Daomen Invasion

Chapter 144: : Start of college career

"You are waiting for me outside. E-fiction W * W.┡1XIAOSHUO.COM" Xiahe began to change his equipment. When he went to the reception, he was not fully armed.

"Sir, that thing came out of the back room with me, invisible and indistinct, a bit of a demon smell."

"Sky Devils are high-level creatures, and it is much harder to enter this world than us. This thing may be similar to Austin, but with resentment, it will hurt people. Freya, the universe is vast, many creatures have been before we know it. It ’s gone, we ca n’t know everything. "

"I'm worried about my adult being trapped inside."

Xia He smiled and opened his hand, saying: "Nikola Mailer can release a powerful epic magic, water droplets of fate, even the space cage made by legend can't trap me."

"Run out immediately if you are in danger. Don't take any risks." Freya repeatedly told Xiahe to agree seriously.

Xiahe applied a defensive armor to himself. This defensive magic, in addition to its more comprehensive attributes, also allows Freya to feel herself clearly.

Holding the dragon scale tightly, Xiahe stepped into the portal one step before, and there was darkness in front of him.

Xiahe did not release dark vision, but ignited the light of the elements, illuminating the secret room.

This is an empty place with a floor, four walls, and a ceiling. The overall color is gray, the room is square, no doors and windows, and no decoration.

It is larger than Xiahe expected, and has more than 30 meters in length.

Xiahe walked to the wall and put his left hand on it. He felt the thickness of the wall was astonishing. At least his consciousness could not detect the end. From the material point of view, it is also made of materials that can isolate the exploration.

Xiahe's consciousness can be spread out at least thousands of kilometers away now. If the consciousness is released directionally, the distance will be even further away. In this wall, Xiahe's consciousness can only penetrate 50 meters.

This is not like a half plane, but more like a shrine opened by a Taoist priest.

However, Xiahe opened the Shenfu, and the location of the Shenfu was positioned among the Yangshen. There is no need to borrow foreign objects, and the portal can be opened at any time. This space not only does not have the mystery of the shrine, but also comes in through the screen.

Xiahe is like a gecko, crawling on the wall of this room, using his power of consciousness to explore every square inch.

However, in addition to the portal that can sense the screen, this chamber can't detect anything. Xiahe returned to the ground, his fingertips gleamed with golden light, and he chopped towards the wall. Jin Guang silently submerged into the wall, cutting out a three-inch deep trace.

Xiahe was taken aback, and the magic of the gold symbol was completely exhausted with just one blow.

The scars on the walls were also repaired enclave.

It feels like a chaotic barrier, and Xiahe can't judge it accurately. This secret room seems to be a pure secret room space. Well, the air seems to be inexhaustible. Xiahe checked the gas composition in the air again and determined that he had n’t come in for so long, and there was no slight change. It was that the chamber itself was automatically adjusting.

It seems that you can only be a warehouse, or practice Taoism here?

Xiahe came out of the chamber and looked back at the wooden screen. The carved patterns on the screen were a little strange, and it looked like a magic plant, but Xiahe could not recognize it.

"Sir, it looks like Galo Dragon Wood."

"It's artificial wood." Xiahe also flicked the screen with his fingers.

Galo dragon wood is a kind of magical creature, born with spatial attributes. There are only two strains in the world of God Week, and they are all transplanted from other worlds. One is in Kunlun Dao Palace and the other is in the imperial palace of Shenzhou Empire.

"Adult, if you can learn this artificial technology ..."

Xia He also shined in front of him, this thing was absolutely ground-made, and the magicians could not see the secret inside. If this kind of wood can be manufactured manually, it will be of great use. Of course, you have to learn the spatial runes of the goblins and rush to open the secret room.

But how to contact Austin, this kind of thing, Xiahe does not want to let the Temple of Fortune know, can not be contacted through Abigail.

"Adult, why don't I go back to Storm Point," Freya said.

"Fortunately, Anduzias is already awake. For the time being, I will not encounter any risks. After you go back, in addition to let Austin solve the problem of the screen, remember to bring enough costume warriors. By the way, you turn Go to the Imperial City, discuss with Ovilla, and use the St. Odin to do business by the way. "

"Adult beware of Eva."

"Relax, I won't trust her."

Freya closed the screen, and the two came out of the bathroom, standing with Medieri at the door.

"How did you come back?"

Medirelli pouted, and Xiahe knew that it was Eva who came back, and that Medirli was not interesting at the reception, so he went back to the dormitory.

"Why cut people today?"

"That magician is entangled with me and has to let me drink. I told him that I would be crazy if I drank it. If he didn't believe it, I would let him believe it once."

Xiahe realized why the magicians around him were not angry, but were coaxing instead.

