Daomen Invasion

Chapter 177: : College Exchange

At the beginning of June, Xiahe was brutally pulled from half of the plane and left in the principal's office. 』E 小 ┡ 说 Ww┡W. 』1XIAOOSHUO. COM

Lord Jennifer is in a good mood. She looks at Xiahe, who is vomiting in darkness, and casts a magic trick to make Xiahe quiet down before saying: "Do you remember what you said before?"

Xiahe shook his head and said, "I don't remember at all."

"Gaga ha ha ha! Then I will repeat it again, you are going to participate in the college exchanges, and take your students to achieve the top three results. If you can't do it, your head will belong to me." Principal The laughter of the adult is even more terrifying, as if there are hundreds of Warcraft stuffed in her stomach.

"Did I say that?" Xia He looked surprised.

"Little Bunny, I said you said it, you said it!" Jennifer's face could not see what it was. Anyway, the fat and chubby meat huddled together, no matter how it was explained.

"Master Principal said it rightly." Xia He sighed, and it seemed that it was no good to be ridiculous.

"Although it makes sense, but what use do I want your head to be? Is it a toilet? Your mouth is still a little smaller. I don't think so. If you don't do it, the magic tower was made for me by White, and the Magic Branch It ’s called the Jennifer Magic Academy. If you win the top three, I ’ll help you fix that small half plane outside the world. "

Xiahe ashamed, it turned out that Jennifer knew everything.

"Master, the right to use the magic tower?"

"In any case, I have the right to use it. It's quite troublesome to go back to the half plane once. If there is a magic tower in the main world, it will be easier to communicate."

"I will leave the materials first. In any case, this branch will also start to set the schedule immediately. I will apply for branch funding with His Majesty. I will also be the president of the branch." Xiahe asked.

"Yes, didn't I give you a piece of land outside the college? You use it as soon as possible, set it up as a castle, and train some children to become knights or magicians. According to your degree, it should be a result in two or three years."

"Adult, why can't you solve the problem of the Academy of Magic?" Xiahe avoided talking about herself.

"How to solve? Legends have to pay in this world. It provokes the legendary strongman behind the nobles of the Northland. This is a legendary war. Eventually the battle will burn in half planes, half planes will look for each other, Collision, and then lose both sides. "

Xiahe speechless, the legend of this world, can be really limited.

If it is in the world of God Week, there is not so much influence. In the world of God Week, people and immortals can walk freely. Unless they are promoted to Dixian, there will be legendary restrictions in this world.

There is also a chaotic world with few restrictions. In the broken abyss, the demigods walked all over the place, and the number was surprisingly much, not to mention the god-level monarch. Anduzias is at best a general in the broken abyss.

"I can't kill all the teachers in the school. There will always be innocence among them. If I do this, it will attract more legendary shots. For our people, do you think you can survive? "

"Master Principal, I always feel that the law of legend is a little weird." Xia He continued to ask, because in Shenzhou World, the action of Yang Shen real person is not a problem at all, and will not cause any backlash.

It's just that the real Yangshen in the world of Shenzhou must also be cautious. If there is such a strange equipment in the hands of the Yin Shen Taoist, it is still very simple to kill you a Yangshen.

"The scope of the legendary activities is very small. The last big move was the last to clean up the remains of the Frost Giant. Since then, it is His Majesty the Emperor, who will stay in the Emperor Capital with peace of mind. Think about it yourself, the legendary warship, the floating city, these things What is the meaning of "?"

Expand the scope of legendary activities!

Xiahe understood it without saying it. When he released Anduzias himself, he felt that Anduzias was suppressed very much, and after being injured, he slept for too long. Bloody Mary shot, also projected or avatar, did not come forward.

"I built a magic tower, and I can appear in many places nearby. This is why the nobles in the north refused to support me. They have legendary strongmen, and they do n’t need my dean who supports the royal family. And by then, the whole magic The college was completely controlled by me, and it would be difficult if they wanted to intervene. "

Xiahe also knows that the legendary realm, which is equivalent to the real person of Yangshen, is indeed different from mortals.

Yang Shen can walk in the sun without being suppressed by the law, the soul is free, and he can live without losing his body. Professionals in this world are not as good as Taoists, but legends are also quite terrible. One person can destroy a city, and if one wants to do anything, it will be a disaster.

"This law that binds legends is not weird. Asrah, one day you will realize that you will become legends. Without the power of restraint, sooner or later you will destroy yourself."

"What about the legendary equipment?"

