Daomen Invasion

Chapter 176: : The Masters

Freya's consciousness swept through the palace community in a lightning flash, and each divided space could arrive instantly. E-fiction www "W. ┡1XIAOSHUO. COM

In a space, stood her mount quietly, posing as a war figure, a supernatural evil unicorn.

Unfortunately, I dare not give it life.

Freya thought so, with some regrets. However, it is already good to construct the war figure itself. Freya does not need to be conscious, but only uses the ordinary spiritual power of the flesh. The evil unicorn appears next to her, and the chosen position is closely related to her vision. error.

It's great. After the blood refining, the mental power is mobilized, as long as it is a level 10 warrior.

However, such a good mount, it is impossible to give tenth-level fighters.

Xiahe, such an upstart, had only two hundred and eleven pretend battle figures before and after. In order to save materials, the appearance is exactly the same.

However, this method of hiding the badge in the body can only be achieved by a person who cultivates a Yin God, and adults are not able to do it for the time being. That Medieli is fine.

Moreover, the space inside the badge is also limited for those who have not become Yin Yin.

It is not bad at level 20. Below level 20, it may not even have ten cubic meters, and it cannot contain a huge evil unicorn.

Freya can pay no cost for this one, she has to consider working for Xiahe, she also has a strong soul.

Her soul attribute is God.

This evil unicorn is huge, with a height of four feet to the back of two meters and four meters, which is a lot higher than a thoroughbred horse. Warcraft Warcraft, but the back height is close to two meters.

Freya flew up on the back of the evil unicorn, thinking to see what happened to the adult.

The assembled warrior immediately moved four hoofs and ran down from the upper level of the magic tower. Its huge body could easily pass at the corner of the narrow stairs, as if it were a piece of paper, folded . In the chest of the war figure, Freya sensed the three huge hearts.

That is the source of power, and the energy stored in one heart is enough to maintain the activities of building the war couple for two days.

If the energy consumption is clean, it is necessary to recharge the badge. This is the idea of ​​Shenzhou Empire Technology, but fortunately, there is chaotic barrier space, and the formation of Dao Palace can extract deep space power.

Freya came to Xiahe. Xiahe sat on the ground and looked up at her.

"Sir, how is this mount?" Freya was proud.

"How long will it take to recharge?"

"It takes two hours."

"This is the flaw. If my cavalry had no mounts, wouldn't they fight?"

"Adult, the time to charge and use is a multiple of twenty-four."

"So, after five minutes of charging, you can use it for two hours?"

"Yes, this is our mount. Soldiers use it to charge faster. In fact, I hope that in the future, we can arrange a constructing life directly in the chaotic barrier space and replace the heart for the mount."

Xia He thought about it, his own constructed cavalry was enough to cope with most scenes. To build this kind of thing, if you want to rely on your own power, you must have a legendary state, otherwise it is a huge burden. But if you have more than two hundred legendary knights, it is almost at the stage of attacking the kingdom of God.

"How is your Heavenly Soldier?"

"It's not going well. I plan to make the gods directly, so that although the number of people who can control them is very small, they can be directly released to control the army."

"How many gods can there be?"

"Up to five, unless I achieve the position of true god."

"Fortunately, the gods will be able to command more than 10,000 soldiers and have wisdom. If the three **** generals, I am enough to be a Duke. The other two, one is arranged in Stormwind Point, and the other is in Rhode Island. Army of the territory. "

Even if the count of Xiahe became a Duke and established the Principality, his own army was only 30,000. So he said it was enough. Gods will not be used to fight wars. In the world of Daomen, the gods under the heavenly emperor's ranks are all very low and belong to the managers at the bottom.

"Sir, is my combat form okay?" Freya said, taking out a meteor hammer and carrying it in her hand. The Taiyin bow hangs on the left side of the evil unicorn, and Xiahe sees that her sword has been re-finished and becomes very long, hanging on the right side of the unicorn.

Freya said with a grin: "I made a little gold star and refined it into a lunar sword. Now the attributes are better than before."

"What about the Ten Palace Seal?"

"That doesn't need to be moved, it's really not good, it's good to help adults build Yin soldiers."

"Well, the matter of the mount is done. As long as there is manpower, I can be regarded as a count of strength. Even if the level of the students is still too low, the Master League is still supported by myself."

"Adult, don't worry, over there at Storm Point, I will let Lynch help you run the business first. Next, he will attack Dragon Island. The **** Mary's people are temporarily conquered by the Goddess of Doom.

"You are too radical." Xiahe didn't blame her, just sighed.

