Daomen Invasion

Chapter 188: : Deformation

On the beam of the room, a little devil was lying. It was already very weak. The latest Sipin ghost rune, the little devil could not exist for a few days without the help of the owner.

Couldn't reach the owner, so far away, it couldn't save the female magician.

Because the light and shadow were bright under the beam, the coat was on the bed, and the little devil watched hard, the half-elf's finger inserted into Amy Sitas' ear hole. The female magician is like a dying fish, and she stands firm.

There was no screaming, the female magician's throat was petrified, the arrow in the chest was pulled out, and a small wound was exposed. The half-elf's thin, long tongue licked and sucked in the wound, and the **** breath inspired the tyranny in his chest.

Mankind, mankind!

Once the whole world was an elf, human beings were just one of the elves' slaves.

However, in the war with the strange monsters, humans betrayed the elves, and the dust of history could not cover the blood flowing from the whole elf family.

Why do you refuse to accept the enslavement of elves!

Dirty and lowly human!

The tongue of the half-elf was forcibly inserted into the wound to enlarge the wound. The female magician lost her energy and could only twitch constantly.

I don't know how long it has passed, the little ghost feels about to lose consciousness, and his whole body is leaning on the beam and shrinking slowly. On the bed, the female magician is also shrinking, like some fruit that is quickly dried. The half-elf rolled over and sat up, his face changing rapidly, his ears narrowed, his nose collapsed, and his chest slowly swelled.

It didn't take long for him to change to look like Amy Sitas.

The ghost finally lost consciousness, and it shrunk into a paper rune on the beam. The Taomen rune drawn by Dansha was blurred, but there was a twisted text at the core, like a tadpole. This text contains the memory of the imp. It also doesn't know if the owner can see this. It's just a little ghost. Its life is over. There is no way to find the owner. Tell him that a half-elf has changed into a human form, and you have to start with you.

Half elves sat by the bed and realized the feeling of being a while, then they wore Amy Sitas' clothes and put the rest in the space ring.


Has space equipment that can hold life, very good, the remains in the voodoo forest, four students, the hard work of life, all this should be destroyed.

But it's not good now, wait for the ruins, and then slowly eat you.

In the eyes of Amy, a half-elf-changing, a hint of emerald green flashed.

The realm of deep space, Freya carrying a long sword and looking at Xiahe, said: "Sir, do you really want me to poke you?"

"Try the invincible skills, you just poke."

"Adult, I have something in my stomach, it's not easy to control the power."

"That's Jian Yuan."

"Well, if it's broken ..."

"This is the order!" Xiahe's voice increased, and Medieri instinctively flipped her wrist, and the sword light exploded, falling on Xiahe's chest.

A little bit of colorful light exploded, and Xiahe's figure shrank, as if it did not exist in this world, and then the floating colored particles shrank back into his body. Medieri was surprised, she had not seen this invincible skill. The body of the adult is in place, and the sword is stabbed, as if stabbed elsewhere.

Xiahe nodded and said, "This is elemental escape. If you use skills at the same time, you will be interrupted when you are attacked. Maybe your strength is too strong. Come again!"

"Adult, how cool is your skill?"

"Try avatars."

"Okay." Medieri was also relieved, her body bowed, and she thrust forward with a long sword.

In front of Xiahe, a rag doll with a height of more than one foot suddenly appeared, a long sword pierced, a ding sound in the rag doll's body, a gold coin was cut, and Xiahe's figure also shifted to the side.

"This is a gold coin doll, the casting material is gold coins, as long as there is enough money, the legendary skills can be blocked." Xia He calmly analyzed.

Medi Li turned over another sword, this sword swept over with a residual image.

Xiahe took a gentle step at the foot, Jianguang passed over him without any damage.

"This is an invincible skill, pale footprint, your attack will not affect my spellcasting."

Medi Li Jianguang exploded, falling into a thousand stars. Xiahe's figure was cut and smashed in an instant, and then appeared on the spot, with a floating fireball in his hand.

Xiahe scattered the fireball and said: "This is a dance of light and shadow, which does not affect the casting, but the casting time will be delayed. Please study more about the specific delayed data."

"Adult, is there any more?" Medieli dared not continue to attack, similar substitute skills, invincible skills, cooling time will not be too short.

"There are also stand-in techniques that protect everything, it ’s not easy to perform here. The stand-in technique cuts me. This is automatically triggered during the life-and-death crisis, which is a big loss for me. There is also an invincible technique moonlight mirror with skill reflection , Afraid of hurting you. "

Medi Li envy, Xiahe said: "The magician is originally known for its many skills, but most people intensively study a small amount of magic. You don't have to envy, sword art has reached a certain level ..."

