Daomen Invasion

Chapter 155: : The first task

Cold has the advantage of allowing meat to be preserved for a long time at a very small cost. Δ┡E 'Novel WWW 『W. ㄟ 1XIAOSHUO. The students of COM Yelena took the frozen leg of lamb from the car and made a fire to roast.

The aroma drifted through, Xiahe's side was okay, Eva was eating, and in the other tent, Matt and Bruce could only nibble the rice crackers and yell.

What is rice cracker? The emergency food for the Arcane Empire is only for the soldiers when they are in a hurry to march. Dry with high-quality rice milk, mix dried vegetables, and cut into pieces. how is the taste? It can only be said that there is a difference in opinion, and in short it is certain to eat undead.

This thing is okay for the first two years. It will give off a musty smell after being stored for a long time. Some people say that it is similar to cheese, and the magician has studied it. It is indeed no harm to the body, and there are many beneficial substances. But can you stand eating insoles? The insole was still taken from the sweaty feet.

The adventurous students eat the leg of lamb, and the teacher responsible for observation eats the insole, which makes the two 25th-level magicians unbearable. Their original idea was to eat and drink with Professor Asla.

However, the other party does not have aristocratic demeanor, so a big car, if you don't give it, don't say it, you still have to mouth your mouth.


A wolf howling came in the distance, and Yelena stood up excitedly from the fire.

Roasted leg of lamb is what the teacher means. There are often ice wolves on the edge of the ice field. There are more than 20 ice wolves in a group, and a small number may have a community of seven or eight heads. The level of the ice wolf is also very low, the head wolf is up to fifteen, usually ten. This kind of Warcraft survival depends on the degree of threat to the magician.

"Eva, you go out and see." Xiahe held Eva's cooked meat soup and vaguely ate while eating.

"Why not Medirley!"

"You can suppress those two guys."

Eva was speechless, and she just boasted that the two guys could not live under her men for three seconds, and now Asla uses this to say things.

Eva was helpless, got out of the tent, and Mediril looked at Xia He and smiled.

When Eva walked out of the magic tent, she saw Matt and Bruce also out of the tent and walked in the direction of the wolves.

Eva was also polite and shouted, "Stop!"

The two shuddered and turned back to see Eva, and Matt said somberly: "We are just ..."

"Just want to interfere with the student's trial, right? I tell you, if you dare to make trouble, don't blame me for being rude." Eva was also a little angry, Asla was not wrong, these two guys are already bad To a certain extent, it is disgusting than I thought.

Medirelli did a great job, and if he was in a car with such a person, he couldn't stand it for a minute.

Matt and Bruce are sluggish, they just want to hit an ice wolf to eat, there are still two or three days away from the supply point, have been eating rice cakes and snow, the two are really going to die. Although they didn't have much money, they didn't suffer so much in school.

Eva said that the ice wolf is the content of the students' trials, which is not wrong.

However, this does not mean that the two of them could not see anything they could eat along the way? Even when it came to the supply point, the things over there were expensive to die, and they didn't have much money.

But they are not afraid of Asra, but they are afraid of Eva.

Eva's level is already a master, and he is the heir of the Green family. They are really right. Both lose and win.

"This is also their trial?" Bruce asked unwillingly.

"Of course, it's all written in the trial plan, didn't you read it?" Eva stared at the two people, and suddenly the difference in appearance between them was quite big.

Matt is a typical northerner, tall, thick skeleton, years left marks on his face. Bruce's maintenance is very good, some noble taste, looks spoiled.

She has never been impressed by these differences in appearance. In her mind, neither of them is worth seeing or remembering. They are all the same person, no matter how different the appearance is, they have the same low soul.

So the other party's impression of her should be very bad, high above, arrogant and rude.

However, he has never cared about the senses of this person, so he has the title of witch.

In Eva's eyes, Matt and Bruce returned to the tent depressed, and even the onlookers did not want to do it.

In the camp, Mila patted a reindeer's neck gently, and let it bow its head. The reindeer's big eyes were shining, his eyelashes were long, and he rubbed Mira with his head.

"Good boy, screaming a few times, let those stupid wolves come over quickly."


The reindeer immediately cried out loudly, it was the leader of the team, and the other deer also cried out loudly. They are not very afraid of wolves at all. After training, these reindeer can even treat cavalry as mounts. When charging together, dozens of levels of Warcraft can be killed.

They also have spirituality, they are the favorite domesticated animals of the northerners, and they can understand simple language.

The ice wolf was attracted by the deer's cries, and the students returned to the camp. The ice wolf ran extremely fast in the snow. Once they felt dangerous, these things would escape.

