Daomen Invasion

Chapter 166: : The Beginning of the Blue Silk Sword

Medirelli sneered, he wanted no one around the magician, and really got his way?

Medirelli is still a tattooing tactic, turning in a direction, like a big dragon, a strange twist, rushing between the two encircled warriors, which makes it unexpected. E-fiction WWW W. ┡1XIAOSHUO. COM

On the salt beast, the magician smiled.

If a fighter wants to assassinate himself, then come.

Medieri reached for a micro-scroll and excited it.

Arcane, Wuhun!

The power that would have come from the explosion of the fighting force fell on the body, and Medieri's degree was accelerated again, and the sharp edge of the gun's lance was seven feet long.

Medieri's mood is wonderful. With such power, she has mastered it extremely skillfully. For no other reason, Lord Lord has provided her with a large number of mini-scrolls to make her familiar with this state of combat.

From the initial discomfort, to being able to fully grasp it later, and then later, it is possible to switch states freely, even if there is no Wushun blessing, there will be no discomfort.

During this period of consumption, she didn't know how many gold coins were worth.

Medirelli had raised doubts, and Lord Lord's answer was-worth it.

If a person has no talent, it doesn't make sense to spend any more money. Talents like Medieri can see the rewards for how much they spend.

Wu Hun strengthened himself, his guns swept, and the snowman stopped in front of Medirley fell like a mowing.

The red robe master frowned. He didn't expect that the master tactics could actually use magic scrolls, and it seemed that his power had exploded several times.

"Dispel." The magic wand in the hand of the red robe pointed at Medieri, and the light flashed on Medieri's body, and Wu Wu's state remained.

The red robe mage was a little dizzy, surprised in his heart, and even turned back?

Although not serious, he dared not use it again.

Gemini Fireball!

Two large basins of fireballs flew above the wand and twirled toward Medillary. Medillary was speechless. She had practiced with adults before, facing the bursting stars and nine fireballs.

The spear shuddered, and the two fireballs were cut open by Medieri and scattered. Her figure was close to the salt beast and jumped up.

Wind Blade Strike!

Dozens of tiny wind blades fell like a storm, and Medelly didn't bother to bother. The fighting exploded, slamming through the magic attack, and came to the salt beast's back, stabbed with a shot.

This shot is invincible to me.

The soldiers who turned around and were shocked one by one, Master Master died like this?

The point of the gun pierced into the chest of the red robe mage. Medirelli felt as if it had penetrated into the metal. The power on the spear dissipated instantly and could not be pulled out.


The voice came, and the red robe mage turned into a red crimson pile. The mage appeared behind Medieri, and a crimson wind blade burned towards the girl.

All of this was born between electric light and flint. The four warriors hadn't awakened from fear, and the mage changed the situation with a stand-in. The force on the red wooden stake made Medieli half numb. The state of martial spirit dissipated at the same time, not to mention pulling the gun, even turning around was difficult.

The red robe master smiled brightly, but suddenly, he saw the black flying behind the head of the young man of Jinpao, a black head flew up, carrying a black light, and instantly cut off his wind blade.

The other side flew softly, flew homeward, wrapped around his neck, and shrank back.

The red robe master grabbed his head in fright, and pressed desperately around his neck. The reddish wooden pile collapsed in front of Medirelli, and she turned around and swept.


The armor of the Red Robes shattered, his hands shook, and his head slipped off his neck.

The mage held his head and looked at the young boy in front of him. The blood in his neck was sprayed into the sky and was blown like a bright red firework in the cold wind.

Sword Intimidation!

Medirelli's body returned to normal, and came to the Salt Beast with a skill taught by Xiahe.

The salt beast was frightened, dared not to resist, and was urged by Medieri to run forward. The snowman at his feet didn't know how much he was trampled to death. The magician's hands were cut off by the gun, and the ring on his hand was taken by Medieri.

Arrive, at least tens of thousands of gold coins to get it?


Medieri stabbed with a spear and killed a master swordsman who was hit by the salt beast. On her body, the light of Wuhun relighted.

The salt beast trampled wildly, chasing the remaining three warriors. The snowman lost his commander and was in a mess. Medil was conquered and saw the battlefield clearly. Suarez organized students to set up an ice wall and block both sides with fireballs. Only a few snowmen are still attacking them, most of them are already in an escape state.

Although swordsmanship is unparalleled, this shooting method is really a battle formation skill, and it is a thousand rides!

The second warrior was still in shock. When Medieri was shot with a single shot, she fought back and fought back with her sword, just like a big windmill, she had to fight hard with Medierli.

