Daomen Invasion

Chapter 181: : Rules of Metaline

Xiahe was taken aback. The arcane empire and the half-elf empire were hostile. How did a half-elf mage appear here? The level is not low.

"Startled, introduce yourself, I'm the fourth appraiser Anthony." The half-elf said, the green long hair slowly turned to black, and the pointed ears became smooth and became human. .

"Awesome transformation, I didn't see it." Xiahe praised.

"It was learned in the half-elf empire. They developed a transforming technique that can transform into humans. In recent years, half-elves often sneak into the empire, which is very troublesome. This deforming technique was developed by Metatron this year, I am the first batch of learners. If I can transform for a long time, I can leave this position. "

"I am Asra, from the Sky City School of Magic."

"Long admiration, please sit down." Anthony reached out and two chairs slipped over.

Xiahe sat on the chair, and Medieri refused to sit. She was standing behind Xiahe with a long sword on her back.

"Anthony, let me ask a question. Is this metamorphosis a public paper?"

"A part of it is public, and it involves half-elf blood research, you have to pay extra to buy it."

"Thank you, most of the things I want to consign here are worthless, that is, dozens of gold coins. How to deal with this?"

Anthony smiled and said: "Dozens of gold coins can't be said to be worthless. People outside can help."

"Then trouble you," Xiahe said, taking it out of the Dragon and Tiger Dao ...

Anthony looked at the objects piled on the ground and was speechless. A lot of magic equipment, at least one-third is a scroll.

"It's all high-quality products, and the appearance is not very good. I didn't pursue that one, because the large quantity can be discounted by 90%."

Anthony reached out and a scroll was flying in his palm. He probed it mentally and made an identification. Sure enough, as Asra said, this scroll is an eighteenth-class product. Although the appearance is gray, but it is very stable, it can be stored for about five or six years and will not fail.

"You come here and move all of them out for identification." Anthony didn't change his face, watching the magician on the opposite side take out more magic items and dumped them on the ground like garbage.

"Asla, we only charge 20% of the appraisal fee, I hope you can understand."

"Of course."

"Your stuff should be sold soon, we will pay 20% in advance."

"Enough is enough. Look at this thing for me. How much is it worth." Xiahe does not struggle with those magic items, which are by-products he and his students experimented with. If they are not sold, there will be a lot of material cost losses.

In front of Anthony was a bracelet. Anthony picked it up and identified it. Some of them didn't quite believe what he saw.

"It is a sequence reel launcher, you can program the launch order yourself. Five levels are enabled, and forty levels are capped."

Anthony studied for a long time before saying: "But, at most, you will be given 20,000 gold coins."

"It's fair. The finished product rate is not high, but I have a lot on hand. I sell them in groups of five. How much can you sell?"

Anthony said with a smile: "A lot of money is valuable, but I can't increase the price for you. One set of one hundred thousand gold coins. I can collect twenty sets and probably sell them."

This sequence launcher, capable of weaving the program, is excited with little mental power, and releases many reels in a chain. This is in the war weapon, if all the mages are equipped, the instant magic coverage ability is enough to destroy a knight.

"Anthony, this city belongs to Metatelin?"

"of course."

"Someone stole my mount in front of your door. What should I do?"

As soon as Anthony frowned, he sensed that there were several people in front of the door, trying to tow away the two unicorns. His face immediately dimmed, how dare he dare to make trouble at the Metaline Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry?

"Straci, you bring more people, go to the door to see, someone is stealing the mount, don't let any one go." Anthony opened the sound stone.

"Asla, let's continue to talk about business. Can you manufacture this kind of serial transmitter on a large scale?"

"If I can, I will sell it to the emperor." Xiahe shook his head. The profit of this thing is not high. The reason why he has a lot of them is the by-product of the test. In order to make the sequence transmitter for the students, he used a lot of materials. If it were not for the students, he would not waste so much time.

The storm is too far away. This kind of thing should have been arranged for Austin and Freya. The Goddess of Doom can also help.

Xia He wanted to say something, and he saw Anthony stand up suddenly. He angered at Chuan Shi: "Notify City Guard and Iron Rider, and also greet the law enforcement team. The consignment shop has a situation here."

In front of the gate, there were six people beside Xiahe and Medierli's mounts. Surrounded by them were the arms of a consignment shop, a total of more than twenty, most of them lying on the ground.

Among those six, headed by a magi in a magnificent magic robe, he was in his twenties, empty-handed, and impatient.

"Do you know who I am? Dare to take care of my business and live impatiently?"

