Daomen Invasion

Chapter 186: : No one challenges

"These people are all college elites, why ..." Medirel did not understand.

"The elite? The elites are accepting the challenge. You see that there are already hundreds of stands in the arena. Besides, this challenge, the realm below the epic and the epic are separated. If there is an epic realm challenge, the adult estimates It was defeated in a few games. "

"This is the power of the soul?"

"Yes, this is the power of the soul."

Medi Li thought, she just thought that the breathing secrets given to her by adults can quickly upgrade her level and have mysterious combat power. Now think about it, this is a new method of cultivation.

The preciousness of this method is probably beyond my imagination.

"Medirli, I'm sorry."


"You asked me to send the letter, but I didn't see your teacher. The letter stayed with Abigail. If Lord Sword King can go to Stormwind, she will forward the letter."

"You said that my teacher failed to advance the legend. Was there a problem with the practice at the 20th level, and the soul was not strong enough?" Medieri was a little sad.

"It's only part of the reason. The bigger reason may be related to Bloody Mary."


"Because the soul strengthening is wrong, at most it is impossible to become a god. I have n’t heard that it cannot be a legend. Legend is just the beginning."

Medi Li heard this, the adult told her. Legends are just the beginning.

"Medi Li, do you see the difference between adults and them?"

"See, is it convenient to say here?"

"What are you afraid of? There are too many magicians who are more powerful than adults. For them, adults are just a special little guy, and it is worth paying attention. What makes them more interested is the identity of the adults, the Count of the Empire, the pioneering nobility, Work for His Majesty the Emperor. "

"Adult's magic is fast and fierce. From the beginning to the end, they are fighting with rich experience. Those people have not had the opportunity to realize the true computing power of the adult. The adult he ... just grasped the timing of the release of the magic."

"Yes, our adults, there are a total of eleven magics used from the beginning. However, there are seventy-eight classic magics that can handle all scenes. But this is not the norm. Most magicians do n’t I will study so many classic magics, some legendary mages, and even specialize in four or five magics. "

"Why do adults do this?" Medieri was very strange. She was not a magician, and she understood that the more a magician learns magic, the greater the burden on mental power.

"Do n’t say why it ’s evil. In fact, if the adults are just fighting to study a flaming star, it ’s enough. This magic has developed to the extreme, and it can simulate nine planets. You know when the stars collapse, How scary has it become? "

"Time and space are distorted."

"Yes, in theory, it can change fate. What other scenes can't cope with this kind of magic? But a person's soul should be complete. A single study of a certain magic will make the soul unbalanced. So adults let You learn gun skills and learn the skills of the battlefield, just to balance the soul. "Freya is nonsense and of course has theoretical support.

Medirelli was suspicious, Freya said: "If you don't talk about professionals, you can say ordinary women. In fact, they only need to have children, but they also have to learn cooking and cooking, and learn to sew clothes to take care of housework. Noble At the point of order, girls still have to learn makeup, learn to dress themselves up, learn music and painting, and some even learn mathematics to learn astronomy. How do you talk about these things and help children? "

"I don't understand the matter of having children." Medieri said the truth.

Freya had a sense of frustration, okay, she was the big knight of the adult, not the goal she had to deal with. But she has to have all kinds of skills, not just charge. How can people around adults be tools.

"I understand everything and can teach you."

"That's really thank you, Freya, you said, what's the matter with having a baby?"

"Medi Li, can't we talk about gunfire?"

"I remember someone who said that if the guns were good, it would be easy to have children." Medieri was also thinking hard, and she forgot who said that.

Freya is furious, who is talking about this disgusting paragraph!

Should be the guys of the Tenth Academy of Magic, one by one, very verbose, and kill them all sooner or later.

"Medi Li, don't learn this gun technique first, let's talk about adults."

"Okay, Freya, why do you say guns are so good, but he is a magician!"

Freya listened to Medieri and began to be dazed. Is she intentional?

The challenge continued, and after eight hours, Xiahe completed a three-hundred-game winning streak. He suddenly opened his eyes in the secret room, as if a spiral nest was opened above his head, and the power projected from the deep space penetrated into the body, as if a shining star.

In the Danhai, the six-life yuan symbol exploded, and turned into tens of thousands of blue-golden husks, hovering endlessly in the Danhai. In the sea of ​​soul, in front of Xiahe's soul, Shenfu opened suddenly. In Shenfu, Yang Shen, who he had built before, opened his eyes and watched a trace of his soul split out. Now he has grown into a Yin God.