Medelly flew long, the big gun was just a shock, and the powerful force suppressed it, smashing the warrior's sword, and taking a stab, breaking the warrior's head.

This gun is really the same as the dragon the adult said ...

Medieri urged the salt beast to hit back, and the two soldiers could not see Medieri's opponent and rushed towards Suarez. Medirelli stood on the back of the salt beast, watching Suarez's fireball being slain by a warrior, and she threw out her spear.

The spear took off, flashed in the air, and penetrated the soldier's back in the next moment, passing through.

Suarez smoothly cut the warrior's head with a wind blade, and then the warrior died.

Another warrior saw that Medieri was out of arms, turned around and killed him again, and Suarez was able to put it down. The ice walls he made were all scrolls, and he himself would not use this magic. Even if it can, it can't stop a great swordsman above level 20.

The rest of the magic can be slashed by the opponent's sword because of the difference in level.

Seeing him come back, Medirelli couldn't help laughing, she waited for the enemy to get closer, and then took the sword from the Taolu bracelet and threw herself down. The soldier's eyes are straight, the enemy has space equipment?

The two men fought against each other with swords, and the sword gas exploded, passing by.

The man only felt a cold on his neck and a black line passed by, and he understood how Master Magician died.

Medieri touched the silver ring, and there were no cracks. This thing that binds the blue silk sword is still not as effective as the real sword.

However, this kendo seed is really cruel, and its power is completely different from what he has learned before. The powerful magic of the magician is cut off at once. It was originally desperate to kill the magician first, and then fight again, always protecting the students of the adults.

Who knows that under the blue silk sword, the magician decapitated directly.

In the actual combat, Medierli only realized the horror of the swordsmanship, because magicians of this level will have self-excited magic equipment on their bodies, and they will have a hard time between life and death.

But the blue silk sword cut his head, and none of his equipment responded.

Medirelli's state disappeared, and the salt beast was still running not far away, trampling wildly. Medelly thought about it, there was not enough food to keep it alive, but it was a lot of fresh meat. Suarez could still withstand it, and Medierli slaughtered dozens of snowmen, picked up the spear, turned to catch the salt beast, and deterred him again.

Yeti is not a powerful race, so it will be attached to the Frost Giant. Without the collar, Medirelli simply drove away, and the snowman fled around.

"Let's go back," said Meidi Li, standing on the back of the salt beast.

"The teacher said……"

"They are not the only enemies, there will be more. This time is just a magician. The level is not high. If there is an epic realm, everyone will die. I am your teacher's big knight and have the power of decision on the battlefield. This salt beast is a good food and must be brought back. "

Although Medieli was very young and formally speaking with her own dignity, as soon as she mentioned her identity, Suarez immediately listened to the order and sent the students back to camp.

Medirelli asked the students to clean the battlefield first. The four fighters all had level 20 and above, and the weapons and equipment on them were also valuable. Don't look at the fact that Medirelli killed and cut vegetables, really in battle, these four people are generals, can maintain a team stability.

The weapons on the battlefield are blind, and the value of the armor is reflected when the charge is intense.

As for the dead snowman, the weapons on his body are not valuable, they are all bones, and nobody sells them to mercenaries. The students cleaned the battlefield and followed Medilly to the camp.

Suarez reported the incident on the road to Xiahe.

Medirelli handed the magician's space ring to Xiahe. Xiahe opened the lock and said, "You are really lucky, this guy has an epic scroll!"

Medieri was also taken aback. The adult said that if she did not advance to epic, she had to learn at least swordsmanship to escape the attack of epic magic.

Everything was taken out and placed on the table. Xiahe asked Eva again, "Can you identify yourself?"

"No, but the magician of the 20th grade cannot appear out of thin air. The nobleman in the north is not clean and is in trouble."

"Let's stay here first ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ By the way, what do you want from the principal?"

"Three epic scrolls."

"I have seven. We are not at risk in a short time, but we have to transfer. The enemy wants to put a lot of manpower near the entrance, one to kill one."

"Adult, it is not realistic to go deep into the hundred miles."

"Ten miles." Xiahe also sighed, and the transfer of more than 20 students was also a troublesome thing. If you are hundreds of miles, the tunnel can't be digged that far.

The entire camp must be moved west for ten miles, avoiding the most dangerous places. Xiahe made dozens of porcelain dolls to help students develop tunnels and arrange ice tracks in the tunnels for rapid transfer.

"Teacher, there are enemies again." Ye Linna was also stunned and came in to report.

"Withdraw the sentry and block all exits." Xiahe didn't want to come hard, and encountered enemies after walking on several sides. I am afraid that big things are brewing in the ruins. Perhaps the survivors of the Frost Giant will appear in the icefields.

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