Daomen Invasion

Chapter 148: : Master Principal

The Director of Academic Affairs went away in a rage. He had thought that if Asla calmed down for a few days, things would turn around and wait for the principal to come back to reconcile. ┡Ω 『E┡ 小 Δ』 said Ww┡W. 1XIAOSHUO. In the face of the legendary COM master, Asla couldn't help but give him a blow to his face.

Not long after Pasares left, the middle-class student representative, the bearded man ran over.

"Teacher, the vice principal invites you to come."

"Don't go."

Yuri was very embarrassed. He didn't expect this teacher to be so stiff, he didn't say excuses, he just refused.

"You go back and tell him that my identity was seconded, and the personnel arrangement fell to Juno College. I came here not for Gao Pan, but because of the face of His Majesty the Emperor, so I came to such a poor and evil place. And the Tenth Academy of Magic only A vice-school is in charge of teaching, and the financial and personnel power is in the hands of the principal. He is just a decoration. "

Yuri's face turned red and he heard the blood mage say: "Are you still going?"

Yuri fled the desert, he didn't want to mix the conflict with Teacher Jin, he just came to talk.

Xia He certainly does not worry about being expelled. His personnel relations are indeed at Juno College, even if the dean is here, and at most he will not arrange courses for him, he will not take a penny. There were no doors to expel him. Moreover, the academy could not interfere with the noble's affairs, making him anxious. If he really went to build a castle next to the frost rose family's territory and recruited horses, then the other party would be scared to death.

Your strength may be ignored, but everyone will be afraid of the emperor's attitude.

The aristocracy in the entire northern land is in a state of stocking, and the emperor does not manage very much. If the emperor wants to rectify, no one is very clean.

"Asla, are you still here?" Yuri left, and Eva arrived.

She looked at the small theater covered with snow. The students were training hard. A crooked wind blade came and Eva reached out and grabbed it. The wind blade broke in her palm.

"What are you doing here?"

"Tell me about my attitude."

"Then talk about it."

"You won't like it if you come so hard."

"They can't interfere with things that come to the college."

"Because of this, they are even more unhappy. You can't control it."

"You are a member of the Green family, and the attitude of the House of Lords is too far from the question?"

"I want to say that if the House of Lords suppresses you because of this, the Green family is willing to support you. If you want to fight the Frost Rose family, I can lend you three thousand troops."

"Come on, you are not even the Lord now." Xia He smiled.

"Asla, don't you know your value? If I draw you, my status in the Green family will also rise."

"It's not wise for you to raise my worth like this."

"The people of the Green family like to explain things."

"Then you can make it clear."

"Not all counts can lead three thousand soldiers. Because you are a nobleman and you have laid overseas territories, you won the quota of three thousand soldiers. This quota is very precious. The House of Commons tossed you because they were jealous. The empire was established and the system established, most of the noble titles that could lead soldiers, were mostly controlled by blood nobles. "

"You have said so, how could I be self-defeating from the House of Lords?"

"If they don't want you, remember to come to me."

"The Green family is really rich, three thousand soldiers, just borrow it."

"Don't you say you need to build a magic tower?"

"If I were suspended, what would you do?"

"If you eat and die, I will take your place. The Greens can do it for me. If you want to open up in the north, I will go back to the capital and ask my uncle for support."

"What if I haven't been dealt with?"

"Master Earl, isn't that better? I'm still your little assistant." Eva's voice was greasy, and she looked at Xiahe with admiring eyes.

Xiahe was a little dumb, and he remembered Abigail. Although the imperial witch is beautiful, she does not have the charming divinity of Abigail. The voice of Abigail's speech is so intoxicating. It seemed that he had come to the empire, and he had never contacted her.

"Hey, where are you staying?" Eva reached out to Laxia River. Xiahe's body, a wind blade came out, with a snorting, spread out in the corner of the clothes. Eva shook her hand and was startled. She couldn't do it herself.

Xia He looked like he was coming back, oh, and said, "I'm thinking, you can't afford any money, so fool me with Green's things."

Eva was sluggish, and even if Asra saw it, she shouldn't say it directly. Is this still a noble?

"You can't borrow three thousand soldiers, and you also know that the principal will not punish me. What do you want, many people want, to go to the route of Stormwind, right?"

"how do you know?"

"The Greens really want my route. They will take the means of marriage and make money for everyone. It is estimated that you will not." Xiahe up and down a lot of Eva.

"How do you know I won't?" Eva raised her nose.

"Because I know what a woman looks like when she is willing."

