Daomen Invasion

Chapter 178: : Pick things up

Su Lie and Su Ri left Xiahe and went to Storm Point and Rhode Island respectively. Δ 』』 』E Novel W『 W. ㄟ 1XIAOSHUO. Com Suzhao was left in the Academy of Magic and was responsible for the construction of the land acquired by Xiahe and the construction of the Earl ’s camp.

At the same time, Xiahe also issued a recruitment order to select some children to become his knights or magicians.

Now his recruitment order may be laughed at by many people. If he gets the top three in the exchange of the Magic Academy, it will be different. There will be countless people crying and rushing up to follow him.

However, that is not worth it. Xiahe now issues a recruitment order, and he does not need adults, only children.

There was no investigation by the emperor in the woods fortress. For this college exchange, the Woods Fortress sent three floating boats, one large and two small, responsible for safely sending students to Metaline.

Juno College, Neather College, Metatron College are all aristocratic colleges.

This journey, across the empire, military airships must also fly more than ten days.

A small number of people can also go to the teleportation array. There are 120 students in this team, 25 teachers who lead the team, and 150 servants who have been temporarily transferred to serve. The other is the mount.

This large military airship was originally the standard of the 500-horse cavalry, and it was transported by people and horses.

Xiahe didn't have to mount, and the mixed-race horses were not cheap to feed. If they died, they would have to pay compensation. It's better to let the students use to construct war dolls. Energy is supplemented by the extraction of deep-space power, and the main loss is the repaired magic materials. If you do n’t fight, it ’s cheaper than using a military mount.

The important thing is that Xiahe went out to create a reputation, and the snow-white unicorn will definitely cause a topic among schools.

The airship floats in the air, slowly increases, the sky is as clean as it is, and the scenery on the ground shrinks slowly. This is nothing surprising for Xiahe. In the world of Shenzhou, he became a yang **** and fought against the broken abyss. He once flew against the atmosphere of stars and saw the deep sky.

Compared with deep space, the earth is far less shocking.

The airship is huge, but it is not as fast as the flying machine of the Shenzhou World. It can only fly more than three hundred miles in an hour. And this is not a military operation. You must land for twelve hours a day, rest, and make supplies. This thing may be able to fly continuously for several months, but after landing, the person in charge of logistics will scold the mother.

In a non-war state, an airship flying for twelve hours in a row is the limit.

Another intermediate class, with seats adjacent to Xiahe's class, Yuri is also inside. His class lost half of its classmates and is now merged with another class.

Yuri and Xiahe were across the aisle. As soon as Xiahe came up, he was holding a magic book and Yuri endured it. He didn't speak until Xiahe collected the books.

"Professor Asla ..."

"Yuri, is there something wrong?"

"I want to ask a question about the magic of the fire system." Seeing Xiahe had no objection, Yuri continued: "I'm studying Renju fireball recently, but I can't grasp the so-called optimal frequency. The fire magic has a very deep understanding, so I bother to bother. "

Xia He looked not far away with a smile, a professor in the intermediate class, the professor closed his eyes, the eyeballs under his eyes slightly turned, obviously listening to what he was going to say.

"Yuri, what does your teacher say about this question?"

The professor held his breath and Yuri asked him this question, how would Asla answer?

"The professor's argument is that you need to find the frequency of this magic through continuous practice. No one else can teach you your own things. But I have been training for a long time and still can't find a direction."

"Yuri, a magic, if you can't teach all the skills to others, it means that the master has not thoroughly understood it."

The professor suddenly opened his eyes and saw that Xiahe was looking at himself, his face was red, and he immediately closed his eyes again.

He wanted to quarrel with Asra, but he wanted to hear again how the other party viewed the issue.

"Yuri, I do n’t know about you. It may not be very helpful to you on this issue, but there is a little trick or it can save you a little time. That is when you meditate, you can pay more attention to the fire element .When you are more familiar with the element of fire, when practicing this magic, share a little spiritual power and look at your renju fireball from the perspective of a bystander. "

Xia He said his skill with a smile, of course he refused to push his heart.

Why should his skills be made public and free for everyone to learn?

These people originally wanted to test their own skills, they would be laughed at if they could not say anything. If you come up with a solution, it is free to announce some secrets for everyone.

Knowledge is valuable, at least in other worlds it is very expensive.

Yuri immediately thanked, and Xiahe said again: "If you are willing to transfer to my class and I can personally give instructions, the effect will be much better."