"No matter who you are, you must obey Metatlin's rules." The soldier in black armor shouted in a deep voice. He is the number one hitman of the consignment shop, Strache.

"Rule? Haha, these two unicorns are mine. Recently they were stolen. I just took back my own items and it was your turn to take care of them?"

"I know who you are." On the other side of the street, a group of heavy armoured cavalry slowly approached, wearing the red gold armor for the first person, carrying a battle flag diagonally behind them, fluttering in the wind. He wore a bronze mask, riding a snow-white warhorse under his hips. The warhorse had red stripes on his face and his eyes glowed with golden light.

"Oh? Then tell me, who am I?" The magician simply ignored the approaching cavalry.

"Dare to ignore Metatlin's rules, there are only half-elf empire hybrids, and now I order you to grab your hands and catch, otherwise you can kill, you have ten seconds. Prepare to fight!"


Behind the white horse rider, fifty heavy armoured cavalrymen pulled down their hoods, clipped their lances, and galvanized their fighting spirit. A lance with a length of two feet appeared on the lance.

Xiahe was surprised, and the people of the Metaline family were indeed overbearing.

No matter who the opponent is, if you don't surrender, you must kill.

"You are crazy! Do you know that I am ..."

"Ten, nine, eight, seven ..." The white horse rider was too lazy to talk nonsense and began to count down. There was sweat on the magician's face.

The fifty heavy armored cavalry, all knights of level 20 and above, are wearing full demon anti-heavy armor. If they rush over, they can trample themselves into meat sauce.

If you surrender, your face will be lost, and I do n’t believe you dare to do it!

Thinking of this, he looked somber and shouted, "Let's go."

His five guardians did not hesitate, and surrounded the young magician and walked to the side street. He also knew that he could not take the unicorn away.

"Charge!" The white horse knight couldn't finish the countdown, he launched an attack command.

Fifty Iron Rides, a blazing glare erupted from all over him, and the demonized horse accelerated instantly, rushing towards the six people.

The young magician was terrified. As soon as he raised his hand, the stored magic on the ring was stimulated, and a fire dragon sprayed out, impacting the cavalry forward.

The white horse actually pointed a spear, and the power of the fifty cavalry behind was drained. He heard a bang, and the fire dragon exploded in an instant.

"You can't kill ..."

The magician's words were not finished yet. The iron horse had arrived. The white horse knight didn't listen to his nonsense. The lance on the spear suddenly punctured. The magician's brilliance was still unmatched by this gun.


Fifty cavalry rushed over like a storm. The magician and his five entourages were trampled by the iron cavalry, pierced with guns and turned into pieces of flesh.

Xiahe Shenshen let go, and he heard people in nearby shops hiding in the street pointing and some were still laughing.

"The earth buns, who do not know where they came, challenged the majesty of the Metatron family!"

"Yeah, every year there is death."

"It must be those upstarts in the west. With money, they think they are amazing."

"The emperor did not rule, and I saw them stealing things with my own eyes, and I was straightforward. I told you that you should be more careful about doing business with people in the West."

Xiahe doesn't quite believe what she perceives, just kills like that? Regardless of the consequences?

Not only Xiahe, but some foreigners who appeared on the scene were also dumbfounded. There is no such thing as arrest and interrogation, and it is executed directly. This style is too scary.

This place is different from your hometown. Be careful in the future and never challenge the rules here.

Anthony sat back and opened the voice stone: "The city guard and the law enforcement corps, the matter has been resolved, the prisoner was killed by General Myers, the law enforcement corps went to investigate, who was in trouble, issued a warning to their family, let They paid a compensation of 50,000 gold coins, this matter is over. Wait a minute ... "

Anthony covered the soundstone ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ asked: "Asla, how much are your two horses worth?"

"It costs one million gold coins, it's not Warcraft, it's a construction war figure."

Anthony frowned, letting go of the stone, and said to the other side: "The amount of compensation increased to 200,000 gold coins."

Xiahe listened to the promise and Anthony closed the sound stone, saying: "I'm sorry, this compensation has a limit, otherwise it is difficult to enforce. Normally, Metaline will get half of the compensation, this time I can call the shots, you get 150,000. "

"It's fair." Xiahe also admired, and Metatlin was responsible for claiming compensation, which also had costs.

"Of course, Metaline has always been fair. Over the years, there are many people who owe Metaline money, and it will never be paid again. We don't necessarily need money."

"I understand that my reputation is not very good." Xia He immediately understood that he was tossing in the north, and there must be a lot of rumors.

"The rumor is not credible, as long as everyone does not make trouble in the emerald province, they are all VIPs of Metaline."

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