Eva blushed and turned away. Xiahe said in the back: "Do you know, Emperor doesn't know how many people want my route and want money? No matter how strong your charm, you can't beat their greed."

Eva stood still, turned around, and asked, "Why doesn't anyone force you?"

"Someone has to find the way first, such as your self-righteous chick."

Eva walked fast this time, and never looked back. The red tide on her face faded, leaving only irritability. Damn, why his own charm magic is useless to him!

The timing has been chosen very well. Asla is in a fierce conflict with the locals. At this time, the people's hearts are most easily shaken. His realm is higher than him, why not?

Was it sent to you just to be ashamed?

Xiahe watched Eva leave, and this girl from the Green family would never give up. She ran to the Tenth Academy of Magic, a rebellious act, and would make many attempts. But in the end she will realize that she still can't get rid of the family, and nothing can change.

No matter how good she is, no matter how good, these are all cultivated by the strength of the family.

I didn't share my own route for the time being, so who should I share with? It's not easy to end up eating a single meal, too much profit, but this is quite difficult to grasp.

Although the location of the small theater is inside the college, there are many desolate places in the college. Xiahe's attitude was very clear, and Adjani did not come to apologize. He is here to give lectures to students, not to go to the classroom at all.

On October 15th, in the middle of the month, someone came to Xiahe again, but the principal of the Tenth Academy of Magic returned, and asked Xiahe to come over. Xiahe couldn't refuse this, he also wanted to see what kind of person this legendary mage is.

The hallway outside the principal was full of people, the high-level inside the school were basically there, and Xiahe did not see Adjani.

He ignored the people in the corridor and went directly to the door.

"Asla, please come in." There was a heavy voice inside the door, as if the bellows were broken, or there was a dead mouse hidden inside.

Xiahe pushed the door in, and the people behind him automatically closed together, and Xiahe froze.

The headmaster standing under a map, Xiahe carefully confirmed that this is a woman. However, her waistline is almost the same as Xiahe Jia Fu Lei Jia Mei Dierli plus an Eva, maybe you have to add half of Ovilla?

If the headmaster is a master tank, Xiahe will not believe it, because he has never seen such a large tank.

Such a thick waist, although the upper chest is larger, it is not very obvious.

Fortunately, she had two thick legs, and the chassis looked unusually solid, and it was steady to walk.

Xiahe worked hard to explore the advantages of the principal's appearance. He felt that the principal's facial features were not bad. If he had boiled all the meat on his cheeks, it would probably be a beautiful embryo. Of course, the gap between the embryo and the beauty is quite large.

The principal's head is very thick and peculiar in quality, and looks harder than some of the Warcraft's hair. These avatars are twisted together like wires, and they are made into braids. Each braid is tied with a magic rope, and each magic rope naturally forms a magic symbol.

The braid of this head doesn't know how much magic can be released.

"Principal!" Xia He respectfully and respectfully gave the principal a master ceremony.

The headmaster looked at the map on the wall, not Xiahe. She asked, "Asila, what do you think of my appearance?"

"It grows very well, and the earth elements are not as solid as you."

"Hahaha ..." The principal's laughter was horrible, Xiahe was dizzy and disgusted, and hallucinations appeared in front of her.

"I told you that Adjani is a student of the old principal, and I can't dispose of her. The Frost Rose family is not worth mentioning, you don't really want to destroy them, and the emperor has no idea, forget It ’s not necessary for her to apologize, do n’t you just want fame, I agree with the proposal to build a branch under your name. "

"Master principal, you do this, and the rewards and punishments are unfair." Xiahe was so dizzy that he dared to say such words, which made the principal look at each other.

"What is unfair, this magical academy, UU reading www.uukanshu.com is done by the old headmaster, and he also died in this matter. Adjani is the only student he survived, the talent is not good enough There is no hope of advanced epic in this life, and the life span is limited. It will not take two or three years, and your eyes will never fall on her. "

Xiahe didn't refute, and listened quietly to the principal's words.

"The Frost Rose family, there is no talent. After Adjani's death, they are destined to decline. Stepping on their faces is not a glorious thing."

"What advice do you have?"

"Don't say this first, do you know why Adjani is so angry and vilifies you everywhere?"

"I really don't know. Such a method really seems to me ..."

"The twenty-four small class freshmen who were promoted were specially selected. Since they joined the School of Magic, they have focused on training. Anyone who teaches them will get results. Ajiani is very popular, and her ability will come when Even if it ’s not enough, there will be a professor in the school to help her complete the course. "

"Improve the job title?" Xiahe couldn't help crying, for this reason.

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