"It's expensive, why is epic equipment popular, because epic equipment has the shadow of legend, far from the effect of ordinary equipment, and it is not restricted by the law. The legendary master makes epic scrolls, the consumption is not small, and it is even more troublesome to manufacture legendary levels , I can't make one in a year. "Principal Jenny Hua said that he was very happy here. Last time I killed a guy, I got a legendary scroll. I'm so lucky.

"Then my badge of honor?"

"It's a good material foundation, and my consumption is not small. You guys, really think I pinched it?"

Xia He sighed and closed himself out. It was half a year later. The principal still sat in a sleepy city and could not change the pattern in the north. This is a powerful legendary mage, much stronger than herself, and all her strength, plus Freya and Goddess of Doom, are not her opponents.

There is a long way to go, if you want to conquer a world, you can't hurry.

Legends do not want to act arbitrarily in the world. In essence, they do not want to destroy themselves. They really have to do it. The world's binding power cannot be so absolute. If you can project, you can use the real body, even the gods can come down, and the big situation is suppressed.

In other words, if you push a person to the point of self-destruction, he can do everything.

The exchange between magical academies was originally a very common thing, but this time Xiahe caught up with a large-scale exchange event, with hundreds of academies participating. Among these colleges, the Tenth Academy of Magic is really not at the bottom.

In addition to these hundreds of colleges, there are also some schools that do not reach the level of colleges and will send people to communicate. There will be many seminars, new magic cloth meetings, and new technology cloth meetings. In addition to colleges, powerful aristocrats from all over the country will take a look, and some will invest in some colleges, or small schools.

The ranking of the college exchange is the points system. As the leader, the points that Xiahe can bring are technical, such as promoting the exhibition of some magic, the creation of new magic and so on. Equipment is also a type, but it is not his task to try and compete.

The risk of the competition between students is the trial task, but there is no risk in magical battles. They are all in the illusion of a maze like a storm.

There are only nine colleges that can support this illusion. This time the exchange was conducted at Metatelin College. Metatron Academy is located in the south of the empire, very close to the half-elf empire. Students often have the task of killing half-elves, so the trial competition is often carried out in the half-elf empire.

In the last trial of the Tenth Academy of Magic, the class was folded several times. Only five teams were sent this time. There are two intermediate classes and three advanced classes with a total of 120 students.

The team of Xiahe is still led by five people. After Freya returned, there were three people beside Xiahe and they asked Professor Sus to the principal.

Eva saw that the students were all posing warriors, crying to no avail here in Xiahe, and went to the dean to coquettish, asked for a seal stone, and got a bright beast as a mount. However, the Bright Beast also lent her, and if he was killed, he would be compensated. Sousse also borrowed a mount, but it was a skeleton warhorse.

For Xiahe students, the uniform mounts are all war-dolls. They are about the size of ordinary war horses. They are white in color, and they are also in the form of unicorns.

The reason for this is that Xiahe had a loot before, that is, the fallen unicorn corpse obtained in the ruins of elves, and the structural state of the unicorn, which is the easiest to imitate with the configuration, saving a lot of time for parameter research.

Xiahe inspected Medieri, and her practice level was stable.

These days, she is grinding the Yin Shen, training the sword tire, and turning the sword that Freya brought back into a silver ring.

The reason is that the last time she opened up Jianyuan, the fight was too ruthless, almost bursting out the power of more than thirty levels. If it does not settle down, her Jianyuan will be out of control.

Freya gave her the badge and the mount, which she liked very much.

Especially when the evil unicorn ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ rides on it, her spear can explode more powerfully.

His Majesty the Emperor sent a new noble bureaucrat to go to Stormwind Point, but this time no one jumped out and accused Xiahe. Freya grabbed it, and it was obviously impossible to get the blood mage to spit out something. It is estimated that the emperor also regretted that he did not send more people to rob at the beginning.

The emperor was willing to bear the back of Xiahe, and he dispatched a group of troops to Stormwind, and arranged the magician of the epic realm to sit in the town. The real reason is that Xiahe contributed the technology of chaos barriers used on legendary warships. This thing was done secretly, and the emperor did not want this thing to be disturbed, so he silently assumed the infamy.

The emperor is spoiling that blood mage!

There are such rumors in the imperial capital that Xiahe is happy to be a favorite.

When a petty official is easy to be scolded, but the troubled times are coming, and ultimately he speaks on his strength. A legendary state in Xiahe's hands is the goddess of doom just born. At Storm Point, he was not afraid of anyone coming to trouble, even Bloody Mary.

As long as she did n’t dare to come down, the goddess of doom did n’t have to fear the existence of the demigods in her temple.

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