Daomen Invasion

Chapter 165: : 1 riding when 0

Xiahe and the three porcelain figures walked into the storm. Xiahe protected his body with the feathers of the void, let the puppet with the gun walk in the front, and each figure guarded the left and right, followed by the vigilant behind him. EΔ Novels WWW W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

Tenjin Armor, Tenjin Armor, Tenjin Armor!

Xiahe blessed the three porcelain figurines with magic. This is the result of his own research. After the porcelain figurines that can only maintain one hour blessed with different magic, the maintenance time changes differently.

With the Void Shield, there will be only forty minutes left, and with the Sky Armor, the time will be extended to three hours.

Generally speaking, there are many delays in gold magic, and the wind and water systems will reduce the durability of porcelain dolls. Earth-based magic can be extended, but wood-based magic may not. Fire magic is reduced slightly, but it can be ignored.

Some people are also responsible for researching the combination of magical Taoism, but the rules of the world are different, and the war priests have to experiment.

The wind is mixed with snow, very small snow flakes, like sand. Xiahe released his consciousness and did not dare to search in a rug style. He could only release a net like a spider. This release of consciousness, Xiahe sweated out, and at a distance of more than two miles, a large number of creatures were walking in the snow.

Fortunately, I am trapped to death if I change someone else.

Xiahe was worried in his heart, but he was still moving forward, gradually approaching, and saw a short snowman walking in the direction of his camp in the storm not far away. Yeti is a vassal race of the Frost Giant, and the adult height is not as good as the goblin, but the body is sturdy, powerful, and has a very high magic resistance.

These snowmen were wrapped in leather armor, without helmets on their heads, and short hairs on their faces.

Frost Giant's legacy? There are so many edges on this ruin, what the depths look like now!

Magic resistance is high, see if you can withstand Long Wei.

Xiahe took Asla to slay the devil's mallet out, and the snowman appeared in Xiahe, screaming and pounced up, as many as five or six hundred. They walked close to the ground, their bodies ricketing, holding bone knives or hammers in their hands. Xiahe speeded up, letting the snowman pounce on him.

The three porcelain figures waved weapons in their hands to resist the snowman in front of them. Xiahe saw that the density of the snowman was almost the same, and then he slapped Asra on the ground.

The Dragon Strikes!

Within a radius of 200 meters, all snowmen below level 19 are stunned.

The speed of the weapons in the hands of the three porcelain dolls, the spears like dragon swords and lightning, and even the magic wand was also used as a combat hammer.

Void Feather, add it twice!

Xiahe's hands popped with golden light and rushed into the snowman. The golden light more than two meters long was sharp and unmatched. The snowman was low. Xiahe didn't need to raise his hand, just waved at random, that is, the head was rolling.

Thundercloud Storm Electric Chain, Void Wind Blade.

Xiahe magic spilled out, and in the storm, thunderclouds began to condense tens of meters above his head.

The effect of the magic dragon's thump starts to dissipate, and the electric chain flashes down in the clouds.

Five or six hundred snowmen may be a warrior of a small and medium-sized tribe. There is no caster inside, Xiahe's control skills are invincible, just a few minutes to kill these snowmen cleanly.

Xiahe took out Asra and saw the devil's mallet again. He didn't care much about this thing. As a Taoist, he possessed the power of the consciousness. The six-life symbol can store a huge amount of true energy. Rarely used.

But this equipment has its own skills, it is a bit against the sky.

Not to mention the low level, the problem is that on the battlefield, if there is no caster among the enemies, this skill will allow him to ride a thousand, invincible.

The scene of Fang Cai, if it was not his trapping, but his twenty-four students, it was the learners who died now. So many snowmen, in less than a minute, will consume the student's magic, and most of the student's magic is only below tenth level to be instant.

Most of the magic below level 10 cannot kill the snowman immediately.

It is a pity that yeti is a humanoid creature and still has a certain wisdom, so it cannot be eaten as food.

This seems to be a universal morality of mankind, not only in the world of God Week, but in all worlds attacked by the Taoist palace, humans are abiding by this morality. This kind of morality can be broken under special circumstances, but people who eat cannibalism can be very deep in their hearts.

Xiahe let the porcelain dolls pack up the corpses and pile them in one place, then ignited the broken **** and burned the corpses clean.

The storm winds with flames and pulls towards the sky, like pulling a fuchsia banner.

Taking out the magic clock and glancing at it, the fighting time was very short, but with the handling of the corpse, it was also delayed for nearly ten minutes. Porcelain dolls haven't been attacked much. The body armor of the gods has dissipated. At the same time, the attributes have been reduced. At the same time, because of the battle, there are still two hours of life left.

