Daomen Invasion

Chapter 140: : Respect (I take a break on the weekend)

The staggered figure is the inevitable situation. The electric light is faster than all her mobile skills. She naturally restrains many secret methods and forcibly locks the vitality of a person. E Xiao "Talk to www. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

Xiahe laughed, Freya had rushed to the front and took the body of the wolf.

Xiahe flashed into the pack of wolves himself, releasing Broken Hell.

Around him, within a radius of more than 20 meters, the flames soared into the sky. Xiahe's figure slowly rose in the Hell, he stepped on the flames, and nine huge fireballs circled and flew out in his hand. The soldiers in the town looked at them, and they were all excited.

Xiahe did not continue to participate in the attack, and after the exploding stars flew out, the wolf pack has collapsed.

It is said that the talent of Warcraft, but Xiahe can't feel anything. The attack of this blue wolf is much stronger than the epic magician of normal humans, and a wind blade is so fierce. But at the same time, the joint skills of himself and Freyja were released very easily, almost locked the blue wolf freely, and resolved the battle in one second.

Instinct alone is a beast after all.

The fighting of the beasts was made by oneself in life and death, and the skills of human beings are hardened by the history of many years. It is the experience summed up by countless heroes. In contrast, what is the knowledge summed up by the individual.

The wolves fled, and Freya shot one by one with the Taiyin bow. More than 100 demon wolves left more than 70 corpses, and the rest quickly rushed into the forest. Freya specializes in picking up higher-level demon wolves and shooting them. In this way, it is impossible for this group of demon wolves to produce a powerful wolf king in a few decades.

In Eva's mind, still thinking about the battle of the genius, the huge blue wolf was like a mountain, the time was fixed at that moment, the pale arc penetrated the magic wolf, the thunder sound exploded, and the magic wolf fell heavily. .

Now she believes that the legend of Stormwind is true, this blood mage ...

She was very conceited. She was almost invincible in the realm of the master and possessed a false realm. But now, as the fifteenth-level magician, the Earl of Asra has killed an epic Warcraft.

Although it relies on equipment, but the magician's mental strength is insufficient, it is impossible to drive powerful equipment.

Freya is attracted by bows and arrows, and Asra uses elemental attacks to anger the wolf king, using himself as a bait, arranging the killing game with flashing skills, and it is finalized.

With this set down, even human beings have to enter the game.

Xiahe didn't know that he had dealt a serious blow to the witch. This kind of battle had exploded many times in the storm, and he was used to it.

Equipped with joint skills, it can be used once a day, if there are two epic realms of Warcraft, he has no good way to deal with them. Unless Andusias restores power.

The soldiers were not injured. After the officers removed the head of the wall, they organized them into a team and explained the status of Warcraft to the soldiers, indicating that no powerful Warcraft could be born in a short time, at least not nearby. The quality of the empire's low-ranking officers is not bad. This speech appeased the people.

The soldiers don't think too much, as long as they are not in trouble during their stay, it is up to the noble mages to clean up the Warcraft.

Didn't the trouble solve this trouble?

"Adult, it's useless to me." Medirelli ran to Xiahe and complained that she was a big knight, and the charge was stuck, why couldn't you touch it.

Xia Hexin said, I am also helpless, an epic Warcraft, let you go to death.

Unless you have fifty 20-level knights and form battle formation skills, you can fight against epic. Well, at least thirty, plus equipment skills.

Seeing Lord Lord looking at herself up and down, Medierli was a little guilty, and she knew that she could not kill Warcraft in the epic realm.

"Eva, you're going to help, fill the holes in the ground." Xiahe ignored Medilly, thinking about skills in his own mind.

Two of his mobile skills have been added to his own classic magic, but neither has yet been fully mastered. Freya is not in a hurry, she will soon be able to fly. It will be okay for Medirelli to learn sword escape after a while, and then equip it with a mount-like mount.

Constructing war dolls, in addition to being too expensive to make, is really powerful equipment, which is easier to use than the magician's golem.

Eva also wanted to understand at this time that Asra's skill, I am afraid that there is a time limit, and it can be used once a day.

But it is still terrible, a spike to the goal of the epic realm.

In fact, Eva Green is thinking too much. Xiahe ’s dragon and tiger skills are impossible to kill all epics, let alone Long, which is the eight kings under the **** Mary seat. Xiahe ca n’t kill him. dead.

The imperial witch obediently filled the hole, and the wind blade of the wolf king destroyed the wall and the ground. She used magic to fill it, and she could only fill the ground. The gap in the town's wall had to be repaired by the town.

