Daomen Invasion

Chapter 158: : Harmful

Mediril stopped Eva, of course, Xiahe's advice, the two people are connected by Taolu bracelets, without knowing it. Δ┡E 『Δ『 Fiction Ww ㄟ W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

However, the wording was what Medieri thought, and Xiahe didn't teach her.

Because Xia He felt that his words were definitely not as lethal as Medieri's.

Xiahe walked around the supply point. The current supply point is exactly the same as the information I saw before. Even the street size is extremely fine.

At the end of the supply point, next to the Woods Fortress, looked up, above the majestic city wall, and the protruding fortress with arrow holes below. There were soldiers patrolling the city head, and at a height of more than 100 meters, Xiahe could also hear the heavy footsteps.

What a heavy armor!

However, judging from the frequency with which the soldiers lifted their legs, they did not bear any armor pressure.

All enchanted heavy armor, 30,000 elite soldiers, just a fortress.

The arcane empire is indeed stronger than many countries in the green forest 6. Xiahe also did not sense the breath of the legendary strongman, nor does the epic realm exist, and the Masters should not be alert so frequently.

Xiahe looked at no one on the left and right, and took out the ghost rune from the belt box, and dropped it on the ground, turning it into a little ghost. The little devil fell to the ground and looked up at Xiahe. Xiahe chanted a spell gently. The little devil nodded, his body gradually became transparent, and soon disappeared.

Xiahe sensed that the devil climbed up the city wall and left under the wall.

Even if you apply for a visit, many places are not open, it is better to check it yourself.

Xiahe turned around again at the supply point. There was only one shop in the supply point. The entrance of the shop was marked by the royal family, but there was no badge. This is just the royal family, not the heirs. Xiahe thought of the Lord of the Stormwind City of the Holy Thunder Empire. The emperor put a royal family here, which is a supervising in the clear sense.

Xiahe entered the shop and explained his intentions. Someone led him back, and a 28-level magician came out to negotiate with Xiahe. Xiahe put the items he wanted to sell on the table, and the magician didn't bargain after checking them one by one, so he took the gold coins and gave them to Xiahe.

Xiahe is not surprised, if this price is not charged, here is a complete black shop.

Xiahe mainly sold some spirit-reinforcing potions, and it was the kind with no problem, different from the eight of Pit Matt and Bruce. These are earlier products, and those eight are in the final result. Xiahe will not let students take this kind of thing, and relying on medicine is a bad behavior.

Throwing it to the store is also for cost recovery.

Xiahe didn't buy anything in the shop, things here are several times more expensive than the college. The supply of materials is the only one, and other stores are accommodation and food, and even few sell alcohol.

This is a posture that loves to buy and not to buy, and the supply point is not only for students, but also adventurers who go deep into the ice field.

After selling things, Xiahe returned to the camp and saw Eva and Medirelli chatting happily. It felt incredible. Isn't it poisonous in Medirelli's words, or is Eva's skin too thick?

"Did the two guys come back?" Xia He asked Medieri.

"I went to the store and will definitely not come back." Eva replied.

"I really want to camp now." Xiahe said regretfully, he no longer wanted to toss these two people, so that the students had no time to rest.

"It's good after midnight tomorrow."

"Just listen to you." Xiahe said to Eva.

Although this is Xiahe's idea, Eva was willing to back the pot this time and didn't know much. She realized that she had made a lot of mistakes in the past, such as relying on Asla, but refused to show submission, that could only be regarded as an outsider.

This problem is only found in many ancient nobles, clearly wanting the interests of others, but with a face of charity. She turned out to be the most despised of this kind of person. There are also instructions in the family not to corrupt and fall into those blood noble .

Medieri felt bored and went to the student camp to accompany the students to practice. Her gun skills still need to be sharpened, and the students' level is low, which is just right for being an opponent. And her murderous murderousness is also a rare accompaniment for cultivating the fighting consciousness of the students.

Xiahe didn't talk nonsense with Eva, he went to lie down and rest.

Eva was left alone in the tent, and she felt bored and regretted not following Medelly.

Eva saw that the alchemy slab had not been recovered, and came to the front, using Xiahe's things, and began to refine some simple things. Once the magician started working, the time went very fast, and unconsciously, it quickly slipped away in twenty hours.

Xiahe's little devil toured the fortress. Although he didn't see any secrets, it was also an eye-opener.

In this world, at least the construction of the fortress of the Arcane Empire is of a good standard. Apart from the inferior technology and the lack of powerful weapons, the fortress can be called perfect.

