Daomen Invasion

Chapter 139: : Encounter Warcraft

"Why am I coming to the north? Because every minute in the imperial capital, I find it difficult to breathe. E 小』 ΩΔ said WwΩW.1XIAOSHUO.COM "

Eva Green said, taking a deep breath, in the white mist, the smell of raw coal ash.

"What about the north?"

Eva didn't answer. In the north, she didn't have to cause trouble all day long. She could study quietly, do some experiments, and perhaps apply for some funds to study forward-looking magic.

In the Imperial City, everything is politics.

In the distance there were howling wolves, the soldiers in the distance were nervous, more lights were on in the camp, and all the sleeping people were called up, divided their weapons, and went to the wall of the military town.

"It's Warcraft, and generally doesn't attack the town."

"What about the village?"

"The little nobles in the country also have fortresses. They are usually professionals of level 10 and above and have a good set of armor."

"Is it 30 years since the last empire cleared Warcraft?"

"Seems to be."

"So in the north, even the military town is worried about the invasion of Warcraft, why didn't the empire send out the magician to clear it?"

"Let's help." Eva listened to howling wolves in the wilderness in the distance. Although there are more than two hundred soldiers in this military town, only twenty or thirty people can fight. The town's wall is more than three meters high, which is a jumping thing for Warcraft.

Xiahe didn't expect her to be so enthusiastic, so she followed Eva to the edge of the town.

Showing the badge, Xiahe went up to the wall. He looked out into the distance through the moonlight. He saw hundreds of demon wolves gather together on the hillside in the distance, and followed a huge wolf howling at the moon.

Xiahe looked at the surrounding walls of Xiajun Town, which was not originally used in wars, and had a greater role in preventing thieves. There is raw coal burned by the airship, and there is a small grain depot. The things are not expensive, but the amount is large. Both warehouses were fireproofed, but they were strong and abnormal.

"Inspectorate is really a **** ..." Eva couldn't help but curse after looking at the blue wolf. The gray wolf is bigger than the tiger, and lies there unattended, without looking at Junzhen. It is already an epic warcraft with wisdom.

It is far away from the border here. It stands to reason that the Imperial Inspectorate should sort it out every year to see if Warcraft harms the people.

Although the work is hard, there is no risk, that is, sitting on the airship and using the alchemical telescope to investigate. If there is a dangerous Warcraft, if you can't deal with it yourself, you can report it.

Normally, the 20th-level World of Warcraft must be cleaned up. This blue wolf can grow to such a large size, and it is not known how long the hundreds of inspectors in the northern empire defrauded.

"Inspector ... Is it the official of the lower house?" Xia He asked.

"Count Asla, look over there, there is a mountain forest." Eva pointed to the east. The forest was a little dense, with a lot of huge iron pine, and the trunk height was a hundred meters away.

"Can't catch up." Xia He understood what Eva meant.

If Warcraft siege, it is simple, he and Eva together, can naturally get rid of the blue wolf. But the pack of wolves was outside the town, neither fought nor left.

If Xiahe chases, then the wolf will lead his men and run away. The direction of escape will be in the mountains and forests. Even if Xiahe and others take the airship, they can't help taking the wolf. The airship cannot be lowered too low, covered by a dense canopy, and spell attacks from high places will also be affected.

If Xiahe doesn't care and leaves like this, the wolf will take its younger brother and attack the military town.

The three officers in the military town are just dozens of soldiers, more than 20 soldiers are professionals, and the rest are ordinary people.

Things are a bit difficult to deal with, Xiahe stares at the Warcraft in the distance, thinking in his mind, whether to control it.

It is easy to kill the wolf, and he and Freya take a flying fire crow, enough to catch up with the wolf before escaping and kill it outside the forest.

However, the value of Shenhuo Flying Raven Rune has recently been estimated to have exceeded 50,000 gold coins.

No one will be reimbursed for the money.

Xiahe is not a cold-blooded or cold-blooded issue. He is here to occupy the world. The Arcane Empire cannot go wrong. He is busy paying for the repairs.

Freya and Medirelli were also awakened and came to the wall.

Xiahe pointed to the wolf in the distance and said, "What can I do if I can't catch up?"

Freya immediately understood Xia He's meaning and said, "Ask for help from the imperial capital, and impeach the inspector's question again. We can stay here for a few days to help defend."

"The Emperor Capital's side, I am afraid it will take a few months to reply." Eva hurriedly stopped.

"Can't you set fire to the mountain?" Freya looked at Eva and asked her to find a way.

The imperial witch is also helpless. She has the same dilemma as Xiahe, that is, in the face of the master-level enemies, it is unfavorable, and in the face of true epic, she reveals her shortcomings.

Her false realm can only be displayed when she is close.

The blue wolf is an epic creature, and its melee ability is probably more fierce than the mad warrior. If single-remote, a creature like the magic wolf can theoretically master four elemental magics and one spiritual magic.