Three ice wolves walked into the camp from the main entrance, and the students were hiding behind the tent, waiting for the order.

The ice wolf's nose twitched, instead of approaching the reindeer immediately, but with a deep grunt. Two more ice wolves entered. These little things are as big as dogs, with white long hair all over them, and they look like foxes.

Ye Linna judged in her heart that she was the squad leader and the leader of all the teams this time. The first project arranged by the teacher was hunting, and she was in charge of the command.

If you do it now, the prey has only five heads, and the rest may escape. If you don't do it, the prey will attack the reindeer.

"Move trap, ice cone, wind blade!"

Ye Linna still decided to attack immediately, Ice Wolf only practiced hands, and it was the first thing to ensure that the benefits were obtained. This is the first time students have truly faced Warcraft. Any mistakes in actual combat are normal.

And her task is to see these mistakes and try to avoid them.

Frost trap!

The three ice wolves walking in the front, their limbs collapsed suddenly, and the whole was frozen on the ground. Sanger and Feng released the wind blades respectively, accurately cutting off the legs of the two ice wolves. The ice wolf howled, hopping to escape. The ice cones of the remaining students have arrived.

Booming sounds kept coming, and the five ice wolves all fell under the magic attack, one of them was still alive, and made a sad voice.

Outside the camp, the remaining ice wolves hesitated, and the wolf walked around uncomfortably.

Ye Linna judged the distance, and her range of attack was 50 meters away.

"Mila, let two reindeer come out."

"Yes." Mila loosened the rope around the reindeer's neck twice, and Yelena called Sanger, rode the reindeer, and led four people out of the camp.

After rushing out of the camp, six people released the wind blade at the same time. The wolf monster screamed, and a wind blade shot out from the mouth.

Phase Black Ice Shield!

Sanger's hands were fast, and a huge ice shield blocked the wind blade of the wolf. A crack was cut on the ice shield. If it could not be blocked, Yelina's reindeer would be killed by this wind blade.


Ye Linna calculated the distance, and the six fireballs covered the head wolf.

Six small fireballs flew through the air like lightning, and the wolf jumped forward. The fireball seemed to have gravity, and it still accurately fell around it, and then a violent explosion occurred.

"Supplementary attack!" Ye Linna was excited. He and Sanger, the two with the longest magic power, moved the wind blade to the surrounding wolves. The remaining four students released ice cones on the seriously injured head wolf.

The head wolf was killed, and the remaining ice wolves fled into the desert, and they ran out of the attack area of ​​the students.

Ye Linna patted on the top of the reindeer's head, not letting it chase, and the rest of the students naturally dared not take risks. When they are together, killing these low-level Warcraft is still very easy. Once the order is placed, it changes from a hunter to a prey.

The wolf was burnt in half, the skull was cut by the wind blade, and blood was dripping on all four legs.

Ye Linna got off the reindeer, checked her prey, and couldn't help shaking her head.

The fur is ruined, and you can only eat meat.

But there is no way. The wolf's wind blade is still very powerful. If it is not killed as soon as possible, the students will suffer casualties. Sanger's phase Xuanbing Shield has the strongest defense, and has been cracked by the wolf's wind blade.

The small fireball technique is really powerful. These dozens of World of Warcraft, once covered, will be seriously injured. What would it look like if the teacher burst into stars?

The students watched the body of the wolf and were very excited.

The remaining wolves ran more than a thousand meters away. In the magical tent, a purple arc lit up and twisted into 180 degrees in the air, hitting an ice wolf. A huge ice cone.

After Xiahe killed an ice wolf, the voice came from the magic tent.

"Yelina, you did a good job. I will give you a task to cook an ice wolf for the teacher ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Eva saw Xiahe's purple ice cone outside the tent and was shocked.

An attack more than a thousand meters away, this is an ability only epic!

Although this skill has flaws, but at such a long distance, you have to be very careful to not be locked by Asra's magic. If every action has to guard against the enemy's attack, it will not be able to get up quickly. If you want to defeat Asla, you must be within a short distance.

However, Asra's melee skills seem to be terrifying.

Whether it is a gold symbol or a summoned warhammer, lethality is difficult to resist with your own defensive magic.

Damn, this kid is planting seeds for his own soul, and if he is hostile to him later, he can easily be drilled into the gap. Eva is good at soul magic and is certainly familiar with this routine. She used it many times when tossing others. The two idiots haven't seen this scene, if they see it ...

Ye Linna saw her teacher's dignity and admired her heart. She greeted Sanger, and she got on the reindeer again. With a group of students, she slowly walked towards the distant body of the ice wolf.

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