Daomen Invasion

Chapter 149: : Trial tasks

"Asla, you want fame, and she also wants, in her opinion, you took away what originally belonged to her. E┡novel WWW ㄟ W.Ω1XIAOOSHUO.COM"

"Understanding does not mean approval."

"Who made you agree, the Academy of Magic looks like this, I also feel very sad. But I have no money, can't hire a better teacher, you can't let the children have no books to read, here, at least they can still go to the formal The road to magic. If you can bring all the teachers from Juno College, I will dismiss everyone at once. "

When Xiahe heard this, he had a little respect for the headmaster.

"What's the point of disgusting them, it's better to use them as much as possible. In recent years, the level of the college students has improved a lot, proving that they are not a complete waste."

"You are going to build a magic tower. This should be the meaning of your majesty. They don't understand and think you are a rich man. In fact, I am very grateful to you and brought such good luck to the college."

Xiahe respected her awfully. This woman is too clever. Compared with her appearance, she is extremely intelligent.

"Your Majesty gave you so much money and materials. It seems that you trust you a lot. Let you come and show that your Majesty also has ideas. This is an opportunity for the college." The principal pacing under the map, Xiahe felt like An elephant is walking around.

"You are in conflict with them, or wait until the magic tower is built, don't let them use it."

"Isn't this bad?" Xiahe hesitated instead, even if it was a complete enmity. And what about your reputation?

"Who made them refuse to apologize? Of course, if they must use it, let them pay the money, how much can subsidize the emperor's loss, you can also make a difference."

Xia Hexin said, the emperor does not trust me, but trusts you!

"As for the issue of fame ... I will give you an associate professor first, and report it to the Imperial Capital. In accordance with normal procedures, Juno College will definitely agree. In this way, your reputation will be gained, and the monthly subsidies will be increased. Juno Associate professor at the college, you are only fifteen, right? "

Xiahe was convinced that even if he broke the Frost Rose family, he could not compare to an associate professor at Juno College.

"Then I let you do something. The best students are handed over to you, and you mention the associate professor, and then take charge of a large class, the 100-person class. It is still the actual combat department, you ca n’t follow your method, I give You teach the case. In addition, there will be assistants to help you, hard to talk about, but you have to establish prestige. "

Establish prestige? Is this something else?

"Next year the college exchanges, you bring the intermediate class, and the advanced class let Gudrist take it. You are not required to take the lead, but the ranking must be above the eleventh place. We are the tenth magic academy. I ask you to get the least. ten."

"How can this be?"

"I think your students are teaching very well. Nine people have severely wounded all the students in the sixth grade class, hey." The headmaster rubbed her fingers. Xiahe saw that the fingers were the same as carrots. No one can stand it. Is this a magician or a warcraft?

Sure enough, people are a kind of Warcraft!

"What should I do with the equipment?" Xiahe was helpless. I am afraid that this matter must be carried over. If he can get a good ranking, it will be of great significance to himself.

"The inter-academic competitions are all standard equipment, looking at the students' basic abilities."

"I promised this." Xiahe gritted his teeth.

"That's good, if you don't agree, I will let the emperor change his person. By the way, my name is Jenny Flower. When there is no one, you can call me Jenny." The headmaster smiled boldly, Xia He felt She would be more expressive if she had chest hair.

The headmaster came out in person, and the blood mage returned to the classroom to go to class. There was no new rumors in the Tenth School of Magic.

Xiahe increased the teaching content, specially formulated lesson plans for his own small class, focusing on four magic.

The pre-magic of the exploding stars, the pre-magic of the Void Feather, the pre-magic of the phase frost dragon shield, and the pre-magic of the mage totem.

Then according to each person's personal characteristics, Xiahe taught each person three to six kinds of magic individually.

Xiahe also arranged another training, that is, every night, the students were taught the six-type guardian hammer on the side of the small theater to coordinate with the breathing method. Shouyuan Hammer is a fist, it can also be used with heavy weapons, and it can also be used with magic.

In addition to the students, there is also a Medirelli to teach. Fortunately, the talent of Medirelli is much higher than that of any student. Xiahe is also easy to teach.

The principal, Jennifer, kept the promise and sent a document to the emperor, requesting that Asla be promoted to associate professor. Juno College is not that short of money, and Xiahe is a close friend of His Majesty the Emperor, and this matter was done logically. Xia He took the post of associate professor, and with a separate office, Eva Green became his personal assistant.

