Daomen Invasion

Chapter 167: : Prepare for escape

The storm continued, and the snow was heavy. The sky in the ruins was gray and there were troops from the snowman tribes coming from all directions. The encircling entrance was arranged around the ruins. EΩΔ┡Small "Δ 说 Ww" W.ん 1XIAOOSHUO. COM

Xiahe moved the team farther underground, about 25 miles from the entrance of the ruins.

This time he dared not mention the matter of building a city. For the magician team, it is easy to build fortifications with hard ice in such a cold place, but how many troops can withstand a total of 27 people?

The reindeer was so huge that it could not be removed from the tunnel, leaving two students to look after it.

If the camp was found, Xiahe ordered them to join forces with the army immediately.

Every three days, someone will replace it.

The new camp can only be regarded as a refuge, the salt beast was killed, and all the meat and internal organs were processed. This thing was first semi-domesticated, and the Frost Giant used it as food. Later, the icefield camel was on the verge of extinction, and the frost giant had to replace it with a salt beast.

The meat of the salt beast is not bad, there are no toxins to deal with, and the fat is rich, which is enough for the students to eat for a long time.

On December 25th, Xiahe received a message from Abigail, Freya came out of the storm corner, the ship will first stop in the north of the Dragon Island, and through the teleportation to the port of the Arcane Empire, that is Say, at most one month, Freya can reach the city of Juno.

Xiahe can only practice in the refuge every day, create ghost runes, and explore with the ghosts.

Xiahe had to go to the camp almost every day. The bad news came back from the imp, many teams were destroyed, but there were a few rushed out, and the snowman army around the entrance of the ruins was not chased.

Xiahe attracted several teams, but did not bring back the shelters and camps, but helped these students and teachers build new shelters.

On this day, twelve students came out under the leadership of a professor and broke through the wind and snow, and Xiahe immediately sent a signal to contact.

There is a student in the team who is familiar with Yuri with a beard.

The professor who led the team was seriously injured, and a bone-shaped long tooth penetrated his abdomen, and the long tooth had serrations and was stuck on the bone. If it is not taken out, it will be infected and killed.

When Xiahe saw the professor forget his life to protect his students, he knew he was not the same party who made this conspiracy.

He took both the students and the professor back to his refuge. At this time, the refuge expanded into three places adjacent to each other.

"Why did you come so late?" Xia He was a little strange.

"I temporarily received a task at the supply point and delayed for a few days, Professor Asra, thanks to you this time." Yuri was standing by the professor's bed. The injury on the professor's body was treated, and there was no big problem. Reply to consciousness.

"Asla, I don't know if you remember me." The professor's voice was hoarse, and the look in his eyes was full of sadness. Half of the students died, and only one of the five observers remained. When he entered the ruins, he was besieged by a huge number of snowmen, and he was not prepared at all.

In the snowman's army, there are human warriors.

This is definitely not an accident, but a conspiracy.

"Of course I remember you, Professor Suss. You brought the sixth grade class and are good at all the magic of the department."

Professor Suss is more than 70 years old, but looks young. It should be that the advanced epic is relatively early, and now he is a magician of level 30.

He is a strong faction, not very gregarious in the school, he has a little rhetoric about other professors, and always goes to the principal to complain. Xia He remembers him, this person is hopeful to become a legend.

"Asla, can you tell me, what happened?"

"There are traitors, in the school." Xiahe said, showing the image of the imp, back to Sousse, of course, including Matt and Bruce's conversation.

Suss coughed violently, propped himself up on the bed, and was pressed back by Yuri.

"How about the two of them?"

"It has left the team, and it is not where it is now."

Sus was lying on the bed, and there were countless thoughts in his heart, but he suddenly appeared. In the school, he didn't know who to believe except the headmaster.

"I have contacted people, and the emperor will know about it for at most a month. Now it seems that there are still two teams that have not entered the ruins. I don't know if it happened outside, or it was the same delay."

"There is no news outside, there should be something delayed. There were often teams in the previous trials."

"That's the best, Professor Sousse. I'm changing the equipment for the students. There are twelve more students on your side. Let's go together. I think His Majesty the Emperor will eventually reimburse me."

Su Si barely smiled and listened to Xiahe Road: "There are seven teams around, but I don't believe in their people, so I didn't bring them here. The students are still alive for more than 100. If they are all armed, it is also one. A good force. "

"I'm all hurt like this ..." Suss didn't say anything. He was a 30th-level epic realm caster. He was besieged by the opponent and he wasn't nearly dead.

"You're stuck in a big circle and you want to protect your students. If you don't care about anyone, this is not the case, right?"

