Daomen Invasion

Chapter 160: : Destiny of the Goddess

"Freya, your sister misses you too, how good are you in the stormy corner, why bother to go to the arcane empire like that. E" "Ω novel www.1XIAOSHUO.COM" Abigail smiled and pulled Freya into Her room.

"Abigail, you are getting more and more beautiful." Freya smiled and took the wine glass that Abigail handed her, and Abigail poured her a glass of golden amber wine.

"Freya, you come to me, do you want to talk to Asra?"

"Sister, where did you want to go? I have important things to discuss with my sister."

"Ah? How important is it?"

"I have to ask my adults before I tell you."

Abigail smiled and took the book of wealth and said, "Speak, what do you want to say to your parents?"

"You ask him, can the empire send more qualified officials to help manage the storm corner?"

Abigail's expression solidified, and he refused to write this sentence in the Fortune Book.

Freya smiled: "What's wrong with my sister?"

"The goddess is asleep, unable to suppress the situation. Are you sure you want to say this to Asra?"

"Of course, the storm corner can't be managed by no one? This kind of locality is horribly chaotic. If there is no one to manage, there will be no business. Isn't it right?"

"Freya, you are such a troublemaker ..."

"That's because you didn't see the true face of my adult."

"Then you said, before the Arcane Empire sent officials to manage, how to control the storm angle?" Of course Abigail refused to listen to Freya's words, she knew what Freya would do, but what was the situation after it was done. pack? Freya came to consult the temple.

If you want her to agree, you must have a reliable plan.

"If all this is not for my grown-ups, what are the governance issues? Abigail, I have no plans to involve you in this matter." Freya turned her face very quickly, facing the regional bishop of the epic realm, her Arrogance also surprised Abigail.

"Besides, if the empire can send enough people to come over, then the matter of governance is logical."

Abigail gritted her teeth, originally thought that she had experienced Ovilla's things, Freya would be more at ease, it seems that she is still very popular with Asra.

She could not understand this trust, and did not understand why Asra must keep Freya by her side.

Now the blood mage sent her back alone to preside over the overall situation.

"In this case, my sister will help you." Abigail wrote to Xiahe in the book of wealth, according to Freya's meaning.

Xiahe responded almost immediately, and Abigail was a little surprised when he looked at it.

"What did the adult say?"

"He said ... that he would give a message to His Majesty the Emperor, allowing him to send enough officials to come over, and also give you a certain amount of wealth control."

In addition to the Griffin ruins, Xiahe was also surprised, but the storm angle was out of control?

Yes, the emperor's celebrity Long did not stay, and those who remained were the result of political games. It's a pity that those nobles didn't understand the rules of Stormwind, so they only made Freya angry.

It should be that his own strength was aerial, and facing the King, Cotton Jack had no good choice.

Hundreds of elite soldiers attacked? The Dharma King can handle it alone.

It's no wonder that Jack Cotton, the clever woman can't cook without rice, but if Freya is here, Xiahe knows she can solve it. She gave her authority and gave her two **** seeds.

Now that we have successfully infiltrated this world, the war should begin.

I did n’t want to ruin Stormwind ’s business because I did n’t have enough confidence, and I was afraid that if I had no foundation, the Emperor needed Stormwind and would always rebuild it as a treasure for making money.

I have said that Freya can get revenge, no matter when.

Freya got Xiahe's reply and couldn't help laughing. She drank Abigail's wine at once and got up and said, "Sister, we will support each other in Stormwind. In the future, the empire will send in another. People, my adults will cope naturally, and will not exclude the existence of the temple. "

Abigail is baffled, and seeing Freya is leaving, she will not stay.

Freya left the temple with a happy heart.

It is not suitable to build a huge army for adults, but it is not suitable to build a huge army for adults, but now the opportunity has come to train a second god.

What she told Abigail was the truth. If the storm angle is not Xiahe's, then what's the point of being stable and prosperous again?

The **** Mary's people are really daring and want to turn their heads off.

That silver devil, thought it would be fine to hide?

After Freya made up her mind, she returned to the Magic Tower, but Gulizzana had already arrived. The female magician waited for Freya in the living room on the first floor of the magic tower. When Freya came back, she stood up and said coldly: "You have something to see me, don't you know you can go to the Lord's Mansion?"

"I wanted to ask you to come over tomorrow, and I have to prepare a dinner."

"It's not necessary anymore. It's hard to eat things in the storm."