Eva was crushed by a head of Warcraft, and her heart was depressed.

"Eva, is there any big noble nearby?"

Xiahe also knows that even if he killed the wolf today, he knows there is no dangerous Warcraft nearby. It is impossible for him to stay and solve it completely. The key is to deal with it by the empire system.

"Don't count on it. There are only two third-class barons in this poor mountain. The strength is okay. They have passed the 25th level, but they can't deal with this thing."

Xia Hexin said, Do you really have to spend money to fill the hole in the Arcane Empire?

Thinking in this way, the wolf suddenly stood up and walked towards the wall of the town.

Xia He let out a sigh of relief, knowing that he wanted more. Although Warcraft was wise, he was not a human, after all, he had not formed a huge society, and he didn't know what war was, and he didn't even know what art of war was.

If the blue wolf looked far away, Xiahe would be sickened by it.

"How to kill?" Freya was a little excited, this magic wolf epic realm has a good magic core. If it becomes a crystal, it is a rare material.

"Let it in and use equipment to combine skills."

"Good." Freya took out the Taiyin bow and waited quietly.

"Medilly, you are on the left, Eva, go to the right to help the soldiers." Xiahe gave the order, and the officer at the wall shouted loudly, asking the soldiers to pull out their long swords to fight. More soldiers prepared soft bows and feather arrows, waiting for the officer's order.

In the wilderness illuminated by the moonlight, more than a hundred demon wolves ran away and spread apart.

The officer stood calmly at the wall, silently calculating the distance.

The soft bow's lethality is not low, and heavy arrows are used, but the range is only less than 50 meters.

Freya's Taiyin bow was pulled away, and the bow string made a bang, and a wooden arrow was burned by the air friction, as fast as lightning, and the burr of a devil wore through the skull.

The officer's mouth squirmed a little, daring not to say anything. The demon wolf is still more than a hundred meters away, and his soldiers can't shoot at all.

Freya saw through the bottom of the magic wolf with a single arrow. Except for the blue wolf, the rest of the Mediel Li could easily deal with it. The World of Warcraft is still very weak, the demon wolf was killed by a single arrow, and the body rolled aside.


Freyya Yurenrenzhu, a powerful sharpshooter, suppressing hundreds of people is not a myth.

The demon wolf was shot and killed a dozen of her in a blink of an eye. The wolf was furious and roared loudly, and the blue breath lingered on him. Immediately it opened a dozen small wind blades. The wind blade struck an arc in the air, forming a dense cutting trajectory.

Kaka ...

Freyja's sound arrow was overwhelmed by the wind blade, Freyja was not in a hurry, still shooting feather arrows in a row. And the blue wolf is also a violent wind blade, Freya has never been able to kill a demon wolf.

In a blink of an eye, the pack of wolves rushed to a distance of forty meters, and the officer in the military town shouted with his teeth: "Let the arrow!"


The blue wolf made a screaming voice, and spit out a wind blade. It flew out and grew, turning into a wind blade seven meters in length.

Mobius ring of fire.

Xiahe had no time to do anything else, let out a ring of fire and knocked nearby soldiers a dozen meters away, and the blue wind blade came to the front.

Phantom flashes ...

The cyan wind blade was swept across and rubbed against the Mobius ring of fire, then stood up and rolled past Xiahe's position. I heard a click, a gully was plowed out by the wind blade, the town's surrounding wall disappeared, and Xiahe's phantom was cut off on the spot without doing anything.

This wind blade is simple and rude, and the power is so extreme that it rolls in like a wheel. Fortunately, the magic before Xiahe knocked everyone away, otherwise the wind blade swept over and did not know how many people were going to die.

However, if you want to come in and eat people, it is dead.

Xiahe was afraid that the demon wolf would not escape, and did not cast broken hell. Instead, he used the wind blade to shoot the endless shadow arrows on the ground and tossed among the wolves.

Above the wall, the soldier nervously held a long knife and watched the wolves approach one meter by one meter, his heart raised in his throat.

After Xiahe blinked once ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ the wand was in his hand, a little to the wolf.

Elemental punishment!

The white light shone on the eyes of the blue wolf, but it didn't avoid it in one blow. Instead, the blue air in front of him floated, and the elemental punishment was opened cheaply, hitting the eye socket. The blue wolf was completely irritated by Xiahe, and his body suddenly shrank in a circle, leaping forward, and was crossed by the gray wolf at a distance of several tens of meters. , A whine sound, and a black crack was formed.

Epic Warcraft attack-space tear.

Freya suddenly retreated, Xiahe flashed another phantom, and the body suddenly entered and exited more than fifty meters. Between him and Freya, a pale arc flashed through the body of the wolf.

Equip joint skills-virtual room white power, dragon and tiger thunder.

The imperial witches were stunned by the blow, and her brain was buzzing, and the thunder sound seemed to explode in her body.

If Freya and Asra are targeting her, she doesn't know how to escape.

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