Daomen Invasion

Chapter 136: : Imperial Witch

"It's me, may I ask ..."

"Eva? Green. E-fiction WW ㄟ W. ん 1XIAOSHUO.COM" The girl raised her eyes and looked away from Xiahe's face, withdrawing cold and fast.

Empire Witch? Did n’t Canaan say that his sister was very beautiful, it is said to be famous throughout the emperor.

"Are you looking for me?" Xia He felt that this time it was definitely not a chance encounter. The School of Magic was so big that it could be encountered outside the principal's office.

"The principal asked me to ask me to take you to the personnel department."

"Thank you very much." Xiahe said dryly. Eva's attitude is not friendly, and he is not interested in making each other happy. How can Canaan promote his sister so enthusiastically?

"Come with me." Eva Green held the book, turned around, and walked up the stairs.

Xiahe had no choice but to follow behind. The college magic robe worn by the imperial witch was aqua, hanging straight down, covering her original posture.

After a few steps, Xiahe saw Eva's body sway, like ripples on the calm water.

Left, right, left, right ...

This swing, Xiahe seemed to see the slender waist under the robe, full of rhythm and touching.

Xiahe tried his best to look away, and now the corridor had become extremely long, with no end in sight.

"Master Earl, what are you looking at?" Eva's voice was misty, and there seemed to be another soul hidden under the robe.

Xia Hexin said, in addition to your butt, what else is beautiful?

If you don't shake, I won't be able to do anything.

For others, I am afraid that there are already illusions at this moment? And what he can't see is not an illusion, but the false realm of Eva Green.

No matter how many levels she has, she certainly has not reached the level of epic poetry.

The imperial witch's name is well-deserved, as a master, you can control some things in the legendary field.

"I'm just thinking, how do you do this." Xia Xiahe now uses spells. Under extreme conditions, he will also have a taste of the boundary.

"Bah?" Eva stopped and turned to look at Xiahe. The young magician was obviously not caught in an illusion, but was trapped by his false realm.

"You're a little bit capable, but if it's not my opponent, why should you be a lecturer and I should be a teaching assistant?"

"With this." Xiahe reached out and took out the Quartet rune Heinrich gave him.

The eyes behind Eva's lens were cold, saying: "Astra, do you want to press me with the principal's name?"

"I think it's easier for you to accept such a statement." Xiahe retracted the rune, and his words were not polite.

"Then you say something that I can't accept." Eva held the book and stared at Xiahe's eyes.

"Regardless of age, I am also the first nobleman who has opened up territory for the empire in a hundred years. In Boulder City, I faced three epic creatures alone, and killed two similar monsters in the storm corner The bloodline nobles are not fake, but are these things brought to me by the bloodline? If you are not convinced, you will do better than me first. "

"That's it?" Eva's face was mostly covered, but she could also see the expression of disappointment.

"What else?"

"I thought you would treat me like you did to Marquis Aura."

Xiahe's eccentric face, his reputation was completely destroyed in the emperor. The blood mage of Stormwind turned into the earl of saliva in the city of Juno. If he cursed not Marquis Aura, it is estimated that the sentence would also be compiled into a paragraph.

"If you like ..."

"You can try." Eva Green immediately looked very interested, looking forward to Xiahe's answer.

"Unless you are willing to pay me."

"You mean, you want to scold me and get me to pay you?" Eva Green's voice sounded like an alchemy doll, full of mechanical sense.

"Yes, and it's expensive."

The imperial witch scolded in her heart, knowing that the Earl of Saliva did something decent. If he really dares insult himself, then he will start directly, beating his life alone.

He scolded the marquis for various reasons, at least without fear of power.

It's different to scold a woman, and it's deserved to be beaten.

If you pay yourself, it is really stupid, even if it is just a copper plate, it means that you really begged him to scold.

"You're not too bad, but you still don't deserve someone like me to teach you."

"that's nice."

"What's so good?"

"It's good to save a salary."

The Imperial Witch was finally infuriated by Xiahe. The teaching assistants of the Magic Academy had to receive salaries from lecturers or professors. The money would not be given directly to the teaching assistants. Xia He ’s current status is a lecturer at Juno College, and the subsidy beyond his salary includes the money for two teaching assistants.

The Tenth Academy of Magic has no funds in itself, no matter the lecturer there or the professor. The money in hand may only be enough for him, and he will definitely not spend money to hire someone like himself. Teaching assistants will be selected from students, and the cost will be relatively low.

