Daomen Invasion

Chapter 154: : Just youth

There is a windshield in front of the deer cart. The reindeer is only controlled by magic whistle. In this weather, no driver can sit outside and drive. E "┡ Novel WWW" W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

The four cars of the students were all on alert. Ye Linna looked at the road ahead through the windshield, and suddenly she put on her goggles and stood up. Her body was immediately higher than the wind hood, and the cold, biting wind blew, and her face felt like a knife.

She is an elite magician, this is the feeling. If it is an ordinary person, not a professional, the face will be numb after the wind blows, and the skin will be necrotic in a short time.

On the ice field, the most terrible thing is that you can't feel the cold and the temperature.

Because at that time, the **** of death has come.

The cold wind threw his face, Ye Linna blessed herself with a wind feather technique, the soft wind element formed a barrier in front of her, and the wind with fine snow bypassed her skin surface.

The companion in the car saw Ye Linna's head pulling two white lines, which was a foot long. But the wind with snow stuck to two invisible feathers behind her head.

Just like Xiahe cast the Void Feather that day, Ye Linna's wind feather technique is not so powerful yet, she can only change two feathers. Soon, these two feathers were attached to the snow, showing their shape.

The vehicle was galloping, behind Ye Linna's head, two white feathers were dragging, more than two feet long.

Seeing this scene, other students also gave playful thoughts, one by one trying to stand in front of the car, blessing themselves with the wind feather technique.

Xiahe sensed it and just smiled.

Eva asked him: "You said, if these students, after experiencing the prosperity of the imperial capital, will they still have the mood to play in this cold wind? It was originally meaningless."

Xiahe disagreed, saying: "Not everyone will be changed by the prosperity of the world."

"You believe them so much?"

"I just don't want to imagine things that haven't been born yet. The snow and ice in the north is really easy to build a person's personality. When they are finalized, and then go anywhere, you will have the temperament of today. Look at Mediel Li, will it change because of the prosperity of the imperial capital? "

Eva is speechless, Medirelli is the exception, OK?

"You can't expect everyone to do it because you can't do it, and then your cowardice is justified. Eva, am I right?"

Eva gritted her teeth, and this time she came to the North, it was the last time she tried to get rid of the influence of the family.

However, she often felt powerless, and the political power center of the imperial capital affected the entire empire. She felt that no matter where she went, she was still under the control of the family.

She said that in the Imperial City, breathing is difficult.

A group of young magicians giggled in the cart pulled by the reindeer, dragging various air feathers behind them. Others simply changed the wind feather technique, instead of using the shape of feathers, but pulled up a large flag behind them. The flag was just white at first, and soon there was a pattern on it.

Xiahe also saw Feng behind him, and turned into a snow-condensed eagle, which was only a foot long and not very clear, but with wings spread, he was waving and flapping hard.

That's right, this is Xiahe's control.

Mastering a magic, not only can be completely released, but also includes local changes to this magic, strength changes, and shape control.

The wind feather technique of these students has already been practiced well, and will soon be able to contact the feather of the void.

Matt and Bruce heard yelling outside in the car, the more angry they were in their hearts. These students, if they continue to grow, will soon overtake them.

They have worked hard for so many years, but they can't compare to a group of little fart children.

Only because the school focuses on training them, giving them all kinds of good opportunities and various preferential treatments. If he had such treatment at that time, no matter how old he was, he would only be at level 25, a mediocre life, and nothing would be accomplished. Can only teach some common sense to the students in the lower grades.

Yes, as lecturers, the course is very simple, it is a lot of common sense.

No need for level 25, just a level 5 magician can do the job.

"Bruce, I'm going to take a break." Matt's eyes were red, he put on earplugs and blindfolds, and lay down on the seat.

The car pulled by this reindeer will follow the car in front and also know the road of the ice field. But there must be someone in the car, holding a magic whistle, to avoid accidents.

Matt forced to sleep, and Bruce had to hold the magic whistle and looked out the window.

The more youthful and bright the students are, the more painful his heart is because of jealousy. His youth will never come back, and he has no chance of coming back. This life is doomed.

However, on the barren ice field, there was no warcraft to attack. The reindeer ran high. They had their own memories, bypassing a dangerous crack of the ice field, and heading north.

Ye Linna, the students, returned to the car after playing for a while. Everyone knows that to save the magic power, even if the wind feather technique is not expensive, you can't be complacent.

At noon, Ye Linna did not stop, let the students eat in the compartment, eat some dry food and drink some water.

