Daomen Invasion

Chapter 152: : Honor badge

"Matt and Bruce, Lecturer in lower class, 25th grade. EΩ small" say Ww "W.┡1XIAOSHUO.COM"

"You don't have to think too much, neither of them can harm anyone." Xiahe said calmly.

Eva has a toothache. Do two 25th-level magicians have no threat in the eyes of a 15th-level magician? But at the moment when Asra and Freya joined forces to kill the Wolf King, she thought the Blood Mage was right. Asla's combat ability is too strong, and he has no experience of how much life and death is fighting.

And these two teachers are not too young and have no hope of advanced epic.

"You have a good rest, I have to work tonight." Xiahe didn't care that Eva was in the tent. He now has a complete grasp of how to make magical equipment. Even if he mixes Taoism into it, he will not be rejected by the laws of this world. This is his biggest gain.

The soul has been completely accepted by this world, and even the laws carried in the soul have been accepted.

The students were unhappy and a little jerky. At about night, Ye Linna said outside the tent: "Teacher, we are making good food."

"Here it is." Xiahe threw things on the alchemy stone, he was decomposing a kind of magic, breaking the hell. If this magic is made into a scroll, the cost can't be reduced, Xiahe can't really break the rules. In this trial, he also hopes that students can better use their own strength.

The equipment he provided can not be used as much as possible, but the Griffin Temple has risks. These are life-saving things for students.

The Scroll of Hellfire can release a blaze. The attributes are basically the same as the flames in the broken Fire Hell. If it is burned on the body, it will continue to burn and stick and cannot be rid of.

The Griffin Temple used to be the site of the Frost Giant, and Frost Elves might be born. This kind of biological defense is extremely powerful, if you use the wind blade to cut, it will be very desperate.

In the tent made by Xiahe, the ground was covered with oilcloth, and the students sat on the floor waiting for Xiahe.

After Xiahe came in, he did not invite the two lecturers to come. He wanted to call people, but he stopped the idea. Because in the following trial tasks, the teacher and the student are separated and cannot provide any help.

Eva and Medirelli didn't come either, just to stop the two people's mouths.

Xiahe also sat down and looked at the students who were surrounded by herself, a little happy. Although there are no Taoist students here, the magic he teaches also contains the truth of the Dao.

Xiahe took the wine glass passed by Elena and held it in her hand, saying: "Every teacher wants their students to grow up and mature as soon as possible. But today, I have a little hope in my heart, no matter where you are in the future, No matter what position you are going to take, no matter what new ideals you have, do n’t forget today. Today, you are still immature, what you want in your mind, too much is unrealistic, you are mutually friendly, willing to trust each other ...

Xiahe's toast was very long. After he finished speaking, he raised his glass and drank it.

"We also wish the teacher ..." Elena raised her glass and looked at the classmates around her, saying: "Bless the teacher can accomplish his ideals, and can spread his ideals throughout the deep space!"

"The teacher's ideals will spread throughout the deep space!"

Xia He laughed, put down his cup, and said, "From tomorrow on, you will take care of yourself. Remember what I taught you. Don't panic or cry when you encounter anything. You are magicians, the only one who needs awe, Is the truth. There is nothing else. "

When Xiahe walked out of the tent, his heart was warm. No matter what the future was, there were some children who wished their ideals to spread throughout the deep space of the universe.

Xiahe didn't eat with the students. This time, he camped in the small theater in advance. One is to prevent trouble, such as someone throwing a black hand and poisoning the canteen. The magician's toxins are also unpredictable. The students can't detect them at all, and they don't need to poison people. Letting you lose magic power or feel unwell after a few days.

The second point is to enter the task state ahead of time, one day earlier is an advantage.

Xiahe returned to his magic tent and continued to refine his miniature scrolls. Eva was also bored, so she ran to the alchemy slab and asked Xiahe east and west. Xiahe picked up what she was able to say, and she didn't shy away from it.

"I haven't seen this magic, Asla, there are so many strange things in you."

"There are so many things you haven't seen." Xiahe disagrees. Even Juno College, in his eyes, can't compare with the first-class institutions of the Shenzhou Empire, let alone compare with Daogong.

"You tell me the principle?" Eva persevered. She really didn't understand what Xiahe made. It looked simple and cheap.

"I'm trying to split the magic. This scroll is part of Broken Fire Hell. It can stick the flame to the enemy until the fire element is consumed."