In other words, if the Earl of Saliva did not hire himself, he would have no money to take it after he went there.

That's a lot of money!

The false realm disappeared, and Eva was no longer in a mood to tease the earl, and took Xiahe to the personnel department to go through the formalities of entry.

I originally wanted to use strong means to squeeze this guy, mistakes ...

Xiahe looked at her unhappy and did not intend to comfort. Eva is good at the magic of the spiritual system or the soul system, and you can unfold the false realm by shaking your ass. This ability flickers, and it's unpredictable.

I do n’t know how many talents the empire witch got.

Entry procedures and secondment procedures are all handled in one place. Xiahe will leave after making an archive and receiving the documents.

Eva said, "Why are you visiting the college for the first time?"

"It will cause trouble." Xia He smiled.

Witch Heart said how do you know, how do you know everything! If you dare to go shopping with the old lady, half of the college will chase you.

"Wait for me to take the lecturer's uniform, you will take me around again." Xia He's smile became more and more beaten.

"I have no time!" Eva was angry.

"I have got."

"Why are you bothering me!"

"It's your brother who asked me to take care of you." Xia He looked innocent, and Eva was a little dull.

"My brother? Which one?"


"This idiot!" Eva was about to cry without tears, and Asra must have heard Canaan say something about herself.

"Then you agreed?"

"Count Asla, let's go back and see you again!" Eva Green hugged her book and lowered her head slightly, keeping her grace and turning away.

Xia He smiled, what would happen if he hit her illusion?

The scenery at Juno College is good. Xiahe walks along the path. There are bamboos in the north, which are very thick and have golden leaves. There was no one on the road, the wind was cool, and there was a bleak taste on his face. Xiahe's figure walking alone on the path between the bamboo forests, the blood-red magic robe on the half was very dazzling, and it was out of step with this campus.

After getting used to the life of Stormwind, Xiahe felt like a knife or a thorn in the peaceful environment of the imperial capital.

Through the bamboo forest, the front is suddenly bright, and the surrounding red wall surrounds a huge courtyard. A tea tree is born like an ancient banyan, covering half of the courtyard.

There were two people sitting under the tree, one old and one young, making tea.

When Xiahe appeared, the old man waved at him.

Xiahe pointed to his nose, meaning you called me?

"Come over for tea." The old man's voice cleared, like a Guqin.

Xiahe also can't see the realm of the old man. Usually in this case, the other party must be a character above the legend. In places like Stormwind, the old magician is definitely not good, but at Juno College, many people seem not to be in an unexpected state and will not deliberately change the traces left by time.

"Excuse me." Xiahe came under the tree and sat on a stone.

The young man is 16 or 7 years old, older than Medirelli. He had long black hair, **** behind his head, did not wear the magic uniform of the academy, and wore narrow-sleeved brocade clothes, like the battle shirt Xiahe gave to the dead.

Xiahe sat down, and the teenager poured a cup of tea to Xiahe and put it in front of him.

"Blood Master, good luck, I am Faust."

"Asla." He took the teacup and took a sip of the hot tea. Hot tea is aquamarine, with a fresh breath, and the rich elemental power is almost close to the element pool.

After drinking the tea, Xiahe's six-life symbol turns and absorbs the power contained in the tea.

Watching him take a sip easily, the old man looked with admiration and said, "Why are you here?"

Xiahe thought about it and answered, "You let me come."

"I heard that you have seen the Great Prophecy in person, how is it better than my fate and magic?" The old man shocked Xiahe. He had only guessed before. He didn't expect to walk in with him. It was really someone else's arrangement.

Xiahe pondered for a while ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Only said: "The big prophecy is very overbearing, as if it is the result first. The magic of your destiny ... Silent, like a spring breeze into the night, when you wake up , The earth has recovered. "

"Heinrich said you are very good, the old guy's judgment is still so accurate!"

"Your Mightiness……"

"I'm Nicola Mailer, you should have never heard my name."

Xia He recalled carefully, as if he hadn't mentioned this person in any material he had read. However, this old man who appeared in front of his eyes should be a powerful legend not less powerful than Heinrich.

Is the legendary mage of the empire so worthless, there are a bunch of them on the list, and there are still not registered?

"Most legendary mages like to go to different worlds, to the astral world, to all places that are difficult for humans to reach. And I like this place, like this tree, and like to drink tea. This ordinary, will not be remembered." Ramelle said.

"Ordinary people only know the power of awe, but not the knowledge." Xiahe replied.

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