Daomen Invasion

Chapter 183: : First entry to Metaline

"The beginning of July is the day of the trial competition, and you will contact me at that time." Xiahe agreed to Amy's request. He really didn't know that he helped the weak colleges with bonus points.

"Don't sign the contract first?"

"Wait for you to write the distribution plan, let's sign the contract no later." Xiahe is not a loser. If the contract is placed in the Metatlin family, if it is not implemented, it will be miserable.

The Metaline family loves fair trade, and letting them testify in between will surely guarantee the completion of the contract.

The dead magician impressed him so much that a cavalry charge was gone, and even skills like flashing or any door could not be displayed. That fire dragon was also considered an epic equipment skill and was broken by a single shot.

Xiahe decided to be a good man when he was in the province of jadeite.

Amy got it, she stopped talking about it and started chatting with Xia He. Xiahe did not answer her bullshit, but asked her four students in detail.

The waiter bought back the green walnuts, and the person moved upstairs, full of twenty pockets.

"What's the use of this thing?" Amy asked curiously.

"Interesting, it can be used to make miniature goblin bombs." Xiahe bullshit, this thing he intends to extract materials, trying to create the character of this world. This was when he had eaten a green walnut once in the imperial capital. At that time, he felt that the walnut shell had special properties, and he did a few experiments and was not very successful.

Later, Xiahe paid attention to the fact that this thing was a specialty of the Emerald Province.

"If you make a bomb, can you sell me some?" Amy thinks this thing should not be expensive.

"Where it is so easy, you have to replace the material first and turn the shell of the green walnut into a metal. The inside also needs to be injected with various medicaments for cultivation. It is time-consuming. If you really want a goblin bomb, I will make you a normal one. It will be out in a few days. "

Xiahe Huyou people are dripping water, let him use green walnuts to make goblin bombs, he can also make it, as long as you can afford it.

The meal was pretty good. Xiahe and Amy agreed on the time, and took Medieri back to the place where she stayed. After he went out for a turn, he waited quietly for Metatlin to open to the outside world.

However, he approached Anthony ahead of time and purchased a thesis on Transfiguration.

Xiahe studied the transformation of Ovilla and made a comprehensive comparison, and found that Metamorphosis's research on transformation can also be changed into a powerful warcraft, including dragons, just like Gudruid.

The research was fruitless, and Xiahe began to use green walnut as the main material to develop character materials.

In the Taoist palace, the symbols used by the Taoist priests of the Yangshen Realm are basically all kinds of lightning strike wood. Because the lightning strike wood is the cheapest, there is a lightning pool in the palace, and the artificial effect is excellent.

The development of the Taoist palace does not depend on digging treasure everywhere, but on this artificial manufacturing capability.

Xiahe has no Leichi and no equipment, and can only take the second place and make high-end runes. He has a lot of rune papers, but only uses one less one, Xia He has to try to add it himself.

The sword symbol he gave Medieri gave him a long-range attack ability, which is very important.

As soon as Medir Li Jianyuan became successful, it became the fighting power second only to Freya.

On June 20th, Metaline Academy was opened, and the early team like Xiahe had already completed the formalities and took the badge issued by Metaline Academy and wore it on the body. .

"You, I will be in charge of serving everyone for the next academy. I am Higgins." The person responsible for the reception of the Tenth Academy of Magic is a fifth-grade student, who already has a level two or two. Xiahe also admires the rich heritage of Metatelin College.

Higgins is short, but well-proportioned. His black hair is held behind his head, fastened with a magic rope, and looks a bit like a priest in the world of God Zhou. However, it is not uncommon for Southerners to dress so much.

Nicholas said: "Higgins, I am the leader and supervisor of the Tenth Academy of Magic. The leader of the lower and intermediate classes is Professor Asla, and the leader of the advanced class is Professor Phoenix."

Higgins laughed: "Metatlyn has prepared a separate residence for everyone. There are more people responsible for your daily meals, as well as college activities. The ten-day schedule will be very full. If everyone If you have any questions, you can talk to him directly. I will report to the school within two hours. "

"This is the best." Nicholas and Higgins thanked them, and took the materials and distributed them to the leaders such as Xiahe.

"Please come with me." Higgins said, taking Xiahe and others out of the residence. There were two students waiting outside the courtyard. Three golden wolf cubs were lying on the ground, waiting quietly.