Sousse recalled that it was indeed the case. At the time, he was injured to save the students. In the end, he brought out twelve. If he comes back again, he will definitely be like this.

But without these students, he can quickly escape from the siege. The 30-level epic has flash skills.

"I still hide a few reindeer. If we gather a few teachers, all of them are 20th grade or above, what will you say?"

"You can't."

"Of course I can't, but if your injury is healed ..."

"I do, no matter what, I have to disrupt the situation."

"Then I will contact other people. You should cultivate yourself."

"Give me a day." Sousse glanced at his abdomen, visceral injuries, and did not know what medicine healed. Although the pain was faint, he coughed violently, and there was no bleeding. This is inherited from Asla's favor, if he can live, he will return it later.

"Yuri's level is not good, let him follow me."

"Okay, Yuri, you take your classmates and follow Professor Asla in the future."

Xia He also gave the copied photo stone to Susie, saying: "I haven't told anyone about this matter yet. Could you please be alert?"

Sus agreed to it and Xiahe was satisfied. He had long wanted to do this, but after all, the level was insufficient and the manpower was not enough. He didn't dare to join the other seven teams and let Suss do it. What went wrong? Save room. The students stopped patrolling and practiced hard every day.

I have been advancing for the past few days. After a while, I am afraid that I will have to pass the tenth level.

That is to say, the breathing secrets taught by Xiahe are not the original version, otherwise these students will learn the same consciousness as Medilly and open up the Danhai. Before the 20th level, the progress of this practice method was quite fast.

On the second day, Sus regained his strength, and was led by Xiahe to various refuges, and began to join other professors and lecturers.

Xiahe ventured, opened the camp, and released the fat and strong reindeer, a total of eight heads, and distributed it to Sousse. He simply didn't care about this matter and turned back to the refuge.

Eva couldn't understand Xiahe's actions, he didn't come forward from beginning to end, let Sus do it, and refused to let people know his existence. But this matter can't be concealed, and will eventually be known sooner or later.

Also, the reindeer is gone, what can I do when I want to break through?

Xia He is busy and has no intention of communicating with Eva. In addition to insisting on practice every day, he is helping students to replace equipment. Fortunately, he had prepared it earlier, and it was not designed for the task. Now there is not much work left, there is alchemy. Slate can be done.

As for the problem of reindeer, Xiahe began to have a blind spot. He still has a sledge on hand, and he is not afraid of pulling a cart, can he make porcelain dolls?

Porcelain puppets are much stronger and faster than reindeer, so they are suitable for pulling carts.

It will take some time for Freya to return. Even if the imperial army enters the ice field, Xiahe doesn't know what the battle will be, because he never believes that the frost giant's survivors have this skill, and the northern nobles will have no follow-up means. If Woods Fortress also betrayed, he had to find a way to flee the students by himself.

In the blink of an eye, at the end of December, Xiahe's last student advanced to level ten, and he summoned everyone.

"Teacher." Ye Linna, on behalf of all students, saluted Xiahe.

"Sit all." In the magic tent, only the teachers and students were left, and Medierli and Eva were out.

Xiahe did not say much. He took out twenty-four bracelets and put them on the table, saying, "These were originally intended as graduation gifts for you. I thought that when you graduate, you will all have the level of masters of level 20, Can be the material of the pillars, but I did not expect such a change in the north ... "

After stopping for a while, Xiahe continued: "These are the magician equipment designed by the teacher, called Asla suits. You can replace your previous equipment ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Ye Linna, you will assign it."

"Yes." Ye Linna got up and took the Taolu bracelet and gave it to her classmates.

The set is very simple, a magic robe, a magic wand, a magic ring, a spiritual power ring, a skill seal ring, a badge, a skill storage belt, and a seven-page magic book. Among the clothes, there is an enchanted soft silver body armor. The Taolu bracelet is engraved with each student ’s name, the male student ’s extra equipment is a wristband, and the female student is a necklace.

The students silently changed the clothing and equipment, and the previous equipment must cancel the spiritual imprint inside.

They are not so mentally strong and cannot use too much equipment.

The magic book created by Xiahe is only seven pages, also because the students' mental strength is not enough. The magic robe also uses the blood refining method. The students don't need to leave the spiritual imprint, and the blood can be absorbed by the magic robe, which saves a little spiritual energy.

The mental power ring is relatively common, but it can only be used to release magic and excite equipment, but it can not be used to leave a mark on the equipment. This thing has many defects. It is usually used by war mages. On the battlefield, you don't need any more elaborate operations, as long as you can pour out the magic according to the commander's requirements.

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