Daomen Invasion

Chapter 185: : 0 people cut

The Magic Robe, Asra Slashing Devil's Hammer, Seven-Page Book, Magic Book, Scroll Sequence Launcher, these are all to be carried. The dragon's sighing ring can still be scanned, but the rune box is definitely not good.

There are a lot of equipment in Xiahe, and the refining characteristics are not willing to be exposed, so they can only be excluded from the combat equipment, and the income is included in the dragon and tiger road.

But it is enough, although it is a serial challenge, it still gives the magician time to rest in meditation.

Rested until two o'clock in the afternoon, Xiahe entered the arena space.

Is surrounded by high platforms, and Xiahe can't help laughing. Isn't this the Goblin Arena that he has spent his energy on? Metatron was copied and used for the challenge. The surrounding stands are also projected one by one.

These people also have to pay to watch the game, and only the winners of the two sides of the competition can have a share of income.

Metatlyn, earn no money.

A magician floating on a high-altitude platform, standing and hosting the game.

He heard him use exaggerated tone: "Classmates and teachers from all over the empire, the two sides of the next battle are legendary characters, one is As from the City of Sky Magic School. La Xia, the other, is Adam Xie Green from Hagia Sophia! "

The grandstand sounded a false applause.

In addition to the small schools that pay attention to the briefing, who knows what root of Asra is. As for Adam? It should be an obscure little branch of the Green family, no one has heard of this name.

Not to mention the name, there is a hint of mixed blood.

Xiahe looked at Adam who appeared on the opposite side, and did not immediately start, but said: "Unexpectedly, I saw the Green family again."

Adam has short brown hair. He looks like he is less than thirty years old, holding a long magic wand, with a mocking expression on his face.

"Count Earl, good luck, unfortunately this is the arena, I can't really kill you."

"If there is a chance, during the trial, I can send you to purgatory." Xiahe said, and launched an attack. His attack is so simple and clear, open the magic book, and then a phantom flashes.

In the magic book, the bursting stars flew up, and Xiahe really came to Adam's back, his fingertips shining with golden light.


Adam's head flew up, Xiahe was not surprised, he waved his hand, and the exploding stars disappeared.

The audience was also inexplicable, looking around, Adam's body fell to the ground, Xiahe lifted his feet, kicked the falling head high, and landed on the stands.

There was a female magician who grabbed Adam's head and raised her cheers loudly.

The host is also embarrassed, what is this?

What's special, you can't insist on being longer, even killed by the blood mage? It turned out to be a rookie who hadn't been to the battlefield before.

Xiahe couldn't help crying, his phantom flickered, and the phantom could have been maintained for about 15 seconds, and he could continue the skills he prepared before the skill was launched. His own phantom manipulates the bursting stars, attracting Adam's full attention, and then he is cut into his head by the gold sign.

Is this a 25th-level magician? It is estimated that Ye Linna can beat him.

Green's family is not all elites, and there is a lot of such waste wood.

"Winner ... Asla." On the floating platform, the host announced weakly.

"Confirm, can I take a five-minute break?"

"Yes, Professor Asra." The host lowered the platform height and looked at Xia He face to face with a mixed mood. This is a fifteenth-level magician, with a maximum cast level of nineteenth, killing the twenty-fifth-level magician of the Green family. The Greens have no face when it comes out.

"Can I accumulate rest time?"

"Of course, but I will explain here, Professor ... The time you accumulate will be used once when you need to use it, and you cannot allocate it freely."

"It doesn't matter, I will continue." Xia He waved his hand.

"A second challenger is invited to play!" The magician who hosted the game was no nonsense, the floating platform re-flighted, and a figure appeared in the center of the arena, 20 meters away from Xiahe.

"He is from Rodriguez ... Parthia? Su!"

Xiahe looked at Parthia, a magician in his early twenties, Badam was much more powerful, also at level 25, and should have touched the edge of the epic realm.

He is almost as tall as Xiahe, with a well-proportioned figure, no expression on his face, and smiled at Xiahe.

"My guardian of magic, also surnamed Su."

Patia nodded and said, "I don't have a guardian of magic. If there is, I will give him his last name, not Xia."

"Which clan have you sent to challenge me?"

"I only represent myself, Asla, let's do it."

"Okay." Xiahe said, unfolding the magic book, and then a phantom flashed. In the magic book, nine huge fireballs emerged.

"Dragon scroll!" Parthia calmly said her magic, no spell, just a magic word.

