Daomen Invasion

Chapter 151: : Encampment

The middle-level test missions of the college are not made together. Each team can go to the mission location from December 12 to December 20. E Novel Ww┡W. * 1XIAOSHUO. COM

Xiahe reported the team list and item list on the 11th, and the trial management committee exploded at that time.

"Is Asla mocking us? Only six gold coins for space equipment?"

"No, you didn't see it. It's expensive. These are two gold coins."

"There are also alchemy slate, only twenty-five silver coins."

"Did you see the reel shooter? There is also the dragon scale reel!"

"No, I have to sue him!"

"Go together, this thing can't bear it!"

"What are you arguing about? You haven't got a bit of a brain. Did you see the items on the list!" Gudrist roared, screaming the excited professors.

On the item list, Xiahe uses extremely small fonts or magic words to mark the characteristics of these items in detail, including but not limited to use restrictions and the life of the items themselves.

"Can only be used for three months?"

"Extending life span up to six months will completely destroy ..."

"Don't study it, people say it very clearly. After the task is completed, welcome to order from him. This matter does not have to trouble the headmaster, I can take the lead and pass." Goodrist signed the Xiahe application and took it One of his rings, his face is his personal coat of arms.

"Vice school, you can't let him out." A professor wanted to stop him.

"Why?" Goodrist looked at the professor in disgust. His relationship with Adjani should be good and intimate. The people in the school acted secretly and did not use the Alchemy Building for Asra. He knew it well, but it was within the rules.

Are you going to act outside the rules now? Is there any dignity of the magician!

"He clearly deceived everyone, how is this possible ..."

"Why is this impossible? Just because you don't believe it, you have to cancel someone else's trial qualification?"

"At least it has to be verified."

"If every one has been verified, I can guarantee that there is no team that can come out on a normal day. If you do n’t trust the list information, take it and go to the headmaster, this represents your personal opinion, and all of us It's irrelevant. "Gudrist finished, and put a magic seal on his own signature.

After all, it was the vice-school. After Professor Gudrist said that, he could only give up the rebuttal.

Although Goodrist had no power in personnel and finance, he also had the power to distribute educational affairs. If he provokes him, he will sit on the bench.

Xiahe did not delay. After getting the instructions, he contacted the other two lecturers. Eva went to pick up the reindeer, and Medieri called all the students.

"Have you ever seen the mission plan?" Medirelli replaced Xiahe and stood on the podium. The students know that she is the teacher's great knight and can be trusted, so she is very close. In particular, Medieli's age, similar to them, is no more than a year or two.

"I've seen them all, and I checked them one by one." Ye Linna, the monitor, replied.

"Very well, the remains of the Griffin Temple are large. No one has cleaned it in the deepest place for hundreds of years. It is possible to breed a more powerful ice and snow attribute Warcraft. Everyone has a team of six. . "

"What if I go to the bathroom?" Mila asked, raising his hand.

"Turn your back, and the two are guarding." Medieri said with a straight face. She was still thinking about the sword-god rune given to her by her last night. It was so amazing that she could change the rune into sharp Sword Qi, the control range is within 80 meters, which is equivalent to the magic of the master level.

The most mysterious thing is that the loss of sword energy is extremely small. Unless there is a substantial attack, a sword **** rune can be maintained for more than an hour. Each sword-god rune is made of fossilized dragon scales, the cost is not low, and it is destroyed after use.

I used one last night to get acquainted with the use of runes, but I still feel a little distressed.

"Now come up to get the equipment, line up and go to the back room to change clothes." Medirelli placed twenty-four pieces of space equipment on the table, starting from Ye Linna.

The students have long known that the teacher will equip the sub-space, and it is one-time. Even so, it is still inexplicable. If you buy space equipment outside, it will cost at least a thousand gold coins, and it is definitely the worst. If the volume is not enough, it is meaningless to wear more, and space equipment will also take up mental energy.

Unless the equipment is destroyed, this spiritual power will be allocated, and the equipment that a magician can use at the same time is always limited.

With a few more small space equipment, you can't wear rings, necklaces, bracelets, wristbands and other equipment, which also affects the amount of magic learned.

After receiving the space equipment, the students went to the back room to change their clothes. Putting on the clothes made by the teacher, I don't know why. In everyone's heart, the joy of obtaining space equipment has faded, as if that's irrelevant. And the fur on his body, that warmth straight into people's hearts.

