Daomen Invasion

Chapter 179: : Foreshadowing

Immediately, a lecturer shook his head, and he wasn't the only one to shout, but he couldn't help it. E Novel Ww┡W. 1XIAOSHUO. COM

The young mage could not help crying and laughing. He was hired by the principal to supervise. It was originally a light job. Who knew that Asra was clearly picking things up.

Vladimirson received the false realm and sat down with anger, he didn't want to talk to Asra again.

If he was rushed back by the supervisor, he would lose his adult in the school. Besides, it was an opportunity that was hard to obtain, but he spent money.

"I thought I was able to fight, and Bai was excited." Xiahe put the goblin musket, and sat back on the chair with a sullen look.

"You change place." The young magician came to Yuri and said to Yuri.

"I remember you." Xia He pointed to the young mage: "You went to the reception."

"I didn't say anything." The young mage sat down.

"Asla? Xia." Xia He introduced himself formally.

"Nicholas? Hall."

"I rarely see you at school." Xiahe was polite and only then the guy who was going to drive the madness away.

"Because you disappeared for half a year, it is really not easy to see me."


"This time the college exchanges, the school attaches great importance. I don't want you to have any conflicts with your peers, especially in this high-altitude environment."

"Then do you know why I mad at him?"

"I also want to know, Count Asla." Nicholas smiled. When he laughed, he had a close charm and grace. Xiahe felt that many of the old aristocrats in the imperial capital did not look as good as Nicholas.

"Because ... I just like that they don't look at me and take my helpless look."

There was silence in the airship. Among the teachers who came this time, there might be only one Sus who had no idea about Xiahe.

"But what good is this?" Nicholas asked with a smile.

"What good is it for me to build a magic tower for the school? This time I opened my eyes. The nobles of the Northland are not able to afford the Tenth Magic Academy and don't want to pay. Nicolas, you know what I saw on the icefield Alright? You can never think of ... "

"I know." Nicholas quickly interrupted Xiahe.

He is the principal's only confidant in the school, and how could he not know what happened on the ice field. The problem of the nobles in the North is not one or two years, and he is helpless.

"They don't even get used to the principal, but how can they be used to me." Xiahe's mouth was not idle, and Nicholas regretted coming to talk to him. Let him go on, which one might anger him again.

"But the college exchanges have to be done. They are not waste. I hope to get the top ten ranking in this exchange. They are estimated to get the top twenty. A lot higher at once. "

Nicholas is strange. How did Asla's mouth live today?

Knowing that the college is an enemy everywhere, it still needs to be so arrogant.

"The principals have worked hard to raise funds, adapt textbooks, introduce more low-level magicians as lecturers, and select better children to join the college. The progress of the college is almost her credit. I do n’t say it, those people thought It is the result of their own hard work. "

Xiahe mocked unabashedly, and Nicholas felt much better about him.

"The last relic trial could not be completed, and many people died, including some young lecturers. I know that they were all found by the principal with a lot of effort. Many people may also hope that I died at that time. Nicholas, I tell you, even if I die, I can take the whole academy and go to purgatory. "

Nicholas's complexion is not good again. Why did Asla get this on the bright side?

"Why don't I give them a face? I just want to see who can jump out and dare to do it directly to me."

"Count Asla, please stop showing such boring remarks." Eva suddenly spoke next to her, attracting the ears of all professors and lecturers.

"Oh? Eva, do you want to be right with me?" Xiahe's stance against the whole world.

"Sorry, your vulgarity and rudeness, I have endured it to the extreme. After going back this time, I will apply to transfer out of the fourth-level class, and I will not be your assistant. The Green family can't cooperate with you anymore. Eva stood up with a cold face and walked to the back seat.

Xiahe is speechless. Isn't Eva an imperial witch? Why is acting so bad!

"Go away, the Green family is something." Freya opened her mouth in time, finally making up for the shortcomings.

"Are you provoking the Green family!" Eva turned suddenly and stared at Freya.

"I don't want to, but I hate cheap goods." Freya's words made everyone admire the extreme. This guy is very good for Asla.

Although he had already talked to Eva in advance, Xiahe was still surprised by Freya. This level of direct stabbing was much harder than cursing at the Yuqian meeting.

