Daomen Invasion

Chapter 175: : Please borrow half plane 1

Xiahe and Freya came to see the principal overnight, and Xiahe said, "Master, please borrow a half plane. E'┡novel WWW'W.1XIAOSHUO.COM"

"You two, don't be guilty." The headmaster stuffed in the chair, playing with her thick fingers.

"Why do the headmaster say this?" Xia He asked respectfully.

"Half plane is the final place where the magician's secret is hidden. Are you going to see what you want to do to me?" The headmaster squinted and looked at Xiahe and Freya.

Xia He smiled and said, "Principal, not only is Freya and I going to go, but my twenty-four students will also be going in. I will take the top three in the exchange at the Magic Academy in June."

"Are you crazy?"

"Of course not. If I am crazy, I will encourage your majesty to go to war."

"Will he listen to you?" Principal Jenny Hua grumbled, Xiahe was cold. He wanted to pull the headmaster out of his chair for a fight. This expression made people nightmare.

The problem is that I don't mention being overplayed, but trying to pull her out of the chair is a huge test for Xiahe. Xiahe was the first to see a person stuck in a chair.

"Then you can call someone, but I said in advance, if you can't get the top three ..."

"My head is yours."

"It's a loss-making business." Jenny murmured, and began to fiddle with her fingers again.

"Master principal, what's wrong with your fingers?" Freya asked with curiosity.

The headmaster gave Freya her back brightly and asked with a smile: "Look, how is my nail stained? Does the color tone match my skin?"

"Master Principal, I will not dress myself up, you still have to be smart." Freya jumped her eyebrows and bowed her head, not daring to provoke this powerful guy again.

"You all come in." Xiahe greeted him, and the twenty-four students waiting outside the door lined up and walked in. Jennifer snorted a few times, stood up, and slowly bypassed the table, fearing that too much movement would disturb the already dreamy people in the school.

"There will be some bumps, bear with me." The principal said, pulling in front of her with one hand, and a space channel appeared in front of her. Then she grabbed Xiahe with a big hand like a fan, and threw it inside.

"One, two, three ..." She lost the count while counting, and Freya had no resistance, and she was thrown into her own half of the plane.


Twenty-six people came to the huge half of Jenny Flower, sitting on the ground and vomiting. This space channel is not only a little bumpy, it is like a material mixer. Several weak students are comatose on the ground, and there is foam on the corners of their mouths. I can imagine what it was like to be destroyed.

The worst of them also has a tenth level.

Not far away is the Magic Tower. Xiahe looks up at the sky. At an altitude of more than a dozen miles, an artificial sun radiates warmth. The half plane covers the atmosphere. I am afraid it is several thousand miles in size. Outside the atmosphere, the space is also quite stable, with a starry sky.

The surroundings are lush and there are fields with clay golems plowing.

In the magic tower, a figure flashed and came to Xiahe. Xiahe stood up hurriedly. The figure stood still, but it was a thin steel golem with the same appearance as a human girl, but it did not do any appearance treatment. It was dark and bright in some places.

The steel golem is so powerful! Xiahe estimated that degree, I am afraid that only flash can be comparable.

"Welcome to Jennifer's house, everyone come with me." The sound of the steel golem is worthy of its appearance, just like when the metal gears are inaccurate, and they are forced to rotate.

Xia He took a deep breath and greeted the students. He followed the steel golem and walked into the magic tower.

In the half plane of the headmaster, many things are superb, such as this magic tower, but some things are also okay, such as a lot of golems, Xiahe keeps up with each other, and seeing the most advanced golems, have not reached the Mithril level . The principal is indeed not very wealthy, as can be seen from her private half plane.

Xiahe also didn't want to investigate the secret of the headmaster, it was to find death. It seemed that there were only some unwise golems in the magic tower, but how could it be possible that Taling ignored himself, that was something he had not done.

Time is precious. Xiahe lets the students practice under the magic tower, bringing Freya to the space with element pool.

"Freya, have you become an epic?" Xia He asked in a very plain tone.

"Yeah, with the help of the Goddess of Doom, I upgraded quite quickly. But I dare not be outside, I can only maintain the level 25. With epic power, that divine power can't hide it."

"Give me God's presence."

"Well." Freya agreed, and a little blue light flew into Xiahe's body.

Xiahe's true energy is running, instantly raising his realm to the level of a fourth-grade Taoist priest, a temporary Yin God, and a 20th-level magician.

Xiahe realized slowly, and only a few seconds later said: "It can last for about four hours, which is great!"