This magic is great if it is promoted to a legend. At that time, I don't know how much it can be made at a time, such as arm command. It can only be used as a warrior now, and can be used to release magic in the future, but at that time, it was not pure earth magic, but whole magic.

In Xiahe's mind, the magic dragon whacked this magic, and the cooling time was not long. The refined wand can be cast once an hour.

I have no time to settle down. Seventy-eight classic magic, the best is the original thirty or so.

The so-called classic magic is the magic that can be promoted to the **** level all the time, and mastering magic is at most legendary magic, and it is difficult to become demigod magic.

Xiahe went deeper, the team of porcelain dolls was small, like dust in the snowstorm.

In the camp, Eva let all the students with no tasks around her and listen to her lectures. If there is nothing to do at this time, she will be panicked.

Xiahe met another team of two snowmen, adding up to more than 400 people. After they were all cleaned up, it was almost time. Xiahe left a ghost to command the three porcelain dolls, replaced them with ordinary weapons, and returned to the camp alone.

The first sentence when Xiahe came back was-build a city.

He took the map and extended a hundred miles on the right hand side of his camp, and took a point: "Here."

"Very serious?" Eva had never seen Asra nervous, and now the blood mage looked serious, making her feel bad.

"I killed thousands of snowmen. I'm afraid the ruins are deeper. It's not impossible to go now, but after we go out? We don't know who the enemy is, what trouble there will be on the road, it is possible to go to the supply point Self-launched. I can take Medieri back to the capital, but I can't leave everyone behind. "

Xiahe said, take out a piece of magic paper, and began to draw the ice and snow fortress.

The students were quiet and Eva was a little surprised. The mental qualities of these children are very good, Asla said so straightforwardly without any confusion.

Xiahe drew the drawings and said to the students: "Look at the map, continue to explore eastwards, Medirley, please go with me."

"Eva, there is me in the camp. You can take someone to the west to guard against enemies."

"Yelina, this camp turned back to death, as a retreat, leaving people to take care of the reindeer, and once they are in danger, they will join the big army."

Xiahe sighed, if only he and Medirelli did not need to be so troublesome, just escape to the emperor. But he would rather give up Eva than his students.

Suarez took five students, all the way east, to investigate the situation.

Out of more than thirty miles, Suarez stopped suddenly and shouted, "Ready to fight!"

In the wind and snow ahead, a huge number of snowmen poured in, approaching the 100-meter range. It's no wonder that Suarez, in such an environment, only Xiahe will waste his power, let go of his consciousness to explore further.

Medieri took a spear and walked out of the team. Her brocade was flying and her expression was plain.

"Pay attention to protecting yourself." After saying this, Medieri's legs were speared with a spear, and he charged towards the dense snowman.

She was not graceful when she ran, like riding a huge creature, her feet were shaking on the ground, and a spear was held under her ribs and held straight.

When the first snowman approached, Medirelli flipped the spear and was holding it in his hand.

The tip of the gun swayed, pierced the head of the snowman silently, the blood was flying, and the tip of the spear had retracted, like a blooming flower bud.

Puff Puff Puff Puff ...

There was almost no reduction in Medirelli, one shot, the snowman opened a blood hole in his forehead and died on the spot.

There was no screaming, no roaring, and Medelly was like a silent grim reaper.

In the battle front, attack like a dragon.

Medierli also doubted the significance of daily hard training, but now, she is as fast as a horse, killing, and stronger than most of the casters. Among the army of snowmen, Medierli was like a meandering green dragon, and inserted into it fiercely.

Among the snowman army, a salt beast slowly followed. On the back of the salt beast, a magician in a red robe was sitting.

The magician suddenly opened his eyes and saw a young man in a robe holding a spear in the distance, rushing to the left and suddenly killed hundreds of snowmen.

Master of tactics!

This is awful. Before the battle is exhausted ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ These snowmen, which are not averaged at level 10, will be suppressed by the master tactics and difficult to resist.

He glanced at the warriors that Salt Beast followed, and said, "Wuhe, Deborah, you two go, kill the man."

The two soldiers nodded when they heard the words, withdrew their heavy swords behind their backs, and rushed towards Medierli one after the other.

Medelly felt keen, two swordsmen from the realm of masters came to fight, but she had no intention of war in her heart. There is a magician on the salt beast further away?

The magician is very rich, killing the magician, the highest profit!

Unconsciously, Meierli even affected Xiahe's will to fight. When she saw the magician, she thought not of danger but of loot.

Medieri thought, suddenly turned, and slid out horizontally. The snowman was cut by her spear, and the team was chaotic. The two swordsman masters now, they are not going to be able to reach the young man in the robe.

"You two also go to block him!" The magician's voice was cold. On the sides of his salt beast, the other two warriors hesitated and pulled out their weapons and went to encircle Medieri.

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