She was meticulous, and according to what Xiahe taught, let the students eat in batches.

There are always some people who need to stay alert, even if this place is just the edge of the ice sheet.

Running until the sky was getting late, Ye Linna blew the magic whistle, the reindeer slowed down, and soon stopped.

"Ready to camp!" Ye Linna's voice spread throughout the team.

Xiahe ignored them and lay in the car, letting the students swing. Eva walked out of the car and saw that the students got out of the car. Someone formed a team and looked around. The area is endless and flat, without any ups and downs, but the students soon showed a crack under the snow.

The vehicle was towed to the crack, and the students dug the snow to build the camp.

Tents were set up, the reindeer was detached from the car, and pulled to the center of the camp. The students used snow to set up camp walls around to block the wind on the ice field. Although the reindeer is a World of Warcraft, it is extremely tired after a day of running. After eating one by one, it fell on the wooden planks of the students and began to sleep.

The students set fire, build a kitchen, lay a passage underground, and guide the heat of the stove pit under the tent.

There is only soil in this crack. If it is changed to another place, it is impossible to use this method for heating.

Seeing that the surrounding magic traps had been arranged, Xiahe knew it was all right, so he took the magic tent and laid it down not far from the camp.

Matt and Bruce had no choice but to park their car next to Xiahe's car and set up a tent next to it.

From now on, they are just observers, unable to communicate with students, and cannot provide help to any students.

There were two camps, Xiahe's magic tent, which was more than 300 meters away from the students' camp. When Suarez led a patrol, he paid attention to the teacher's tent.

Eva went around in a circle, making sure Matt and Bruce were honest, before returning to Xiahe's magic tent.

The camp on the other side of the trainees was very lively, and the tent was deserted.

"I'll get you some food." Eva couldn't help it.

Neither Xiahe nor Medieri spoke, and Eva was depressed, and placed a crucible on Xiahe's alchemy stone.

"What are you doing!" Xiahe is drawing magic lines on a piece of Warcraft leather.

"Fuck it."

"I'm not hungry."

"I'm hungry!"

Xia He stopped working in his hand and looked at Eva. Eva started to fire, took food, put down the real thing in the magic crucible, and began to heat with magic flame.

Xia He smiled and said to Eva: "What's wrong, I'm not happy when I see the busy children?"

"Why am I not happy!"

"Because they are young, you are already old."

Eva grabbed a fruit and threw it hard at Xiahe. Xiahe reached for it and took a bite in his mouth. The extremely sour juice poured out, and his mouth seemed to be electrocuted.

"Bah! What's this?" Xia He's expression looked dumbfounded.

"Poison kiss fruit, haven't heard of it?"

Xiahe shook his head, and Eva reached out and took back the bitter bitter kissed fruit in his hand, saying: "This is a seasoning, although it is not expensive, but it is very rare, but it is produced somewhere, and the local people cook meat paste It will be used when it is used. In fact, it also has a detoxifying effect, which can keep the food fresh and taste. "

"You're so fooled, you must be lonely at ordinary times." Medelly suddenly said something like a god-like stabbing.

"Medi Li, you are not allowed to say that, Eva is not a complaint."

Eva would like to smash the crucible on Asla's face, what word is this? Wife!

"Speaking of ... these two guys are the true blame." Xia He pointed to Matt and Bruce's tent not far away.

"It's waste." Eva said fiercely.

"It's not particularly wasteful, the magician of level 25."

"Under my hand, I can't live for three seconds." Eva urged the flames, and at the same time threw the poison kiss fruit into the pot.

"Do n’t underestimate the enemy, the 25th-level magician can barely urge the epic scroll ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Unless they take medicine, they want to urge the epic scroll, at least ten seconds. It takes two or three seconds. "

"So weak?" Xiahe didn't understand.

"Weaker than you think, not to mention them ... what do you mean!"

"It's nothing. I suddenly thought of a recipe, a spirit-reinforcing potion." Xiahe said, putting away the Warcraft skin and no longer drawing the magic lines. He began to set up a heating furnace, test tubes, crucibles, and prepare medicinal materials.

"Medication for mental stability? What?"

"Make the magician's mental power exceptionally stable in a short period of time, and there will never be a state of uncontrollability. Of course, in this state, there is no way to let the mental power burst."

"For them?" Eva was very interested. If Xiahe had taken this potion, if those two guys took it, there would be absolutely no way to excite the powerful epic scroll in the short term, or even some frequent spells.

Asra, in a blink of an eye, you can think of how it hurts ...

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