fury, all legendary constructs will be shot at the same time, plus the explosive attack of Asla's apostle. The monster can also be killed, but the magic configuration, and the Astra Apostle, basically have little combat ability.

Once the magic angel came out, how to fight?

It's no wonder that Asra's fury didn't penetrate the monster's defense. There were angels hiding in the monster's head.

A single magic angel and a single monster can't resist Asra's anger, but put them together, this defense is amazing. If the monster were not dead, the angel would not come out that day.

It's like a separate epic knight, and a separate knight's outer magic construction, can't block the colored feathers of the magic angel. But put together, there will be a way to resist.

The monster is like a magic angel.

It ’s just that the power of Asra ’s anger, including the freezing of the ultra-low temperature, cannot even dispel magic angels. If the monster has been hidden in the head of the monster, and the power to resist Asra's anger is frozen, it will become weaker and weaker.

Vice general soon sorted out clearly, and had little hope for the troops of other families.

There are no other legends in the castle. There are some epics, which are killed by legends. A team of hundreds of people tried to escape from behind the castle and was shot by a warship in the air.

After the enemies in the open area are resolved, the battleship no longer participates in the attack.

Mainly wanted to occupy the castle, the attack of the battleship, it was easy to destroy the building. The temperature in the space is relatively low, I don't know what will change, it is always good to live in a castle.

This castle, it is easy to accommodate a large group, and the building materials are also demolished stones.

The flame demon jumped up and down without stepping on anything.

Demon is very useful on the battlefield. After all, it is a high-level metal robot with a five-level starting level. The strength can be assured, the attack power can be assured, and the three-piece demon is also good enough.

Abyssal musket, there is a close to shooting mode, the power can also increase.

The attacks of large robots are sometimes one by one. For example, if the giant sickle swept over, there must be many targets that could not be killed. The demon is close to a shot and it will definitely die.

During the melee, the battleships in the air could not be supported. The devil ’s gravity gloves made it difficult for the enemy to form battles.

Will soon enter the clean-up phase, and the underground battle will not be anxious.

The squadron of the legendary knights was repaired first. Those mechanical slain knights would be repaired slowly. If they were damaged badly, they could not continue to fight.

This is the end of the siege legend, or a legendary angel.

If it is an ordinary legend, a senior captain is enough. If the captain is not a legend, this squadron is afraid that it will be disabled by the magic angel.

Finally, if there is no gourd, it may be escaped by the magic angel.

"General, the formation in the castle may be a little ... different." A magician came to report.


"Anyway, the legendary configuration said that it is not recommended to use, it is best to destroy it. It does not matter to reduce the castle defense, we arrange the Void Magic Monument ourselves."

"Then do as the configuration says." The deputy gave the order and the following talents were easy to execute.

The command sequence of the magic configuration is not high. It needs the authorization of the human commander, or it is all killed in battle, and it is the turn of the magic configuration. This thing, after all, depends on the magic program to solve the problem, and sometimes it will still seem rigid.

According to the display of the magic clock ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ it is already night.

All the engineering teams are still working overtime. The lieutenant general did not give combat missions. He asked the team to rest in the castle and arranged some robots to patrol the periphery.

Patrol is still a standard team, but when the standard team patrols, it will carry an additional death robot. When patrolling, it is a small-scale operation, instead of riding an armored Trojan, but riding a demon spider. Surrounded by Demon Guardians, Mutants build and drive chariots.

The real investigators are the Bladesman, and two Flores.

Blade has a combat effectiveness, but it will not be used as a combat unit, because it is destroyed after the battle. It is equivalent to playing the sharp sword as a bullet used many times, which is not worth it.

Riding armored Trojans are knight apostles and heavy apostles, exactly five each.

This is also the case when patrolling. Usually these two kinds of robots are walking. The ability of the Cavalier Apostles is focused on charge, and the ability to reload the Apostles is focused on defense. In fact, the Cavaliers did not design any mounts separately.

Outside the entire castle, there are six standard teams patrolling, but the number is quite large.

In the middle of the castle, a temporary computing core has been built. A large magical structure sits. The three-dimensional magic image has appeared on the table. The lieutenant has not rested. He is sitting at the table, thinking about what to do tomorrow. ...

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