Daomen Invasion

Chapter 161: : Goddess of Doom

"Five plagues, curse!" Freya broke out in her soul, the soul on the opposite side was like a pool of muddy sewage, shaken violently, and then slowly settled and settled. Δ┡E 『Δ『 Fiction Ww ㄟ W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

A three-dimensional rune appeared at the place where the Dao Gong rung should originally exist.

Freya refused to stay in this sea of ​​soul, turned around and returned to her own flesh, and at the same time she removed the Dao imprint under her feet. This conversion consumes too much, and now the four element pools have already consumed more than half, and I don't know how long it will be automatically restored.

After Freya came out, she didn't finish it. She pressed her palms to the forehead of the goddess to be born, stimulating the momentum. The figure of the future goddess slowly thinned down until she was a little shorter than her, and Freya let go.

She was very satisfied with her work. The new goddess had a beautiful face, but she was thin and pale. Scattered behind the head, from pale gold to black.

The most important thing is that the original Gulizzana had a pair of full ⊙⊙, and now it has obviously shrunk, not only smaller than Abigail ’s, but also even Freya.

Freya said softly, "Goddess of Doom, wake up."

The newborn **** suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Freya with a vaguely hostile look.

"Tell me, who is your master?"

"Xiahe, Master Daojun."

"What should I call him in this world?"


"Who is your second owner?"

The new **** named the Goddess of Doom struggled and tried not to speak, but was still forced to say Freya's name.

Freya laughed and said, "How can I make the mistakes that adults have made?"

"Emperor Heaven Emperor, I ..." There was a look of fear in the eyes of the Goddess of Doom. She now completely controlled her soul by the other party. All her thoughts were stripped of her clothes in front of Freya, without covering her.

"I know that you have more power than me, but if you have any unfavorable ideas for me, just ask for bitterness, you should also understand, what is the Taoist palace, what is the Six Dao Shenhu."

"I know." The goddess of doom replied verbatim, very hard.

"Then let me follow you and clear the obstacles for you in this storm angle first."

The goddess of doom nodded, and the color of resentment in her eyes dissipated. She knew her destiny had been bound to Daojun Lord deadly. If Daojun Master couldn't do it, she would be lost forever.

As for this Freya, she can be punished at any time, no matter how high her rank is, the other party is the emperor.

I only have strength and no authority.

Freya subdued the Goddess of Doom but dared not give her a name. This must be done by Xiahe. However, the goddess had a priesthood and it was easy to handle. The goddess of wealth is now asleep, and no one can see through her origins throughout the storm.

When the goddess of wealth woke up, everything was too late.

The nobles left by the Arcane Empire in Stormwind Point were lured into the magic tower by Gulizzana, and then captured alive, Freya took them to the lord's palace and waited for the king.

The Dharma King came as scheduled, and in the lord's palace, Freya met the Dharma King in person, and the Dharma King was a little surprised.

"Freya, why are you? Gulizzana?" The Pharaoh looked at the girl standing behind Freya and didn't know. The people in this living room looked strange. But he was self-confident and strong, and left without turning around.

"Dharma King, your disciple Silver Demon, why don't you come and go?"

"He has done something wrong and is to be punished. It is not appropriate to do foreign affairs again."

"It turns out that if you do something wrong, you have to be punished ... Then, if you do a good job, do you have to be rewarded?"

Fawang said: "That is nature."

"My lord has something to give to your lord."

"I don't know what it is?" Pharaoh sneered. The other party didn't seem to have good intentions today.

Behind Freya, the Goddess of Doom came out holding a gourd, which was pale blue and cute. She put the gourd on the table, opened the lid, and something came out of it. It was three inches long and had a frown.

The Dharma King still sneered, this woman is just a new epic, with obscure power, you can destroy it by yourself.

Thinking in this way, the eyes of the gourd shot white light and covered his head at once. The Dharma King suddenly felt so dull that he couldn't use all his strength.

Freya laughed, this thing, that Yang Shen and real people may be able to make a move, you even dare to watch it.

The Goddess of Doom bowed to the gourd and said in his mouth: "Please turn around baby."

The two white lights covering the magic king were just a spin. The skull of the magic king fell to the ground, and the body fell down, dying completely. This strong man who has been on the sea for many years has the ability to escape in the face of legend, but was insulted by Freya, a man in his early 20s.

Freya reached out and took back the sacred gourd, and said to the goddess of doom: "Go, the people at the dock are all yours, and the mansion of the lord, you don't have to let it go."

"Yes, His Majesty the Emperor."

"Call me Master Su in the future. This is Freya? Su."

