Daomen Invasion

Chapter 168: : Cultivate 1 sword repair

After the students had replaced their equipment, they returned the equipment that had their spirits removed to Xiahe. E "Small ┡" says WWW% W. Ω1XIAOOSHUO. COM

Although the Astra suit is named after Xiahe in this world, the design idea is provided by Freya. When he did not know what exhibition he will have in the arcane empire, he began to choose materials.

Most of the work afterwards was completed by Austin and Freya. He prepared two hundred copies of this suit. During this time, he only took twenty-four copies to perfect it.

Therefore, this set is also good in terms of material, and the modification range is very small. Xiahe's final processing with lucky appraisal is time-consuming.

Xiahe did not directly destroy these old equipment, but put them away one by one.

He handles it casually, and he still has half a year of life, which can be given to other students in an emergency. Counting my thirty-six here, the number of students is about two hundred. To escape, Xiahe must plan to escape together to form a large group of masters.

Sousse took people to attack, Xiahe did not expect any results. At the end of December, Sus came to Xiahe with worries.

"Professor Suss, I know that the enemy has a regular legion, you can't continue." Xia He said Suss surprised. Asla has been paying attention to the battlefield, but why hasn't he shown anything?

"Then what do you say?" Sousse still believed Xiahe relatively, after all, he was the one who saved his life.

Suss is not stupid. Asra can take all his students to survive and hide under the eyes of the other party. That is the true ability. At least in commanding ability and planning ability, he should be his professor. He spent his life in teaching and educating people, but the other party is a powerful lord with overseas territory.

"I estimate that in mid-January, at the latest 20 days, there will be reinforcements dispatched from the capital, and the enemy will not have much time to search in this ruin. In other words, we are not so important, as long as the ruins are blocked , Let us not go out, lest they leak information, we are safe. "

"Still hiding ..."

"Sousse, if I were to leave, I would have left long ago, and stayed only because of the students."

Suss was shocked in his heart, and he was a little dizzy. In the past few days fighting the snowman and the conspirators, his mind was a bit out of control.

"My plan, you can't tell others."

"it is good."

"Now the two of our students are in one place, and I will direct it, don't you have any idea?"


"In this way, we are regarded as a team, and together with other teams, the leader is you."

"Me?" Suss knew that he commanded a master magician, and it was no problem to do harassment, but it would be difficult to bring so many students.

"It will not be difficult at that time. When reinforcements attack outside, we will look for opportunities to stand out, join forces with the outside forces, and then transfer to the emperor capital."

"Don't you go back to college?"

"College ..." Xia He frowned, and he was a little worried about the headmaster. If it is the rebellion of the nobles of the Northland, this powerful legend must be cleaned up.

I hope she can hold on, Xia He remembered the headmaster's posture, and suddenly felt a sense of stability in his heart.

If the principal ca n’t stand it, how many troops can the Empire move to solve the immediate crisis?

Impossible, everything will be fine.

"We agreed that on the fifteenth, everyone will meet in one place. Before that, I will see no one, so I need to prepare."

Sousse only promised to come down when Asra wanted to make some scrolls to prepare for the escape.

Xiahe turned his head and looked for Eva.

"Can I trust you?"

Eva was surprised and said, "Isn't this a good thing? At least for a few years after the crisis is over, I won't have any conflicts with you."

"I want to go deep into the ruins with Medirelli, explore it, and come back on the 15th. Students have to ask you to take care."

"Okay, what should I do?"

"Do nothing and guarantee the safety of every student before I come back."

"It's easy, I won't go out to cause trouble." When the Empire Witch said this, she realized what Asla meant. Her reputation is sure to cause trouble.

Xiahe didn't get so entangled with her. He called Medieri and assembled a small sleigh with a bamboo basket woven in front, just like the seat of a large beast cavalry. In such a sleigh, two people can only stand side by side, there is no place to rest.

Medirelli did not ask Xiahe what to do, but just waited patiently. After Xiahe got it, he made a porcelain doll, then took a leather vest-like dress and put it on the porcelain doll. The wide leather, like wings, is bundled at the ends, tied together, and hung on the sled.

Xiahe let Medierly stand, stroking the armrest in front of him, a thin magical glow on the basket, and an air barrier raised.


