Daomen Invasion

Chapter 146: : The Earl's Doctrine

The glacial lake is not big, and the shore is like a sea of ​​Merlin. Medilly followed Xiahe, and could not see what beauty the plum flower had. EΩ novel www. ┡1XIAOSHUO. COM

"I have been busy teaching recently, how are you doing your gun practice?"

"I don't know." Medieri was distressed. She felt that she had made a lot of progress, but she couldn't judge, and her mental strength grew faster, which made her less comfortable.

"What about swordsmanship?"

"After cutting people that day, I didn't touch the sword."

"Very well, you should break through."

"Adult! What do you mean?"

"The shackles given to you by the sword, you can feel it, and then your gun skills will soon break through, which will affect your sword heart. At that time, I will teach you the method of the heart sword, and the sword art."

"what is that?"

"The law of the heart sword is that when you practice anything, the sword art will progress at the same time. Is the sword art ... when you are advanced epic, this thing can make you fly."


"Yes, I teach you the breathing meditation method, and follow-up, I will tell you how to use your soul power to refine your sword. At the beginning, you can only tens of meters, hundreds of meters 'S Sword Advances, and he will be able to fly hundreds of miles when he achieves an epic. "

"Adult, you are so powerful ..."

"Learning swords requires talent, and I lack this talent. You are a man born to learn swords, and you might become a **** with swords."

Medirelli did not question at all, looking forward to it.

"Remember the sword I let Freya take away?"

"Remember, Lynch gave it to adults."

"The next time you bring it back, you can start raising it."

While talking, Xiahe saw someone waving by the lake, and he walked over there. The female magician on the shore shouted: "Asla, your students and people are fighting, they are all taken to the Academic Affairs Office."

Xiahe smiled and said, "I thought I had to wait another month or two, and that was right."

He now knows all the teachers in the school, except the principal who has not returned. This female magician is a young associate professor with slender eyebrows and great charm. Her name is Adjani.

Adjani said anxiously: "They beat people seriously and they will be punished."

Xia He smiled and said: "My students, it is not their turn to punish others, ask clearly, if it is their responsibility, I will naturally discipline, if not ...

"Stop talking, come with me."

Xia He, with an indifferent appearance, took Medillie to the Academic Affairs Office.

In the office of the Academic Affairs Director, nine Xiahe students were standing, and there was only one on the other side, and half of his face was burned. Xiahe is not very happy. Is this a group of beatings?

He sullenly greeted the dean of education.

"Speak, what's going on?"

"They said that the people in our class are all rubbish, and it takes another month to learn fireball. We are asked to drop out of the school, and don't affect the reputation of the college. Teacher, you said, we can't embarrass you, we will start."

"Did I make you bully!" Xiahe said angrily.

"Teacher, they are level 6 students ..."

"Sixth level ... but so many of you are hitting one, you need to make a face!"

"There are more than forty of them, and they have all been taken to the hospital." Xiahe's squad leader was a girl. When she answered Xiahe's head with her head down, she was disturbed. The other party was in the sixth grade. In the past, a large number of people were seriously injured. If they were dead, they might be dismissed.

Xiahe was really stunned. Nine people played more than 40 and won a big victory?

These children are good at practicing fireball.

"Pasares, what's wrong with my student?" Xia He felt that he was reasonable and immediately changed his face.

"Using magic on campus and seriously injuring classmates, Asla, you ask me what they are wrong!" The dean of education is also angry, even if you are a power lord, you should not be so overbearing.

"They are all magicians, what use without magic?"

Passares was caught by Xiahe, pointing to the nine students and saying, "The others just came up and ridiculed a few words. As for direct coverage with fireballs?"

"Tell the director, how the teacher usually teaches you."

The female squad leader raised her head, her eyes glowing like swordsmen, and said, "Teacher, teach us, don't fart if you can."

"Pasares, did you hear that? This is what I taught. I have something to do."

"Asla, you are not reasonable! Or let's go to the principal's side to talk!"

"I'm just talking about reason, a group of little fart kids, they don't understand anything, and you guys who run the school don't understand? Running over to mock my students depends on whether there is such strength. Sitting at the door of your dormitory and scolding the street, do you want to reason with me? "

"Why do you scold me!" Passares was also taken into the ditch by Xiahe.

"You are in charge of school style and discipline. Why do forty or six grade six students dare to come to trouble my students? The entire school, the money you received is ranked in the top ten? Don't just take the money and work?"

