Daomen Invasion

Chapter 187: : Future danger

On the morning of June 24th, after Xiahe won a hundred games in a row, no one came to challenge. His points are directly adjusted to the highest score-three thousand points.

However, the challenges of the students continued. The students and the teachers were different. The challenges they accepted were all students of the same grade. The twenty-four disciples of Xiahe also had more than fifty games in a row, and they were not the strongest class leader Ye Linna. Feng is good at layout command.

After loses, the winning streak points will be halved and will not accumulate, but his score is also very high.

Xiahe paid attention to the record, because it was only the challenge of the fourth level, Ye Linna and others also had more wins and fewer losses, the results were quite good, and the points accumulated enough.

Challenge to be carried out on the 26th, Xiahe took Freya and Medieri back to their residence, and Emma appeared on the way.

"Professor Asla!" Her face, which was originally like an apple, now seems to be familiar, looking at Xiahe with admiration.

"What's the matter?" Xia He was also gentle.

"You received a reward, which was given by the school, and the vice principal asked me to notify you."

"What is the reward?"

"Professor Asra, you got the highest score. The school decided to open to you two days of deep space. It happened that there was no debate in these two days, and you did n’t have to attend other conferences. Why not stabilize the state in the past?"

"Can I lead someone over?" Xiahe heard a trace of kindness, and he had to measure in.

"You can only bring two." Emma also knew the conditions and looked enviously at Medierli and Freya.

"Then you lead the way." Xiahe rejoiced in his heart, and took a miniature scroll and threw it to Emma.

"Professor Asra, I can't ask for this!" Emma reached out to catch it, but she panicked.

"We in the north, when we encounter happy events, we will give a red envelope when we encounter it. Emma, ​​don't refrain from this. This will not violate your Metatelin regulations. Besides, it is only a dozen grade scrolls. The material is not excellent and worthless. What's the money. By the way, why do I feel that this exchange meeting is so deserted? "

"Professor Asra, you have not participated in the competition of large groups, and there is a debate. I have read your paper. There is a discussion on the combination of water and fire magic and the significance of dual magic, probably before the 30th. Arrange the debate. There is also a trial to go deep into the semi-elf empire. "Emma thanked silently for accepting the mini scroll.

Her knowledge is not short, this scroll is about eighteenth grade, and selling dozens of gold coins is very simple.

Talking all the way, Xiahe three were taken to the deep space, this is a dark magic tower, not layered, nearly 100 meters high. Emma negotiated with the tower guard and took the school's documents to verify, and she will say goodbye.

Xiahe Road: "Trouble you, tell my students that I am here."

"Relax, Professor, I still live on your side." Emma waved goodbye to Xiahe.

Xiahe took Freya and Medieri into the magic tower. Emma introduced it on the road. The realm of deep space is a special magic space. If you want to enter here, you must have very high credits or make something for the school. huge contribution. It is suitable for impacting levels, stabilizing the realm, refining special equipment, or summoning deep space creatures.

Was pointed to the magic tower, three people stood in the magic circle, and made a short distance transmission. When the space stabilized, Xiahe saw himself standing on a huge platform, like a slate floating on the sea. Above the head is a shining starry sky, and under the slate is endless rich gas.

The gas rolled, like magic power, but Xiahe recognized that it was the power of deep space condensed around the huge stone slab.

Looking at the starry sky above, the starlight hangs down like a substance.

Is really a good place to practice, and it's almost time to catch up with the Taoist cultivation ground.

Xiahe didn't say anything, so he really sat down here and began to adjust his breathing. He had to run once a week. Freya was anxious and said, "Adult, your state is stable enough, don't waste time to practice, I will tell you about the gourd."

"What can't I say about the gourd?" Xiahe frowned.

Medirli ignored them and hid far away, using her sword abyss power to worship the silver hair ring.

"Goddess of Doom has re-finished the gourd, but there is something in it that will not kill him."

Xiahe then stopped and reached out, and Freya handed the cut gourd to him, saying: "The last time he used him to kill the dharma king, although the soul of the dharma king shattered, but I am sure, a part of it was absorbed into the gourd. More than It is the soul, and the luck of the life of the Dharma King, which was cut off by it, and the power of the law learned by the Dharma King was also seized. "

"Is it growing?"

"It must be growing. Sooner or later, it will bite us back."

"This thing is counterfeit, but it has a strong lethality, hehe ..." Xia He sneered, and there were problems with the drawings of the counterfeit, maybe this counterfeit exists in every universe, and thousands of them. It is not uncommon for every fake to kill an enemy and bring benefits to the real product.

