Daomen Invasion

Chapter 173: : Asra's poison plan

Susie's eyes were straight, and at this moment, Asla was like a mage legion. E┡Ω novel www "W. Ω1XIAOOSHUO. COM

The magician's guardian skills were born in an instant, but seven bursting stars were released. The huge fireball was spinning, gravitationally, winding up and exploding. Two magicians were blown to pieces on the spot.

flash! Frost! disperse……

The magician's counterattack also began. However, in the fire, the embers of the fire were raging. This skill was not small, and it was a single attack. The strongest point is that the state in the environment is different. The fire is full of fire elements. The strength of the Divine Embers has exploded in shape, and the cavalry wearing magic armor was also passed through.

Huoya drilled past, leaving only a hole the size of a pen. However, all the internal organs had been burned to coke.

Eva wants to cry without tears, and if I say yes, let me grab a mount? You ’ve burned a lot, and it ’s barbecue!

Xiahe asked her to make up her sword, but she did her loyalty and moved her false realm.

Those counter-attacking mages and cavalry trying to escape from **** suddenly appeared as if they were in the deepest part of the abyss, surrounded by burning demons, all around them.

The cavalry lost his roasted mount and shrank inwards. The magician curled up involuntarily and looked around in horror.

Xiahe superimposed two more broken hells, and the ember fire arrows in the reel shooter were counted as being shot.

Xiahe never thought that Shenhuoya would be so powerful. Those cavalry wearing magic resist heavy armor were as fragile as this paperman in front of this blaze.

He was originally experimental magic. He wanted to simulate the shooting effect of technological weapons, and the result was really swept away. But with the ninth sequence of main cards, this skill seems to be blessed by Anduzias. The killings of the exploding stars and broken **** are also raised.

A white figure appeared, the huge salt beast walked out silently, the false realm shattered instantaneously, Eva backed away, gasped for a few times, and appeared to be unharmed.

Xiahe was cold in his heart. This magician was too powerful. He might be at the same level as Long.

Is it really not necessary to summon Anduzias? He fell asleep behind his back and wanted to win, he could just think about it.


A magic projectile flew toward the white robe mage. The projectile looked like an eyeball with pupil bloodshot on it, with a hateful and angry atmosphere.

Sousse is also very powerful!

He actually brought the magic musket to his own characteristics. What would his false realm look like?

The white robe master looks dignified, the salt beast moves forward slowly, and the broken **** automatically avoids. His eyes were on Anduzias behind Xiahe.

He seemed to slowly raise his hand, and the eyes of the magic gun shot into his palm, softened on the spot, and juice ran down.

Whether it is Eva or Sousse, the false realm has no effect on him.

Do you still have to rely on me?

Xiahe also took out a reel. The golden reel was wrapped with colored rope. Eva also knew that if she didn't desperately, the scroll would rot to death.

The magician watched the three enemies holding the scroll in his hand at the same time, and also had a dark golden scroll on his hand.

Xiahe wanted to cry without tears. This magician actually took out a legendary scroll to kill himself?


When Xiahe roared, he wanted to release the abyss demon. At this moment, his heart slammed, the sound was so familiar, Xiahe forcibly stopped his skills, Anduzias moved, and continued to sleep.


There were only two footsteps, and a huge figure descended from the sky, passing through the glass on the top of the temple, and pressing down. The magician and his salt beast were trampled by this figure and deflated with a puff.

The fat big feet instantly stepped the magician and the salt beast into two skins. Xiahe hadn't killed many people, and the ground was all seriously injured. The fat shadow came down from the sky. While stepping on the white robe master, the temple fire was completely extinguished, and no one could breathe.

Several small things on the ground shook and were swept away by a fat hand.

Space equipment, legendary scrolls, and all the valuable things on the magician ...

"Master Principal!"

Xiahe was completely stunned by the fighting style of Jennifer. Is this a magician? Stomp the enemy with one foot!

"Freya sent me a letter from the imperial capital, and I came directly." The principal smiled at Xiahe Biya, and her teeth gave out a faint golden light.

"Have you seen Medieri?" Xiahe asked anxiously.

"Yes, she is fine. Sousse, you are there too."

Suss smiled bitterly.

"What about other students?" Xiahe asked.

"I didn't see it. It should have happened. The rebels entered the woods fortress. There are legendary strongmen sitting in the town. I can't fight."

Sure enough, Woods Fortress fell, Xiahe did not know whether it was happy or disappointed. He is an intruder, and the more turbulent the world, the easier he becomes.

