Daomen Invasion

Chapter 145: : Private Magic

The students looked at Xiahe nervously. Xiahe was not wearing a school uniform, but his **** robe. ┡Ω 『E┡ 小 Δ』 said Ww┡W. 1XIAOSHUO. Com, he did not conceal his breath. It was cultivated by many fights between life and death, not only in this world. When he was very young, he went to Broken Purgatory.

"I ’m Asra? Xia, your actual combat teacher. I have three requirements. You must abide by it. You can leave if you ca n’t do it. First, I am your absolute authority. You must not be absent from my class. Order. Second, all of you must learn to trust and understand each other. When there are outsiders, you must support each other. Third, you will fight outside in the future, you are not allowed to lose, and you cannot lose my people. "

At first the students were very nervous. After listening to the last sentence, someone immediately laughed.

"I have a nickname called the Blood Mage, and my magic robe is half stained with blood. The blood is my own, and no drop comes from the enemy. They are all dead, and their blood is not worthy of being left on me. "

The laughter disappeared and the atmosphere became serious.

"You may face many killing scenes in the future, and if you think about me now, there is no need to pity your enemies. All you have to cherish is your own life."

"Next, I will teach you a private magic, fireball."

Although the students did not dare to make noises, they were also puzzled. Fireball is a very, very low-level magic, even the wild mage can throw a few casually.

"My surname is called Xia. This surname is said to come from other universes and has a very long history. Among its meanings, it means the sun, light, vastness and vastness. For me, it means to burn everything Flame. Do you know, what is the sun? "

Xiahe did not let the students answer, but continued on his own: "The sun is a burning star in the universe, releasing terrible heat all the time. The stars we live in orbit around the sun, and the earth under our feet absorbs the sun ’s Energy breeds many resources. "

It is not difficult for students to understand Xiahe's words, which are all the students in the previous three levels will learn.

"The fireball technique I taught you today is different from others. I cannot show its ultimate form, but you can take a look at what it looks like when it is approaching the 20th level."

Xia He said, raising his palm, and on his palm, nine fireballs of different sizes appeared.

The eight fireballs slowly revolve around the largest fireball, really like a star in the sky.

After Xiahe showed for a few seconds, he dissipated the magic of Yan Xingxing, and the room was so quiet that there was no breathing.

"This magic practice is to the extreme, it will have the attraction of stars, and various movement skills of the enemy will be invalid. That is to say, when the enemy moves, it is attracted and burned to ashes in the surrounding stars. When it is relatively low-level, it also has a strong attraction and can automatically track enemies. "

The students were completely convinced by Xiahe's magic. The Imperial Academy of Magic was strictly managed. Before becoming a Level 4 student, they were not allowed to learn any magic privately. The most practice is meditation to increase their mental strength.

And there are only three magics taught by the school, Arcane Missiles, Elemental Protection, and Magical Investigation.

No one dares to learn magic indiscriminately, and can only continually strengthen his mental strength, waiting to enter the intermediate class. The first magic shown by Xiahe was so powerful that the students were excited.

"The prerequisite skill of this magic is the big fireball technique. The prerequisite skill of the big fireball technique is the small fireball technique. I will start from the small fireball technique to deconstruct this magic for everyone."

Xiahe is also not secretive. No matter how hot the stars are, it is just magic, not Taoism.

His magic fire flying crow, cultivation to a high place, that fire crow can temporarily bring spiritual wisdom. This exploding star is an excellent magic that can expound the rules of a world. It is more suitable for teaching to students than simple gods and flying crows, easy to understand, and not subject to too many qualifications.

Xiahe casts a phantom with the magic array on the podium, and draws out the basic magic pattern core of the small fireball technique. The core magic pattern of magic is actually quite different. There may be tens of thousands of versions of this little fireball technique. There are not less than three hundred excellent versions.

Xiahe's version of Little Fireball is probably the most detailed of all versions. Learning this magic will also take up more mental power.

Mental power will be affected by the magic you have learned. If you have learned little fireball, this part of mental power will be very difficult to learn other magic. And the mental power must also be used for your equipment, leaving a mental imprint or simpler in the equipment, resonating with the equipment, just like permanently occupying some resources.

Like Freya, if she wants to learn new magic, she has to forget the original magic. And she is a god, these students are just ordinary humans, low-level mages.