Eva is a talented student at Juno College. She was also a cadre among the students. She was very clear about the teaching process. Xiahe could focus more on his twenty-four students.

In December, the principal gave orders personally, and the intermediate class had to arrange a long-distance trial task.

The remains of a frost giant within two thousand miles of the target ice field, each student of the war department must participate, taking the class as the unit, and five people lead the team. After returning, only those with good grades can participate in the college-wide magic exchange in June next year. Eva immediately went to apply for the location of the alchemy building, but did not expect to be full.

The drawing of the magic tower is still being drawn, far from the construction.

Xiahe is unknown, so at night, he was stopped by Eva in the courtyard of the dormitory.

"Aren't you in a hurry?" Eva's troubles were written on her face. She worked too much recently, and Xiahe rarely saw her appear.

"What's the hurry?"

"Try it!"

"Don't I arrange for you to do it?" Xiahe was also baffled.

"You didn't look at the rules? Each student's trial funding is only 50 gold coins, a total of 1,200 gold coins. The teacher is not allowed to pay for subsidies. What do you say is enough?"

"Then buy the materials and refine the equipment yourself."

"There is no place for the Alchemy Building, it has been booked."

"This is for us!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that those people are still not giving up." Eva said very depressed.

"It's not impossible, there is a map of the trial site, give me."

"Well." Eva had been ready for a long time and handed the map to Xiahe. Xiahe sat down at the courtyard table and began to study the adventure environment of this trial.

The Griffin Temple is a small relic, very small for the Frost Giant. This location is more than two thousand miles away from the edge of the ice field. It doesn't take much time to go by airship, but the cost of the airship is also included in the adventure mission.

Although it is cheap and not too slow to ride a sledge, it is necessary to take care of the reindeer and camp on the ice field to guard against the icefield Warcraft attack. During the task, if the teacher gives help, a lot of points will be deducted, and it may even be directly out of the game.

Taking care of the sledge is not simple. The supplies of more than 20 people will not be too small. Once the reindeer is lost, some of the sledge must be discarded. It is possible that a lot of supplies will be lost before reaching the destination. Participants cannot accept help during the task.

Xiahe's space equipment cannot be used to transport materials.

Twenty-four students must rely on their own strength and take all their needs to the Griffin Temple. In this case, at least a part of the sledge has to be refined in person. The worst case is that even if the students use themselves as animals, they must bring the supplies.

The rest of the college, occupying the alchemy building, does not give Xiahe the opportunity to refine equipment. What can he do with 1,200 gold coins?

If Xiahe sells his own things to trainees at a low price, then he has to go through a hearing to prove that he is not cheating. For example, Xiahe sold the seven-page book and one gold coin to the monitor, so he had to prove that the seven-page book was only worth one gold coin. After the proof, you have to accept the order of others.

Out-of-print items, unique items, are not allowed to be sold.

Xiahe laughed, cheating, and not allowing himself to use the alchemy building? This kind of thing, Ajiani can't do it alone, it must be the teachers who united against themselves. I don't know how much time in advance, and I have filled the rental schedule of the Alchemy Building.

"Eva, actually, I make low-level equipment and don't rely too much on alchemy equipment. You don't have to worry about this. And I have enough cheap materials on hand, so I don't have to buy it from school."

"Are you sure you understand the rules?"

"Understood, the equipment I provided to the students is at a reasonable price. If the college questions, I will refine the equipment for the college at the price I gave."

Xia He sneered, so you want to embarrass yourself?

There is a big difference between myself and the magician in this world ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ That is the understanding of the equipment. You can make a batch of disposable equipment yourself.

For example, the magical version of the object symbol has a validity period of six months and is automatically destroyed after six months. This thing can be sold cheaply, and the school is willing to pay for it, then make it for them, anyway, the material waste, at most, it will take a little time.

Of course, Xiahe will not make it so simple. He will let this magical charm only have a validity period of three months. After three months, students need to use unique techniques to repair, and then they can extend their life for another three months. As for this means of prolonging life, he will not teach it out.

Isn't it mutual disgust? For a technical maniac such as Taoist, it is not a matter at all.

Similarly, low-level magic scrolls, Xiahe can also make very cheap, one-time reel releaser, can only be paired to release the reels they made. As long as Xiahe is willing, all equipment can control the life within six months.

"Eva, make a list, list everything you want, this time, we want to take the first place."

"That's good!" Eva is also a character who is not convinced to lose. Even this time she was targeted, and she felt uncomfortable. The blood mage said she wanted to take the first place, and she began to make a serious plan and make a list.

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