Daomen Invasion

Chapter 153: : Arrogance

Xiahe has seen more powerful equipment than this badge, and has seen more bizarre things, but Jennifer ’s technique is really too arbitrary, which means that she has control of the law to the extent of being close to the demigod The priesthood may have a deep understanding of the realm of God. ΩE 小 Δ said WWW. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

Speaking of the materials and techniques of the equipment, the Taiyin mirror hidden in the Xiahe Shenfu can kill most of the artifacts in this world.

However, it was created by the immortal palace of Taiyin Xianfu, and I do n’t know how many generations of fairy people have repeatedly pondered.

Even the magic fire flying raven rune in the God Mansion exists as an artifact.

But it's still not as practical as this thing. At least in this world, the value of this badge is too great. The ability to store magic below level 60 is still limited by materials.

More importantly, it can store all reasonable magic, including Palm Thunder.

"Okay, you say to Eva, that thing will be given to her, don't need to return it to me, so as not to say that I am stingy. The people of the Green family always care about it, no aristocratic look." , Not long-winded, turned away and left, and the sound of rumbling came from the ground.

Xiahe didn't understand, she could fly ...

Forget it, why do you think so much, maybe she looks more scary when she flies?

Xiahe fantasizes, Lord Jennifer flew into the sky, the world changes color, the elements are surging, and the law is turbulent. It seems that it is better to walk on two legs.

But this is also the headmaster is warning some people, don't mess with yourself.

Instead, Xiahe was even more uneasy, because he knew that once a person became mad, no warning would be of any use, but would make him even more crazy.

There is more than one legend in the North, and Andusias must not use it indiscriminately. What is the use of storing a magic in the face of epic power?

Xiahe pinched the badge of honor, messy in the wind, and there was saliva on the badge from the headmaster, feeling greasy.

It is only now that Xiahe has discovered that the water in the north is so deep that even a strong man like Jennifer cannot do whatever she wants. The nobles of the North should not be as weak as they seem. Otherwise, your threats have long since worked.

Now that the headmaster has come forward to endorse himself, what does that mean?

The students began to dig up the snow and rearrange the camp. The headmaster and adults were taking a temporary lecture to allow everyone to exercise to deal with the temporary troubles.

The tents of the two lecturers collapsed, and the two were also shaken by the power of the principal when they fell. Xiahe was concerned, and Matt and Bruce were ashamed. They pushed back to prepare the tent and walked away.

Xiahe looked at the backs of these two guys and couldn't help sneering.

It seems to be a ghost. If the two of you dare to come back, don't blame your death too badly in the future.

When Xiahe came to this world, he was neither doing good nor destroying the world, but he didn't need much evidence to show his enemies. The two guys were frightened by the headmaster. If they refused to come back after going back, there would be a rescue.

After a night of rest, the students prepared breakfast and invited Xiahe to eat together.

The camp was quickly packed and everything was packed away. The place to go is at the North Gate Square of the college. Here is usually a station. Xiahe saw a lot of sledges parked on the square. It was huge in size. There were beast pens on the west side. They were all closed and surrounded by walls.

Eva had already fixed everything. After Xiahe inspected the reindeer and sledge, and determined that there was no risk, the students got on the bus.

There are six people in one car, and the huge reindeer is Warcraft. Only one head can drive this sledge.

The sledge has a huge metal bracket, and the carriage is made of tough bamboo, and a lot of sacks are placed on it, which are filled with reindeer rations.

Twenty-four people, four sledge-type carts, three separate Xiahe cars, which are even larger and pulled by four reindeer. Xiahe did not rush out, but took a bag out of the Dragon and Tiger Dao to feed each reindeer. The beans he prepared have been cooked with magic liquid, which can make Warcraft's resistance stronger.

There are many days to go along this path, and getting sick is also a terrible thing.

"Professor Asla, we are late!"

To the south of the station, Matt and Bruce hurriedly rushed in, and they also used a mantra.

"It's not too late, not late for reincarnation." Xiahe replied vaguely.

When two middle-aged magicians came to him and wanted to get on Xiahe's car, Medirelli reached out.

"Professor Asla, what do you mean?" Matt and Bruce looked at Xiahe with a displeased expression on their faces.

"If you want to take a car and rent it yourself, I think you two are too dirty." Medieri said, hurting her, but she looked indifferent, without any expression of abandonment.

"Asla, are you trying to cheat?"


Xiahe's mage's hand was drawn **** Matt's face, and Matt's face was swollen on both sides.

