Daomen Invasion

Chapter 135: : Interview

Juno College has a peculiar pattern, like six huge gears snapped together and divided into six school districts. EΩ novel www. ┡1XIAOSHUO. The com gear-shaped wall is part of the Academy's magic circle. It looks like it was carved out of a whole rock, but Xiahe knew that this thing might be metal.

Even if there is only a small amount of magic metal fused, the school is rich.

Xiahe is a lecturer who came to report, first to see the principal, and then to the personnel department.

The principal's office building is in the first school district of the first college. Xiahe entered the gate, facing him a pool, and surrounded by a lot of magic plants. A bridge crossed in the middle of the pool, and Xiahe walked on it, with lotus leaves floating on the water, and flowers that didn't thank.

The fragrant breath floats, and Xiahe sees a fish in the water lifting the lotus leaf, peeping at himself, and then dives with his tail.

all fake? That's really a coincidence!

After the pool, it is the government office. The red building rises up to four floors, with a doorway in the middle to pass through. Xiahe passed through the door hole, and another magic tower stood face to face.

In the city of Juno, the magic tower seems to be worthless.

After crossing the two campuses again, he came to the office building. Xiahe took out the documents directly at the reception desk and asked to see the principal. Before that, the palace had informed that the principal was there, and Xiahe was taken directly to the top floor.

The style of the principal's office is the same as that of the palace.

In front of the window, there was a big table, and the principal of Juno College was sitting behind, approving the documents. After Xiahe came in, he immediately stopped the magic pen.

Xiahe saluted and gave a serious glance to the headmaster.

The headmaster did not deliberately cover up the breath. Xiahe directly judged that this guy had at least a seventy level standard, not as high as Bloody Mary, and the combat effectiveness was not necessarily weak.

The fighting ability of the magic profession has always made people helpless.

The headmaster looks very young, with wrinkles in the corners of the eyes that are difficult to detect. This is because the age is not deliberately covered up, and the legend cannot really prevent the aging of the body. He is not tall, wearing a pure black magic robe, two rings on his left hand, and a ring on his right hand.

The number of equipment that everyone can wear or control is limited, and they will be constrained by mental power.

Xiahe himself has five rings and rings with just two hands. This does not mean that his spiritual strength is stronger than that of the headmaster. What the headmaster has in hand may be the best legendary equipment.

Xiahe also wanted to integrate all the ring rings into one, but Freya had no such skill.

"Asrah, sit."

Xia He’an sat quietly, the powerful legendary Master looked at Xia He for a while, and said: “I ’m Heinrich, the current principal of Juno College and his majesty ’s professor of magic. He recommended you, obviously he valued you On the one hand, as the principal, you have to convince me that you will not tarnish the reputation of Juno College. "

"What does fame mean?" Xiahe asked directly, without being frightened.

"At least, you have to show your ability to understand magic. If you can't make me satisfied, it is the order of your emperor, and I will not obey."

Xiahe did not expect to come here, the first thing to do is the exam.

"Your Excellency, the magic I have learned is relatively balanced and I am not particularly good at it in a certain way."

"Then show one at will, you will not doubt my eyes?" Heinrich said with a smile.

"Fine then." Xiahe stood up, pushed the chair away, and released five magic tarot cards. There are four element digital cards and one main card of the first sequence.

Five tarot cards revolved around Xiahe, and an invisible regular tetrahedron formed around him.

Heinrich's eyes lighted up, this equipment is really strange!

After the main card of the first sequence was released, a phantom appeared in Xiahe's head. It was a villain with a height of more than three inches, and his image was exactly the same.

The main card of the first sequence: self.

Xiahe suddenly felt that the existence of the mirror-like image seemed to be a doppelganger, and the spell could be completely controlled by him, or he could jointly perform magic. Although there were no other special attributes, this magic doppelganger would become more powerful.

Xiahe did not show too many uses of the Tarot card. After creating the tetrahedron, he raised his palm and floated nine fireballs in his palm.

The core fireball is the largest, orange-red, and the rest of the fireballs are of different sizes, rotating around the largest fireball, like a celestial body running.

Xiahe dragged the fireball like this, the eight small fireballs slowly extinguished, and began to change different forms. Some are purely metal balls, some have ice and water on the surface, and others are sand and soil, and more pure gaseous spheres.

This state lasted for about five seconds, and the small **** floating around the fireball shattered and reverted to complex elements.

"This is the magic you created?" Heinrich didn't believe it, but he had never seen the magic himself, even in legend.

