Daomen Invasion

Chapter 159: : Fire in the backyard

Outside the lecturer's tent, there is a little ghost. After Xiahe's soul fits into this world, it is much easier to make a ghost. He is not proficient in ghosts and charms, but he is also making a third grade imp, specializing in latent inquiries. At that time, Xiahe tried it, and the effect was very good. It was no longer necessary to fear the killing field formed by the army. The **** breath could not stop the penetration of the imp. E┡Ω novel www "W. Ω1XIAOOSHUO. COM

Although this is the Dragon and Tiger Road Palace rune divine power, it can also be related to the special nature of Xiahe. His soul is now close to the Yin God, and there is a little connection between the main soul and the soul. The spirit is powerful, although the ghost ghost rune created is Three grades, the effect is too high grade.

The imp is naturally more than just eavesdropping. The conversation between the two people is recorded by the imp, which is much more powerful than the video in the low-level technology. Even the soul fluctuations when the two are talking are recorded, and they cannot be falsified.

In the world controlled by the Dragon and Tiger Palace, there are hundreds of millions of ghosts and gods exploring the world, and Xiahe's methods are only the first level.

Sure enough, I want to harm the students together?

Xiahe couldn't bear it, for fear that one could not control the situation and hurt the students.

Xiahe came out of the house and entered the student's camp. The students saluted one after another. Xiahe signaled them what to do. He came to Feng's tent and let other students go out.

"Teacher!" Feng saw Xiahe coming over in person, and knew that there was a task cloth.

"I know that the classmates call you the commander, your strength may not be the strongest, but you have a firm heart, strong self-control ability, and can judge the overall situation."

"Don't dare, I can't rank high in my school at this level." Feng was not proud at all and answered calmly.

"The two guys are going to be against you."

"How is the teacher going to deal with it?" Feng Guoran was talented as a conductor. When he heard the news, he was not surprised, and did not make his own opinions.

"It's easy to kill them, but your classmates may not have everyone like you." Xia He said, taking out the honor badge given to him by the principal and handing it to Feng.

"Here, I stored a soul magic. When you are excited, you don't need to consume much mental power and magic power, and it will not have any negative impact on you. If there is a crisis, you will release this magic directly. Personally, it will not harm you. "

Xiahe stored the soul song of Asla in the badge of honor.

This magic, if he personally cast it, is limited by the environment, and it is difficult to exert the most powerful power. While in storage, Xiahe struggled with his old life and took the Elixir to stimulate his potential, so that Asla Town's soul song could reach his perfect level.

The badge of honor is indeed powerful, and can perfectly replicate any magic below level 60, which is stronger than Xiahe expected. When stimulating the magic in the badge, it does not need to consume too much.

In other words, even a first-level magician can stimulate the power of this magic.

This has the characteristics of some Daomen equipments. At the time of the storm corner, an unknown young Taoist, whose level is not very high, almost killed Xiahe's life by cutting the fairy gourd.

At the time, if Xiahe and Freya had helped, Xiahe would not live today.

"Teacher, I will be vigilant." Feng carefully received the badge of honor, he knew this thing, then the headmaster gave it to the teacher himself.

"Okay, don't be nervous, it's a trifle." After leaving the badge, Xiahe turned around in the camp again before returning to his house.

Matt and Bruce didn't want to help, but the patrolling students returned after hundreds of snow mice. They suddenly couldn't help but greedy and asked to go out and explore further.

This is not a violation of the rules. You can search for them just three miles away from the camp.

Xiahe took the students to try. In the Stormwind City, Freya captured Austin and asked in a word what happened after Xiahe left.

She didn't take this matter seriously, Xiahe was not there, and the storm angle was difficult to control.

There are Cotton Jack and Austin, which at most control the magic tower, and the people of the Arcane Empire can only control one city.

Silver Demon and others also came back, along with Lynch,

But on the side of the pier, the **** Mary's people controlled everything, and even the access of the St. Odin and the armored warship was restricted. Freya sent someone to find the silver demon, but the **** Mary's person informed that the silver demon was not there, and went out to perform the task. Freya felt more wrong.

"You mean, those in the Arcane Empire, have reached an agreement with Bloody Mary to trade with their ships?"

Austin nodded desperately and said, "Cotton Jack has negotiated, but people just ignored it."

"Does this want to exclude adults?" Freya asked Austin after asking the situation clearly: "Are you sure of killing those who are in the Arcane Empire?"

"Freya! You don't want to come here!"