"What can I do, I am also helpless. On the Dragon Island, even the magician of the beast **** has come out, we can't delay it anymore. Even if you take a risk, you will only lose a goddess of doom. If If you succeed, you can open up the situation on Dragon Island without having to look at the emperor's face. "

"That must be a legendary warship, how are you studying?"

"I still can't do it, so I have to give the drawing to the Goddess of Doom. I can't pass it now. When I make a **** will come out and let him contact."

"Go, drawing this, we still have to follow the way of Shenzhou, even if there is an emperor there, it can't be done. If you have nothing else ..."

Freya pouted and waved the meteor hammer twice, urging the evil unicorn to walk towards the upper level of the magic tower step by step.

Adults are really uninteresting, they say a lot of words, they are all work.

How **** this meteor hammer is and how special the unicorn is, he doesn't look at it at a glance.

Xiahe shook his head and said in the back: "Look, what materials are left, and prepare the students for the mounts. They don't need the impact of cavalry, and the size of ordinary horses is just fine."

"Got it, how much?"

"Twenty is needed now, and fifty pieces are enough."

"Don't you give Eva?"

"Our stuff is not for sale, unless it is the person who trusts in my door."


Freya was upset and urged the evil unicorn to rush up the stairs. A black flame erupted on the hoof of the evil unicorn, as if Freya was complaining to Xiahe.

At the beginning of May, Xiahe's magic was basically integrated, and the skills that should be given to the students were also given. Freya made three gods out and sent them to Xiahe.

Xiahe looked at these three gods, all of them were taller than themselves, with a straight face, not handsome, and gave a stable and reliable feeling.

"Master Daojun, teenager Su Lie."


"Su Zhao."

The three gods will salute Xiahe. They are all made by Freya and follow Freya's surname.

"Very good, Sulie, I will arrange for you to go to Storm Point, assist Cotton Jack, and rectify the Stormwind military. All the warriors over there will be your sir. Suri, you will bring fifty warriors to go to Romania. Tokushima, family affairs over there are temporarily under your responsibility. Su Zhao, you follow me first ... "

Xiahe said while examining the three gods.

The breath of God fits perfectly with this world, and so does the soul. Originally, Freya charged a lot of souls in this world. The souls of these three people should be consumed and consumed.

"Yes, say ..."

"In the future, you can call me Lord Lord or Earl in common language." Xiahe knew no one could understand the language of the door, but he was still cautious. The Tarot space he maintained does not necessarily stop the eavesdropping of the headmaster. Although it seemed that she didn't pay attention to the half plane.

God will be at the beginning of the setting, Freya has instilled enough knowledge, Xiahe can arrange the task directly, very worry-free.

Xiahe's own affairs are done, and there is still a month left to simply instruct the students to practice.

The students learned the breathing method, and the advanced method is similar to Xiahe. Once they break through, it is a five-level leap.

When Xiahe saw that even the smallest Mila was at level 15, he felt a little uneasy. His own method was much more advanced than the magician's meditation, and it was also a trouble to be noticed.

Xia He sat on the ground, watching the students sitting around him on the floor, and sorted out his thoughts, saying: "Your advancement is a bit faster, but you need to practice for several years to reach level 20. Before that, I do n’t want any of you to spend your energy on upgrading. The magic I teach you, be patient, understand, and master things related to the law. "

"Yes." The students agreed neatly. They have an infinite admiration for Xiahe. Even if they have doubts, they will not ask them in person, but will choose Xiahe to ask Xiahe to solve their doubts when they ask questions alone.

"But the breathing method I taught you is my family secret. If it leaks out ..."

Ye Linna bowed down to Xiahe for the first time and said in her mouth: "Teacher, this method of breathing, I will not even teach my own students in the future unless you have your permission."

Xia He watched the students lying on the ground, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "I have some spiritual potions here ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ can quickly increase the level of the magician, but it works before level 20. This thing is right For the Master, after all, it ’s harmful. I ’ll leave it to you. When someone asks about it, you say you are taking this medicine to promote it. Some people want to buy it and do n’t sell it to them unless they are forced to do so. ”

The students straightened up, all smiling.

Teacher's interest, unless someone forces it?

Since you forced me to sell medicine, it wouldn't matter to me if I died.

"Also, I want to set up a family mage group, are you willing to join?"

"Yes!" Mila shouted loudly.

"You think about it, the teacher's family, only my blood, I don't know if I can ..."

"I do."


The students answered solemnly one by one, and became a member of the teacher and magistrate group, which is the highest honor.

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