Daomen Invasion

Chapter 143: : Harmonious atmosphere

Xiahe didn't know what to do, he was poured a bottle of wine one after another, the people around him became more enthusiastic, and Asla felt that they were getting closer to them. E Novel WW ㄟ W. % 1XIAOOSHUO. COM

"Master principal ..."

"Vice school, deputy school!" Goodrist corrected hard,


"It's so much worse. There's still a lot of difference between me and the headmaster." Gudrist waved the wine bottle, not at all like modesty.

"Vice school, the dormitory you arranged for me is too bad." Xiahe reached out and asked Goodrist to fill him with another glass of wine.

"Why? That's the best dormitory on campus!"

"I heard it was a haunted house."

"Who listens to it?"

"I said." Eva Green emerged, pinching a small wine glass in her hand. Her cheeks were flushed and she seemed to be drinking a little wine.

Goodrist smiled awkwardly and said, "How can we believe that, our magician."

Xiahe did not refute. When he filled his wine, he said in disgusting tone: "I live in the magic tower in Stormwind Point. What good is the dormitory, is there an element pool?"

"Asra, the school has tens of thousands of students, and the cost is huge. If you want to build the magic tower, you will need millions of gold coins at the beginning. You can't get it out." Gudrist said with a sigh.

In all schools of magic, only school-selecting students are paid for, and the remaining students do not need tuition fees. Not only that, the school also has subsidies to students. Although there are very few, the number of students who ca n’t hold it is huge. If each person spends a gold coin, 30,000 students will be 30,000 gold coins, which will be close to 400,000 yuan a year.

This is the least expensive place. The school canteen is free, accommodation is free, uniforms are free, and various experiments are free.

"I plan to build a magic tower."

After Xiahe finished speaking, the noise around him stopped, like a mysterious magic, with him as the core, spreading out circle by circle, and the place passed by was silent.

"Athra, don't you drink too much?" The imperial witch pulled Rasha's sleeve.

"I didn't drink too much!" Xiahe broke free of the imperial witch's pull and jumped onto a table and said aloud.

Gudrist, shining with both eyes and disregarding the image, rushed to Xiahe's side in one step, using loud magic, and shouted loudly: "Everyone is quiet, now, please give a speech!"

Xia He smiled, his eyes blurred, and he pointed at the banner above the hall: "Everyone knows who I am, and now I announce that I will raise my own funds to build a magic tower for the Tenth Academy of Magic, a real magic tower! I want to engrave the words on the banner on the magic tower, every layer is engraved! "

"No!" A professor close by shouted loudly, Goodrist's eyes fell, like a knife, fierce.

"You have to repair Asla!"

"There must be a monument!"

"Name the auditorium!"

"Name the building!"

"Shut up!" Goodrist lost his bottle and glass and raised his hands. Behind him, a huge tiger phantom appeared. The people in the whole hall were shocked by his breath and attracted.

Xiahe's alcoholism was completely gone. The old man seemed to be an ordinary epic mage. The power exposed at this time was almost not under Long.

"I propose to build a magic branch in the name of Asra!"

The words of the deputy dean shocked the audience. This is already a supreme honor and can no longer be promoted, otherwise the Tenth Academy of Magic will be renamed.

The atmosphere warmed up again, and no one listened to what Xiahe wanted to say.

"Hey, you stop!" Xia He pointed to the Medirelli in the distance. Medieri had drawn his sword, and a sword was cut on the shoulder of the opposite magician. The element of the magician flashed more than seven times, but the defense was broken and blood was dripping.

"It's okay, it's just cutting people." Goodristra lives in Xiahe and says, "Drink and drink."

"Look at the principal, she cut people again!"

"No matter what she does, it will be like this at every cocktail party. It won't die."

Xiahe glanced at Medir, and she was separated by magicians and cut a few times. Only two people were injured in total, and she couldn't start anymore.

Medirelli pointed to the bleeding magician across the shoulder across the elemental barrier: "The next time I drink, I will cut your head."

"Don't dare, dare!" The magician admitted.

"Okay, okay, put your sword away and let him heal." The several magicians who persuaded were really not taken seriously.

"That is, Chachanov, what wine did you let the child drink, was it cut?"

"Okay, just cut a few times, we will take you to drink juice."

"How can there be juice at the reception?"

"Yeah, why don't we steal something?"

Medieri heard dizziness. Are these magicians serious? What about Freya? What is she doing?

