Daomen Invasion

Chapter 174: : The nickname Blood Mage

"Give me the coordinates. ┡Ω『 E┡ 小 Δ 』said Ww┡W.1XIAOSHUO.COM” Xiahe reached out, and Eva did not feel distressed, so she took a stone and gave it to Xiahe. This stone was obtained by a legendary mage from that half plane, and the coordinate point was created at that time.

It's just that this wandering half-plane, if you want to find it, you have to do a lot of calculation and exploration.

Xiahe couldn't check it, only to be sure that this thing really came from a small half plane. If Eva lied to him, he did n’t matter, and he would have an excuse to fall out with the Greens in the future.

Suss automatically went to the other side of the temple, saying that he did not listen to their conversation.

Xia He smiled and said: "Eva, in the north, the nobles opposed the imperial power to enter, and the emperor also compromised, leaving only a stronghold on the ice field, although it was said that the governor was sent to govern the province, but the governor had no soldiers, it was decoration.

"I understand all this."

"Then how can you intervene?"

Eva did not speak, Xia He made an angry expression and said, "You are stupid! Make an excuse!"

"What excuse?"

"You are missing. Everyone saw that they were captured by a nobleman from the Northland. Then the Greens could justify themselves and send a large army into the North. If the Greens are not strong enough, they can unite with other families. What about His Majesty the Emperor? I am happy to see this kind of thing. I will write a book and say that the fortress betrayed. At that time, his support will be given to me, and your family ’s support will be given to you.

"What are my benefits?"

Xiahe really wanted to beat her, and said: "This matter is unreasonable. You directly make up as a man, so you are your own brother, come and look for your sister. If the family refuses to send soldiers ... how? It may not be given to you. If you get angry and jump out of your own, their excuse will be gone! "

Eva shuddered. People like Asra were really vicious.

He was born in a famous place, well-educated, and insulted from elementary school, but he would not be as blatant as Azra.

"The House of Lords will certainly be jealous when he sees the Greens find a chance to enter the Northland, but the emperor does not speak, and no one can persuade him. As a result, when I propose to investigate the Woods Fortress, the House of Lords will immediately agree and will rush to enter. Northland. Your emperor's heart can be resolved. "

This strategy is really cruel and poisonous, and it is necessary to put the nobles of the Northland to death.

"So we have to stay, otherwise we will succeed in the future and pick fruits, what if we don't have our share."

"A lot of people will die?" Eva was thinking, if everything is the same as Asla said, then the whole north will be bloody.

"My nickname, you already knew it, and it wasn't the first day you met me." Xiahe pretended lightly.

Eva was awe-inspiring, with a chill in her heart. Now she understood how heavy and scary the nickname Blood Mage was.

At such a small place in Storm Point, it is said that tens of thousands of people were tossed to death by him.

In the northern province, how many people are going to die this time?

"In fact, the worst thing is that these will not be born." Xiahe turned sharply, and Eva felt like she had fallen off the cliff. She didn't ask innocently, knowing that Blood Master would continue.

"My judgment is that the people in the original college are all related to the nobles of the Northland. This task is to give some experience to the students as a benefit. Now the frost giant's survivors are present, and then the college asks the nobles of the north to send troops to clean up. The nobles in the north attacked the ruins and captured the captives. They took the snowman right to the north.

Eva suddenly felt that she was too young. If Asra didn't say it, she couldn't think of it.

"Then there was a problem with the ruins. The snowman had to relocate and crashed with the mission. The people who originally wanted to clean up were just me, and the result had to target some students. Actually, I guess there are more students Escaped, the dead are either teachers with no background, or teachers who refuse to go along with them. "

Eva was a little numb, and Xiahe continued: "So, it doesn't make sense for His Majesty the Emperor to have an immediate soldier. What is the reason?"

"The nobles in the north are already in rebellion!"

"It's fine if you don't admit it. After the Woods Fortress betrayed, the empire lost its eyes in the north. The various exchanges between the nobles in the north and the survivors of the Frost Giants. If the fortress doesn't say, there is no evidence.

"No wonder you said stay, it turned out there was no danger in front of me." Eva let out a breath.

"Of course there is danger. If the headmaster adult tears his face, the students ... alas." Xia He didn't know what to say. He hoped that the headmaster would rectify the Tenth School of Magic, but once the conflict broke out, the students were out of luck.

Is n’t it easy to raise more than 20 children by yourself? If you die here, it ’s worthless.

"The principal is distressed to the child and will not be so radical. I have endured it before, and I have to endure this time. I just don't know how to deal with the evidence you have given."

"Of course it was given to His Majesty the Emperor, and when he wanted a war was a good excuse."

