Daomen Invasion

Chapter 138: : Private chat

"Asla, if you don't like this kind of joke ..."

"This is not a joke, this is discrimination and insult. E" 『Ω Novel WWW.1XIAOOSHUO.COM"

Eva pondered, she heard the legend about the blood mage, this guy was young and murderous. Asla has been angry twice recently, and it seems to be for small things. At least in my mind, it is definitely not a big deal.

"You think, if I want to change it, where should I start?" Eva thought about the problem from the magician's point of view.

"Be careful."

"Be careful?"

"It just means not to fart." Medieri thought this Eva was really stupid. The adult said it all so she asked. Can such a person be a magician?

Eva is not disappointed either. She is a person who likes to learn. Now that there are differences in Asra, she has become interested in learning.

"Asla, I want to apply and become your personal assistant."

"Private teaching assistant?"

"It's just the salary you give, regardless of the imperial standards."

"You don't care about money anymore?"

"Care, but you will at least give the price in the north?"

"If you can complete the courses I arranged for you independently, it will be dealt." Xia He did not refuse this time, anyway, he also hired teaching assistants, many courses are relatively boring, or simply repeated experiments, this is not necessary Take the class yourself.

"Thank you, then ... Asla, what is the sea like?"

"Have you taken a shower?"


The dialogue didn't go on, Freya fell asleep leaning on Xiahe. Xiahe didn't move, as if afraid of waking her up, Eva couldn't continue.

Medieri took a toothpick out and practiced her marksmanship in a small environment.

Eva took the book out and looked at it for a while, but felt that something was not right. What did Canaan say to Asla, made Asla so cautious and refused to be a thousand miles away.

"Asla, Canaan must have said something to you."

Two hours later, Eva finally couldn't help but lower her voice to Xiahe Road.

"He wants to introduce you to me."


Eva coughed violently. Fortunately, Xiahe's Void Feather was blessing fast. The surface of her body was wrapped in a layer of wind elements before she was sprayed with saliva.

"Asla, you said to me, what did he want from Canaan?" Eva rubbed her chest, and she didn't expect to be a master of magic, and she would be disappointed.

"He wants to associate with my great knight, I disagree."

"Nonsense, we are impossible."

"That's right, so I rejected him."

Eva was anxious. What did you say? Asla didn't even look at herself at all? I was really brain-tight before I promised to go north. This must have been arranged, let yourself be close to Asra, do a try to see if it can penetrate into the House of Lords.

However, I will never be sacrificed a second time!

Eva thought more and more angry, but this time he felt a lot better for Xiahe. The blood mage did n’t even know what kind of games and sacrifices there were.

It seems that his people are not so crazy, and they are still very cautious in doing things.

The airship flew for eight hours and landed in a military town. This was a fixed supply point. Freya also woke up, a few people came down to eat something, solved the next personal problem, and did not spend the night in the town. The airship continued to fly northward while the sunset had not fallen.

As the night fell, the airship's degree also slowed down, and the magic lamp in front of it emitted a dozen miles of light.

This light is the tentacles, so that there is no night warcraft flying collision in the air.

Xiahe fell asleep on the seat, Freya closed her eyes and continued to doze. Medirelli couldn't sleep, she looked out the window, thinking about the very south sea. She is used to the sea, not the sky. The height of a few hundred meters is too dangerous, and it will kill people if it falls.

But think about it, if there is no boat, the depth of the sea can be more than a few hundred meters.

Adults say that there is a skill called Sword Art, that is, swordsmen can also fly in the sky, just like magicians. How will it feel?

Suddenly, there was an induction in the Dao bracelet, and Medieri immediately opened her horizons. Xiahe has also made a lot of effort to transform Medieri's bracelet. Except that there are no secrets, other functions have been copied. Medirelli recently learned Xiahe's breathing and vomiting method, and his mental power has skyrocketed. Although he has not yet developed the power of consciousness, it is estimated that it will be within a few months.

With enough mental power, it is easy to start the horizon.

Medirelli always felt very new, but no one spoke to her, and she did not dare to harass others.

Freya does not use words, and communicates directly in spirit, as if in a dialogue.

She said to Medil in the field of vision: "What's wrong, can't sleep?"

"Yeah, annoying."


"That Canaan is really hateful, I want to kill him."

Freya said, really a good girl. That's right, except for adults, you shouldn't look at other men anymore. You are a big knight and you must be as loyal as me, otherwise don't blame me for killing you.

