Daomen Invasion

Chapter 147: : Make-up lessons

"Adult principal. ΩE 小 Δ said www.1XIAOSHUO.COM" Xiahe was leaning on a chair in the office and put his legs up comfortably.

"It's the deputy school, deputy school." Goodrist looks like a rich man.

"I don't want to trouble you, but now someone is stepping on my head, what do you say!"

"Before ... what did you do?"

"Of course, I started to mobilize the army. At the beginning of the storm, the people of the Boulder Mercenary Corps chased my friend. I took four warships and thousands of people to come and kill the Boulder Mercenary."

"It's not so good, let's say the storm angle is so far away. When the army is transferred, your anger is almost gone, too much money, too much money!"

"The emperor is not far away, Miss Green's, now listen to me. I can still ask the magician under his emperor to take one shot. I don't need to call the people to go to the storm corner. My person has a long history of revenge. Report. "

"But no one is bullying you, Asla, can't ..."

"What's going on in the school? I said that my students are waste, and my class is called the fireball class. Let my students drop out quickly. The next step is to let me get out, right."


"Goodrist, maybe you don't quite understand me. If you don't care, it is not possible to send troops, I am not your opponent, but I will take my twenty-four students back to the territory, Build a magic tower in the territory to teach them, and you will explain the rest to the emperor yourself. "

Goodrist was angry, and Asra was too aggressive. He was easy going, and he was also a great magician in an epic realm.

"Do you think this is over? You have broken the matter of your emperor, and you want to get funding in the future? You should entertain yourself in the north."

"Asla, what do you want?" Goodrist swallowed this and asked Xiahe.

"I want to get some results in the north, and show my emperor, if anyone is hindering me, it will be a lifetime of revenge. I must revenge on this person, so you better draw with that person now. Clear the boundaries. Tell me, before I came, who was arranged as the teacher of the actual combat department in the small class of class four? "

"Asla ... you really want to ask, I will say."

"I listen."

"It is Associate Professor Ajiani, she is from the Frost Rose family, and she has sponsored a lot for the school. The original position was for her, and she was ready, but when you came, she would have nothing. "

"No wonder, I think she did not become an epic, how could she become an associate professor."

Goodrist said in his heart, if you are only fifteen, will you become a lecturer?

"Asla, most of the people in the college are from local nobles, and they still love the college very much. Everyone has selfishness, you can understand it, right?"

"Frost Rose, the biggest title in this family seems to be a Viscount? If I declare war ..."

"Don't do it!" Gudrist was frightened. He knew Asla's past. At the home of Stormwind, he declared war on the nobles of the Holy Thunder Empire and won in one fell swoop.

"Principal, you can manage things in the school, things outside the school don't seem to work."

"Asra, women are careful, you take her place, she complains in the background, this is normal, and if you are sent by your majesty, who can dare to do it to you? Your position is steady. , I dare to guarantee that it will work till death. "

"Ha ha ha ha!" Xia He laughed at Gudrist.

Gudrist's hair was laughed by Xiahe, so he heard Xiahe said: "Then I tell you, Adjani, she hurries to apologize to me, otherwise I will step on the face of the Frost Rose family every day, I can't cut them anyway. The title, their hereditary Viscount not only can die, but can also be passed on to future generations. "

Gudrist was embarrassed, so he listened to Xiahe again: "I will also record it with magic, send it to the imperial capital, entertain the nobles who are doing nothing, advertise to the nobility in the north, and make a name in the city of Juno. Look, Now I do n’t declare war anymore, it ’s a lot of concessions, Master Principal ... "

"Vice school!" Goodrist suddenly stood up.

"Vice school, this matter is so settled, as for how Ajani wants to apologize, it's her business. I'll wait for a month." Xia He finished, ignoring Gudrist's reaction, and raised his voice. And go.

After Xiahe sulked, he walked away happily, leaving Goodrist in the principal's office.

Xiahe couldn't help it. He came to the Tenth Academy of Magic and never thought about making money. It is estimated that he still has to get in a lot. The most he wants to gain is fame.

How important is fame?

If there is a reputation, in the future, if you recruit yourself and buy horses, a large number of talents will immediately come to surrender, which is the meaning of reputation. If the reputation is poor, the difficulty of recruiting will increase hundreds of times.

As for the magic tower, he must build it. The emperor gave him money and materials, and Xiahe didn't dare to take his money.

