Daomen Invasion

Chapter 137: : Peer

"Ordinary people only know the power of awe, but they don't awe the knowledge. E" Little ┡ "said Ww% W.Ω1XIAOSHUO.COM said well, Asla. Heinrich let me give you some help, then Do you want strength or knowledge? "Nicola Mailer looked at Xia He with a wise eye to see how he chose.

"Both." Xiahe answered without thinking.

"Hahahaha!" Nicola Mailer laughed. He asked many people about this question. Asla was the first to choose.

Because when others saw him, they were in awe and lost their ability to think. They only knew that choosing one of the two would never be greedy.

"Heinrich is afraid that you will be bullied, and he doesn't have the right equipment for him. He would have planned to deal with him even if you are so funny ..."

Nicola Mailer said, take out a tiny scale and give it to Xiahe.

"This is a magic weapon, and it can also be used to learn my skills. It is made of scales on a dragon god. Asla, do you know what the dragons and humans have in common?"

Xiahe shook his head. Dragons and humans were very different races. He really didn't know what the two had in common.

"Neither the dragon nor the humans admit that they are a type of Warcraft."


Nicola Mailer said in a mocking tone: "So both dragons and humans want to jump out of the long river of fate. This dragon **** was torn by the city fragments in the long river of fate."

Xiahe had awe in his heart, but he didn't care about the result.

The Taoist palace has found a way to get rid of its destiny, that is, the road to immortality.

"Faust is my student. In the future ... please take care of him." Nicola Mailer made his request. Xiahe is very surprised. With such a teacher, what other help is needed?

Even the master of magic is not counted, and the title is only the third-class earl.

But Nicola Mailer is proficient in fate magic, who knows what future he sees.

Faust looked at Xiahe with some envy. His rank was higher than Xiahe, but he heard many legends about the earl, and opened up territory for His Majesty in the storm corner. There are a lot of classic battles.

He longed to have his own reputation as the blood mage.

As for the slur of the House of Commons, he didn't even listen to it.

Xiahe somehow got a dragon scale and got the skills of a legendary mage. When he left Juno College, he still didn't believe this kind of adventure.

At the beginning of the storm, I just felt that the book of goblin was tasteless. Within ten years, I could not bring any benefits to myself, but also invested time and energy to open it, so I only thought of the strategy dedicated to the emperor. The current income seems to be the return of the Goblin Book.

I do n’t know what happened to Austin. Is it comfortable to be trapped in the magic tower?

Juno City was darker than Storm Point, but there was no such humid wind. The night was refreshing. After Xiahe returned to Earl ’s Court, he studied dragon scales in the backyard.

Like the four runes given to him by Heinrich, this dragon scale is also a legendary level and a magic weapon to learn skills. The difference is that this dragon scale Xiahe can be used now, as long as he has enough magic power, he can be used to fight.

The skill in the dragon scales is Nikola Mailer's proud magic-water droplets of destiny.

Incarnate into a drop of water in the long river of fate, can penetrate the seal, get rid of the lock, and still be free in the enemy's boundary.

If you will use this skill before, Eva Green's false realm can be broken in an instant.

"Adult, this skill can be merged in the phantom flash to form Gemini magic." Freya is also involved in researching Dragon Scale.

"You do it, if necessary, borrow the magic tower of Heinrich."

"Yes, sir." Freya took the dragon scale with a smile and Xiahe was very happy to keep Ovilia in the capital. So now everything is full of energy.

Half a month passed quickly. Xiahe ’s Earl ’s House already had daily operations. He spent money to buy some business in the Imperial City. At the same time, he used the Earl ’s identity to apply for trade quotas and customs clearance. Then he contacted Abigail is ready to do business with Stormwind.

On the side of the Holy Thunder Empire, there is quite a lot of marine farming Warcraft. Similar to the Black Pearl, it takes a southern route from the Storm Point to the Arcane Empire, and the price can be two-thirds cheaper.

Xiahe didn't need servants. When he left, he took Medillie and Freya to the academy, took the aeroship of the academy, and went to the Imperial Tenth Magic Academy, known as the City of Sky Magic Academy.

"Count Asla!" Three of Xiahe arrived at the takeoff point of the airship. He was heard calling from afar.

Xiahe froze for a moment and saw a girl in a fiery robe waving to him on the airship. Girl gold, white face, nose slightly warped, facial features are sweet and cute.

"Adult, who is this?" Freya looked at Xiahe's expression very puzzled.