After the airship's fuel replenishment was completed, the two magicians who drove the airship were frightened. Only then did they all want to start the airship to escape, but fortunately they didn't do it. Otherwise, the magician would have killed both of them without trial.

This is a military town. It's a big crime to escape.

The supreme chief is an earl, and if the earl does not leave, they have no right to leave.

Eva cleared her seat and moved her suitcases so that the four positions faced each other and faced each other. When the airship rose into the air, the four people sat together as normal.

"Count Asla, please accept my apology." Eva sat across the Xiahe, next to her was Medieri, and opposite Freya.

"I accept your apology." Xia Hexin said, is this respect for power or knowledge?

If he had beheaded an epic Warcraft, it might take a long time before he would gain the respect of the Empire Witch?

"Actually, the Tenth Academy of Magic is not so bad, otherwise I won't pass." Eva turned the subject, even if she was in awe of the Earl's power, she was not willing to give in. An apology is an apology, her own strength is still above the blood mage, and it is enough to show a gesture.

"Then you will talk about it." Xiahe asked her to change the subject. Anyway, he also wanted to know what he was going to teach and what it was like, so he was prepared.

"In the beginning, the royal family wanted to promote this magic academy to the same status as the Ninth National Congress, so it was called the tenth magic academy. The academy itself was indeed transformed from a crashed floating city. At that time, the goblins' footprints were all over the world. They tried to go. Catch the Frost Giant before crashing on the edge of the ice field. "

"The Frost Giant family was seriously injured by the spirit of the goblin, retreated into the depths of the icefield, and later extinct. This floating city was damaged so badly that the goblin could not be repaired, so it was discarded there. The ruins began to be taken by adventurers. Now, and then crazy search, in the era of the Empire, the House of Commons organized a large-scale excavation, already an empty shell. "

"However, the facilities of the Tenth Academy of Magic are still very complete. Although there is no magic tower, there are huge alchemy laboratories and four element pools. Although the college facilities are old, they are of excellent quality and well maintained. They are willing to stay The professors and lecturers are so stubborn. The biggest problem of this college is that it is difficult to apply for funding because it is not valued. "

"It's really uncomfortable for you to talk like this." Freya couldn't help it.

"So what should I say?" Eva Green looked at Freya, and Xiahe was also nervous, afraid that Freya would cause trouble again.

"You should say that-those old and stubborn, still observing the things hundreds of years ago, my Count Lord, don't expect too much from us, it is better to surrender to our Greens."

Freya squeezed her throat and made a charming gesture, and Eva laughed.

Xia He was relieved, and it seemed that Freya was okay, and there was still a sense of joke.

"Isn't applying for funding the way to the House of Lords, since the royal family wants to promote the status of the Tenth Academy of Magic, why would professors fail to apply for funding?" Xiahe was very surprised.

"Because the Tenth Academy of Magic once provided convenience to the House of Commons and helped to draw the drawings of the floating city. Although the city of the sky of the goblin crashed and its contents were removed, the structure is complete and the magician can be one to one. Drawing example. "

"I remember, this is the emperor's order?" Xia He looked at Eva's smile and suddenly understood that the House of Lords had their own interests, not that all royal orders would be executed.

"The North is a collective term. After actually passing the Rock Grove Mountains, there are three huge provinces, and there are many places that are purely private territory, subject to the royal family. The Tenth Academy of Magic is in the northernmost position. Guangzhou is sparsely populated, but there are actually hundreds of millions of people because it has too much land.

Hundreds of millions of people?

Xiahe was taken aback, and immediately remembered that there were still many private territories in the north, and the population above belonged to the local nobility, which was not included in the empire's statistical scope.

It is difficult for these populations to leave their land ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ But the selection of talent is different, and the local nobility has no power to prevent them from entering the college. In fact, on the contrary, local nobles are willing to let their leaders go to the Magic Academy. Even if they do not return in the future, they can bring practical benefits to the local nobles.

"So, we can buy castles in the north, with farms, and train the army."

"This works too!"

"Why not? Empire land is free to buy and sell. There is a lot of empty space near the Tenth School of Magic, and no one cares."

"Are you going to the land?"

"That's not true. It's mainly because the family doesn't allocate manpower for me. I plan to train myself."

Xiahe moved in his heart, and he seemed to despise Rhode Island too much. In any case, he is the Lord of Rhode Island, and the local constituencies select children to cultivate, and the loyalty is the highest.

However, Ovilla hadn't solved the problem of the imperial capital, Freya was not around, and she couldn't go back to Rhode Island. The shortage of manpower is exposed!

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