Daomen Invasion

Chapter 157: :fortress

Medelly closed her eyes, and the Imperial Witch was also tortured by adults. Δ 』』 』E Novel W『 W. ㄟ 1XIAOSHUO. COM

A mage who is good at the magic of the soul system, a guy who can use the false realm in the twenty-odd level, is not yet hooked. It's not right, it seems that he has also gotten into an adult's thief ship. When did it start?

Medirley thought hard and meditated. She was let by the teacher to let her into the door of Asla. However, adults can be said to be doing her best to give her more, even more than these students.

"What do I want?" Xia He smiled.

"You laugh like this, certainly not a good word."

"I want both inside and outside the light cone." Xiahe said casually.

"I knew you would be nonsense." Eva's expression was so true. Medieri opened her eyes and closed them again. This stupid woman didn't believe in the dreams of adults.

What is a light cone? This topic is very big, but Xiahe said that he wants everything except the light cone. How can this be?

The gods are only controlling the law within the scope of the cone of light. This is an arrangement of fate.

All time masters and space masters understand the truth that light is the fastest, and everything our eyes see is transmitted by light. When you see a thing, it is alive and unchangeable.

Among the meanings of Xiahe, at least one thing, Eva can understand, he wants to be more gods.

At the same time, he also wanted to change his destiny.

Such magicians are not without, but many have been born in history, but without exception, they have failed, leaving enough warning to future generations.

"Okay, anyway, the Northland doesn't attract me much. If there is such an opportunity in the future, I will help you clean up the northern nobility. You will provide me with soldiers, food, and armament.

"It's so good to say that early." Eva breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's not that simple. I must have the right to recruit troops in the Northland and the right to buy food independently. Are you willing to do all this?"

"You don't want a mine?"

"You still leave it to your majesty, otherwise you think you can really occupy the north?"

"It's still early, Asla, I suddenly realized that the prospects you have given will take decades to realize." Eva regained her senses. Asra said better, it must be Count only when you get it. The whole Northland? Even if he himself was dubbed the Duchess, there is no possibility of complete control.

There are three provinces in the north, with a vast area. Many of the empires in Green Forest 6 do not have such a large area.

If the emperor wanted to solve the noble group in the north, how could he support a giant, it would be more difficult to control the situation.

The team rested for a while in the afternoon. They did not camp, but replenished the reindeer with food, drank hot water, and then continued their journey. Twenty-nine people and six vehicles arrived at the only supply point of the empire on the ice field late on the 15th.

The supply point is built under a male city, which looks small and bleak.

"This is the Woods Fortress." Eva pointed to the Xiongcheng Road more than 100 meters high.

Xiahe knew about the Woods fortress, but he hadn't thought about how the fortress operated so well. In the sky, there were large airships waiting to land, and various small airships came and went frequently, all coming back from the north and then flying out.

At that time, the empire cleared the ice field, dispatched many legendary mages, and hundreds of thousands of troops, and built a lot of fortresses on the ice field. Icefield creatures were hit hard, and the north settled down completely.

Later, the royal family kept one of them, the Woods fortress, which nominally prevented the icefield creatures from recovering, and actually used this fortress to raise troops. The nobles in the north had to provide material support. The food and raw coal here consumed a lot every year.

There are 30,000 elite soldiers stationed here, as well as a royal mage regiment.

The number of people serving these troops, about a hundred thousand, lives in the fortress of Woods. Not only that, but here is also a place to store supplies, storing a lot of more expensive fuels, such as liquid amber, and more expensive magic spar.

These materials were sent from the northern nobles year after year and piled up like mountains.

However, these costs must be paid. At first, the north was harassed by the creatures on the ice sheet. It was basically a bitter cold place, and no one was willing to survive here. Therefore, the northern nobles invited the emperor to send troops to clear the wasteland. These conditions have been agreed before.

After the ice sheet was cleared, the population of the three northern provinces increased.

If the nobles turned their faces and did not recognize people, His Majesty the Emperor did not mind war, and many nobles in the South would also happily participate. Although the population in the north is small, the minerals are still abundant, the land is easy to plant, and the harvest is very good every year.

Everyone knows that the royal family maintains a fortress on the ice field and raises 30,000 elite soldiers, which is definitely not aimed at any ice field creatures. But the nobles in the north must admit their accounts.