But he didn't want those students to be in trouble, they were all still children.

"Master, what shall we do?" Xiahe did not dare to claim this time.

"What was your original plan?" The headmaster didn't answer Xiahe's question, but asked instead.

"I plan to send the children to the capital."

"Just give up the school?" The principal smiled and looked at Xiahe up and down.

"Freya and I will definitely come back, Master Principal, I can't do anything about this, even if I try my best, I can't help."

"Your Majesty sent you to the North, how did you repay him?"

"None of my own army is trained. What can I do?"

"It would be very easy to shirk, but you can remember to take care of the students. It's good. Asla, now come back to school with me. The matter in the north will be handled by your majesty."

"What about the fortress?"

"Let's go back and talk."

What terrified was the headmaster's words, what did you mean to go back?

"I'll tell you well, I don't dare to use the teleportation array in the school. If someone messes over there, maybe we will be torn apart by the turbulence of the space. Oh, I may not die, neither of you will survive.

"Then let's go back?" Eva couldn't help it. She was born rich and risky, but she refused to die.

"You don't have to go back." The principal's words completely choked Eva. Without following the principal, she was not sure she could return from the ice field. Isn't it dead to meet an enemy like Fang just?

"Principal, are you in a hurry to go back?"

"What's the matter?" Jennifer looked at Xiahe suspiciously.

"There is something wrong with the ruins. It may not be possible to enter again in the future. I have a kind of wood, which is of great significance to the empire and can be used to make legendary warships."

"Tell me where I am." The headmaster decided to be unparalleled, and this must be taken away.

"The forest is so big ..."

"I have a half plane."

Xiahe took the map and gave it to the principal to explain the location of the forest. The principal took the legendary scroll that was just put away and gave it to Sousse, saying: "If you use it, if you encounter an enemy you can't deal with, use it. If I sense it, I will come back to support you immediately.

With that said, the headmaster moved her thick thighs and rushed into the ruins.

As soon as Xiahe's eyes rolled, he immediately released the mage's hand and searched the ground. The principal took away all the magician's things, and he had to drink some soup.

It's a pity that the two guys haven't used the means to deal with them before.

Xiahe looked at Matt and Bruce's bodies from afar, knowing that he had done something wrong. Such people will be killed earlier, and they will not be allowed to leave marks on students. With the imprint, he could not escape if he wanted to escape.

In fact, even if the armor equipment is damaged, it is worth a lot of money, but Xiahe's space is full of wood, and there is no more space.

Sus and Eva glanced at each other and tacitly collected what Xiahe didn't need.

A set of armor is also dozens of gold coins, and other weapons can take away and sell money. Don't look at Suss as a professor, much poorer than Xiahe, and the family behind Eva won't pay her much, who made her cry and come to the north. It's good not to cut the grain completely.

When Eva and Sus also cleaned the battlefield, Xiahe made three porcelain dolls, pulled the bodies together, and set them on fire to burn them. This is Xiahe's habit, and it is best to dispose of the body. If he had the state of Yangshen, he would even burn it with the six gods.

Only the dead enemy is the best.

Such things as resurrection from death have seen too much for Daomen disciples.

"Asla, do you really want to go back with the principal?" Eva still had a illusion. After all, Asla told the principal not long ago that he did not want to die.

"Master Master is gracious ... like a mountain." When Xiahe said this, he was heavy in his heart. Jennifer is indeed the same as Dashan and can kill people.

Eva gritted her teeth secretly, and then listened to Xiahe again: "Look at you, you usually look like a big ambition. Now that the opportunity is here, why shrink?"

"What can I do alone?"

Xiahe sneered in his heart ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ some looked down on this woman, but his face will never show it.

"Opportunity is a good opportunity, it depends on how you grasp it. If you want to hear ..."

Eva hated it even more in her heart, this was for the benefit. But it's normal, how can there be something that is plain. If Asra does not want anything, he should be vigilant.

"I have a half-plane coordinate, which is a bit smaller, but I can also build a magic tower, and the environment is stable."

Xiahe is in the same mood, half-plane coordinate? Are you fooling?

It takes a lot of money to determine the coordinates. It is another sum of money to build a private permanent passage. It is another sum of money linked to the main world. Each sum is several times more expensive than the construction of the magic tower.

But if you ask the headmaster to help, you should be able to handle this small half of the plane.

Anyway, she does not give benefits, but she has to contribute.

The North is in chaos, who can escape? The Green family, come and play together.

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