Daomen Invasion

Chapter 142: : Reception

Xia He opened his eyes and looked at Freya under the light, and asked, "What type of secret room?"

"The fixed chamber may be a particularly small half-plane. ΔΔ" E 小 "Ω┡said WWW.1XIAOSHUO.COM"

"Academy will not be a pit, shall we?" Xiahe was a little worried. If the closed room had half-plane properties, what would it be outside when the wall was demolished?

"Adult, this building is newly built, certainly not a goblin thing."

"Go and see Medirelli's room. Are there any secret rooms."

"What about Eva?"

"Look too."

"Hey." Freya agreed, turning back out of the bathroom, and Xiahe closed her eyes again. The light on the eyelids flickered like a haunt.

Freya came to Eva's door, and the door opened from the inside.

"Adult asked me to check the room."

"Not right?" Eva blocked the road, clearly not wanting Freya to enter.

"Where is not appropriate?" Freya did not break, and stood in front of the door and asked.

"This is a private place."

"Public quarters."

"If I go to your adult room, won't you stop?"

"You go now, the adult is taking a bath, and it's so smooth that it looks good."

Eva rolled her eyes and said, "Then I'll take a look. I haven't seen the Earl without clothes."

As she spoke, she walked out, Freya let her over, and walked into Eva's house. Freya is a **** of Taoism, and she is very sensitive to space induction. After the last thing, she has made great progress in the power of the soul, so she can show the secret room.

Eva's house is different from Xiahe's, clean and bright. Eva was already decorating the room, even the bedding was replaced with new ones.

Freya walked around and there was no similar room.

The magician will carry important things with him, or put it in his magic tower, the safest is the half plane. No matter how good this dormitory is, it is impossible to find anything. Freya was too lazy to look at Eva's belongings and walked out of the house to check Medieri's room.

There are six rooms in the 604 dormitory, and Freya opened the three empty rooms to view, and took over only Xiahe ’s room with a secret room hidden.

Freya sees that Eva hasn't come out, she helps Medieri to organize her room, and Medieri asks Freya: "What's the witch doing in the adult's room?"

"I told her that the adult was taking a bath. She hadn't seen it before. She was going to visit it."

"Freya, you always don't speak serious words, don't you treat me like yourself?"

"My own, then tell me, how do you feel when you come to the Arcane Empire?" Freya helped Medieri clean up the decorations in the room a little bit, and kept nothing.

"It feels ... It's complicated. It's not so free with the adults. There are a lot of things to consider, and I miss the teacher a little. Maybe he died before I went back to visit him." Speaking, it seems not very expressive.

"I don't think so much, I do everything with peace of mind." Freya said.

"I want to do the same, but what I'm dealing with now is something I don't understand."

"You can ask me if you don't understand."

"Why do you want me to learn gun shooting?"

Freya said, did you ask today? Is this IQ restored, or is it stimulated?

"Adult's idea, I can't say it even if I know it, otherwise it will affect your practice." Freya is completely telling the truth, but she didn't tell Medieri that this kind of tossing is also training her. loyalty.

There are many factors that depend on loyalty.

In the Shenzhou world, this kind of psychological problem has been studied very deeply, and few people understand it in this world.

"Medeli, why is your room so clean?"

"I want to transform into a place for spiritual practice ..."

Freya was in Medieri's room, chatting with the master of the swordsman girl and tidying up the house. In front of Xiahe's bathtub, Eva moved a chair and watched Xiahe take a shower.

"What is Freya looking for?"

"I do not want to say."

"We all live together, can't we be honest?"

"Because you don't understand." Xiahe simply put a towel on his face and completely cut off the light.

"What can't I understand?" Eva was very dissatisfied. She became a master of magic at a young age and even possessed a false realm. Asla may have a strong combat effectiveness, and his learning ability may not be strong.

"Freya's mission is to assume that everyone is an enemy, and you, the academy, and Medielli are no exception. She is a guardian and does not need to speak any reason. I trust her in everything.

"You said, this is just a routine inspection?"


"Then why she assured me to come in. After all, it's hard to fight like you are now."

"I'm a magician, not a warrior, what's inconvenient, and I won't fling around. Besides, what threats can you have to me?"

Eva froze for a moment, then thought that Xiahe did not fall into the illusion, at least she remained awake. And now he sits between him and Freya.

Eva thought of the thunder, the white arc, immediately sitting on the needle felt.

"You see, things are actually very simple, but you think it's complicated. Over time, you will understand that many habits are exchanged at the cost of life."