"It costs a lot of money!" Xia He looked at the busy airship in the sky, and also admired.

"There is not much to share, do you really think that the northern nobles cannot afford a tenth magic academy?"

Xia He smiled, this kind of thing, there is no need to guess, just see the headmaster and adults will understand. A legendary strongman cannot change anything in the school.

Dare to threaten the Frost Rose family, but there are many nobles in the north, and there should be legendary strongmen sitting in town.

So, the headmaster, too?

The team entered the replenishment point, and soon the team followed, another class of students. The leader Xia He is also familiar with it, is a professor called Guge, an epic master of the 35th level. It sounds famous, but this old man should have no chance of being promoted to legend, and there is not much life left.

Guge and Xiahe have a good relationship. Recently Xiahe is also in a large class, and Guge is half a partner.

The old man laughed all day long, not competing for fame and profit, and was very popular. He taught a small class 5 alone, and this time brought 28 students.

"Asla, you are so fast. I slept for more than half an hour and I didn't catch up with you." Guge greeted Xiahe on his own initiative.

"I'm stupid. The Griffin Temple has not been cleaned up for many years. Whoever goes early loses."

"How come, there are twenty-level creatures, the teacher can shoot." Guge said happily. This time he is traveling at public expense. Anyway, it is certain that there are no legendary creatures in the temple. If it is just an epic creature, he can cope with it.

"You are proud, but there should be no competition between students, after entering the ruins ..."

"I have no problem with their voluntary team formation."

Xiahe had to huh, huh, five-year-old students, all have passed the tenth grade, how could they be willing to team up with their own students, would be behind.

The old traitor is so cunning.

After Matt and Bruce entered the supply point, and after storing the car and reindeer, they greeted Xiahe and found a hotel. After opening the room, asking for hot water and ordering food, they felt like they were back in the world.

The behavior of the two of them will definitely be lowered after going back, and the content of the trial will also include the part of the observer. As the team leader, Xiahe will surely take note of the discomfort of these two guys. However, they no longer care. Following Xiahe, they can only eat insoles.

The supply point is a small town, but there are many camp areas in it. Xiahe came early and chose a larger area.

According to the rules, the teacher also wants to live here, it is impossible to go to the hotel.

The campsite has fences, pens, toilets, but no houses. The students quickly set up tents, set up defenses, and prepared food. This is considered a safe zone, and generally no danger is encountered. But it is also possible that the senior students sent by the academy to perform tasks will cause you trouble.

Xiahe raised the magic tent and asked Eva: "I heard that the teacher of the college can go to visit Woods Fortress?"

"If you want to apply in advance, the team will stay here for a maximum of two days, and the application will take three days."

Xiahe was disappointed. He wanted to see what the Imperial Fortress was like, especially such a huge thing, and there were countless airships coming and going.

"Teacher, do you want to take a bath?" A student came to the door and asked Xiahe. Although the magician has cleansing, bathing is a pleasure, and the cleaning effect is better. After leaving the supply point, you don't know how many months to toss.

"You wash it." Xiahe hit the students, still thinking about the fortress.

"If you want to see it, it's okay to sneak a glance." Eva looked at Xia He's expression and knew that he didn't give up.


"Some parts of the fortress are still open, you can't go deep, you can observe it with mental strength. The defensive formation here will not be turned on, it is too wasteful of energy, and the legendary mage is not ..."

Xiahe shook his head, so it was not fun to watch it secretly.

"You rest, I'll go sell something." Xiahe didn't lay alchemy slabs when he entered the tent.

"I'll go with you to ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ No need." It was Medieri who was speaking. As soon as she reached out, she stopped Eva.

Eva was a little angry, so she listened to Medirelli: "Don't worry about my grown-ups. My grown-ups have a favorite woman. In addition, I can't stop you if you break out, but I can let you never enter. "

Eva was dumbfounded and was entangled with Asla? Does he have a favorite woman? What's your concern!

However, to explain to Medirelli? Where does this start, there is no need to explain.

The problem was that Medelly's words made her feel terrible. The Great Knight Chief is right, she can't stop herself, but she can refuse to enter this tent again.

Forcibly blocking yourself is like imprisonment, but you can enter by force. That is to break into the magician's territory. No one can say anything if you kill it directly.

why! Why do you always deflate in front of this little girl!

Eva was going crazy, and Medirelli always seemed to be stabbing.

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