It's just that there is a creature inside this gourd, the goddess of doom can't die?

"Sir, the principle is clear. The things inside may be an incarnation of a powerful being. So it can use that powerful rule. If it is killed, the gourd will have no power."

"Almost a big Luo Jinxian." Xiahe judged that such a trivial means, even Jinxian could not do, sucking blood across multiple universes, it was really terrible.

"Adult, how do we deal with it?"

"How do you deal with the goddess of doom, I will deal with it."

"Adult, if you want to solve it as soon as possible, it is very dangerous around you."

Xiahe thought that when the master hadn't achieved Dixian, the Six Dao Shenyan killed a Tiandi equivalent to Jinxian. Borrowing the power of Andusias, I can temporarily use the Six God Embers to burn the things in the gourd. But the body of the gourd cannot be dealt with.

It's easy to burn to death, but Anduzias is going to sleep again, and the gourd is also useless.

There may be many people who get this gourd, will they be very troubled?

Such a powerful force, who wants to destroy it casually?

"You first improve the quality of the gourd, I can kill it, but for the time being we still need this thing." Xiahe had a plan in mind, waiting for the trial task to end, if he did not use Andusias, he would rent it again. One day in the realm of deep space, the stuff in the gourd was executed here.

However, since the principle of the gourd is clear, he can create a powerful Taoist equipment.

The life inside the gourd is the best material.

The uncontrollable power is better to let it die.

After talking to Freya, Xiahe was not in a mood to practice anymore, so he took out the purchased badge and swept the consciousness in it.

Among the badges, the body of a three-legged Jinwu was lying quietly, so Xiahe was familiar with the power.

The ultimate form of Shenhuo Flying Crow is the three-legged golden black.

This thing can be directly refined into Taoist God Seal. Taiyin Xianfu is only good at the refining of three **** seals, Taiyin Xuanguang seal, Shenhuo flying crow seal, Aoki **** Lei seal.

Is just equipment that can only be controlled after the Yangshen. It is still a bit early to mention it. Even if the refining is successful, it is equivalent to an epic equipment, and the investment is not less. It is confusing to open up our own territory and invest money in something that can only be used in the future.

But with such good materials not in use, I still feel itchy.

On the Xiahe side, practice the cultivator in the deep space, Dahe City ...

Amy Sitas took her students and returned to the residence tiredly. She bought materials everywhere these days to prepare for the expedition into the semi-elven empire.

Voodoo Forest is very dangerous, if she does not unite that Asra, she can barely enter the first floor of the ruins. Her equipment can't take away a few mushrooms. Nine-color elven mushrooms can bring huge profits and are also opportunities for Procida Academy to turn over.

The college lacks funds, and the nobles in their hometowns are also weak. This time I spent all my money and took the best students out and said nothing could fail.

The students went to bed in the room and Amy came upstairs, wanting to take advantage of her energy and then mix some anti-poison agents. In the voodoo forest, there are too many poisonous insects, which will inevitably be bitten.

She lit the magic lamp, and suddenly saw a person standing in the room, startled.

"Marcus, why are you here?"

The man in the black robe turned around and said to Amy: "I'm worried about you, just come and see. I heard you contacted an outsider?"

"Yeah ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ There is a guarantee from the Metatlin family that he will not go wrong."

"The contract has been signed?"

"Well." Amy answered absently.

Marcus smiled, and the green light appeared in his eyes. Amy was surprised to see this scene. She pointed to Marcus' face, and her heart suddenly hurt.

An emerald feather arrow was inserted from her chest, and she was paralyzed all over her body, unable to move her fingers.

Marcus' face slowly deformed, the bridge of his nose swelled up, his ears were elongated, and his pupils turned into a verdant gemstone. His figure also pulled up a few centimeters.


"I am not Marcus, of course I am very grateful to him, let me thoroughly understand how to change into a human." The half-elf smiled very happy.

Amy Sitas wept, she was not afraid of death, but she died, and the college had no hope of turning over again.

The four most promising students will also die here. Do you want love?

Is useless, even if you can say the whole thing, how can the other party let go of the child. Half-elves are bloodthirsty beasts!

It's all over like this, full of confidence, came to the Great River City, Metatelin's territory, thinking that there can be something to do. I knew it was better to stay in Procida.

I killed my child ...

"I like to see how you humans cry." The half-elf came over and picked up the paralyzed Amy Sitas, and walked to the bedside. He said to the female magician in his arms: "You will cry more severely in a moment, Did you know that the more you cry, the more excited I am. ".


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