Xiahe didn't have his own residence, but came to the student dormitory. His students happened to be downstairs. When he saw Xiahe, he came to salute him.

The male student is taller than Xiahe, and he is only fourteen years old. His name is Sanger, and he comes from a civilian family. He is the deputy squad leader of Xiahe. If Ye Linna is away, he is in charge of the whole class.

"Sanger, you can call everyone and make up classes."

"Teacher, where do you go to make up the class?" Sanger asked. It is now the beginning of the month and the teaching building is not open.

"Go to the small open-air theater."

"Yes, I'll call someone." Sanger ran fast, and Xiahe turned to the place he said. The small open-air theater is a place for students to gather. The building has no roof, and no one will come after it snows.

This is really a goblin era building. The stage facilities have been demolished, leaving only a platform that is not too high. The seats below are rotten and clean. Many stones and wooden piles were moved by the students. below. The surrounding stone walls hadn't weathered yet. Xiahe walked in from the main entrance and went on stage alone.

Soon some students came and saw Xiahe standing on the stage, the students stood quietly under the stage, waiting patiently.

The sky was gray and thin snowflakes began to float.

Gradually, as the number of students increased, they looked at the teacher on the stage, all with a dumb expression.

Xixue blew through, and couldn't get away from behind Xiahe. More and more, they stuck together and turned into a pair of white wings, overlapping feathers, waving gently behind the Xiahe blood robe.

Seeing the students arrive, Xiahe's snow wings fluttered with a bang, and the blurry snow flakes exploded, the snow wings behind him became clearer, and every feather was so real and lifelike.

At the foot of Xiahe, another cyclone was born, and he slowly floated on the airflow, and the snow wings behind him gently waved as if they were really flying.

"Magic is order, and the ultimate control of order is to form boundaries and achieve legends. There are many types of magic. Elemental magic is the easiest to master. The four elements, earth, water and fire, exist in almost all worlds. From today, I will teach you four elemental magics, the most basic part of which is to pursue balance. "

The shock in every student ’s heart is beyond description. Is n’t flying a legendary ability?

"The magic I cast is called the Feather of the Void, and it contains many laws of the wind element. The premise of mastering this magic is to learn the wind feather technique, wind blade technique, wind element shield, element order, tornado, combat meditation . And this magic requires control ... "

Xiahe's snow wing waved forward, and the white light exploded on him, falling overwhelmingly.

Under the shock of Xiahe, none of the students moved their positions, but stood blankly.

Dense cutting sounds rang around the students, and I saw a large number of elemental shields appearing around the students' bodies, like tiny scales floating against the body. In addition, a large number of tiny wind blades passed by and bombarded the ground.

The snow wing behind Xiahe disappeared completely, he was still standing on the cyclone, his body up and down, like stepping on a wave of water.

"This is the effect of controlling elements. Next, I tell you how to face the wind element, this disobedient thing."

The wind was blowing down from the sky with snow, the temperature was getting lower and lower, and the students' hearts were hot. Looking at Xiahe's eyes, it was already a complete worship. Xiahe is not proud at all. This is the way Dao Gong teaches students. The most important thing is that the teacher should impart selflessly and can't keep it.

Otherwise, the initial worship will turn into loss and resentment.

You can't give hope, and destroy it again.

After three days of snow, Xiahe was in the small theater, explaining the skills of the wind element to the students. On the fourth day, the Academic Affairs Director appeared in the small theater.

"Asla, you are here!"

"Director, you have something to do with me?" Xia He smiled.

"This ... The holiday is over at the beginning of the month, and we should give lectures in class today."

"Some people say that my students are unworthy ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ I have to go here."

"Adjani will apologize to you. Let's go back first?" Passares asked.

"The principal is coming back soon?" Xia He sneered. These people really don't care about their threats, otherwise they should come to him the next day.

"I will be back in two days."

"As soon as he came back, I immediately waged a war against the Frost Rose family, and I remember to bet when the time comes, to see who finally destroyed it."

"Why are you suffering?"

"Pazares, I told the vice-college that when I avenge myself, I will take care of my own. You'd better stay away from Adjani, don't even get in when you get in."

"Why not?"

"Pasares, do you think I really don't understand? Your professors and lecturers are all from the North and are tolerant of each other. My foreigners will naturally be rejected. I am not afraid to tell you that I will come to the tenth magic The college solves your group of people. "

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