The porcelain puppet bent slightly, his feet pressed, and suddenly rushed out. Medirley was caught off guard. As soon as he reached out, he grabbed the armrest and Xiahe laughed.

"how are you feeling?"

Medirelli also laughed. Why are adults the same as children? She didn't think about it. She was a child herself and hadn't grown up yet.

There is a wooden board on the armrest, refining the magic circle, and there are time scales and azimuth scales on it.

Porcelain puppets sprinted faster and faster, and the sled was flying on the snow. For Medieri, this kind of degree was not as good as when she sprinted.

"Adult, what are we going to do?"

"Just to investigate, I was not willing to do anything, and then escaped shamefully."

"Why did you take me with me?" Medirelli was a little strange. The adult had a flying crow. If he was alone, he would fly more freely.

"Have you not changed in your lower abdomen?" Xiahe asked.

Medirelli blushed and said: "A while ago, I felt hot, and then it seemed like a space was opened. It was a little scary. I was trying to keep it normal. Was my practice wrong?"

Xiahe was about to vomit blood, but she didn't expect her to progress so fast, she started to open up Danhai.

This time I came out to give instructions and carry out some actual combat, so that she can open up Danhai as soon as possible, so that after Freya returns, Medirelli has a real sword, and the combat power can leap.

"That's your inspiring space, you ... follow the method I told you, and slowly expand it, just like the magician stores the magic power."

Medirelli was surprised and said, "Sir, are you telling the truth?"

"Nonsense, I taught you so many things, do you think they are deceiving?"

Medierli was a little dumb, but still asked: "Can I also use magic?"

"It doesn't make much sense. Your strength is for the sword. Whatever its magic, it can be destroyed with a sword."

Medirelli remembered that he had killed the red robe mage, the other party's magic was cut off by himself, and he cut his head by the way.

"Can I also break the magic of the adult?"

"The power over me can of course be broken, but it's not that easy."

"I can fly too, right?"

"Like me, if you are in an epic realm, you can fly."

"No legend?"

Medierli's performance today is what a child should be.

"Legendary flying is instinct. Like birds, although it also requires practice, everyone can do it. The ability of you and me to fly is a skill, a skill that makes people fly."

"Not everyone can, right."

"Yes, even if I have a way to breathe, I have to rely on some talents. However, the requirements for talents are not so high-end, and the flying ability is also different. I still rely on equipment or special skills. In fact, I can learn now if I want Some flying abilities are of little significance in actual combat and have a bad influence on themselves. "

Xiahe suddenly remembered that he was a little idiot again. Although driving by the wind was a side-by-side technique, he didn't learn it and could teach it to his soldiers.

People with bad talents who can't even reach the epic realm can teach the method of the side door.

The driving wind can't last, but if you practice it, you can fly it for one hundred and eighty miles.

"What about me?" Medirelli looked forward to it. For the swordsman, even if it became a legend, the flying ability might not be comparable to the magician.

She has seen a lot of battle scenes of Lord Lord. At the tenth level, she has the ability to toss in the air, with the summoned elemental creatures, phantom flashes, void feathers, and golden dragon scrolls. .

Xia He thought about it and said, "Then you need to train a second sword tire. You don't have this ability, but I haven't found the right material for you. Even if you find it, you can't fly enough for short distances. A distance of one or two kilometers. "

Medirelli is finally determined ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ After Xiahe said this, she didn't continue to ask.

If the foundation is not strong, everything will rest in the future.

The sled is flying high, almost all the army of snowmen are gathered at the entrance of the ruins, ready to kill. Xiahe didn't have any trouble. After a few hours, the mountains appeared in front.

It used to be the place where humans slaughtered the Frost Giants, and many legends fell here.

Xiahe stopped the porcelain dolls and closed the sled. The wind was still very strong. The heavy snow blocked the view. Xiahe could still see the huge and terrifying forest not far in front.

All the trees were dead, gray, and thick trunks with a diameter of more than ten meters abound, without a leaf, and the branches were like desperate hands, grabbing in vain to the sky. It seems to be a portrayal of giants dying.

In the forest, someone directed the snowman and felled trees.

At the edge of the forest, felled trees lined up and cleaned up. Xiahe and Medieli came to the place where the wood was piled. No one was around. Xiahe reached out and touched the log that was taller than the house, with a surprised expression on his face.

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