Higgins got the golden wolf, Xia He smiled, and released the evil unicorn, and the students also released the pale unicorn, and they all rode up. , But the students of other classes in the college are riding a demonized reindeer.

"Professor Asra, your student, the equipment is really unique." Higgins looked at the pale unicorn and was envious.

Not to mention him, Xiahe's team has attracted attention.

His students all wore Asla suits uniformly and wore the same badge with his family logo on it.

Vladimirson hated and was jealous, but the family behind him could not provide him with so much money, nor did he have the ability to build his own group of mages. Asla is like a sun, bright in the light, under this light, his incompetence is magnified and placed in front of everyone.

What made him angry most was that even if he killed Asla, it had nothing to do with him.

Asla ’s past was brilliant, and he was just a gossip, relying on his family and his network of nobles in the north to survive in the academy.

The team crossed the river, and across from the metal bridge was a huge tower.

There are no walls on the left and right of the tower, and above the gate, a line of black text is carved on the golden bricks-the land of Metatron.

Domineering, the Metatron family relying on this magic academy is enough for generations.

Xiahe had only two words of conviction on his face. When he passed the city gate, he performed a mage salute to that line of words. This movement was very quick and tiny, and was still noticed by Higgins.

"Professor Asra." Higgins and Xia He ran side by side, and his golden wolf had a low back, and Xia He smiled and apologized.

"On the first day, I will take everyone to stay, and then lead you around in the college. It will probably take a whole day of work, but by the way, I can submit papers and submit papers, familiar with various exchange venues. Battle projects It will not start until after the trial. Prior to this, regardless of the papers submitted by students or professors, they will be scored. If the scores reach the standard, they will also participate in the debate and speech. "

"I heard that there is a points tower?"

"Yes, the points tower has single and team modes. Professors and lecturers can participate, but they must be separated from students. Everyone has three opportunities to participate in the points tower and get the highest score. You can submit the paper first and then go to fight Points Tower. In fact, the fastest way to get points is communication activities. There are open debates, and every team can sign up. "

Xiahe thought, what is the meaning of the mouth gun, the score given by the integral tower is low, that is because the students usually have insufficient magic power, and playing the integral tower cannot rest.

The points of the debate match are fast, but the upper limit is very low. There are points for the loss of the debate. Xiahe will definitely let the students communicate. These activities are mainly for students to meet people from other colleges and make friends.

As he walked, he said that Xiahe and others entered the Metatron Academy of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The school occupies a large area. There are several magic towers in the distance, which have been repaired to the top of the mountain. It was almost a hundred miles away.

The students of the Tenth Academy of Magic were taken to an independent courtyard. More than a dozen houses surround the artificial rockery, which are scattered one after another. Xiahe was also polite and chose a small building outside. This building has three floors and more than 30 rooms, making it the largest house.

Nicholas did not want others to provoke him, so he assumed Xiahe's behavior.

Xiahe did not allow Higgins to accompany him. He asked for a girl named Emma who was responsible for the reception. Emma also has a tenth grade, tall, round face, like an apple.

"Emma, ​​I'll trouble you next." Xiahe politely said to the student.

"Professor Asla, you are too polite, this is what I should do." Emma replied sincerely, she did this job also to get credits and bonuses. If Professor Asla complained to her, she would be miserable.

"Where is it?" Xiahe pointed to a tall building in the distance. The cyan tall building was built in an artificial lake ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The square was square and the windows were staggered up and down, and it looked like Anderson's cube.

"There is a public meditation room, which is very peculiar. The more people there are, the better the effect of meditation. Of course, it is still inferior to the magic tower. But many students who have no money can go to meditation without collecting money."

"Where?" Xiahe pointed to the wooden pagoda by the lake, a total of two, both at a height of seven or eighty meters.

"It is a study room, which is actually used by poor students. It can receive some paper for drawing for free. The magic ink in the study room is very cheap, and it is not even one tenth of the cost. The magic pen is free."

Xiahe rode an evil unicorn and traveled all the way. Hearing Emma introduce him to the various buildings of the school, he found that there are many free public places at Metatelin College, and they are designed for separation and will not gather. In one place.

The architectural style here changes a lot, Xiahe saw a pure metal building, as if it was a room pulled out of a piece of metal. Another interesting point is that the number of World of Warcraft in this academy is extremely large, most of them are birds, but there are often small Warcraft when crossing the road.

These Warcraft, are not very afraid of people.

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