"This drink is so weird, there is no normal speech, congratulations, mess." Freya sat in a corner, sitting at a table, opposite her was a young and handsome magician. In front of the magician were a few bottles of wine, and a few bottles of seemingly suspicious liquid, colorful and weird.

He was pouring these things into a cup and reconciling them magically.

"Everyone just find an opportunity to get together and work too hard." The young magician explained to Freya while bartending.

"You don't have to work hard."

"I am not really hard." The young magician was attentive.

"You are not a teacher or a student, how did you mix it in? Also, what is the purpose of the wine you made for me?" Freya's voice was soft, but the hands of the young magician froze. Too.

"You're so brave, won't you just lie to eat and drink?"

"Of course not, I'm here for you!" The young magician patted his hands on the table. All the bottles shattered, and the liquid inside evaporated, instantly spreading out, covering him and Freya. Apart from the colored gas, the people at the reception seemed to know nothing, and no one looked at this corner.

"Good, I'm afraid to disturb other people." Freya said, drawing her shadow sword.


Freya's sword passed through the young magician's neck, and the blaze gleamed on the blade. The sneer on the magician's face froze, and then the whole body suddenly collapsed inwards and was drawn into the ring of Freya's hand. in. A boxy sign appeared on the ring, just a turn, and the surrounding colorful water vapor was also drawn in.

The Ten Palace Seal, Freya's artifact.

Noisy surroundings remained, and no one paid attention to this corner. In the Seal of the Ten Temples, the magician's soul was sealed by a vermilion coffin, with iron chains wrapped around the coffin, making a clicking sound.

Freya smiled happily, her voice ringing in the vermilion coffin.

"I'll give you some time, think about it carefully, and when you figure it out, I'll come back to ask questions."

Freyya received the Yingying Sword, stood up, and went straight to Xiahe. The matter was finally resolved, and I felt something was wrong in the back room, but I couldn't find the source. The magician who died in the dormitory may have been killed by this kind of thing.

Like a demon, but not so powerful.

If it is a demon, even the legendary mages should be afraid. This thing comes out and hurts people, but it is when the only legendary mage of the Tenth Magic Academy is away.

There should not be many people who killed him before, otherwise it would have been noticed in the college.

Should we care about this? It stands to reason that no matter how many people die in the college, what does it have to do with themselves? And this thing is not too powerful, it is estimated that they dare not directly face the magician of the epic realm, at most, they are masters of the level of harm.

Forget it, wait for him to confess himself, to find out the source of the problem is too tired.

If the thing in the Ten Palace Seals does not succumb, the trouble is really big.

"Freya, where have you been?" Xiahe had come down from the table and saw Freya, feeling a little strange in her heart. For a moment, she couldn't sense her position.

"Adult, you drink too much, let's go back."

"I didn't drink too much!" Xiahe waved his hand to push away Freya, but Freya grabbed him.

Freya also ignored Xiahe and walked away with Xiahe. The people in the Hall of Frost Roses had already been drunk with joy. Although Xiahe left, no one stopped. Anyway, everyone just wants to have a fun party, and it doesn't matter who is missing.

Outside the hall, the cold wind suddenly blew outside, and Xiahe was drunk and confused, looking around.

"No outsiders, sir, what are you doing now."

"Nothing happened. The vice-principal is very strong, but a magic academy, with only one legend, seems to be too bad." Xiahe was still pretending to be drunk, and walked crookedly.

"I grabbed something and could hide the vice principal and dare to appear in the Hall of Frost Roses." Freya walked the road with Xiahe, with sparse fallen leaves at her feet.

"Have a good study."

"It must be studied, that thing is related to the secret room."

"Is there any trouble in the back room?"

"It should be gone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If there are too many of these things, it is estimated that many people will die in the college."

The two people supported in this way and returned to the No. 6 dormitory building. Entering the room, Xiahe was not drunk and came to Freya's bedroom. There is a large bed in the bedroom, a door behind the bed, and a small bathroom inside, separated from the Xiahe bathroom by a wall.

"Where is the Chamber of Secrets?" Xiahe now could not perceive the space door at all.

Freya pointed to the screen in front of the bathtub and said, "This is it."

The screen is thick and I don't know what wood it was carved from, there is no trace of stitching. But for magicians, this method is common.

Xiahe took out the dragon scale Nicola Mailer gave him, held it in his hand, and silently urged the drop of destiny.

All the fetters of fate seemed to break free from the shackles at this moment.

The screen in front of him turned into a door, standing alone.

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