"I'm so in charge of you!" Passares finally got angry and snarled.

"I'll take care of it. If you don't handle this matter, I won't repair the magic tower. Whom do you like to invest and who will go, Laozi can't go back to the capital!"

The director of the Academic Affairs Office suddenly disappeared, staring at Xiahe.

The sixth-level student was dumbfounded. He hadn't seen any teacher dare to glare at the desk with the head of the Academic Affairs Office. And it seems that the Director of Academic Affairs should shrink.

"Now you tell me, what's wrong with my student?" Xiahe was aggressive.

"Teacher Asra, they are right. I apologize to you." The sixth-grade students felt worse, and immediately started to be strong. They walked in front of Xiahe and bowed deeply.

"If yes, why were they brought here?"

Passares was full of bitter water, knowing that Asra would not eat at any loss, he really didn't care. He promised to invest in the construction of a magic tower, if he disturbed this matter, the principal could eat himself.

"What's your name?" Xiahe asked the student with a wound on his face.

"Teacher Asra, my name is Higgins."

"Higgins, if you are my student, so many people provoke less than ten junior students and are beaten so badly. When you are discharged, I will teach you again. Are you classmates knowing each other? What's the point of it, do you know that the students of our college are laughed at by the people of the Nine Colleges and can't even look up outside? "

When Higgins heard this, he clenched his fists.

"The people of the Ninth College mock you, do you dare to fight back? I tell you, my students dare."

"Although I was seconded, I also regarded the Tenth School of Magic as my home. I also paid for it privately to build a magic tower for the Tenth School of Magic. I asked you students what you have done for the school. ? "

Higgins lowered his head. Before he was angry at Xiahe's overbearingness. Now when he heard Xiahe's words, he suddenly felt ashamed.

"There will be exchanges between colleges next year. If you put your time on this kind of thing, you will be humiliated when you go out. Did you know that the headmaster, as a legendary master, has to run around to keep the college running To make money to feed you. If you do n’t struggle, I really ... "

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Higgins kept bowing and apologizing, and there were already tears in his eyes.

Medelly was stunned. The student, who was clearly the master of the lord, wounded. Now it sounds like, why is someone else wrong? Lord Lord ’s reasoning skills are simply not learnable. In my own words, at most hacking the enemy to death, how could it be possible for others to apologize.

"Pazares ... Director, this matter, I think they still have regrets, do not punish them for the time being."

"I also think so." Passares can only follow Xiahe's words, otherwise he will not be able to bear the consequences if the other person is really angry and is gone.

"I don't have much time, Ye Linna, you follow me, there is just something for you to do."

"Yes, teacher." The squad leader took a peek at Director Pasares, who looked at the sky as if he had not heard it.

Xiahe led nine of his students, as well as Medirelli, and left the office of the Academic Affairs Office.

"They are all classmates. In the future, it is not allowed to start so heavy. You can't control the magic. Don't mess up. After you go back, you have to make up the class. Dissolve." Xiahe did not look back, and went away with Medier Liyang.

Ye Linna and others looked at Xia He's back, and there was worship in her eyes.

Once they had doubts, it took so much time to learn a fireball, is it worth it? Until there was a conflict, they collectively released fireball coverage according to their usual training.

Xiahe walked back, and Medirli followed him, and couldn't help but ask, "Adult, is this really good?"

"You think I don't make sense?"

"Yes, Ye Lina they hurt people."

"If it's at Storm Point, how should this matter be handled?" Xiahe asked Medieri.

Medeli immediately understood ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ If it is in the storm corner, it is of course to greet the army, to say the truth again.

"After the Goblin savage the Magister Cannon, a famous saying was born-dignity within the range. Medirelli, most of the time, if you want to be reasonable, you must first have the strength to back up. Otherwise, no one will listen to you speak."

"But what about fame?"

"You've been to the reception, the banner in the Hall of Frost Roses, and you know the words above. If they need me, my reputation is like that. If they don't need me, I'll do everything wrong. Those troublesome kids , It ’s my students, I have to defend them. "

"Adult, I see." Medielli knew that the twenty-four students had been branded as a blood mage since then. If one day, Lord Lord becomes a decisive figure in the empire, these twenty-four students are the heirs of the Lord.

"If you go to practice gunfire yourself, I have to see the vice principal."

"What are you doing with him?"


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