But this can't be said, Freya made a surprised expression on the horizon, saying: "He likes you, you will kill him!"

"It doesn't matter to me who he likes, but the deal he made with the adult must have been unconscionable, and now his sister has been sent again. Or, let's find a chance to do both of their brother and sister?

"That wouldn't work!" Freya knew the depth now, but she didn't dare to let Medelli mess up.

"Why not, find a chance, while no one is there, kill with a sword, and then burn to ashes, without knowing it."

"Someone in the academy will predict magic, and if you can't do it, you will find the adult." Freya was sweating coldly, and Medieli was very young. This heart was cruel enough.

"Then what will happen, she will be entangled with adults." Medirelli frowned.

"This kind of thing is handed over to me, and it won't delay you from learning swordsmanship with adults. In addition, adults hope that you can cultivate an elite soldier. When going to the north this time, we must pay attention to gather some materials that can be made."

"Well, thank you very much, Freya."

"No need to thank me, I don't like her too, too dangerous." Freya told the truth, by contrast, even Abigail is safer than Eva.

The two were talking in the field of vision, and it looked like they were asleep.

Xiahe has the highest authority of Dragon and Tiger Dao, and nobody peeping around is unknown. He was relieved when he saw Medirelli starting to think for everyone. It is not enough to rely on Freya's Heavenly Soldiers to destroy believers in the world. He needs a lot of troops and a lot of people to help.

In another eight hours, the airship landed again, already in the middle of the night. Freya and Medieri really slept in their seats, the weather was a bit cold, the enclosed airship was okay, and there was white mist outside.

From the north to the south of the empire, every eight hundred miles, there will be a military town layout that can supply airships. There are only more than one hundred people in this military town, and the officer in charge was a little angry when he was woken up in the middle of the night. But seeing the logo of the Imperial Academy of Magic, he can only fight the spirit, supply raw coal to the airship, and transport the garbage.

Eva greeted Xiahe for an airship ride, and Xiahe felt that it was too long, and then got off the airship with Eva.

Under the blue moonlight, the white mist is also contaminated with color, very thin, not like a gauze, but more like jelly, floating in place.

In the distance, soldiers pushed the car, unloaded the **** from the airship, and cleaned the fuel stove. The magician who drove the airship fell asleep, and the other went down to check the built-in magic circle of the fuel stove.

Eva's red robe dazzled brightly in the white mist. Some busy soldiers looked over and did not dare to see more, and quickly drew back their eyes.

The square of the landing airship is paved with long stones, and the surface has a raised arc, like an arranged blue bread, forming a pattern of curved scales. The wheels rolled over and there was a rattling sound. Eva's hard sole stepped on the stone and also had a brittle sound.

Eva stopped, turned around, and looked over the count, looking at the airship in the distance.

No matter how good it is, it cannot function without the huge strength of the empire. But the empire, which looks like flowers, is also decaying. If there is no change, after a hundred years, it is estimated that even the airship system will not work.

But how can we change the empire?

Even Canaan, who still has a position in the House of Commons, is still stern. The emperor's majestic wizards, the demigods in their fifties, also want to make plans.

What a trouble, this **** world.

"Eva, have you been to the north?" Xiahe stopped and stood opposite the Empire Witch.

"I've been there once, when I advanced to level 10, the mission of the academy."

"What kind of people are there?"

"Very enthusiastic, very real, but also very cunning."

Xia He doesn't quite understand why these two qualities appear in the same person.

"Being friends with them, they are very real, and being enemies with them, they are very cunning."

"Why did the North decline, I heard that a long time ago ..."

"A long time ago, the empire had not been unified. There were large factories in the north, good soldiers, more grain, and less vulnerable to attack. Of course it was prosperous. After the empire was unified, the factories that made weapons were disbanded If you ca n’t eat enough food, you will go to the west to ask for life.

"Dissolve the factory without severance?"

"There was no such law at that time, forget it, not to say this ..."

"What did you say?"

"Actually, what you said is wrong, there are still many talents in the north, but only to a certain extent, they can't continue, they can only leave like their parents."

"What's the reason?"

"I don't know, but the local nobility thinks that the empire sacrificed the entire north and exchanged for today's prosperity, it is difficult to communicate."

"Are there any sacrifices?"

"Hehe." The witch didn't want to say too deep, otherwise she would be in trouble.

"Why did you choose to come to the north?" Xiahe suddenly realized that he could get a lot of things from Eva that were not in the information, and what was not recorded in the history book.

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