Daomen Invasion

Chapter 164: : Trapped

Xiahe didn't feel well. He was worried that the people in Woods Fortress betrayed the emperor. EΩ small "said Ww" W. ┡1XIAOSHUO. COM

What is his own dependence? Andusias, as well as the flying fire crow. In the woods fortress, there will definitely be legendary strongmen sitting in the town, and then the other party has an airship, and the military airship will definitely catch up with the fire.

The level of his magic flying flying raven is not enough, and the degree is limited.

There is a real crisis. If anyone can resist Andusias, he will not escape.

It is a pity that the goddess of doom has no way to hide her divine power, otherwise she will not be afraid of this situation if she is brought with her.

Xiahe urged the students to enter the temple as soon as possible. After he broke off, he laid one magic trap after another on the road. All magic traps are quite simple. The tooth of the earth plus double ice wall.

Xiahe waited a few minutes before turning to chase his team.

After the cavalry riding the salt beast entered the ruins, the degree did not slow down, and went straight to the temple.

The cavalry opened the way, sprinting, the ground trap suddenly touched, the cavalry roared, a metal collar lit up on the neck of the salt beast, the salt beast bowed his head, and slammed into the sudden ice wall on.


Most of the ice wall was collapsed by the salt beast. The salt beast's degree was almost not reduced. He rushed over in one step, and then heard a scream, and the salt beast's calf was penetrated by a sharp stone gun.

The tooth of the earth!

The cavalry jumped down and looked at the injured mount, distressed. The team immediately slowed down, and a magician shot to dispel the elemental damage in the salt beast's wound.

If it weren't for the banned collar on the salt beast's neck, I'm afraid it would have been violent.

Even so, the magician kept calming with magic, and the salt beast lay on the ground, saying nothing.

The leader's magician was very embarrassed. If it refused to leave, there would be a trial team of the academy later, and seeing this thing, everything was exposed.

Another magician had no choice but to use the charm technique to take away the salt beast that started to be irritable.

It took more than ten minutes for this toss, Xiahe's team went away, and it was difficult to chase it.

The cavalry team dismantled the magic trap all the way to the entrance of the temple, half an hour later. The shrine is more than 100 meters high. It is lifted by more than 300 thick pillars to form a top cover, and the sun shines through the top ice, reflecting the brilliant colorful light.

The idol that was originally enshrined in the center of the temple was broken by humans, and the upper half was gone, leaving only the base and two huge feet.

The cavalry came to the temple and said to the magician: "All are hidden, don't attack any target, unless someone doesn't enter the ruins and is alert outside."

"Yes!" The cavalrymen agreed, spread out around the temple, and found a place to stop. An older magician cast magic. These cavalry and mounts disappeared one by one, even if they were close. Look, you can only see the snow piles on the ground, which can't be hidden by a child.

On the ceiling of the temple, the two hidden ghosts passed this scene to Xiahe. Xiahe sensed that he finally knew how the person of Guge was attacked.

These people can do concealment, although they are not perfect, but they can be turned into snowdrifts, which is too unremarkable above the ice field. The wind blowing quickly on the ground will thicken these snow piles and hide them more perfectly.

Among the relics, the violent wind raged, flying snow.

The frost eye of Xiahe was blown away by the wind, and he could not see the distant scenery at all.

Xiahe had no choice but to bury a magic stone in the ground to position him, and then he led the team in front and went deeper towards the right hand side. Here is the entrance of the temple in the ruins, saying nothing can stay. Xiahe's consciousness has not been affected, and can detect a distance of several miles.

Everyone, even the reindeer, is blessed with the wind feather technique. This skill, under Freya's adaptation, not only makes the body lighter, but also has a evasive effect on the attack of the wind system.

The cold wind blows on the face, as if there is a layer across, there is no feeling of knife cutting, and the temperature can be tolerated.

Xiahe also knows that there have been huge changes in the ruins. In the information given by the school, there is no storm inside the ruins, and the temperature is a dozen degrees higher than outside.

If it wasn't for chasing soldiers in the back, Xiahe would surely bring someone down to investigate, and now turned around and left.

This environment, for magicians less than tenth level, is no longer a trial, but a murder.

But since he came in and someone blocked the exit outside, Xiahe could only wait for the transfer.

Out of more than ten miles, Xiahe was afraid that he could not sense the imp, so he ordered to camp. The storm never stopped, mixed with heavy snow, and many Xiahe wind feathers have been consumed along the way.

Xiahe chose the camping site. There was a stone three meters thick and nearly six meters high.

Because the wind direction is uncertain, Xiahe can only do it by himself, making a thick ice wall based on this stone.