Xiahe raised his hands, pinched two circles with his fingers, and placed them on his eyes, making them look like glasses frames.

The girl laughed haha ​​and shouted: "It's me, it's Eva!"

Xiahe was speechless. Before seeing her, Eva was dressed as an old-fashioned female student. Now she suddenly turned into a little princess, and her painting style turned too big.

Although the airship is small and has a seat for ten people, Eva brought a dozen boxes alone, occupying most of the space.

"Don't you have space equipment?" Xiahe three huddled together, Freya could not help but ask Eva. She likes to be close to Xiahe, but she doesn't like holding back. A house that is a few hundred meters long is crooked and twisted together, which is different from the feeling of holding a group in a cell.

"Space equipment is also full, these have to be brought, all clothes."

Freya stopped talking, and she remembered that she had the ability to fuse space equipment, so she and Xiahe had not recently worried about the lack of room for items. However, most of the magicians have limited space equipment before they have achieved legends or have half planes.

"Huh, it's still women who understand women." Eva said enthusiastically.

Freya wants to kick her down, but feels that the airship is not flying high enough, even if she kicks her down, it is not fun.

Xiahe felt speechless and looked at the scenery outside the airship. The flying height of the airship is only more than 500 meters. If it encounters strong winds, it cannot fly. The magic array on the airship mainly deals with small air currents. At this height, the magician can clearly see the ground.

The airship flew over the Gro River, and the terrain rose a few tens of miles later, with the forest-covered peaks below. There is a path between the mountains, winding north.

This east-west mountain range is itself an imperial barrier and an obstacle to the north.

Without an airship, it would be difficult for the empire to govern the north.

"Asla, what does the sea look like?" Eva was not interested in seeing the ground view. She had been in an unknown number of airships during her years at Juno College.

"Let's take a bath, and magnify the tub countless times."

"Master Lord is lying to me." Eva smiled, not covering her mouth with her hand, but showing her white teeth to Xiahe.

Freya and Mediril both looked indifferent, and Eva's delicate appearance made people numb.

Xiahe did not speak, and Eva said to herself: "When it comes to taking a bath, the Tenth Academy of Magic is said to be in very bad conditions. The northerners only take a bath once every six months. What can I do? "

"Ms. Ewa is really learned." Xiahe said.

"My name is Eva, Eva Green." The witch's face was a little annoyed, so can her name be wrong? How is this possible for the magician, he deliberately!

"Even if the name is spelled right, if there is a prejudice, then the whole person is wrong."

"Asla, are you still angry about what happened that day?"

"I'm disappointed with your high attitude. We went to the north to teach and educate people." Xiahe is also polite, he feels that he doesn't have to deal with the witch.

"Why am I tall?"

"As far as I know, the northern province of the empire, even the northernmost people, will take a bath every day in summer. If the conditions are not good in winter, they will wipe their bodies with hot water. The empire has been unified for so many years and sent countless people to the north. Teacher, it ’s not just about teaching magic. You feel that you are very clean. If you are afraid of being infected, go back to the emperor and go. The Academy of Magic is not a teaching assistant. "

Eva's face was stiff, and she originally thought that Asra would say that she shot outside the headmaster. But Asra didn't mention it at all, only talking about her jokes.

Eva was very angry. She volunteered her favor, but she was sprayed.

However, she saw Xiahe's eyes, which had indescribable emotions, deep and helpless.

Xiahe doesn't like this kind of regional joke ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the world of Shenzhou, this is almost a consensus. People who tell similar jokes are very tasteless.

However, some people just like this and can see others' origins.

In addition to respecting power and knowledge, there should be something respected, that is, personality.

"Sir Asra, if I am wrong, you are a lecturer, I am a teaching assistant, you can speak directly. I will listen carefully." Eva no longer smiled, she asked Xiahe to explain.

"Your jokes are very tasteless, and the empire is full of similar jokes from top to bottom. The southern provinces mocked the northern provinces are dirty and poor, and the northerners mocked the southern provinces as soft as women. The people on the east coast are all fishy, ​​and the stomach is full of parasites. The people on the west are all tyrants, local riches, and hats must be gold, but unfortunately they do n’t speak Mandarin, do n’t understand art Right? "

"Are you angry at this?" Eva's eyes widened, and her expression was not false this time.

Xiahe is not really angry, but feels he has a long way to go. I do n’t know how many years it will take to transform this world into City God Week.

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