Medirelli looked like this ...

Who would be angry with a drunken child, it was originally the wine you poured.

"Okay, Medirelli, Freya is going back to Stormwind. She can take a letter back for you."

"That's great! I'll write a letter." Medirelli turned around and ran out. She missed the teacher a little, but she had a long way to go.

Eva called Xiahe in the courtyard. Xiahe and Freya walked out of their houses and saw the fragrance of the dishes on the table in the courtyard. Eva was wearing an apron and was holding soup from an iron pan.

"Come and eat together."

"Okay, I'm hungry." Freya agreed first and came to the table.

Eva doesn't know how the craft is, at least the things she does sell well. There is a large bowl in the middle, which is cut into a mesh of skin, crystal clear, and I do n’t know what is covered under it. There are twelve dishes in the surrounding dishes.

"What about Medirelli?" Eva asked

"She came over in a moment."

"The reception at the Academy, even at Juno College, is not that good. It is poor here, and there is no silver coin for each bottle of wine.

"It's so cheap, I think it's okay."

"The food here is good, and the water is good, but there is no secret recipe for brewing. It is ordinary spirits, and I feel happy."

"Improve the technology, can you sell it to the south?"

"How is it possible, no matter how good you brew, people don't want to raise the price."

Xiahe suddenly felt that he was too stupid to say such a thing. The profit of high-end liquor is amazing, how can the southern market let you enter casually.

Other commodities are similar. This world is not comparable to Shenzhou, which has detailed business laws. The businesses in the Arcane Empire are controlled by local nobles. The intertwined relationship between the local aristocracy and the imperial capital cannot be separated.

Everyone has a backer, no one can take you.

"What's in the soup?" Freya sniffed the rich fragrance, puzzled.

"Gold frame beans, must be treated at high temperature, magical flames will do, otherwise it is poisonous. But fragrant, I will not forget after eating it as a kid, and then I started to learn to make it myself."

"The magician eats this thing, isn't it?" Xiahe asked, though he didn't mind. This thing, like some mushrooms, can be hallucinating, greatly improving mental power, and damaging the magician's ability to control. Eating too much may cause permanent damage.

"The recipe contains Miluo root and silver snake seed, and it won't hurt people even if it is eaten for a few months."

"Eva, you go back and prepare a lesson plan for me, so I can assign you a lesson." Xiahe gave Eva a peace of mind. She didn't want to come to the north. Nothing happened. The blood mage didn't agree, she didn't know who to find. . It is true that she has lesson assignments, but there are very few and poor allowances.

"Okay, I will start classes next month, and there are still a few days left. I can handle it in two days."

"I want to deal with this courtyard again, do you have any comments?" Xiahe asked Eva.

"I have magic materials, but ..."

"I didn't let you out, I just created a defensive magic circle. You can go in and out freely."

"Can it be used in school?"

"Habit, without these habits, I would have died in the storm corner." Of course Xiahe wouldn't just say that this is to guard against you witch, you are now acting so cleverly, people have to be wary.

Xiahe lived in Building 6, and Freya left the next day, carrying Xiahe's mission and the mysterious screen.

Eva is busy helping Xia He to do the lesson plan, which is related to her own course tasks. She has to deal with it carefully, and she can't see anyone all day. Medilly still practices her gun skills, making rapid progress.

Xiahe went to the school's archives and searched the history of the Tenth Magic Academy to find the origin of the screen.

However, not only did he not find where this thing came from, there were no files in the 604 dormitory, Xiahe did not expect to inquire about it, nor could he be sure if there was something wrong in the room, if someone wanted to harm someone.

However, he still read the history of the Academy's exhibition and had a detailed understanding of the Tenth Academy of Magic.

At the beginning of September ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiahe ushered in his first class.

The fourth level class, the actual combat department course.

The first three classes are all in the apprenticeship category, and all you need to learn is basic knowledge. At the beginning of the fourth class, the students' learning begins to be divided into different categories. Master, suitable for fighting.

There are more than two thousand students in the fourth class. Xiahe's first class is arranged in small classes, and only twenty-four students take classes. These twenty-four students are all outstanding leaders who have just been promoted from the third-level class, and have the special talent for fighting. Xia He has read the list and the student files and knows that the Tenth School of Magic still trusts himself.

It is estimated that Heinrich wrote a recommendation letter to the principal of the Tenth School of Magic, so he can teach the best students.

Xia He walked up to the podium and looked at the twenty-four students sitting underneath, with some emotion in his heart. I was a war priest who invaded the world. I didn't expect the first job was to teach and educate people.

The meaning of the small classroom is that these twenty-four people will have inextricably connected with themselves in the future. They are their true teachers and elders for life.

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