Daomen Invasion

Chapter 182: :joint

Xiahe thought that Anthony was still interesting, and asked, "What if the troubled family can't afford the money?"

"Normally, there are two situations in which you don't want to take the money. One is not wanting to give it, the other is really not. We don't want to give it. We will take it ourselves. "

"Then you must have a lot of debts."

"Yes, debt collection is also very troublesome, so your compensation will require a handling fee."

"Understanding." Xiahe Pingbai received a compensation of 150,000, how could he be unhappy. Although it may bring hatred to some people, some people dare not mess with Metatlin, but they can certainly remember the name Asla.

It was not him who was wrong. The young magician even said that he had lost the evil unicorn.

If you have the strength of Metatelin, you will definitely come to the door and ask a clear question.

"Asla, you have been wandering around in the city these days. There are many delicious things in the south, and there are also interesting shops."

Xia Hexin said, Is this to touch the porcelain by unicorn?

Whoever is in trouble, Metatlyn will be responsible for clearing the site, and then make a claim, it is really a good deal!

"That's certain." Xiahe promised, and he heard Anthony say--

"Asla, do you sell unicorns? If it costs one million, I will give you two million gold coins."

Xiahe shook his head, costing 500,000 heads. That was the price of materials, not counting the refining costs of the Goddess of Doom. Besides, the material of this evil unicorn is also difficult to deal with. If it is bought around, the price received will definitely not be the same as before.

It also involves divine means, and only the goddess of doom shot herself, and Freya erased the traces inside, which was also a very troublesome thing.

"Do the drawings sell?" Anthony persevered.

"Of course not to sell anymore. This is family property. My own family knights and mages all use this equipment. If the drawings flow out ..."

"Okay Asra, I can understand that Metatlin will not mention it again. But if one day you need to sell this thing, Metatlin is willing to buy drawings at a high price, and you still have the right to manufacture, you can refuse Share with third parties. "

Anthony said it was very euphemistic, the real content is-if you can't do that on Xia's day, Metaline can protect you and be willing to accept your family.

Anyone who dares to persecute you will be at war with Metatron.

The Metaline family also has many vassals.

Xiahe didn't leave immediately. He chatted with Anthony for a while. After all his consignments were valued, he signed a document and agreed to sell them at the price of the Metateling Consignment.

In fact, Metatlin may not be able to sell this thing, but when the time comes, he will also pay Xiahe. It is also possible that these things are sold at a higher price, but it has nothing to do with Xiahe. The so-called consignment, if it is good, rarely returned.

Xiahe took a deposit of 20%, took the consignment documents, and left the consignment shop with Medirelli.

The blood and corpses in front of the door were all cleaned up, and the two evil unicorns came to Xiahe in a brisk pace and bowed their heads. Xiahe stroked the evil unicorn's greasy face and smiled, "Why don't you bite them? Bai Chang is so fierce."

Medirel said heartily, lord, this is going to pit people.

Constructing war idols is too much like real life. If Fang Cai that magician knows that this is just constructing, he will definitely not **** it. One is that the real unicorn is too expensive, and it is almost extinct in the half-elf empire. The second is to take the unicorn, in order to be the blood of the unicorn.

Breeding with other Warcraft, or making alchemy life, are of great value.

The evil unicorn rubbed Xiahe's hand with his face, and his forefoot gently treaded on the ground, intimately. Medirelli was not good at acting, but had to take the reins and wait for Xiahe's orders.

"Medirli, have you sensed the battle of Fang Cai?"

Medirelli nodded, Xia Hedao said: "A mage who is not good at fighting, even if the level is high, a charge will die, meaningless on the battlefield. However, if the knights have the ability of the team, a separate battle mage It ’s hard to resist. "

"I will form a family knighthood for adults."

"I'm already recruiting children, and it's good to be organized within five years. Not to mention these, just to let you feel the power of the Knights, let's find a place to eat."

"Adult, in fact, most people will not challenge the majesty of Metatlin."

"I am really hungry, not to cause trouble." Xia He smiled bitterly.

Medelly stopped talking and silently followed Xia He. According to Anthony's introduction, Xiahe quickly found a restaurant and still left the evil unicorn outside. Xiahe pulled Medieri into the luxuriously decorated hall.

A waiter led the way, and Xiahe liked to be condescending, so he went up to the third floor. There is no single room for this kind of liquor. The tables and chairs are separated by screens and divided into several columns. Xiahe chose to sit by the back garden. Five people followed him, led by a female mage.

