Daomen Invasion

Chapter 190: : Teachers

Xiahe didn't know why, he was uneasy and couldn't find the reason, so he didn't want to change his plan.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Feng came out of the small building and saw Xiahe in the courtyard, and he came to salute. He looked at the things in Xiahe's hands curiously.

"Troublesome things, you don't want to participate." Xiahe didn't want students to touch the task in his hands. The Asla Master Group was not strong enough. The real noble Master Group was equipped with elite soldiers.

The combat skills of the soldiers are not comparable to those of the mercenary regiment. Think of the white horse general of Metaline that day, that is the army.

Two more students came out, and Xiahe said: "In July, I have to take you deep into the semi-elven empire. Prepare for this. Let's fight."

When some classmates came out, the curiosity in Feng's eyes suddenly disappeared. With a calm look, Xiahe was also very funny when he saw it.

Feng's talent is good at commanding, but he also pays attention to himself all the time, and pays attention to the image. In the eyes of others, he must be mature and steady.

"Have you not slept yet?" Xiahe watched students come out one after another, all dressed neatly.

"Teacher, I want to report the results with you." Ye Linna came to the yard. She was the class leader. Her classmates gave her a seat, and she stood in front of Xiahe, looking forward to it.

"Then talk about it." Xia He didn't want to disappoint the students. Once, he also looked forward to this, looking at his teacher, hoping to be recognized by the teacher.

"Mila, you are the youngest, let's talk first."

"Okay." Mila rubbed in front of Xiahe and said, "Teacher, I have won the forty-four winning streak at the most time! But most of the challengers are in the early tenth grade, and I am all 15th grade."

"Forty-four winning streak, very powerful, no matter how many levels the enemy is, even if it is less than ten levels, it can threaten your life, right?"

"Yes, the winning streak was interrupted because I was careless and wanted to save magic power. I used an skill that is good at over-magicism. As a result, the enemy seized the opportunity. I was hit by arcane magic and partially petrified. Then I used wind feather and Resisting the ring of fire, and wanting to increase the distance, he hit the opponent's ice gun. "

"If you try again, how would you choose?"

Milla thought for a while and said: "People always make mistakes. I assume that I still get partial petrified magic and one leg can't move. But the other party is also a magician. Why should I distance myself? At this time, I should give Use your own air shield to pounce on my face with my fist. "

Mila waved her little fist. On her fist, a phantom was condensed, which was a lotus warhammer.

"Yes, for the magician, one leg is petrified, which affects the magic casting, not the ability to move. You saw that I used the wind feather technique, resisting the combination of the fire ring and the tornado, I thought these Is it used to escape? When the levels are similar, the air shield is a very safe defensive magic, and it works well when close to the battle. "

Xiahe said, displaying a Mobius ring of fire.

"This is the teacher's ring of fire. It's not as simple as resisting the ring of fire. It's a classic magic. This ring of fire attacks at any angle, and can transfer the attack to the same direction. If you reach the epic realm, this magic can Deflecting the attack back is similar to magic reflex, except that it is more difficult to control and consume less, not as easy as the magic mirror reflex, but the magic loss is only less than one-tenth, and the mental cost is only twice as large. "

"A lot of times, when we choose magic, we need to suit ourselves, the environment, and the situation. With high mental power, we use Mobius Fire Ring, which has insufficient mental power and sufficient magic power, so we use skill reflection magic, of course. This is not absolute. What kind of magic can you cast and what skills do you have to keep in mind. "

More and more students in the yard are carefully listening to Xiahe's explanation.

After Ye Linna also asked questions, Yuri stood up and said to Xiahe: "Professor Asla, can I ask questions?"

"You said." Xia He handed the document to Ye Linna and asked her to put it away.

"Professor, among your students, Yelina and Sanger should be the strongest. I'm rude to say that they should not be my opponents. But in the challenged tasks, I have only six consecutive victories at most. Although there are class levels The difference, but the opponents are all from other magical academies, there will be no essential difference. "

"Because the magic I teach is to prepare for war, the magic you learn is to promote the level." Xia He directly pointed out the difference. This time he saw a problem, that is, the students who participated in the challenge of the Nine Colleges were not true war masters.

Even if some students have very rich actual combat experience, it is at most a battle mage.

This is like the difference between a mercenary and a regular army. Professors and lecturers are not good enough, but they do not have this kind of war consciousness.