Ye Linna caressed the soft fur on her body, and suddenly shed tears.

She grew up with both parents and her sister-in-law had been very good to her. However, her brother suddenly died, and her sister-in-law could not maintain her family's business. Fortunately, he entered the Academy of Magic and paid for his family. The sister-in-law also moved into the floating city and took the money from the Academy to make soup and snacks every day for a living.

However, life is still difficult. She has no money, and her sister-in-law's money is only enough for her own life. She can hardly afford anything. She can only study hard and have a scholarship.

Such clothes are usually only enviable for others to wear. The stubbornness and pride in her heart make her refuse to show it. But why do girls dislike beautiful clothes and precious ornaments?

But no, she still borrowed a lot of gold coins at school to use for her studies, which she would have to repay in the future.

She is grateful to the school, because if it is not at the Tenth School of Magic, it is almost impossible for her to want to read to the present level. Although all schools do not charge tuition fees, what about the money for your experiment? What about the money to buy materials? Where did it all come from?

The college has already waived most of her expenses, and there is nothing to complain about.

She was more grateful to the teacher and opened a door for her to tell her that there are more worlds outside the world. Tell her that the magician's pursuit can be higher than the gods.

"Not going back to the dormitory tonight, everyone went to the small theater to camp, and they will be out tomorrow."

There is no ceiling in the theater, and there is wind, and the snow is almost filled inside. After the students arrived, they started to clean up. Even the youngest Mila also took the tool and took care of it herself. Part of the snow was pulled out and piled up in front of the door, blocking the wind that was pouring into the small theater.

The snow above is reinforced by ice magic, which is equivalent to having a cover, and icicles are created around it, surrounding the small theater and supporting a dome.

Sanger climbed the dome himself. He was the heaviest and walked a few laps on the dome. It felt no problem, and the students entered the small theater. It was still dawn, and everyone did not know what to do next, so they all looked at the monitor.

Ye Linna said: "Since the teacher asked to camp here, it must have begun the trial. Sanger, you take people to patrol outside. Feng, you set up magic alarms and traps around you, Suarez, you take your People meditate now, rest, and you are responsible for the night watch. "

Ye Linna stayed in the small theater, and opened a hole in the back window, which was blocked with soft snow as a back road. Sanger took his squad to investigate the situation outside, arranged the patrol route, even where he often came, he did it meticulously.

The teacher said that most of the people who were assassinated died in his familiar environment.

The familiar environment is convenient, but it is also easy for people to relax their vigilance.

Ye Linna surrounded the kitchen with snow outside the small theater, set a fire, and let her team prepare to eat. Twenty-four people in a class, eating is also a big deal.

Xiahe has prepared space equipment, in fact, the biggest role is to reserve living supplies.

The temperature on the ice field can be minus thirty-four degrees during the day. It is best to have a tent and be buried in the snow without fear of being crushed. The ground should have a cold-proof layer, the sleeping bag should be light enough, and the clothes should be easy to change.

There are many plants on the ice field in summer, but few are suitable for heating and igniting, most of them are annual, and the wild grass will not be too high. The perennial magic plant is also low, with roots up, and enters dormancy after winter. Although the magician has the convenience of fire magic, he must also consider the problem of mana saving.

In case of danger, the magic power is exhausted, and it is miserable to fail to get fire.

Xiahe came to the small theater camp at night, and Eva and two lecturers also came here.

Xiahe opened the magic tent, and even before laying the alchemy stone slab, Eva squeezed in ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Hey, it is not convenient for you to live here. "Xiahe is about to catch people.

"Can't you let me squeeze a tent with those two men?" Eva looked bitter.

"I am also a man."

"Medi Li is there." Eva was quite worried about gossip, but the big knight beside Xia He knew no one was easy to get along with. If she was there, there would be no messy words.

"You live at the door, and you are responsible for vigilance." Xiahe looked disgusted. In his tent, he usually lived in Freya or Medirelli. In addition, only Cotton Jack was closer, his magic knight.

Eva did not care, she did not have a magic tent, only a magic sleeping bag, not too safe, and the insulation is definitely not as good as Xiahe. If you dislike it, you dislike it. It is better to live with those two disgusting guys.

"I camped here in advance, one for the preview, and the other is to worry about someone starting the students, such as poisoning in the diet. I also don't trust those two guys, what are they called?" Xiahe pointed with his finger. The tent of the two lecturers.

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