"Then my thing ..."

"I used to tease you, you have to wait for the emperor to first find it difficult, and then you are missing one by one, and the House of Commons will naturally desire to blend in. By then the conditions are not up to you."

"In case ... I mean in case, the House of Commons wants to live up to this lie and wants to kill me, what should I do?"

"Eva, I heard that your nickname is called the Empire Witch."

Eva's face was red and she was helpless.

"This strategy, you tell the emperor, the emperor listens, let him talk to the House of Commons. In this way, you are the emperor's person, and the House of Commons will not use the power of the emperor to kill you. Because it killed you. , There is no more benefit, it might as well give you an army to let you toss. "

"If I were successful, the soldiers lent them to me, and I couldn't eat single food. I failed, and they didn't expect me. At most, they lost an army, and they still took the initiative in the big picture."

"That's it, you are finally awakened. All conflicts in the world are nothing more than words of interest."

"Asla, where is your interest?" Eva asked keenly. Blood Master wants to disturb the North, how big is his heart?

"I told you, you didn't believe it."


The two said a lot of words. Among the ruins, a huge figure came out as if the salt beast was resurrected.

boom! boom! boom……

Master Principal stopped and said, "Basically cleaned up, I didn't see the value of this thing, but since you said it, I will forward it to His Majesty the Emperor."

Xia He smiled, and even if the emperor did not reward himself with some wood, his skills were at his disposal, and it was impossible to say whether to come or not. Fortunately, take away a little in advance, otherwise your plan will be a bit troublesome.

"Take you back, I can't fly. Going on the 6th floor, there is a problem. If the northern nobles want to rebel immediately, they will dispatch at least three legends to deal with me. In this case, life and death are unpredictable, and you also take risks."

"Just take a gamble." Xiahe put away the magic tarot cards.

"Humph." The headmaster snorted, and with a wave of his arm, a large car was thrown outside the temple by her.

Several of Xiahe got in the car, and the headmaster picked up the rope in front of the car, strode forward, and ran out of the ruins. She stepped out in one step, which is a distance of one hundred and ten meters. This is still trying to suppress her. If she really runs, she can be pulled apart by any car.

The space on this car is not small, as if it is a magic tent, the cost is high, Xiahe is estimated to be able to accommodate a hundred people. After catching up with Medierli, Xiahe was relieved that all the students got on the bus and began to soar on the ice field.

She did not deviate too much, and passed the fortress about five miles from the fortress.

In the fortress, no legendary strongman came out to block, and Xiahe's heart was not so nervous.

All the way back to the School of Magic, things were extremely weird, and the missing teacher returned most of the time. Apart from the students who died in battle, there were no sacrifices.

All teams reported losses, and Xiahe did not lose alone, naturally ranking among the best.

He suddenly felt that this was very disgusting, and everyone pretended that everything was fine. And he is also one of the disgusting people, because he needs buffer time, can't encourage the emperor to do it now.

Xiahe received many rewards. The most important reward was that he obtained a piece of land in the ruins of the floating city. The school gave him special protection for his protection of students.

The location of this land is south of the college, away from the living areas of ordinary people.

Xiahe took a look and gave up the plan to open, took the title deed in his hand, and still returned to the college to live. Freya did not use it for a few days, so she came from the emperor. As soon as she came back, she moved into the 604 dormitory.

"What did the emperor say?" Xiahe asked not the storm corner, but the imperial capital.

"He said, it's not time to start."

"Nothing else?"

"He said that first let you get things done in the college, and the North will not be messed up for the time being. As for the Woods fortress, it is because the Northerners are raising, so there is no need to investigate."

"Is this really him!" Xiahe was angry.

"Where the backwardness is, it will be a trick, otherwise why do we come." Freya comforted Xiahe.

"What about the storm corner?"

"Relax, the Goddess of Doom has more than one hundred thousand believers ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Incense is enough. By the way, I helped me deal with the batch of things at hand, and the gourd has also been studied. I used it to kill the King."

"Is it okay to build a war doll?"

"There are so many materials, two hundred and eleven sets. I bring out one hundred and fifty, and I plan to leave one hundred on Rhode Island. Fifty is enough for us."

"Is the badge problem solved?"

"It's solved, but the materials are not enough. The Goddess of Doom only designed the drawings."

"Now that we have the materials, we have reserved a place for the plug-in, right?"

"All stayed."

"Very good, let's go to the principal."

"Find her?"

"Yeah, the things we have are all inconsistent, we must borrow her half plane, there should be a better element pool over there, and it is also close to the deep space. By the way, Medirelli cultivated into a Yin God, I have to She refines the sword, is that sword done? "

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