"Professor defamation, I really have you. Yesterday I ordered camping. The two of you had no hardships and ran to merry. I will write this report and give it to Principal Jenny Flower for evaluation.

"Asla, we don't mean that."


Xiahe's mage's hand was drawn on Bruce's face again, and Bruce's right half face was also swollen.

"Why did you hit me!" Bruce clutched his face, grievously wronged, and he did not slander Asla.

"For symmetry."

Xia He was arrogant, Bruce's eyes widened, looking at the young associate professor, he never thought he would answer that way. He was beaten just because Matt's face was swollen, and Asra pursued symmetry, so he slapped him smoothly.

"Is it wrong?" Xiahe looked at Bruce.

"Got it." Bruce looked down.

"Then tell me, what's wrong with you?"

The students of Xiahe were already in the car. After hearing this, they all turned their heads and laughed.

Bruce was finally a little quick-witted, and said, "Matt, he is irrational to the professor. I said he didn't mean that. This is nonsense."

"That's a good reason!" Xiahe applauded. "Give you two ten minutes to hire a deer cart yourself. I only have to wait ten minutes."

The two magicians hurriedly went to find the car, and Xiahe sneered.

If you don't fight like this, you can't save anyone if you want to die.

This is not what Eva saw, and she despised those two magicians. A fifteenth-level magician in Xiahe, who had made two consecutive attacks, did not avoid them. This kind of magician is on the battlefield, I am afraid that the first batch will die. Sure enough, the academic school is not as good as the actual school.

Xiahe's car has a lot of space. It was originally a luxury car with a ten-person seat. Now it only seats three people, so it looks quite spacious.

"I didn't expect you to enjoy it." Eva got into the car and simply lay down and rolled over.

"This car can pull enough casualties." Medieri said coldly.

Eva turned over and started, quickly apologizing to Xiahe.

"She talked nonsense. Actually, it was because the car was strong that I made you decide that it can withstand the magic array of sound insulation. What we do in the car can't be heard outside."

Eva was embarrassed. She really didn't know how the people of Asra got together. The rhythm of the speech couldn't be picked up at all. She didn't care about her good intentions or her hostility. Fortunately, Asra can talk to herself about magic.

If not, this trial task is too boring.

The reindeer is a World of Warcraft, controlled by a magic whistle, Ye Linna let a car walk in the front, and the rest of the cars followed, and the convoy lined up and drove out of the station.

The sound of metal rails touching the ground is slight, the reindeer's hooves are cured with hoof irons, they have spikes, and they run very quickly in the snow and ice.

Matt and Bruce hired a four-person car and followed behind the team. They knew that Asra probably would not feed them. They had to buy a lot and put it on the car.

The car rushed out of the north of the floating city, a huge slope, the reindeer ran happily with its four hooves, without worrying about balance.

In the four-person car, Matt and Bruce sat face to face, looking at the bruise on each other's faces, and there was strong anger in their eyes.

"No wonder Pasares must kill him, this man is so arrogant, if he becomes the dean of the branch, where is our life!" Matt gritted his teeth.

"But it's not easy to do it. The dean gave him a badge yesterday, which can store legendary magic."

"It's not the two of us, the owner is afraid of killing him. If he is just injured and fails to die, we will take the opportunity to start."

"Are you sure, we two are not dead ghosts?" Bruce also looked ahead.

"Of course there are dead ghosts, but not the two of us. After all these years, don't you believe me?" Matt comforted his companion. Bruce nodded vigorously, feeling his skin still hurt.

"You can't hesitate to do this, you'll do it thoroughly." Matt made a gesture of annihilation.

"What? You want!"

"No one stays, otherwise, you will always find out."

"The chick of the Green family is going to kill too?"

"Not only to kill ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but also the pain of letting her die, otherwise how could the Greens be angry. You don't want to rob me, the Mediel Li is mine, I like her so little Feeling. "Matt's eyes gleamed with a beast-like light, not at all the usual promise.

Bruce felt a bit chilly, but the two knew each other from an early age, and the chill was soon dispelled by his heart.

Matt won't hurt me, he is my best friend.

In Xiahe's car, Eva asked, "Asla, where are you going to start?"

"No hurry, there is a supply point for the empire before reaching the Griffin Temple. Those who can't walk together, die before they reach their destination. Let's talk in the ruins."

Eva was a little excited, she hadn't killed anyone yet, and now Xiahe was talking about murder at random, she had no sense of guilt.

In her instinct, the two guys were damn, if they were not dead, they would be in trouble.

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