Daomen Invasion

Chapter 189: : Urgent report

The realm of deep space floats in deep space, and uses magic array to extract the power of deep space, forming a powerful cultivation place.

Freya can completely release her power and repair and refine epic equipment in this place.

Xiahe and Medirelli threw everything to Freya, and began to use spare equipment to communicate with each other. Freya is a **** and no need to practice. She upgrades by drawing other people's divine power, or someone offering incense. Three **** generals were created. There were no more souls in her ten hallmarks. The soul coffin was empty, and her state could not be elevated.

It is impossible for the goddess of doom to suppress the storm horns and fight the **** Mary.

Fortunately, she is not in a hurry. There are Heavenly Emperor's soldiers and the armor of the Great Desolation. The combat effectiveness can still be guaranteed.

In the early morning of the 27th, the three of Xiahe were forcibly transported out of the realm of deep space. They were regarded as outsiders, and only part of the realm of deep space was opened, but the effect was real.

Xiahe three came out, Emma was not there, and the three did not release the evil unicorn, so they walked back with two legs. It was probably more than two o'clock, the night was still deep, the galaxy was upside down in the sky, and there were intermittent bugs in the wind. The wind blows on the face, so tender as if it were a lover's touch, this feeling will not be found in the north.

Compared with Juno College, Juno College is full of traces of magic everywhere. Metatelin is natural, although all buildings have been treated with magic, but without careful exploration, Xiahe could not find the intention.

In the building in the distant lake, the lights are on. Xiahe remembers that it is a public meditation space, and students with no money will go to practice.

Metatelin College has many similar buildings for poor students.

This place is very friendly to the poor.

Junuo College is built in the Imperial City, and few people go in to care about money.

Therefore, no matter how overbearing the Metaline family is, more and more people support it, especially the poor who study here. After graduation, even if the treatment is almost poor, they are willing to work for the Metaline family. Because you will not be looked down upon, and you will not be given a chance because of your background.

At this point, none of the colleges controlled by the House of Commons can do so well.

No wonder the Metatron family can control the jadeite province, and can maintain a strong posture at the border, leaving the half-elf empire helpless.

Back to his residence, Emma got up from the bed and came to see Xiahe.

"Professor Asra, you will have a debate tomorrow. Arranged in Hall 9. This is the information I compiled ..."

Emma said, took a thick stack of documents and gave it to Xiahe.

"Trouble you." Xiahe took the information and immediately looked at it, Emma quietly exited the room, standing outside Freya.

Freya smiled, took a piece of paper, and stuffed it with Emma, ​​saying: "This is a magic book, worthless, and can be used for level 20. Rest assured, it does not violate Metatelin's regulations."

Emma was very happy to accept it. She spent a lot of energy to sort out the information of the debate in order to make Asla happy, so that she received everything with peace of mind.

Metatling's rules, what you want to get, must pay the corresponding price.

Xiahe reads the materials. This kind of debate is based on the thesis. Of the three papers submitted by myself, it was true that some people raised objections on this one.

The combination of dual magic, this kind of thing, there must be many native magicians opposed.

However, they ignore the fact that arcane magic itself is mixed magic, thinking that elemental magic must be clearly defined and cannot be mixed to practice.

Emma is still very responsible. She helped Xiahe get the challenger's information, Anderson Lee from Westland College. The Li family has power distribution in many provinces in the west. It is a big family, but there are not many strong ones. Anderson Lee is an associate professor at level 25 and is expected to become an epic within a few years.

If there is no potential, it is impossible for Xijing College to give him the position of associate professor.

Associate Professor of the Ninth University College, if you can not advance the epic, it is a joke. To become a full-time professor, you must be in the epic realm. This is also the foundation of the nine colleges, other magic academies can not compare.

It does n’t matter what the debate is, but there are some questions that students ask, it is estimated that there will be a lot of weird questions. This debate is essentially an exchange, so the content of the two sides of the debate must be wonderful, and it is not possible to rely on mouth poison. The information also comes with the other party's paper. Xia He glanced at it, and the paper was named.

Well-defined name, but the content that can be written is too extensive.

Finally, Emma had a small file, only two pages, with off-site news written on it, that is, some gossip and rumors spread by the West College.

Blood Mage, a nobleman who made his fortune by offering treasure to the emperor.

Professor Asra, public enemy of the Tenth Academy of Magic.

Earl of saliva, shame at the Yuqian meeting.

Blood mage, lecherous mage, a collection of beauties.

