Daomen Invasion

Chapter 162: : The beginning of Asra

"The people my adults support have already told you. E『 』Ω novel www.1XIAOSHUO.COM”

"That Lynch?"

"What do you think?"

"He seems to have some problems." Abigail said vaguely.

"There are some problems that the goddess can use with confidence. My sister, you don't know nothing about the goddess?"

Abigail's complexion became stiff again. The goddess had ghosts. She knew it long ago, but she didn't care. Believe in the goddess, what world does she come from?

It turned out that Asra had known this kind of thing for a long time. It was a strange magician, not only investing in gods, but also gods from other worlds. Will the Arcane Empire tolerate such a existence?

"Linch can bring you generous returns."

Abigail looked at the goddess of doom by the sea. Behind her, a huge temple rose from the ground with a deafening voice. In front of her, countless believers knelt on the ground in madness, worshipping their gods.

"It's too dangerous." Abigail shook his head.

"Compared with the future danger, this is not worth mentioning." Freya is not going to play with Abigail.

"you are leaving?"

"Goddess of Doom controls the dock port, and it won't take long for the **** Mary's arrangement here to collapse. When she returns, everything will be late."

"Are you going to ransack here again? Then we will never have a business to do."

"Then don't do it. Anyway, my adult didn't make any money here. You don't have to worry. Most of the believers of the Goddess of Doom are pan-believers or shallow believers. She also allows believers to believe in other gods at the same time. The benefits here will not suffer any losses. "

"Do you really have no plans?"

"When did I have a plan?" Freya asked back.

Abigail smiled and Freya smiled. She pointed to the sea in the distance and said, "The emperor of the arcane empire wanted to get the whole world, but he didn't build a floating city or a huge fleet. Here Ah, it can be transformed into a huge naval base. "


"Arcane empire does not need faith, right? Then do business, your temple sells magic, as long as there are gold coins, it can be displayed."

"What about her?" Abigail pointed anxiously at the distant goddess of doom. The shrine behind the goddess had grown to the same height as the shrine of the goddess of wealth.

"You want money, she wants bad luck, isn't war just making these two things swell and burn?"

Freya handled the storm, and Xiahe, outside the Griffin Temple, also wrote a letter to His Majesty the Emperor. However, this letter could not be sent temporarily, at least to wait to return to the supply point.

Freya's news made him realize that he had to seize the power of Rhode Island.

Storm Point is easy to handle, just use violence to solve the problem, but Rhode Island is the origin of its own family.

Well, Rhode Island will be the origin of its own soldiers, and most of the loyal officials will come from here. If you unify the world yourself, Rhode Island will become a legendary place, with countless geniuses and witnesses of history.

If he dies, Rhode Island will sink.

The person who went out to investigate came back, and Xiahe said to Eva: "You go out and walk around, I have something to tell Medirelli."

This time he behaved directly and there was no room for rejection.

"What can I do?" Eva didn't leave immediately, was driven away, and she wanted to play a role.

"Go to the student's camp and give them some magic. I know it is allowed."

"Yes, Professor Asla."

"Associate Professor." Xia He emphasized, and suddenly thought of the vice principal, it was a little embarrassing.

Eva is gone, Xiahe sets soundproof magic in the magic tent. Medelly was a little nervous, and she waited anxiously for Xiahe to speak.

Xiahe opened the book of wealth, and Abigail described all the things that caused the storm.

Freya is very thorough, and the beheading of the magic king is the key. Without killing the rare strong under this legend, there is no way to break the game. Some things Abigail didn't say, she didn't know, but Xiahe had already guessed it. There is a tacit understanding between Freya and him. To that extent, Freya will not choose to do it.

Among the empire bureaucrats, there were not only people against themselves but also traitors against His Majesty the Emperor.

This information cannot be relayed through Abigail.

The more he understands the world, the more trouble Xiahe feels. If it is only for the gods of this world, he can slowly spend time, and now it seems that time does not wait for others.

This world is controlled by the gods, but the gods have not been able to completely control the magician. At least in the world, the magician can ignore the existence of the god.

There is no **** of death, no **** of magic.

The new gods have murdered all the ancient gods, the human society has prospered, and the magic is prosperous, but the lack of priesthood is uncontrollable.