The professor on the opposite face immediately had a hard look, and the student could apply for a transfer, but that meant his face was lost.

Fortunately, Yuri did not agree, but continued to consult the question of magic.

How to practice, Xiahe does not want to say, but the application of magic does not matter. There are too many legends and too many epics in the empire. This is just a master-level magic, which is very well eaten by people.

"Arc attack is okay, but it does n’t make much sense. If you do n’t want to attack in a straight line, you can use the wind blade to fight. Fan shot, it is to save magic power and deal with low-level enemies. Attack on a point to superimpose the damage. If the fireball spreads against different targets, the power is half that of normal. "

"Actually, as soon as you asked me this question, I knew that your teacher did not teach well. This can't be blamed. His level is there. Even if you treat you as a son, you can only teach to this degree. . "

Yuri was embarrassed, and his professor asked him to ask, who knew Professor Asla's mouth was so cruel.

"Our college has no money, and we can't find any suitable teachers. You know. Since you don't want to transfer, I have no choice, but I issued a recruitment order. If you are willing to join my family of masters, think It ’s not impossible to listen to my explanation. "

"Asla, you are too much!"

The professor pressed his throat and stood up, glaring.

Xia He stared at the professor with wide eyes, and asked in surprise: "Where am I going too far? I persuaded him to transfer, as permitted by school regulations, and I invited him to join my magistrate group, which was also allowed by the Imperial Law. Why on earth do your students who do n’t like yourself have a good future? By the way, what ’s your name? "

The professor's face was green, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Asla, I have long heard that you are not afraid of death."

"I'm not afraid of death? Who sent this kind of mentally handicapped rumor? You even believed such a mentally handicapped rumor!"

The magic energy of the professor's body boiled, and a red fireball lit up behind his head, which actually stimulated the false realm.

Xiahe was stunned. What did he want to do at a height of several thousand meters? The magician has feather fall technique, but how long can it last? By the way, I can fly, and the wind feather technique is long enough. The students can float down, but I can still follow myself.

"Professor Vladimirson, please stop. Do you want to kill the students?" A young professor stood up and took a golden magic scroll in his hand, ready to open it at any time.

Xia He is now here, this humble young professor is actually an epic realm!

Who said that the Tenth Magic Academy has no talents, but there are too few legendary strongmen, only the principal is sitting there. There are also a lot of epics.

"Did you hear what he said!" Vladimirsen was still very excited.

"He said nothing was the reason for you to do it, and it was still more than 8,000 meters high. The earl scolded Marquis Ola at the Yuqian meeting, and he did not see the lord Marquis going to do it."

"Wait a minute, Vladimirson, I understand that you want to die together, but I can fly." Xiahe said and took out his goblin musket, shaking it, "If you float slowly, I Do you think you will die if you shoot a few shots next to you? "

Goblin musket, epic gear!

Vladimirsen was not excited immediately, because what the other person said was true. He has a feather drop technique, which can be continuously performed with strong mental power and has been falling to the ground. But that was the ideal state. When the opponent attacked with an epic weapon, his feathering would fail.

No matter how magical it is, there are many restrictions. When using Feather Drop, the difficulty of casting is increased too much. Whether it can prevent the goblin firearm is a problem.

"Asla, okay." The young magician raised his hand and motioned Xiahe to stop stimulating Vladimirsen.

"I'm fine, he still has a pill behind his head, isn't it appropriate?"

The young magician admires Xiahe ’s vomiting. Vladimirsen ’s false realm is a little weak. A simulated sun is just a little bit. No wonder Asra said it was a pill.

Vladimirsen had calmed down a little bit ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The fireball behind Xia Heqi's head was divided into three, and the temperature inside the cabin of the entire airship suddenly rose.

"Three balls! Amazing."

The young magician could not help kicking the blood mage out of the pontoon. He froze his face and said, "I am the supervisor of this college exchange team and I am directly responsible to the headmaster. If you cannot manage yourself, please return Right. "

"Okay, when I go back, I pack and leave, not repairing the magic tower." Xiahe is always so angry. Anyway, he felt that at the Tenth School of Magic, no one was facing him, except the headmaster.

"Who do you think is rare?" Vladimirson was not angry.

"You have to make a face. At the welcome reception, you were all touted. You need to build a road to give me the name you mentioned. I remembered it. At that time, you filled a whole bottle of wine!"

Vladimirsen was stunned, he remembered this kind of thing? Didn't he forget who I am!

Xiahe looked around and said, "I remember, who else wants to build a monument?"

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