If you set up a fortress in the future, you can use this woods fortress as a prototype.

Professor Guge took the team out the next afternoon. He saw Xiahe didn't move, and he didn't want to wait another day. Many teams have already appeared at the supply point. There will not be too strong monsters in the Griffin Temple. He will solve it alone at level 20 and above, and he cannot leave the opportunity to others.

He may be the strongest professor among the people leading the team this time.

In the early morning of the 17th, Xiahe did not greet the two lecturers in his team, and directly ordered Ye Linna to leave the camp. The two lecturers were caught off guard. After hearing the news, they hurriedly paid the room fee and went to collect the reindeer and car that they had deposited.

From the supply point to the Griffin Temple, there are more than a thousand miles. Xiahe's team has to walk for three days, unless it is a snowstorm. Xiahe didn't leave any face to the two lecturers. They didn't catch up with Xiahe's team until they saw the shadow of Griffin Temple.

Xiahe spoke directly and reprimanded, and the two were no longer in a mood to quit.

Because Xiahe had the right to drive them away, it was a very serious mistake to leave the team. For the sake of enjoyment, they rented a room at the supply point instead of camping with students.

The hotel is aimed at adventurers, and they are not unclear.

As an associate professor and leader, Xia He has no obligation to ask them to keep up with the team because they should not leave for a moment.

Eva understands, Asla is forcing two people to do it. Although she did not know why Asra did not start first, she did not intend to ask.

After Xiahe reprimanded the two guys, he left them aside, and he told Yelina: "Professor Gugger has brought people into the temple. We camped outside the temple today. You sent a team to enter, Eva and Medi. Erli is in charge of observation. "

Ye Linna was ordered to let all the students choose the camp site.

The broken wall of the Griffin Temple stands on the ice field and stretches for hundreds of miles. If you want to enter the main temple and go deep into the ruins and enter the space of the ruins, you still have to walk 50 to 60 miles. At the edge of this temple, you may encounter icefield creatures.

Icefield creatures are mostly dormant this season, and small bodies will move underground.

Under the ice field, there is a huge underground ecosystem, and some plants have root systems at a depth of tens or even hundreds of meters underground, and wait for the ice and snow to melt before they break out of the ground and absorb sunlight hungrily. If there is no underground ecology, there should be a dead silence on the ice field, even small predators like Ice Wolf should not have.

The camp was outside a dilapidated building. After the students entered the building to explore, they asked Xiahe to pass by.

All the reindeer were pulled into the building. The building also has a roof and the height of the lifting frame is more than ten meters. For the Frost Giants, it is quite low. This is outside the temple. There are many similar low-rise buildings. As long as it is not cleaned for several years, it will immediately become a lair of icefield creatures.

There must be no major threats within ten miles of the camp, and it must be cleaned up within three miles. This is Xiahe's requirement for students. After he lived in the ruins of the Frost Giant, the students set the alarm around the camp.

Matt and Bruce Wuyan live with Xiahe, and can only set up tents on the other side of the broken building.

Xiahe originally wanted to kill them early. If the war priest could not make this determination, it would be a joke. It can be determined what evidence is needed when it is an enemy.

The idea that the enemy can't actively attack before the enemy has started, is not a Madonna, but an idiot. This gene can be passed down because of the internal needs of the species. When outside, this kind of thinking is fatal.

War has always been cruel, and the life surrounding the war machine must have a conscious awareness of death.

The Dao Gong War was not aimed at civilians, but it was never tender.

Xiahe made two melancholy porcelain figurines, guarded in the camp. The power of this porcelain figurine may not be comparable to the violent earth puppet, but it has existed for a long time, it is easy to control, it can use many Xiahe martial arts, and has earth elements. The power is a very practical magic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In Matt and Bruce's tent, Matt gritted his teeth and said to Bruce: "I think that I can start with the students in advance."

Bruce was surprised and said, "Isn't it just for Asla?"

"You didn't look at those students, your attitude towards Asla? They were all his loyal students. If Asla died, how could these students be willing to give up."

"Adult principal will thoroughly investigate!"

"Ha ha ha ha, why can't the test die? Bruce, you don't think that the undead student, the principal will not thoroughly investigate? You really take her seriously, it's just a stupid woman, can't live too long. . "

Bruce was shocked when he heard this, did he? Does anyone want to start with the principal?

"We were on the same boat, you did it, you only faced the anger of the principal, you don't do it, no one can spare you, Bruce, we grew up together, you ..."

"Don't say it." Bruce gritted his teeth. "I do!"

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