Invasion becomes easy, not only for yourself, but also for the existence of other worlds.

If there is a magic net in the world, the magician will be strictly controlled, rather than the magician collectively despising the gods as now.

Thinking of the magic net, Xiahe glanced at the materials in the Dragon and Tiger Dao.

The goddess of wealth can sneak into this world, what about the goddess of magic? If the magic goddess of a certain world lays the magic net here, the magician will be collectively injured. Except for the kind of person who has mastered the secrets of deep space, such as the emperor of the Arcane Empire, the ordinary magician will become quite Sad reminder.

Instead of now, as long as the qualifications are similar, you can get to the tenth level if you live up to it.

In a world with a magic web, the magician is rigorous and powerful, unlike this world, which is everywhere.

But this world has a huge magician base, and more geniuses can be born. These have no effect on themselves, but will affect their own plans.

I heard that some magicians are secretly researching and manufacturing gods, hoping that they will not be tempted by the magic goddess of the outside world.

Xiahe felt threatened, but couldn't find a specific target, and was a little irritable.

Freya is doing it right, showing it as soon as possible, no matter where the enemy appears, as long as he has enough power to confront head-on, all threats are meaningless. Just like the world of God Week, the coordinates are very clear. Many worlds already knew the existence of God Week, but they dared not touch it at all.

"Adult, what the **** is that?" Medirelli was impatient, and the lord Lord did not speak for a long time, smirking with the book.

"Freya tossed around the storm corner and killed the king."

"Is my teacher away?"

"They are not in the storm corner, do not know where to go." Xiahe said is an epic strongman.

Medirelli wanted to say that the king would die and die anyway. If you think about your teacher's life, it will come to an end.

"I'm going to speed up the aggressiveness, and may do some terrible things."

"I'll try my best." Medirelli reached out to help. Now that there was no long sword in his waist, he was practicing guns recently, and he seemed to be used to it.

"Medi Li, I have to ask you now, in the future, if I fight with the gods, how would you choose."

"And all the gods?"


"So what level do I need?"

"You are a big knight, if you are in a war on earth, it is enough to have the strength close to the demigod. If you attack the kingdom of the gods, you must be at least similar to the goddess of wealth.

"Can I be like a god?"

"This question was discussed very early."

"I thought adults were making an analogy."

"I'm a magician and not a bard. Medicilli, every word of mine is very serious, you have to make a choice. I left the storm, and those people isolated my people and wanted to put I am crowded out, so it ’s not easy to follow me. "

"This is the last time adults asked me, okay, as long as I can see farther away, I will not leave. In fact, it is not easy to follow anyone else, otherwise the teacher will not send me to you. This time the king was killed. , His students are going to be out of luck. If my teacher dies, I ’m on the side of Bloody Mary, and the end may not be so good. "

"In this case, we have to get along for a long time ..."

"So what does it matter?" Asked Medieri in confusion. Is the adult disgusted with himself? However, as long as things are done properly, even if there is some sensory aversion, it should not be shown. This is the demeanor of a superior. Anyway, the teacher told himself this way.

"Don't you care about the changes in this world?" Xia He knew about Medieri's brain circuit, but she could never really guess what she was thinking.

"Things in the world, let the world solve it by itself, it has nothing to do with me."

"What if I'm from another world?"

Immediately impatient, she said: "I am very strange today, it is not normal to fight in a different world? Why should I care where I am?"

Xiahe was dropped by the girl, but the mood was very good.

Medirelli said it well. If you become a level with the gods ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ you will find that there is no hometown at all.

Taoist priests in the world of Shenzhou also feel that they are not indigenous to Shenzhou, but only regard Shenzhou as the last base camp.

My heart is at home.

Civilization is where I should protect.

"That's good, Medirelli, starting today, I will teach you the real swordsmanship."

"What about gunfire?"

"You have to continue. The battle of guns can make you invincible on the battlefield. This swordsmanship makes you immortal."

"Eternal life!" Medieri was really surprised this time.

"Is it strange? The ultimate wish of all life is to live."

"Then my teacher ..."

"It's too late, his way has already been determined. If I learn something from me, I might still live a few years less."

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