Daomen Invasion

Chapter 180: : Consignment

Not only was Nicholas accidental, but everyone was surprised. Hearing that the blood mage demanded money for death, he had searched abroad for countless times.

The leader of a small team contributes up to three papers, and the quality must be excellent, which is equivalent to revealing some of his secrets. Not everyone cares about such points.

The papers published in such competitions have low returns, and if they are purchased, not many are distributed to the authors.

Xiahe let Nicholas buy papers, which can save a lot of money, it is indeed a fair suggestion. As for artwork, it usually refers to some interesting magic items that have a sense of beauty, but no combat application ability.

This kind of stuff is usually sold to ordinary people at a high price. Professionals give each other away, and the value is much lower.

It's impossible for an earring to sell tens of thousands of gold coins just because it is beautiful. The so-called high price is usually hundreds of gold coins.

It seems that the blood mage can also be flattered, and the toughness of the talent is just a matter of face.

Xiahe was so tossed, everyone only remembered that Eva and him turned their faces, which may be the real loss of the blood mage.

Xiahe's students didn't care about this, everyone closed their eyes tightly and realized the new badge.

The students got the emblem of the Master League, also with Xiahe's family mark, and a three-legged golden black. These badges can only be divided into eight spaces for the time being, and the largest one contains snow-white unicorns. This unicorn has only two hearts, and each heart can only maintain twenty-four hours of exercise time.

In fact, Freya ’s evil unicorn for the family cavalry has only two hearts, but it lasts the same time as her mount. One heart can supply energy for 48 hours.

A heart is saved, the cost reduction is not a little bit, the magic lines that need to be refined are reduced by half, because the structure of the three hearts, there are a lot of magic lines to prevent the magic disorder, this thing is designed by the goddess of doom There is no way to increase the number of hearts.

When we arrived at the Master League, the material was insufficient, so we had to reduce the quality of our heart.

The evil unicorn is very large. This pale unicorn is much smaller and has a lower cost. Anyway, the magician does not need a melee charge, just have speed and protection.

Each student is repeatedly cultivating the pale unicorn, familiar with the magic pattern and control center inside. The control center is eight element crystals, with redundant magic arrays, one set can be used if the other is broken.

Constructing war buddies has the ability to act autonomously, but also has simple wisdom, but it is not life.

Human control is in the first execution sequence, so magicians must try to become familiar with the equipment. The pale unicorn also reserves a lot of sockets, which can be used as a carrier similar to the magic book in the future.

The teacher quarreled with others. They didn't care who was right or who was wrong. In the remains of the Frost Giant's Temple, who controlled their lives? Not relying on the teacher, everyone hid safely and returned to the college alive. If someone does something right with the teacher, it must be the other party's fault.

As for the future, what the students think is very clear. They do not have a family background, and following the teacher is the best choice.

Otherwise, even if they had surrendered to the northern nobles, they would not be able to go to the top.

College graduates, of course, are competing for what they want after graduation, but whoever they want, what they want to do is different. If he refuses to accept the nobility of the northern nobility and go out to make his own living, one will join the army and the other will find a job in the emperor.

Good luck, get a leisure job, and still be poor for half a life. If you can't find anything to do, you can only follow the caravan to mix.

Xiahe still talks about magic with Nicholas. He does n’t spray, and naturally no one pays attention. However, Nicholas is very impressed with Xiahe. The magician ’s thinking seems to be not limited. Almost every kind of magic can be taken out Last few days and nights.

Xiahe also found the strangeness of Nicholas, only he can see his epic realm, and in the eyes of others, he must be just a magic master in his early 20s.

Maybe this person is a proud disciple of the headmaster, and Xia He relieved himself when he thought about it.

All the way to the south, Xiaoxing stayed overnight. On June 16, he arrived at the Emerald Province. The eastern part of the Emerald Province is a mountain, the western part has a plain, and the southern part is bordered by a half-elf empire. The terrain is a bit higher than it seems to be a natural barrier. The gap of this fault zone is more than 500 meters, and a long natural ramp is inserted diagonally into the territory of the semi-elven empire.

The arcane empire built the Xiongguan here, and there are dozens of fortresses surrounding it, hoarding food weapons.

The Metatron Academy of Witchcraft is just over a hundred miles from the border pass. From north to south, there is a crescent-shaped arc mountain that wraps Metatron in. A large river circumvented Metatelin from north to south, rushing towards the half-elf empire, forming a huge waterfall at the border.