Yang Shen sits in the Taiyin mirror, he can leave now, get rid of this flesh and gain freedom. This flesh is now owned by Yin God, and he is divided into two.

Forget it, if I leave, the teacher's wish, I am afraid it will never be fulfilled.

Yang Shen sighed, separated a strand of yang-to-pure substance, and pressed it into the top of Yin God's head, and then sent it into it. This force baptized Yin God, and then fell into the Danhai Sea, and the tens of thousands of symbols were crazy Twirled, fused the Yangshen material, contracted inwards, and turned back into a turquoise ball.

There are naturally nine tricks on this ball, one by one, spitting mist-like true energy.

At this moment, even one hundredth of a second, the shrine closed again and disappeared. Xiahe sighed quietly in all this.

That Yang Shen, even separated from himself, is no longer alone?

No, it's still a person, otherwise it won't stay and sacrifice himself because of the teacher. Fang Cai ’s point of the Yangshen material brought innumerable information, which was more complete than the last time he acquired, and directly integrated into the Yinshen without memory analysis.

This made his own Yin Shen become more than normal limits.

I can finally perform the fourth grade Taoist technique without relying on various formations, and can independently make the fourth grade rune.

As for magical ability? The magician of level 20 is also amazing. He jumped up from level 15 and is rare in the world.

Achieves yin and gods, and there is soul power in the spell, and the perception of the laws of this world is also reflected in the spell. In fact, this is the ability of the legendary mage, but his level is low, not even an epic.

Xia He smiled. It doesn't matter if it's not an epic. It's quite easy to urge epic equipment now.

The transformation of the soul can increase the power of the consciousness by a hundredfold?

The power hidden in the spell is actually an epic power, but it is impossible to expand the false realm, and the realm power is hidden in magic.

Is replaced by the saying that Buddhism means that his Fa is still in the body and cannot be released outside.

That requires seven grade Taoists to complete.

Freya's projection suddenly stood on the stands: "Adult is advanced!"

"Advanced?" Medieri was at a loss.

Freya is about to burst into tears. The adults under level 20 are too fragile and worry about their ability to survive. As long as the Yin God is achieved, the epic strongman cannot master the adult, because the essential difference between the two becomes smaller.

As for strength, it can be fully compensated by equipment.

For example, the goblin musket is completely different from the magician of the fifteenth level and the magician of the twentyth level. Adults can now release all the power of epic equipment, encounter legends, and release Andusias.

The important thing is that now Anduzias is released, the damage to adults will be reduced a lot, and the duration will last a lot longer.

Four-grade Taoist priests only started to have a little capital for hegemony.

Xiahe advanced, but he could not hide this space. Many people at Metatelin Academy began to pay attention, and even some legendary strongmen set their sights on the arena.

Tenth Academy of Magic, there is an interesting guy.

Was seconded from Juno College, and it was His Majesty.

It seems that your majesty has read the wrong person, so give him a little protection during the trial ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Do n’t be surprised.

Against, under the protection, how can it really grow!

Also said, then lend him the realm of deep space for two days to stabilize the realm, and you can also refine there.

Agrees, you can also add a legendary magic guard to him secretly, if there is a legendary strongman who shoots him directly, it will be automatically excited.

Metatlyn's legendary strongmen secretly communicated, Xiahe was in the arena, and once again said to the host: "I can continue to accept the challenge."

"Professor Asla, it has been ten hours."

"If no one challenges, then adjust my points to the highest." Xiahe doesn't want to take a break. Just advanced, he needs to fight to vent. I lived too suffocated before, and often ran away without being able to fight.

The host was helpless and communicated with the legendary mage in charge of the arena. The answer was that he would continue to challenge Professor Asla. If no one dared to challenge, then give him the highest score.

"Professor Asra, it is already late at night, and the challenger will have to rest."

"Then I am waiting in the arena."

The host smiled bitterly, Asra was brave and abnormal, and the magic of the fire department was unmatched. If he played alone, the magician under the epic realm would hardly threaten him. A peculiar flashing skill is enough to make those mages shy and angry.

Xiahe woke up in the Chamber of Secrets and rejoiced in his heart. This advanced stage, although Yang Shen had a problem, but since Yang Shen made a choice, there will be no trouble in the future. When you advance to Yang Yang, even if the previous Yang Shen is gone, the loss is not great.

Importantly, after progressing, I really do n’t need to care about master-level professionals.

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