A huge tornado spawned around his body, expanding outward.

Interesting, the magic that can be silently ignited is triggered by the magic language, which saves the spiritual power and does not reduce the power. This is a practical mage.

The earth swallowed, withered thorns.

Two magics penetrated the tornado and enveloped Partia.

Mage Armor ...

Parthia's armor, entangled with thorns, quickly disappeared, his figure was swallowed by the suddenly bitten earth.

Xiahe is even more speechless, you circle yourself with a tornado, don't you find death? If you can do magic like boiling the earth, you can kill you in one click. Now the level is not enough, as long as there is a withered thorn.

However, his level does not seem to be a problem. Since the last blessing of the Divine Advent, the power of magic has quietly exceeded the limit of level 19. Although the performance is still level 19, whoever is beaten knows that level 20 Master magic has been unable to form a level of repression on itself.

Unless you are a magician in the epic realm, you can fight purely by technology in the realm of the master.

"Come again!" Xiahe seemed to have returned to the storm corner. During the duel in the Leeds box, a fighting spirit broke out in his heart, and there was a sense of arrogance in his expression.

The third magician who came on stage set up a mage totem, summoned elemental puppets, and blessed himself with an elemental armor.

Melancholy porcelain figurines, fighting skills, broken **** ...

Xiahe was pinned by porcelain dolls, and the magician was tortured to death in the flames.

"carry on!"

The fourth magician, did not speak at the scene, a violent wind blade, shattered Xiahe's phantom flash. Then he was crushed to pieces by Yan Xingxing.

There are more and more people in the stands. Advertisements of blood mage begin to appear on various platforms.

Have you heard? There is a guy who does not rest and has already killed ten challengers, almost all of them are spikes.

What ten are already twenty-five!

Is really fast, cheating.

What are you talking about? No one can cheat in Metatelin, close your stinky mouth, be careful to be evicted, and never come back.

Thirty, go check it out, the price will increase soon!

Squad leader, go and call some girls to see, the blood mage is so handsome.

Xiahe is also at a loss, is he so powerful? Sixty people have been killed in a row, and they haven't arrived in two hours. The average is one in less than two minutes.

"Professor Asla, are you sure you don't need to rest?"

Xiahe shook his head, what a joke, he was even useless in the magic ring, this challenge, the consumption is really small.

Flame burst stars.

Flame burst stars.

Blasting stars ......

Xiahe was numb himself, this magic unexpectedly works. Of course, it also needs to cooperate with Broken Fire Hell, and sometimes it needs Shenyan Huoya to repair the sword. If he was n’t dead yet, the endless shadow arrows laid out before him swarmed up.

What kind of magic is that, a serial fireball?

Absolutely not, it should be a new type of magic. In this exchange meeting, it can be ranked in the top three.

Is so powerful, it seems that consumption is normal.

It would be nice if you had a thesis. You can study it in depth. This is definitely the strongest magic on the battlefield.

Congratulations to Professor Asra Xia from the Tenth Academy of Magic, he has won a hundred consecutive victories!

Over the entire arena, huge gold characters flowed through ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ In the previous competitions, it was not that no one had achieved a 100-game winning streak. It is unprecedented to achieve this achievement in the challenge.

"Continue!" Xiahe couldn't stop at all. He felt that his soul was active and he was transforming into a powerful Yin God. Even last time in Taiyin Xianfu, he did not feel that way as a Yinshen. In the Danhai, the six-life yuan symbol is expanding, and the breath of true energy has been completely transformed into dense fog, and the quality is not much different from that of the Sipin Taoist.

The challenge continues, and it will last for three days. No matter whether Xiahe wins or loses, it will not stop.

If he loses, he will deduct the previous winning streak points.

Xia He looked around, and in the stands, he saw Medierli and Freya. The two of them are not magicians and cannot accept individual challenges unless they are group challenges.

"Adult is about 20th grade." Medieli said in surprise.

"Is it strange that he already has 20 levels of strength. Whether it is the power that bursts out, or the understanding of this world. Medilly, you should not pay attention to the level."

"Don't follow the level?"

"The most important thing is the quality of the soul. When a professional reaches level 20, the soul should be changed, not when you are an advanced legend. You have to meet an adult and you have time to change it, otherwise , Even if there is no use in advanced legends, everything is too late. "

"Those magicians who lost to adults ..."

"It's all waste. When they get together, they can still hold a group to keep warm, fighting alone, is the fate of being crushed by adults."

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