"No, if I'm not here, I will risk it for you and keep it for an hour."

"I have materials here, you design and build your heavenly soldiers, build war figures, and give me blessings every four hours. I want to complete all my magical practices."

"Is it too urgent?"

"Don't worry, turn around and tell you." Xiahe has a sense of balance in his heart. His foundation is still in Taoism. He learns magic. In addition to not being out of touch with this world, he is also studying how to make people in this world turn from magic Monasticism, prepare for the final war.

Now Xiahe only has the realm of Yin and God to carefully understand how magic below level 20 uses deep space power.

The power of deep space is endless, and it is either a world of energy, or the world of science and technology can use it.

The power of deep space cannot be blocked. Even in the kingdom of God, it cannot stop the penetration of the power of deep space for human use.

He wants to sort out his classic magic, and now his classic magic is plausible. Only by raising it to the realm of Yin and God can it be fixed.

Designed from the tenth level, officially used at the 20th level, the epic realm is divided into personal attributes, and then it becomes a unique legendary magic. Then there is the realm of advanced gods, or the cultivation of immortals.

Some magic should be upgraded and perfected, and some magic should be downgraded or even given up.

Classical magic, it is enough to maintain seventy-eight, you can understand the world in an all-round way and understand the laws. The amount of proficiency in magic does not matter. Like good at magic, it is just a complement to classic magic.

Xiahe Enclave analyzes his classic magic while researching and recording it in the Dragon and Tiger Dao to form a system. He has cultivated the state of Yangshen, and the road will not go wrong. Now he is doing downward work. Apart from the trouble, there is nothing wrong with it.

The magic that Xia He studied first was passed on to the students. He still had to take notes on these magics, and give the students the content before level 20 to the students for self-study.

It is not that he is not responsible, and that time is pressing, he wants to stand out in the contest of the college.

In this way, in addition to the twenty-four students, when recruiting more soldiers, more people can be recruited to take refuge in themselves.

Freya's mission is even heavier. She has to upgrade Xia He's needs to epic quality as much as possible. At the same time, she must clean up the divinity of the goddess of doom and build a new family badge.

Including the blood badge of Xiahe, the family badge of the follower of Medierli, and the badge of the elite warrior below, etc. This badge must be integrated with the chaotic barriers that open up the space, and must have the attributes of the blood drop of the side door to bind , Of course, to add spiritual branding.

Freya is quite cautious. These things are the foundation of the adult's family. For this, she spared no effort to wash the storm corner and robbed everything she could grab.

It takes money to fight. Although Xiahe has money, he did not accumulate it.

Raising thousands of soldiers is difficult, not to mention fighting for the world.

In the future, adults have to attract investment, and with prestige and site, many people will inject capital. Just as the royal family was fighting the world, the current blood aristocracy was the investor of the year. Those who survived have earned thousands of times worth of wealth and wealth for thousands of years.

There are still materials in the magic tower. Freya dared not fetch it, so she asked the steel golem if she could exchange them for equivalent materials. The answer is also interesting, Freya must trade at a premium of 10%.

In other words, for something worth 100 gold coins, she had to exchange them for 110 gold coins.

Freya's things are basically robbed, and they are really sold out because of the variety and trouble. So this transaction is not loss-making. She also lacks time.

The evaluation is carried out by the magic tower, which is estimated to be controlled by the tower spirit. Freya feels more reasonable, and replaces the materials obtained from the storm corner with what Xiahe needs, or is easy to realize.

On this day, Freya held a cyan badge in his hand and dripped his blood on it. The badge suddenly turned into a phantom ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ cast on Freya's right arm, looking It's like a blue tattoo.

As soon as her thoughts moved, the badge floated.

After debugging several times, it was confirmed that there was no problem. Freya dived into the badge. The space inside the badge was huge, and the edge of the space was the thick chaotic barrier.

This is the safest space, high-end goods developed by Goblin.

"Labyrinth." Freya issued an order, the space was automatically cut into countless small squares, and constantly moving. If it wasn't for her divine insight, other people's spirits would be shattered.

"Shrine." Freya ordered again that those small cubes began to formally form, and the chaotic barrier space changed into a splendid palace. The surrounding houses stretch, and only the internal space is square.

The six faces of each space are made up of square red Taoist Zhu Yin.

"Communicate!" With Freya's order, the Taoist Zhu Yin was activated, and the power of deep space immediately infiltrated. The individual Taoist Zhu Yin became alive and began to draw the power of deep space.

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