Fortunately, the reindeer is a Warcraft. After being blessed with wind feathers, he did not die after the operation. Xiahe first built a pen for the reindeer, laid wooden planks on the ground, and paved the hide, trying to make them safe. If you don't pull the cart, these guys run much faster than the horse. When it was time to escape, eight reindeer could take away at least sixteen students.

It took more than two hours to build the camp. Within a few hundred meters, the ground swelled up, forming a snowy mound.

Then Xiahe silently built a tunnel in front of the beast pen, he didn't think the enemy was weak, and if it appeared here, it was still important to escape.

The students silently followed Xia He's instructions and followed them step by step.

After Xiahe built more than 1,000 meters of underground passages, almost all the students had been exhausted.

Xiahe greeted the students and returned to the room in the middle of the camp. This was Xiahe's magic tent. When all the students entered, it seemed a little crowded.

The students are not stupid. The relic environment and the information are different. The teacher has arranged the camp so carefully, and there are hundreds of killing magic traps around. It must have happened.

Xia He was fairly satisfied with the students' response, and no one asked questions before his task was completed.

"Everybody knows that this mission has changed. Outside the temple, there are already enemies blocking the retreat. The team of Professor Guge was also attacked before." Xia He said, using magic phantoms to show the pictures found outside Everyone took a look.

"Teacher, what should we do?"

Xiahe did not speak, but opened his book of wealth and left a message to Abigail.

It sounds ridiculous, Freya is still in Stormwind Point, but this trial mission, the deadline is as long as several months, before this, the Tenth Magic Academy will not realize that something is wrong here.

When the college feels something is wrong, it may already be after March next year.

If Freya hurried back, she could reach the Imperial Capital within a month.

Not to mention that Xiahe didn't trust the college at all, and even doubted the Woods fortress. If the message for help falls directly into the hands of the conspirator, then it is dead. Xiahe can only choose to trust His Majesty the Emperor, and Freya will not consider how to send the information as soon as possible.

"Take this camp as the center, search around, build a small underground refuge, without considering the problem of reindeer. Build one every twenty miles, the refuge should consider the state of magic exhaustion, that is, no one can use it You can use it when you are magic. "

"Do we still need to draw a map?"

Xiahe thought about it. When drawing a map, he must use magic to explore, which is very expensive for students.

"Don't hurry to draw a map to see if there are any huntable creatures in here. Maybe you will be trapped in this place for a long time. Finally ... Everyone's meditation time should not be less than two hours a day."

After Xiahe assigned the tasks, the students dispersed, and Eva suddenly said: "Or, let me go out and catch a living?"

"Ignite the fire, the wise men don't take it." Xiahe rejected her proposal, following the imps of Matt and Bruce, both of whom had lost contact, that is to say, they had walked twelve miles away and had gone deep into the ruins far.

Xiahe took out the map, paved it, and began to study.

This relic has never been explored intact. When the human mage cleared the space, the frost giants and their close relatives forgot to die, and the moths were fighting like fire.

Under a high mountain two hundred miles from the entrance of the ruins, the war lasted for half a month.

The legendary mages have been killed, and the enemies in the ruins are almost all killed. In the later period of cleaning up, the legendary mages only confirmed that there was no too strong life and the blood of the Frost Giant, and the rest was left to the army.

After the second clean-up, the people who entered the ruins now have changed the landforms in the ruins, and then there has never been an official large-scale exploration.

At that time, regular inspectors will be sent over. In recent decades, no one has ever penetrated this ruin.

Anyway, there is a woods fortress. Even if any icefield creatures appear, they will be blocked by the fortress and will not affect the north.

The mission this time was originally just to reach the peak two hundred miles away.

"Eva, you are guarding the camp, Medirelli, you and the students will explore the surroundings, and I will go out and see."

"Where are you going!"

"Look for Professor Gugger ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Although his rank is high, he may not know how to survive."

"How do I contact?" Asked Medilly.

"I plan to come back in two hours. Unless I am in danger and can't get rid of it, I won't pass this time. You know I have the ability to fly."

Medirelli didn't ask again, she knew Xiahe's killer was there.

Xiahe is certainly not afraid of the people who are guarding the entrance of the temple. Anduzias can kill them within three seconds, which also counts his wordy time.

Xiahe came to the camp's exit position and released three melancholy porcelain dolls in a row. Three porcelain dolls with a taller figure than Xiahe were made. Xiahe divided the three porcelain dolls into weapons.

A spear, a long sword, and a spare magic wand.

Under the command of Xiahe, these three porcelain figurines have no fighting strength of 16th or 7th level, and they are not afraid of death. If they do not experience fighting, they will last long enough.

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