"Thank you for your advice."

"If you are free, help me fix the magic lamp."

Eva was stunned for a while, and really went to the study to move the ladder, climbed up and repaired the bathroom lights for Xiahe. However, she took the opportunity to go around every room, nothing unusual. The dormitory of Count Asra has older facilities than its own, and more rooms, and then there is no big difference.

When Freya returned, Eva was gone.

"Master, did she see anything?"

"I didn't see it. There is not much time. I won't explore today. Let's go to welcome the reception."

"Medierli doesn't have to go by now?" Freya said.

"Why? You don't like her?"

"No, she's not very good at interpersonal communication. I'm afraid that at the reception someone will drink too much to cause trouble and be killed by her."

"How is it possible." Xiahe dropped the towel and let Freya go out to prepare.

Freya grabbed the towel and turned to curl her lips, since you don't believe it. After getting into trouble anyway, it was a big deal to go to Rhode Island to stay, and I was used to moving, as if I were staying everywhere soon.

Yuri arrived just an hour later, and all four of Xiahe's clothes changed.

Xiahe is a spare magic robe, still adhering to the gorgeous style, in addition to the family badge, the equipment is also replaced by spare. The equipment of Xiahe's fighting state is too exaggerated, and the blood robe is too murderous. Freya didn't change her clothes, wore a cloak of looks, adhering to the posture of the guardian of magic.

Medieri wore a brocade, pulled up her bun on her head, and tied it up with a Mithril ring. Under the robe, there was the Mithril scale armor, and the waist was equipped with a sword.

Both of them were neutral, but Eva wore a waist-length dress, a black pearl necklace on her neck, and hollow shoes on her feet, exposing the white skin on her feet.

"Teacher, the reception is over the Frost Rose Hall. Have you eaten anything before?"

Xiahe shook his head, Yuri said: "I made a mistake, this northern party is really drinking, if fasting, the magician can't stand the spirit."

"I don't drink alcohol." Medirelli said in the back.

Eva snickered and came to the north, what to do without drinking. You have to know that in Beihaixing Province, it was cold weather for half a year, and the temperature in winter was staggering. Everyone likes to drink spirits, which is almost a culture.

Downstairs in the No. 6 dormitory, a horse-drawn carriage was parked, and Yuri drove in person, and took several of Xiahe to the Frost Rose Hall. After Xiahe and others got off the bus, someone greeted them.

"Count Asla, welcome!"

The oncoming female magician looked less than thirty years old, tall and tall, with slender eyebrows and an indescribable manner. She didn't wear makeup on her face, wore a light red magic robe, and wore a delicate Mithril belt around her waist.

Xiahe smiled and nodded, and the female magician did not introduce herself. She pulled up Xiahe's sleeve and walked inside.

Freya said, what is the atmosphere in the north, is the magician so bold?

Xiahe was dragged into the Frost Rose Hall. The reason for this name was that the college accepted a donation from a Viscount and named the hall with the Viscount family logo. The naming authority was for thirty years.

In fact, most buildings of the Tenth Academy of Magic are so named.

When he entered the hall, Xiahe was struck by lightning. The furnishings in the hall were very good, simple and exquisite. It was finally the magician's site, not so shabby. But above the hall, the magic banner pulled up, the words on it are really ...

Warmly welcome the great Empire Trail Blazers, the pearl on the scepter of Juno III, the Lord of Stormwind, Lord of Rhode Island, the great Xia family's revivalist, Blood Mage, and Earl Asra.

"Count Asla!" There were several people talking in the distance around a white old man. UU read www.uukanshu.com. The white old man greeted Xiahe from afar.

Xiahe stepped forward, and the people around the old man gave way, and the old man shouted: "I am the vice principal of the Tenth Imperial College of Magic, Goodrist. I heard that you are coming, everyone is very happy, come, I give Tell me about ... "

Xia He was at a loss and was at a loss. What was this doing? No one noticed the Eva of the Greens along the way.

You know, the Green family is very powerful in the House of Commons, and there is a duke in the family.

There are a total of eight people around the vice-chancellor, all of whom are college professors. They go out to greet their female magicians, and they are one level higher than themselves. They are associate professors.

"Count Asla, come and come, we'll do this!"

Xiahe didn't know what to do. A cup was already stuffed in his hand, with tall feet, crystal, and a huge cup.

"Let's wish Asla ..." Gudrist raised his glass, his thin beard twitching, and it looked funny.

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