Earl's favorite pet in the capital, a poor female druid ...

How do clowns become nobles.


After reading two pages, Xiahe felt that Xijing College was so powerful that he could get so much information.


The ghost he had left in Dahe City was dead, and he had time to retrieve the remnant. See what Amy Sitas did these days. Although it is said that the Metatron family has notarized the contract, Xiahe is definitely not a fool who gives trust to outsiders. If he can have first-hand information, he still has to come in his own way.

Xijing College is so disgusting that it is so indescribable that they never thought that the debate would lose?

If you are yourself, you will first send people to spread rumors everywhere, and hold the blood mage to death.

Wait for the debate to win, and then spread the second wave of rumors, saying that the previous news was the earl's pocket and put gold on his face. This is the correct way to gossip.

It seems that people in this world have to improve their posture.

Since the other party's method of harming others is still inferior, Xiahe ignored it after reading the information. Suddenly someone knocked on the door outside and a servant went to open the door. Xiahe walked out of his room and out of the small building and asked the servant what happened.

"Adult, this is the emergency newspaper of our province. You can read it again at dawn."

"Urgent report?"

"It is an event that may require the intervention of the college, and the local nobility is controlling the situation."

The servant speaks clearly, he is just an ordinary person, not a professional, so Xiahe is also amazing. There are many such people in Metaline, and the cost of their employment is very cheap, as long as the training is done, you can do a lot of things.

"Show me, I will show it to others."

"Yes." The servant handed a bag to Xiahe. Xiahe found a place in the yard and lit a light ball suspended above his head. Open the bag, inside is the most common paper, with official documents printed on it.

Xiahe read it carefully. The news was passed by the magic circle. In the eastern part of Emerald Province and the border with Lishan Province, a village was destroyed. The village is located in the mountains, relatively remote, only dozens of families. However, in this village, every family is a professional, and survives by picking medicine.

It was the businessman who bought the medicinal herbs who discovered that something was wrong with the village. However, only one person escaped from the whole medicinal herbs acquisition team, and nobody said what he said.

The nearest town was part of the Emerald Province. The mayor sent a team of ten to investigate, and all of them died in the mountains, which was reported immediately. However, the adventurer who heard the news went, and has not yet come alive. The person who escaped the earliest also died inexplicably.

Now things are going to the governor. The family of the dead soldiers wants to say, but the mountain is not suitable for large-scale army. The governor passes the matter to the academy.

The governor himself also issued a bounty, any adventure team can take the task and go to explore.

However, this happened more than two months ago. Many adventurers went deep into the mountains and disappeared in that village. None of them came back alive.

Although the adventurous team is usually not high-level, the latter team is very cautious, and none of them come out alive, so the problem becomes bigger. Later, the team that took over the task had restrictions. At least one professional with a level 20 or higher can take this task.

This was a briefing from last month. This time, the governor's government sent an airship to investigate. Just yesterday, the airship crashed ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ The fellow magician sent a signal for help, and then there was no news.

If you don't solve the problem, you can only send the legendary strongman to go.

Although the location of the village is remote and separated by a few large cracks, they are all connected by zip lines, and the travel time will not be long. In addition to having difficulty getting in and out of the army, the adventure team set off from the town and went for two or three days.

So there are more than one hundred teams that have been damaged there.

This adventure requires no compassion for the team, but with so many people dead, the Governor ’s Mansion will be in a hurry, otherwise no airship will be sent. When the airship crashed and a team disappeared, it was no longer a trivial matter.

Xia He glanced at the airship model. The standard mountain equipment can take one hundred soldiers, ten Warcraft knights, and five magicians. In addition, there are three low-level mages and five professionals in the team responsible for the operation of the airship. The mount of the Warcraft Knight may not be suitable for plain charge operations, but it is very efficient in mountainous areas.

In the mountainous area of ​​the Emerald Province, many of the knights of the Metaline family are riding the golden wolf.

If it was someone else, seeing this urgent report did not have much thought, Xiahe had seen the scene of the children of the law coming, he felt that things would not be that simple.

And the news was sent to the academy, which caught up with the exchange period of the national academy, it would be interesting.

It is estimated that the Metatron family wants to join other provinces.

This is not Metatlin's style, I am afraid that some information is also concealed.

I want to go to the voodoo forest with Amy Sitas. It is impossible to pick up the task of this place. Even if the college regards the mission as an optional part of the trial, they have to go to the Half-Elven Empire.

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