"Eva, if you are not convinced, you can go out and fight Freya, I have no opinion." Xia He finished, and saw Eva sneered.

"Very good, Asra, you have the ability to stay in the Imperial Capital all your life."

"Oh, it's terrible, if you have the ability, you will bring troops to the north, come to declare war." Xiahe suddenly appeared, his level is far inferior to Freya. Isn't she born to hurt her?

The atmosphere was very friendly and silent, Eva could not scold you, and went to the empty seat behind to get angry.

Xiahe turned his head again and smiled at Nicholas, saying, "Just before, where have we said?"

Nicholas said with heart, you have to go on, and all of you and your companions were mad at you. If you go down again, this airship is about to explode.

No wonder the principal said that this time the task is arduous.

"By the way, I just said that the fire department magic, this is to learn the fire department magic, it is best to lay a good foundation around the tenth level, do not learn too early, not too late. The teachers in the school, generally fire department magic is not good Is the fundamental problem, and it cannot be changed. "

Although his words hurt people, they are much better than before. Nicholas had to follow the topic, lest he talk about the politics of the school again.

"I have heard of a magic before that can add fire to the wind blade to make the instantaneous lethality become greater. The closer the attack distance of this magic is, the better, because the burst time is extremely short. I thought, The wind magic itself is not very stable, but the magic of the attack distance such as wind blade is exhibited. The fire magic is also unstable, but there is a large-scale long-range attack such as a meteor fire rain. "

Nicholas was attracted by the topic of Xiahe, saying: "So is a magic stable, don't you look at the element attributes, right?"

Xiahe nodded: "Looking at the frequency, many people have difficulty mastering the frequency. This is the key to advanced epics. Most magicians in the epic realm rely on talent, and their understanding of a certain magic is due to talent. It cannot be copied to others. , So I can't bring students well. "

"You mean, is there a way to get the magician out of talent restrictions?"

"Of course, if magic cannot be explained by specific data, it can only be said to be imperfect."

"My blowgun technique has an attack distance of only fifteen meters, which is also a question of frequency, right?" Nicholas asked modestly, although his state has reached epic, Xiahe is only a fifteenth-level magician.

Many scholars in this world have a deep understanding of magic, but their level is not high.

"Windgun technique is a short-range magic in the range of five meters. It is specifically for dealing with warriors. You can shoot fifteen meters away. It is already a talent."

He will also praise people?

In the airship quietly, the scolded Vladimirson wanted to cry without tears, why did he want to come forward.

"However, you should not pursue the purity of the wind gun, yes, the purer the wind element, the farther the attack distance of the wind gun, but there is a limit, fifteen meters is your limit."

"Don't pursue purity?" Nicholas wondered, because his teacher told him that the ultimate magic is purity.

"There is nothing pure in the world. The soil contains water and various metals. You can say that he is made of soil elements, but is it true?"

Nicholas pondered, Xiahe's argument was also a genre, and many magicians pursued mixed magic.

Xiahe raised his hand, and an air gun appeared on his palm, but it was only half a foot long. It is the wind element that condenses into a wind gun, but in this wind gun, there is a dim golden color, which is the particles formed by the earth element.

"Is it more solid?"

"How can it be so stable?"

"Proportion, there is also the order of spells when preparing for magic, or a sequence of soul manipulation. Have you ever been to the desert? The gust of wind will sweep Sha Shuo and hit your face with special pain. This magic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There are many elements in the earth After that, the degree will be slow, the meaning of wind magic is lost, the earth element is less, it will be scattered, and the attack power will decline. Of course, I am only good at this magic, I can not give you more advice. "

Ordinary magicians, mastering magic are proficient in magic, good at magic and knowing magic.

You must be able to learn classic magic before you can hope to advance your epic. Achievement of an epic is only possible to advance the legend.

Xiahe's so good at magic is so powerful, Nicholas respected.

"Can I exchange this magic with you? You can ask." Nicholas tickled.

"That's not necessary."

Nicholaston was disappointed at the time. He was good at air guns, which was an important part of his combat magic, even if he could have an additional attack distance of one or two meters.

"For this college exchange, I wrote three papers, one of which is related to the wind gun technique. You can buy it in the college system, which is much cheaper than a private exchange like this. If there is something you do n’t understand later, we will exchange it. Then there is no need for any money, just give me a piece of art. "

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