"Just for improvement, the foundation is still from a serial fireball."

Heinrich didn't say a word. He saw that there were too many things in it. The magic of the bursting stars could be carried on forever, all inclusive.

Almost all magical elements are fused into this magic.

If this magic is promoted to legend, the movement of the nine spheres will form a powerful gravity effect. The core is a hot star, orbiting the star, is a planet with different properties. You don't need to attack too fast, maybe the enemy will be forcibly attracted to the magic range.

Heinrich reckoned that if this magic advanced into the demigod realm, throwing one out, among the thousands of horses and horses, all the troops would be absorbed and destroyed by the power of the stars.

Asla has not yet become a master of magic. Using the power of equipment, he forcibly released this magic and maintained his prototype for a few seconds. It is enough to prove his control ability, creative ability, and endless fantasy ability. For a magician, fantasy skills are also very important.


"I'm a little bit reluctant to let you go to the Tenth Academy of Magic." Heinrich shook his head and sighed. Those guys in the House of Commons were really annoying, very annoying.

Asla should only be in her twenties. It was when she was able to advance by leaps and bounds. If she followed her, she could become a master within one year and become an epic within five years. For up to ten years, he can make him an advanced legend.

The headmaster had a love for talent, but there was no way to fight against the entire noble system.

"Principal, even when I went to the Tenth School of Magic, I was still a lecturer at Juno College."

"That's right, what do you need me to do?" Heinrich directly promised Xiahe some help.

"I have a plan for cultivation, and I have sufficient resources, but now I seem to be in trouble."

"tell me the story."

"I went to the north and walked with me, the imperial witch of the Green family. She was born higher than me, and her position was lower than me. It may not be very easy to manage. I don't want to waste time on it."

Heinrich smiled and said: "Eva of the Green family, her people are not as difficult to get along with as legend. But if you are worried, this is for you."

The headmaster said that he took a delicate metal rune and gave it to Xiahe.

"You can declare to yourself that it is my student, and Eva's temper is no matter how bad it is for you. If you study this rune slowly, if you have any gains, you can write to me and I will reply to you."

"Thank you teacher!" Xia He rejoiced, took the metal runes from the Quartet, and then took something and placed it on the table: "This is what I got in Dragon Island, and it is related to the beast god. interest……"

Heinrich didn't wait for Xia He to finish his speech, so he grabbed the master's hand.

This thing was cut with a finger from the transformed Beast God Archer.

"Ancient, chaotic, evil, non-human, this kind of **** should have been wiped out long ago." Heinrich held a small finger and looked at it with magical power.

"I couldn't beat that magician. I was lucky enough to escape my life. I also cut him in the palm of my hand, and I gave away the rest."

"Don't get too involved with the gods." Heinrich warned Xiahe.

Xiahe took out the book of light again, only one page, and placed it on the table.

"Teacher, is this thing dangerous?" Xiahe called out cordially, and Heinrich didn't mind. Only then had he promised Xiahe and sent the letter.

"What is it for?" Heinrich frowned, and just said that his finger was okay. This page of the book of light is something in the existing **** system. It is very high-end and will not be easily given to others.

"My friend, I am in love with a priest in the Temple of Dawn ..." Xiahe said again.

"Danger is not dangerous, there is no direct attention of the gods, but it is not appropriate to bring it around, how about giving it to me?"

"If the teacher is useful, take it away."

Heinrich didn't quit anymore ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The magic rune he gave to Xiahe is a powerful legendary equipment in itself, which is much more valuable by comparison.

"You go to the personnel department to go through the onboarding and secondment procedures. These days you are in the Imperial Capital. If you have any unclear questions, you can ask me directly." Heinrich got the fingers of the Book of Light and the Beast God Archer, anxious the study.

Xiahe hurried off, and Heinrich said in the back: "The next time you find me, go directly to the magic tower, the rune I give you is the pass."

Xiahe's heart is set, this is his own!

It is even rarer to be able to enter and leave the magic tower of the headmaster, than to see the emperor in the palace. Xiahe was in a good mood. After she left the principal's office, she felt a little floating.

"This is Earl Asra?" A charming voice rang, and Xiahe suddenly stopped, facing a young girl standing in the corridor, blocking her path.

The girl is holding books, wearing a college robe, and wearing glasses on her nose. There are faint magic lines on the lens, which is definitely not a treatment for myopia. Her eyes were sharp, like two knives, what to sculpt on Xiahe's face.

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