"Professor, I am used to opening the situation with wind blade, forcing the enemy to dodge, and then bombarding with powerful magic. Usually this kind of attack is effective. As long as the opportunity is given to release the wind blade, it will cause enemy chaos. But this challenge At that time, I found that the enemy had many ways to crack it. "

"What kind of wind blade are you used to?"

"Gemini wind blade, serial attack."

"The twin blades are powerful, but they are not used to open up the situation. This magic releases quickly, and you can usually choose to seize the opportunity and expand the results. Because the twin blades will hit the target, if they die, they will cause a tearing effect. If the enemy does not die, It is entirely possible to make up a slightly slower attack magic. "

"What should I choose as the opening magic?"

"If you can grasp the rhythm, it doesn't matter if you start with the Gemini Blade. For example, in this challenge, I basically started with phantom flashes. The enemies are helpless, not phantom flashes and no solutions, but the timing of my release is accurate. . "

"Professor, can that fireball also be used to start?"

"If the enemy comes up and defends, of course it is. The explosive power of the big fireball is violent, even if it can't break the enemy's defense, there is a great chance of interrupting the enemy's magic, and it will also form an environment of elemental disorder, even if it is less than half a second. , Can also change many things. "

"When I tried this way, I lost a game, the enemy started a magic pillar, and the fireball effect was affected, and the environment could not be destroyed."

"Then you can start with fog-type magic, or arcane torrents. If the magic of the electric chain type is not harmful, the disruption will be very prominent. If the enemy is good at defense, you have no more means, and you will definitely suffer. It ’s me, I wo n’t give the enemy a chance to set up magic pillars. This magic takes a long time to prepare, and you can completely destroy it with the wind blade. "

"I was thinking about the pillar of magic, even if it was destroyed, it didn't bite back."

"Fire walls, ground fissures, and even frozen rays can all be used to interfere, and can form a follow-up effect. You must be not very good in the magic combination course."

Yuri blushed, Professor Asla said the idea.

His magic power is great, so he doesn't pay much attention to the combination problem. The consequence is to be weak when strong and strong when weak.

"When I was in Storm Point, the enemies I met were usually higher than me. However, their fighting ability was also excellent. I had to do better to survive. You did not do well enough because College life is too easy. "

"Professor ... spend too much time in combat, will it have a bad influence on the practice of magic?"

"Of course not, you have to understand that the state of battle is the necessary condition for the development of the ultimate form of magic. If you do n’t understand the limits of your magic, you do n’t really learn this magic. This problem is usually achieved after you advance to legend. Slowly understand that you can make amends. However, those who go to the battlefield are often not legendary mages. "

"Will the empire start a war?" A student in class six couldn't help but ask.

"Everyone may have a misunderstanding that war has never stopped, but it has not happened in front of your eyes. The days of empire peace are too long. We live in a comfortable environment and think that this kind of peace is justified. But Looking at the history of this world, peace is an abnormal state. "

Xiahe's words were never spoken in the mouth of other teachers, and the students were a little surprised.

"Humans, the earliest attachment to the elves, and then the elves perished ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Various races have lost the best living space one after another. The half-elf empire is in the southern desert, and the half-orcs are driven to the desert of Leo , The human empire divided its territory, and it seems that there has been no direct conflict for a long time ... "

"When I was in Green Forest, I met the Pope of the Temple of Dawn, and I heard a message that our world will be invaded by alien monsters. You have to understand that even if the alien monster is defeated, the pattern of the human empire is bound to A change has occurred. One empire declines, and the rest of the empire will come over and want to eat it all. But who will eat it? "

"Of course our arcane empire!"

"Haha, yes, of course it is us, the whole world should be ours."

It was already dawning, and the students were still unsatisfied, but Emma had run over and urged Xiahe to go to Hall 9.

"Let's go, let's cheer for the teacher!" Ye Linna waved her hand, and of course Xiahe's students responded. But other students are hesitant. They are afraid to offend their teachers and can only stay.

Xia He sighed, this is the case inside a college. How many open battles will there be in the entire empire?

These students are still young, and they are not really involved in the dispute. When they grow up, they will become the same people as their teachers.

"Everything to eat before leaving." Xiahe ordered the servant to order some breakfast, and he returned to the room himself, soaking in hot water for a while. No cleaning technique in magic can replace the most primitive bath.

The steam is steaming, a piece of white, in the steam with a floral scent, floating colored bubbles. The surface of the bubble flows with a brilliance, and under the brilliance, there is a dreamy image flowing.

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