In accordance with the terrain, Metatelin built dykes and dug huge artificial lakes to store water. During the flood season, the dam opens and pours downstream, and two auxiliary artificial canals are added. In the dry season, the dam is completely closed, and the surrounding farmland is irrigated and all draw water from this lake.

The half-elf empire had no choice but to send a magician to destroy it a few hundred years ago, but all of them were killed by Metatron Academy.

The half-elf empire had to abandon the frontier fields, and the area near the border of the arcane empire became a barren land near this river. Either a year of drought or flooding, it is impossible to cultivate.

The Emerald Province is one of the best in several border provinces.

The Metaline Academy of Magic was created by the Metaline family, the Emerald Province, and the site of the Metaline family, which is almost a country in the country. Archduke Metatron was also a pillar of the empire, a royal confidant, and suppressed the nobles of the four surrounding provinces. His power has not been reduced for more than ten generations.

The airship of the Tenth Academy of Magic landed on the west bank of the river. It was only tens of miles away from the academy, and a city was built. Thousands of surrounding materials are gathered here, and can be transported by river to the north and reach the belly of the empire. In this city, a large number of teachers and students from colleges across the country have gathered, and the daily work of the Administration Department has almost become a registration ...

Nicholas was in charge of the formalities, Xiahe asked, and after 20 days, Metatelin College would be open. Fortunately, the city is big enough, but there are not many aborigines. The people who come to so many colleges are not crowded.

The south of the city is half-empty, and it is also a temporary reception place. The teachers and students of the Tenth School of Magic are temporarily staying here. To the west is the local market, where a large number of good and cheap items are sold and the supply is sufficient. The number of experimental products made by teachers and students at Metatelin College is very large every year. The college exchanges points for students and then sells them out, which has become a rule.

When Xiahe is going to go shopping, Nicholas reminds Xiahe that this is the site of Metatelin, don't make trouble.

Xia He laughed, and he was not a lunatic. At the Tenth Academy of Magic, that was impossible. Don't anger them, don't become an enemy, how can you be so embarrassed to die in the future?

Asked the next student, and no one was willing to hang out with Xiahe.

Xiahe had many homework assignments. The students had no intention of going out. Freya was unwilling to move, she stayed to guide the students. Eva went to Nicholas for a position and refused to join Xiahe. This was something that had been set before.

As a result, only Medilly remained, and her practice stabilized, and she and Xiahe went out for a walk.

Xiahe and Medirley both released the evil unicorn. This evil unicorn has four hoofs to the height of two meters and four on the back. Shenjun is very, with a sharp unicorn on the head, and the back ridge extends The mane, which is reddish in black, is like the eyes of an evil unicorn.

The unicorn's neck and chest have obvious scale armor, but the scale armor on the body is covered with long hair, which is not revealed.

Xiahe wore his favorite magic robe, and Medieri was also in the Jin robe, carrying a long sword. The two slowly walked onto the street. The evil unicorn clapped on its feet and walked on its feet, attracting many people's eyes.

The city is spacious and has no high-rise buildings on the street. They are all two or three floors.

Xiahe looked at the past with his eyes, and the flow of people was concentrated on both sides of the street.

"Sir, that shop looks good." Medirelli pointed her finger at the end of the street in front, facing a four-story building with a huge magic glass window on the front, from the ground to the top of the building. This building occupies a huge area and there are many people coming and going.

"It's a consignment shop, I happen to have something to sell." Xiahe said, came to the door of the building, and jumped the evil unicorn, and Medelly followed behind, and the two warlords constructed their own master What it means is that when you get to the position where you parked the horses and cars, you stand still.

At the entrance, a young magician greeted him. He saw Xiahe and Medirelli through the glass, and at a glance he was a patron.

"Your Excellency, are you going to order or consign?"

"Shipping and ordering first ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Xiahe naturally also read some information from Metatelin and knew the rules of the shop here.

"Then please come with me." The magician is not high-level, and should be an apprentice below level five. He took Xiahe and Medieli to the metal elevator and went directly to the fourth floor.

"Your Excellency, what is the price of your consignment?"

"If the total price is, it must be more than 100,000 gold coins, some are very cheap, and some are more expensive to take out separately, you can arrange it casually."

"Then please come here." The apprentice led the two through the long corridor to the other side of the building. The apprentice stopped in front of a dark golden door. The door opened automatically, and the apprentice made a gesture of asking, but he didn't enter.

Xiahe is also not worried about any petty things. This shop is affiliated with Metatelin, and fairness can also be guaranteed.

There are more than a dozen tables in the room, each table is equivalent to a small alchemy stone. Across the screen and a huge wooden table, Xiahe bypassed the screen and saw a half-elf sitting behind the table.

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