"How come I come here?" Freya said, taking over the magic tower's right to use it. Austin was surprised, he did not expect that Freya could directly deprive him of power.

"You are really confused. If you go on like this, your prestige in the storm corner will be completely lost. The rest is the imperial authority. What are you doing here to stay?"

Austin panicked and blinked.

Freya was not afraid of anything. After killing her, she was gone and she had to sit in Stormwind City.

"You also let them make Stormwind City into a military town. What's the use? Andre cannot control the army at all, and is not worthy of trust."

"But they reached an agreement with the **** Mary."

"The previous Lord of Stormwind City also reached an agreement with Bloody Mary, and then the adult killed him."

Although Freya said it was strong, she knew that it was difficult to kill all officials of the Arcane Empire. And after killing, he had to leave, Austin was timid and fearful, and the cotton Jack was not high-level and could not control the situation.

If only killing people and not being able to control the situation, it is to add chaos to adults.

Freya was also worried, Austin said: "It is not impossible for them to kill all of them. They said that Lord Lord came back in secret and invited them to visit the magic tower. They have no legend. If they enter the magic tower, they will definitely die. "

"Who can lie to this kind of bullshit?" Freya was furious. This guy really did not succeed enough.

"But you can't do nothing at all?" Austin grieved, and he didn't expect such a thing to happen, not to mention the task of cotton jacket.

You go to monitor the ruins, and when Lynch comes out, let him come directly to see me, and no one is allowed to say a word.

"it is good."

Austin simply put Xiahe on his body, quietly left the magic tower, went to the ruins in person, waiting for Lynch to return. Freya went down the fourth floor of the Magic Tower and came to find Cotton Jack.

Cotton Jack is guiding the children in the magic tower, and seeing Freya, let the children practice, and take Freya to the door of his room. The door opened automatically, and Cotton Jack was startled, realizing that Freya could control the entire magic tower, including his own room.

Freya entered the room, and Cotton Jack wanted to follow, but now she was blocked outside the room, and the magic array at the door was stopping him.

"Jack, Master gave you the Magic Tower, and Stormwind City to you. Now that's all right, we are going to be outsiders, and you have done nothing. How does it feel to be occupied by the old nest?" Freya You're welcome.

"I have no one at hand ..."

"I know you have no one at hand, I just ask what you have done! When the adult came to Stormwind, was there a reliable person under him! You are an adult's magic knight, enjoying the benefits of the magic tower, but you can't worry about it , Do n’t you feel ashamed? "

Of course, Jack of Cotton Cloth was indignant, but he tried to negotiate to no avail, without the courage of Xiahe, to deal with the officials sent by the Arcane Empire.

"Adult said, Abigail can contact her. Have you ever visited her?"



"I ... not familiar with her."

Freya was very sulky. She asked Austin about the matter of the cotton cloth. She was very loyal, but there is not much courage right now. This is a person's pattern and it is difficult to change.

Originally, she wanted to ask Xia He to ask clearly, but before thinking of the imminent departure, she repeatedly emphasized that as long as she had finished processing things, everything in Stormwind would be hers.

Yes, I am an adult's god, and I cannot expect everything to be an idea.

If you do n’t have the ability to make a temporary decision, why do you live alive? Why have you suffered so much, how good it is to make a weapon.

"Then I want to ask you the last thing. Are you sure that the Dharma King is in charge of the port, not other people?"

"I'm pretty sure about this. The other epic heroes of Bloody Mary have been withdrawn, leaving only one of them."

"Do you go to the lord's house every day now?"

"Yes, I'm going to be like that. Stormwind City's government is controlled by the people of the Arcane Empire."

"Have you gone to the sea to explore?"

"Tried ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ but no trace of the **** Mary strong."

"Understood, I went to the Temple of Wealth. You invited ... who are the leaders of those in the Arcane Empire?"


"It's her, please ask her to come to the Magic Tower tomorrow."

"Yes." Cotton Jack was still ashamed, and there was no resistance to Freya's tone of order.

Freya nodded and asked him to guard the magic tower, it was indeed no problem, but unfortunately he could not enterprising. I hope that Lynch, the son of the law, will come back quickly and want to control Stormwind City.

Murder is easy to guard against. The grown-ups were guilty of thorns and thorns before they had the situation today. Unexpectedly, after leaving for a few months, the storm angle became like this.

Freya came to the Temple of Wealth with a heavy heart. When she saw Abigail, she immediately embraced her passionately.

"Sister Abigail, I want to die you!" Freya hugged Abigail and rubbed her chest hard.

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