Students begin to learn to draw this magic core on the magic stone slab of the desk. This is a boring process. It needs to be remembered again and again and engraved in the spirit.

Xiahe walked off the podium and observed one by one, pointing at a student from time to time, where the error was more serious. And correct it by hand.

An hour later, Xiahe made everyone stop.

"If you have any questions, please mention them."

An honest student raised his hand and said: "Teacher, the magic core of this little fireball is too complicated. To learn this magic, you have to occupy the usual five or six magic positions."

"Combat mage has more magic, if it can't control the scene, can't kill the enemy, what's the point? In addition, let me ask a question, what is the value of this magic core?"

A female student raised her hand and Xiahe pointed at her.

"Teacher, this magic core should have a part of content that overlaps with other magic. If we learn related magic, it will save a lot of time and also save a part of spiritual energy."

"Very well. Generally speaking, wild masters have no systematic study, their magic conflicts, and there is no overlap. In this case, the mental power is even more insufficient. And our college magic, will pay attention to the use efficiency of the magic core, such as this The small fireball technique itself is the pre-magic of the big fireball technique and will not be wasted. At the same time, it also contains a lot of magic patterns required by the fire magic. "

Xiahe said, a line of fire appeared in the palm, and quickly expanded into a fire snake, meandering and twisting in the palm.

"For example, Fire Arrow, Fire Snake, Meteor Rain, Pyroblast, etc. In addition, this small fireball has a cast level of 5 and a kill efficiency of 15. In the future, when you are at 15th, use this Magic, the power is still considerable, but the cost is only a level 5 magic cost. "

Xiahe strives to promote his own little fireball technique. These students will be branded. When they need to form a mage group in the future, they may all be the core backbone. Anyway, this magician from the Tenth Magic Academy is not easy to find a job.

"You also have to remember that this magic has some hidden attributes. For example, if you twenty-four people attack a target at the same time, these twenty-four small fireballs will produce the gravitational force of a burst star, even if the shot is not accurate, Can be automatically corrected to become a large-scale magic. "

Xiahe also knows that this kind of complex magic is slow to learn and difficult to master, but what is the significance of teaching ordinary magic and teaching things to these students?

Do you go to the battlefield to do cannon fodder in the future? Do dozens of people follow the epic mage and use them as archers?

Of these twenty-four students, one of them has become a star burst into flames, and they all hope to advance to legend.

What Xiahe wants to teach more is their magical imagination. The magic of the exploding stars is full of fantasies about the universe.

After an hour of rest at noon, in the afternoon, Xiahe did not let the students continue, but began to explain the written knowledge, mainly from the fire element, combined with small fireball.

In this way, all students were slowly brought to a novel world by Xiahe.

Elements are alive, and the world is also alive. Elemental planes, there are many strange creatures, the starry sky above, there are many many small worlds, and their stars also orbit the sun.

Xiahe planted seeds in the heart of the students and waited for buds.

Twenty-four students are all magicians of level 5 and above. The foundation is still very solid, that is, they are slightly older than the students of the same level in the nine colleges. They are all over 13 years old, and the oldest are all 16 years old.

Xiahe does not worry about this. It is impossible for everyone to achieve a legend. In the world controlled by the Tao Palace, level 5 is also a good achievement. He hopes that his students ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ will have an epic realm. Even if it doesn't work, they will have to reach the 39th level.

Nineteen boys and five female students were packed up by Xiahe in just one day.

As long as the teacher is strong enough, there will be no sting.

However, in the next half month, there were rumors in the school that the teaching level of Earl Asra was very general. For more than ten days, the students had only initially mastered a combat magic or small fireball.

Xiahe was too lazy to pay attention to it. In fact, he also taught improved combat meditation, and the students' mental strength increased rapidly and steadily. Because no one is suitable to learn Taoism, Xiahe's combat meditation is more suitable for them.

In addition to the small fireball technique, Xiahe also arranged the study of the fire arrow technique, which is the prerequisite skill of the **** ember fire arrow. Some enemies are equipped with magic-free equipment and have extremely strong defenses. At this time, the fireball may cause little damage, and the magic of the Shenyan Fire Arrow series has strong penetration. The only drawback is that it is a true single attack.

At the beginning of October, there was a snowfall at the Taxi School of Magic, Dongmei opened, and Xiahe and Medieri took advantage of the rest day to come to the garden outside the alchemy building, walk above the ice lake, and admire the blooming White plum.

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