"Yes, Master Su."

"Don't dismiss this Dharma corpse, you have absorbed it. Unfortunately, you died under the slashing gourd, the soul was crushed, and the nutrition was a little insufficient."

Freya laughed and raised the head of the Dharma King out of the lord's palace. This lord's palace is now all the nobles of the Arcane Empire, no matter where they come from, they are bought and tamed. The bureaucracy of the Arcane Empire is very good at doing this.

Out of the lord's palace, Freya released a mount and jumped up. Outside the lord's palace, there were fifty cavalry waiting. They were all riding mounts similar to Freya.

These mounts looked like fallen unicorns, with a dark body all over them, straight unicorns, extending forward.

"You are guarding here, and all the people you see are killed. When the Goddess of Doom clears the situation, you will follow her temporarily and become a temple knight. The adult will have arrangements for you in the future."

"Yes!" Fifty cavalry replies suddenly like thunder.

Freya urged her newly completed costume warrior, the unicorn under her crotch, out of Stormwind City and went straight to the Temple of Wealth.

Abigail watched Freyati coming to the head of the Dharma King, but also lost her voice for a moment.

"For a while, I forgot to put it away. Sister Abigail, do you want to see the good show with me?" Freya then put the head of the Dharma King into the Dragon and Tiger Dao. Abigail also knew that this was Freya's demonstration. After the goddess slept, she was not an opponent of the Dharma King at all.

Freya, however, slaughtered the Dharma King. Ephraim's caution will never enter Asra's Magic Tower.

Abigail jumped on the black unicorn, Freya took her in her arms, walked out of the temple, and walked all the way up to a hillside.

Freya pointed to the distant port and said: "Look, there are hundreds of boats in size, but the business is not as big as my adult's. So, this is not called business. It will ruin here before I leave. Everything, as for how to end ... "

Abigail's body is stiff, what is Freya talking about? Destroy everything here?

Not long after, Freya saw the doom goddess leading fifty knights to the pier. The Goddess of Doom is in front, leaning on two legs, the degree is also amazing, only to slow down until entering the dock area. From the body of the Goddess of Doom, countless black rays of light flew out like an ancient plant sprayed with spores. The black light fell on all sides and flew into an individual's body.

The goddess of doom sprayed black light all the way, and when she walked to the beach, the entire pier was already polluted by her.

Standing on the seashore, the black light of the goddess of doom fell on the battleship in the port. She saw that someone tried to resist and ignored it. After polluting all the people in her perception, she was very tired.

If she hadn't had a full meal in the lord's palace, she wouldn't be able to hold on for so long.

Feeling almost the same, the Goddess of Doom said to the fifty cavalry: "You are here waiting."


The Goddess of Doom walked alone to the east of the pier, where it was originally the residence of the Dharma King.

"Sister Abigail, do you see clearly enough?" On the hillside in the distance, Freya pointed to the pier, a mile away, and asked the regional bishop of the goddess of wealth.

Abigail, of course, can see clearly. This is still the temple area. She is also an epic realm. The weather is sunny and the light is full. Everything in the port is under her eyes.

What made her a little scared was that the woman walking in front had a powerful divinity on her body.

"Who is she?"

"One of the two goddesses, the goddess of doom." Freya replied casually.

"This is your hole card?"

"It's my adult's, and it doesn't count as a hole card. The goddess of doom is dead and dies. But before that, someone has to pay for it."

On the pier, a large number of people scrambled out of the house and ran towards the place where the goddess of doom stopped.

On the battleship, the **** Mary pirates also put down their boats and came to shore.

"What do you do!" A pirate leader feels wrong. In his own mind, there is a voice calling him to go ashore and go to a place.

"What are you doing? First officer, of course, to meet the goddess!"

"Why don't you go together?"

"Why don't you go together!"

The pirates around changed their colors ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Some had pulled out their weapons and glared at their chief officer.

"It's crazy, aren't you afraid of attracting the attention of other gods?" Abigail said softly.

Freya stroked her waist and smiled: "The goddess of wealth is asleep. It is estimated that the **** Mary is not here. Her cronies are all following. Isn't it a good time to do whatever you want in the place of Stormwind? God, my adult has long been stared at by the Lord of Dawn. "

"Sister Abigail, why is your waist not so soft?"

"Athra sent you back, is it going to withdraw from the temple?" Abigail summoned the courage and said to Freya.

"If ... you are willing to support a person with my adult, then the other half of the twin goddesses will never have to appear. It is still a temple of wealth, uh, and a temple of doom."

"So, who is Asra planning to support?"

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