Xiahe didn't mind either. He and Medirelli sat down, and greeted the female mage who was going to sit at another table: "Follow me for so long.

The female mage was hesitant and Xiahe smiled and said, "I treat guests, and the bill is paid first."

The female mage smiled. She didn't care about the money for meals. When the other party said this, she didn't intend to have conflict. It is impolite to follow others, and if she takes the opportunity to make a splash, she must suffer at Meta River's control of Great River City.

The table was large, and the waiter looked at it. Xiahe took two gold coins and put them on the table.

"Sir, you don't need so much." The waiter reminded in good faith.

"Go help me buy a green walnut with a gold coin. It needs to be fresh. The rest is yours."

The waiter received the money, and his heart was also happy, and the Master Master was generous. Seven people can't eat a gold coin, and the rest is tipping. But a green walnut with a gold coin, that's a lot, and you have to hire someone to move back.

"Your Excellency, I am a lecturer at Procida College, Amy Sitas."

"Visiting Professor of the Sky City School of Magic, Asla? Xia."

"To take the liberty to disturb, let me just say it. I want to unite with you for a trial mission."

"Union ..." Xiahe endured no harsh words. Procida College? Sanliu College is not, it should be a very small school in the southwestern province, at least there is no such place in the names of the schools they recite.

"This is my four students, look."

Xiahe really glanced and found that all four students had 16 or 7 grades.

This is great, because he has a special Taoist secret method to enable students to quickly reach the fifteenth level. And the outstanding qualifications of their students are carefully selected by the principal. The foundation was very good before.

It is not easy for an unknown school and an unknown lecturer to produce such outstanding children.

"I found that you have space equipment that can hold creatures on your body." Amy's words were not finished yet, and Medierli had exuded a sword, wrapped around her.

At such a short distance, if Medirelli shot, even if she was an epic hero, she would have to drink her hatred.

"I know a place where elven mushrooms are produced, nine colors."

Xiahe thought, he thought the other party was going to capture the half-elf slave. The slave-trafficking business in the south is very large. There are often adventurers who enter the half-elf empire and capture the half-elves to sell them, which is very profitable.

Nine-colored elven mushrooms are things that make special soul potions and are of great value.

"Why do you find me, your thing, it is easy to cause ..."

"I've heard of you, Blood Master. You are a very trustworthy person. When it comes to doing it, besides you, my remaining cooperation goal is the Metatling family. But what can be given to me is Too few. "

"Have you heard of me?" Xia He was surprised. Has his reputation spread to remote areas?

Amy chuckled and said: "The Imperial Academy has newsletters about current affairs. People in our small area still like to watch it."

"Amy ... First, you are looking for me rashly. It is risky. What the briefing said is unreliable. Secondly, I hope to get a good ranking for this exchange between colleges. Wasted on expeditions. The place you say must be an area that the empire rarely dabbles in. "

Amy stopped talking, Xiahe simply put a silent magic, said: "If there are any scruples, say now, I can sign a magic contract with you, if I can't cooperate, I will keep a secret."

Nine-color elven mushrooms may be worth more than one hundred thousand gold coins. If there are a large number of them, they will be rich. The problem is that compared to the college rankings, Xiahe really doesn't want to make this money.

"Your Excellency, your mount can move fast in the forest. We also have creatures to call. It takes up to four or five days to travel to and from that place."

"So far?" Xiahe's mount is more than 150 miles per hour.

"If you go down from the waterfall and go east, you will be two thousand miles deep and you may not have time to sleep. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com"

"What if you have trouble along the way?"

"That place is called the Voodoo Forest, and the barbaric half-elves will not go to build villages. We have to face troublesome Warcraft and countless poisonous insects."

Xiahe didn't care about this, he asked again: "How to distribute things?"

"You have a lot of people and are distributed according to the number of people, but you have to sign a contract, and the contract will stay with the Metatron family."

Xiahe thought, let Freya kill you and extract information from the soul, naturally there is everything, but there is no need, according to the number of people, there are 28 people on my side. The opponent is only five.

"Your Excellency, it's very common for teams to unite this kind of thing. If you take a small college like us to take action, there will be bonus points." Amy tentatively.

Xia He smiled and asked, "There is something else in that place, right?"

"A powerful elf witch died there. I have only been there once as a kid and I will never forget it."

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