"Then I save." Freya finished with a smile, a huge magic array lit up on the floor of the living room, hundreds of magic patterns wrapped around Gulizzana.

Gulizzana was overwhelmed, Freya stab her heart with a sword, and the blade of the sword passed through the bone gap and hit the heart.

"I know that you are a hidden epic mage, so it consumes the power of the element pool. Look, I have shown enough respect to you, and eat something from our storm corner from time to time?" Freya said A pill came out and was placed on Gulizzana's mouth.

"You dream!" Gulizzana's face was crimson, but she didn't dare to move. If she moved, the sword on her heart would stab it.

"I haven't dreamed recently, you can do it well, let me do it again?"

"You're crazy." Gulizzana tried to decipher the enchanted patterns on her body. Looking at the power of the four elemental pools, even the legendary mage might not be able to unlock it.

"You don't have to let you take the initiative to eat, you are a magician, you should know that people should have the heart to explore the truth. It is said that a hole in the throat will not die, or should I find someone to help you? Then use a root tube, Blow this pill in, do you think it's easy to accept? "

Gulizzana's face became brilliant, and she suddenly realized that the other party was doing this kind of thing.

Freya flicked her fingers and the pills flew into Gulizzana's mouth, she swallowed hard. A new pill was added to Freya's hand.

"Look, after eating the first one, the second one should be more acceptable."

Gulizzana stopped talking, her face was green, and she took five Freya pills.

Freya then put away her photo-sword, and the magic patterns that were wrapped around Gulizzana also dispersed.

"What do you want me to do?" Gulizzana saw Freya not killing her, and she was quite settled. Valuable people will always survive.

"If you tell a word, you will use the power of the magic tower to refine a thing and let the people you bring into the magic tower to help."

"You're really daring, I would like to know how to deal with this matter, Lord Earl, your family."

"That's not what I should consider. In addition, I would also like to ask you to write a letter for the King of Pharaoh to visit the Lord's Mansion."

Gulizzana felt that the magic in her body was empty, and her spirit was a little weak. She knew that she could not resist and simply appointed. It seems that the person Freya wants to deal with is the Dharma King, then it doesn't matter. She doesn't like the **** Mary. However, the Lord's Mansion does not have the power bonus of the Magic Tower. Want to count the magic king?

Let this arrogant woman die! She added all the officials of the empire herself, and she would not be the opponent of the French King.

The female magician wrote a few letters on the table, and Freya ordered them to be sent to the lord's palace and the dharma king.

"I heard that you are Asra's guardian of magic, and he chose you, which is the biggest mistake in her life." Gulizzana looked gloomy and glared at Freya.

"Come with me." Freya took Gulizzana with a smile and came to the top of the magic tower.

Looking at the female magician standing in the middle of the four elemental pools, Freya sighed: "Oh ... I was also in this environment, made by adults, and speaking of it, the fate of the two of us, really It's quite similar. "

Panic in Gulizzana's eyes, she heard the word manufacture in Freya's words.

"Originally, I was also struggling to deal with your existence, but the lord gave me the authority to let me mobilize his power. You took the medicine silly and couldn't resist. This scene is really exciting. Do you want to live a little longer? Or tell me after death, who asked you to deal with my adult? "

Gulizzana was terrified by the words, and there was still the possibility to answer questions.

"I think it is better for you to tell me now, although I will ask you again after you die. Now tell me, you will be more comfortable after death." Freya's speech, the magic array at her feet has become A vermilion Dao Yin ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ is boxy, with the power to make Gulizzana's soul tremble.

"Forget it, why should I be so good to you?" Freya waited for Dao Yin to appear, and suddenly took a **** seed and snapped it into Gulizzana's forehead.

Gulizzana's eyes were at a loss for a moment, that kind of thing reached the depths of her soul, quickly rooted, and thin tentacles emerged from the outside.

"The feeling of exercising authority is really pleasant!" Freya's soul came out and flew into the sea of ​​Gulizzana's soul.

Gulizzana's soul has already begun to transform, Freya carefully led a trace of six embers in her soul, and if Xiahe did not allow her, how dare she touch such a thing.

"It's still safe to remove the mark of Daogong, although there will be some losses. I have been refining the five pills for a long time, and there should be no mistakes." Freya confessed to herself and took the six Divine Ember, sent into Gulizzana's soul, pulled with his fingers to erase the mark left by the Dragon and Tiger Palace.

At the same time, five weird runes flew into the sea of ​​Gulizzana's soul and were caught by Freya, tucked into the depths of her soul.

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