"Why not turn it into magic and teach it to students? This is very useful!"

"Broken Hell itself is a range magic. It is useful on the battlefield or in a closed environment. If it is faced with a high enemy, even if it is enveloped, the effect is very bad. The split part cannot be projected at a distance. Magic, I will definitely not use this. If you transform it into a scroll, you will be able to attack targets within a range of more than 30 meters. "

"You said, can my soul magic be split?"

"Yes, that was only possible when it was legendary. Did you still think about splitting at that time?"

"Why can you make such a good reel with a piece of broken wood?"

"Broken wood chips? This is the material of the old tree of life. Is it good? If it is not too long, the price will turn a lot."

"Can I help?"

"Want to learn my magic, I will talk about it later."


"This is a mission item. When you first learn, the failure rate is very high, which will increase the cost. They have few gold coins left. I can't break the rules."

"So, are you willing to teach me magic?" Eva smiled and narrowed her eyes, Xiahe sighed.

"You can't learn anything at Juno College. The Greens also have powerful magicians."

"There is something special about you that no one else has."

"Everyone is special and irreplaceable."

"Yes, this is what you think is different from others!" Eva cried excitedly, repeating what Xiahe said.

Xiahe no longer cares that he speaks differently from others. He dives into the world completely and can do a big job.

No, it ’s just a little bit, Freya ’s cover is not perfect, but he still has **** seeds, and he can fully cultivate four more gods. Freya can take an elite without commanding the army.

Bang! boom!

The sound of heavy footsteps shocked the alert students outside.

The earth was shaking, the sky was gray, the moonlight was gone, and an indescribable breath came.

"There is Warcraft!"


With a mouth drawn, Suarez said angrily: "How does the teacher teach you! Is that Warcraft? That's the headmaster!"


The headmaster seemed to be reluctant to go step by step, and simply made a jump. The figure fell outside the small theater. Blizzard was flying, and all the snow exploded at this moment and rushed to the sky.

The snow cover on the small theater fell, and the tent made by Xiahe withstood the test, and none of them rotted.

Xiahe couldn't help crying and burst out of the snowdrift.

"Master, why are you here?" Xia He looked at the behemoth in front of him. He didn't want to laugh, but felt horrified.

"You also know that I am the principal, this school, wherever I want to go."

Jennifer is not teaching Xia He, but is stating a matter that is no more reasonable. Xiahe listened, thoughtfully.

"But outside of the school, I can't control it." The headmaster sighed, a rough breath spewed out, as if it were a flame, and the temperature in the air suddenly increased a lot.

Xiahe awe-inspiring, the principal, let alone release magic, can kill people with just a few breaths.

He has seen a lot of legendary powerhouses, and this is the first time he has encountered such a weird one.

The principal, Jennifer, is more like a warrior. Xiahe can't see any magic equipment on her except for the magic rope tied to the dense whip. And her power is much more horrible than the original enchanted battleship. Is this still a magician?

What would happen if she released magic?

"Bring the money bag."

Xiahe just hesitated and took out the money bag of the goddess of wealth and threw it to the headmaster.

The principal's sturdy fingers pinched the purse and grinned.

"What about the gods, but that's it." Then, she wrapped the purse in her hands and rubbed it vigorously, but for a moment, the purse was pinched into a badge by her.

Xiahe changed color, he determined that it was a legendary warrior, and he was not as powerful as the headmaster. Change the material structure with bare hands? That indestructible purse ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiahe tried to destroy it with many methods, but to no avail, the principal rubbed it with his hands, and it turned into a golden badge.

Jennifer took a closer look, and seemed unsatisfied with the pattern on the badge. She put the golden badge in her mouth again and bit it with her teeth.

The cold in Xiahe's heart, the headmaster's style is really ...

"To you." The principal gave Xiahe the badge with his saliva sticking on. Xiahe took it in his hands. The first thing was to use his consciousness to explore the structure.

"I don't understand, I will understand it after you have a legend. This is the badge of honor, thank you for your contribution to the Tenth Academy of Magic. You can store a magic on it, no matter how complicated and what laws are involved, you can accommodate it. As long as you can master this magic. "

"Is legendary magic possible?" Xiahe was surprised.

"The material is not good, it can only hold legendary magic below level 60."

Xiahe was almost going to worship this woman. How many times did she bite her teeth? She may not be weaker than Heinrich. Why is she willing to be the principal in such a place?

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