"It doesn't matter what skills you have, you can kill it with a sword."

"Yes." Xia He smiled.

Advanced as a fourth-grade Taoist priest, twenty-level magic master, this classic magic is finally qualified. Even if I had similar skills before, I dared not use it in actual combat. At that time, my six-life sign had not yet been transformed, and my Qi consumption could not be afforded. The magic ring could not really play a role.

"Medi Li, I practice with you, you also have to master my magic rhythm, know when I will be in danger, and don't worry about it. You let go and fight with me, this place can make Your practice has stabilized. "

"Can I use the blue silk sword?"

"Yes, no worries, there is Freya, you can't kill me."

"Okay!" Medirel dropped the scabbard, holding the sword up, and the sound under her feet was gone. In this step, she had already got the essence of sword repair, and her feet seemed to have no strength, but the speed was almost extreme, and she could only see a sword light shoot out without sound.

Freya divided a little consciousness, paying attention to the battle between Medilly and Xiahe. Both of them need an unreserved battle to develop their abilities to the extreme.

She is not afraid of anyone being injured. As long as her soul is not broken, she can be saved, depending on how much she is willing to pay.

Medi Li hit the rise, a metal trembling sound in the throat, a blue silk flying, his body completely transformed into sword light, coming and going like electricity.

Xiahe also released the tarot card, the first series of main cards appeared, and his own mirror joined the battle.

The brilliance of magic is also everywhere, but no matter what magic, Medirelli is a sword. Xiahe's full version of Tenjin's armor was chopped with a sword, and he was not injured after using an invincible skill.

Phantom flashes!

Xiahe rushed upwards to a height of more than 50 meters, and Medirelli issued a clear whistle, Jianguang flew, and came to the back of Xiahe in a blink of an eye. Xiahe's hands burst into flames and was destroyed by Jianguang. Taking advantage of this block, Xiahe dared to release the Mobius ring of fire and flew himself out.

Good fierce little girl! Freya is also happy, because the adult has such a big knight, he doesn't have to follow him anytime. There were so many things happening when I returned to the storm, but fortunately the adult was not dead.

Xiahe and Medieri fully squeezed their potential. Xiahe's six-life symbols spit out true energy, and nine qiaos opened and closed, just like the original steam engine. Medirelli was boiling Jian Yuan, swaying with real energy, and controlling the sword like flying.

Hit the heart, and with a sword, Medirley chopped off the thunder light from Xiahe, and heard the long sword snap, cracking from it.

Medi Li stayed and heard Freya yelled in the distance: "Don't cry!"

Medi Li's blushing red face, shouted: "No cry!"

"There are better swords than that, but it is only epic equipment, it is the worst."

"Hey, that's good." Medelly sat on the ground as soon as her legs were soft. She is a pity that she has a long sword in her hand, but the silver hair ring on her head is the sword she has sacrificed with heart, withstanding most of the power of this battle, and there is no trace of damage.

Xiahe also lay down on the ground, he did not use the power of Taoism, only used magic, and fought against a sword repair, and he was always at the point of life and death. Fortunately, Medillian would not really fly the sword ~ ​​www.wuxiaspot .com ~ Medi Li moved to Xiahe's side, Xia He took out a box of ruby ​​ointment, opened the lid, Mei Dili picked up a little with her fingertips, learned Xiahe to use real energy, and put it under her nose , Inhaled into the lungs.

Xiahe received the jade paste and said, "It's too hard, be careful of leaving injuries."

"I didn't think it was so hungry." Medirelli stared at Xiahe's Dragon and Tiger Dao.

Xia He smiled and said, "Why don't you use sword symbols?"

"Unwilling, I knew that the sword would break, so I didn't work hard."

"If you think this way wrong, what could be more worth investing than mastering your own power?"

"I used to be poor, alas, this robe was also ruined." Medirelli looked at the brocade on her body, which had been ragged, exposing the soft silver armor inside. This Mithril soft armor has extremely high resistance. On several occasions, Medielli relied on the soft armor and her invincible skills to forcibly support Xiahe's attack.

"You are a big knight, rich and lead."

"I have never seen money."

"Because the long sword you destroyed is enough for your salary for several years. My Count, the empire only gave three thousand gold coins a month."

Medi Li also smiled, relying on these three thousand gold coins, the adult could not even support himself. In the same way, how many gold coins a month for an ordinary knight is considered high, and the big knight himself, according to the market, can have one hundred gold coins? More than a thousand gold coins a year, it is impossible to buy epic equipment.

It ’s estimated that one million gold coins wo n’t come out. Some grades are not high, but the materials are too expensive.

I really shouldn't take the money. It would be nice if the adults didn't take the money.

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