Daomen Invasion

Chapter 191: : On stage

Freya moved a wooden bench and sat next to it, sometimes poking the colorful bubbles with her hand.

After her finger fell into the bubble, she withdrew it violently, as if it was burnt.

"Arcane, fantasy ball. It's different from what I designed." Freya said in a somewhat amazed tone.

"Of course it's different. You seem to be designing spells for Da Luo Jin Xian. I'm only now at level 20. Your spells are like throwing hundreds of Hammer Soldiers at once, smashing them down, and all the enemies are dead. Lancers, as long as the skills are sufficient, the damage will be more efficient. "

"However, my spell is the ultimate form?" Freya asked expectantly.

"If I have such a powerful force, it will create hundreds of thousands of times of fantasy balls, which can make the world float in every corner."

"Quantity cannot replace quality."

"If we talk about quality, what can be compared to that fire?" Xiahe said, naturally it is the six gods.

Freya can't refute it. The real spells and powerful ones come from the Daomen. For example, all kinds of lightning methods, everything is flies. The ultimate shape of the fantasy ball may not be comparable to the Hunyuan Xianlei.

"However, the design of the magic is still up to you. I will definitely master the things you design. When using it, use my own way."

"I want to improve slowly, our time seems to be not much."

"Well, what happened on the border of the province may be an invasion of another world. If the son of the law is okay, if it is the Bessin that the Lord of Dawn said, it will be troublesome."

"Even the most powerful invaders cannot sweep the empire in a short period of time. The arcane empire is still very rich, even believers of the gods can't make waves here. And ..."

"Don't say this." Xiahe interrupted Freya. Of course, the imperial chaos is in his favor. He can quickly recruit troops and buy horses. Once the world is in chaos, as long as you stutter, someone will come to you. It is a good thing in the short run, and in the long run, you have to rebuild the world yourself.

"I am your assistant in the matter of debate, but for our communication, it ’s good to use the dragon and the tiger, and it ’s mainly to highlight the wise heroes of the adults. So I designed a temporary magical equipment for the adults, the mirror of the guardian. . "Freya said, taking out a round metal mirror.

Xiahe took it in his hand and identified it to know what the shortcomings were.

This is a very common material, even with the lucky identification technique, it can not improve the quality of a little bit. The principle of lucky appraisal is to dig out the value of equipment that was originally hidden or underestimated. Originally a waste thing, it is impossible to improve the quality.

Mirror of the Guardian: Magic auxiliary equipment

Use level: twenty

Item description: Temporarily store a magic and release it when needed.

Special note: The mirror of the guardian is very beautiful, has a charm effect, and has a certain chance to destroy the enemy's skills.

This equipment is a bully of children at first glance, what is the chance? This sentence is translated to target enemies below the 20th level. The probability is very high. There is little hope for those who are above the 20th level.

But this thing, it is good to go to the voodoo forest, poisonous insects are considered low-level Warcraft, with the mirror of the guardian, basically will not come to bite themselves. This thing is more worry-free than Asra's slaying the magic hammer, and there is no need to urge Longwei.

Freya still spent her time thinking, Xiahe thought about it, refined the equipment, and then put it behind her head.

"Am I considered a Buddha?" Xia He smiled. The mirror of the guardian floats not far behind his head, releasing a brilliant blue light, and the image of flowers in the mirror seems to hide a magnificent world.

"The appearance is good, the debate game did not say that the use of equipment is not allowed, and Anderson can also use charm, as long as he has enough mental power to keep it down." Freya smiled smugly.

This mirror is essentially an equipment that can release charm skills for a long time. This skill is still effective for level 20 and below. As for temporarily storing a magic, there are still many restrictions, far less than the badge of honor given to Xiahe by the principal.

But for the debate game, the atmosphere at the scene is also very important. If an adult speaks on the stage, there will be people coaxing, but it is still very difficult to deal with.

"Okay Freya, you go and call Medirelli. If the students have finished eating, they will leave immediately."

Freya was reluctant to leave, walked out, suddenly looked back at Xiahe, Xiahe closed his eyes in the water, and sensed the more than one hundred bubbles he released.

In the realm of deep space, finally completed all seventy-eight classic magic. This time you do n’t have to worry about the magician who reaches the 30th level, as long as the opponent does not have a false realm, it is not an epic realm.

This world's hierarchical division focuses on the improvement of strength and the comprehension of new skills.

Raise the level, you can always learn new skills.

Different from Daomen, the upgrade of Daomen is a qualitative change of the soul.

The world's first soul qualitative change occurred at the moment when it became an epic, and Daomen will advance a lot, as long as you become a first-class product, with the power of consciousness, it will no longer be ordinary.

Xiahe stood up from the water, and his body was really irritated, and the water on his body was dry. He walked out of the bathtub and dressed himself. The mirror of the guardian behind him was stable, and he was suspended there without manipulation.


This thing can also provide a very complete perspective, and even everything behind is mapped in perception. With a move in his heart, Xiahe put away the mirror of the guardian, but he wanted to see for himself, what means Anderson had to deal with himself.

Xiahe went out. In the yard, the students were ready to go. When they saw Xiahe, the students saluted.

"Medi Li, you lead, Freya, follow me." Xiahe said once, and released the evil unicorn from the badge. The students let go of the pale unicorn, and the twenty-headed war dolls, even at Metatron College, are still so eye-catching.

Hall 9 is an oval hall with more than 6,000 seats.

There is a stage in the middle, usually there is a drama performance, and sometimes, a magician's thesis evaluation can reach a certain standard to give a lecture, there will be a lot of students to listen, these are linked to points.

There are now two tables on the stage and two seats behind each.

Anderson? Lee is already there, and he is an old man by his side. Xiahe was a little surprised that there were a lot of students in the auditorium, almost filled up.

On both sides of the stage, behind the long table, there are eight interrogators. These are Metatlin ’s lecturers and students. They stand on different positions. One side supports Xia He and the other side supports Anderson Lee.

Xiahe didn't sit down immediately, but came to Anderson's table and looked up and down at the magician from Westland College.

Anderson? Lee looks a little fat, and his face is round. He leaned on the back of the chair, his brown hair scattered back, staring at Xiahe with some vigilance. His nose was slightly red, and there were obvious gaps between his front teeth. It didn't look like a well-maintained nobleman.

"Xijing College, Li ..." Xiahe said so before going to his place to sit down. Anderson? Li Mo is inexplicably wondering what it means to say such a word.

Threat? Don't be kidding, even the principal of Metaline College cannot threaten the entire West College. Threatening your family? That is also a joke.

A tall woman walked in style, dragging her long skirt to the stage, she spread her hands, glanced at the students below, and said: "Let everyone wait for a long time, because Professor Asla from the Tenth Academy of Magic , Seems to be reluctant to obey the time, came very late. Then, let everyone welcome him in the most enthusiastic way! "

"Count slobber, have you come to brush your teeth today!"

"Come so late, did you blaspheme in the bed?"

"Blood Master, Master with bleeding gums!"

"Eat me!"

The students under the stage boiled, and a huge cabbage flew onto the stage, followed by potatoes, eggplant, wooden lunch boxes, broken boots, underwear, paper balls, half dog legs, eggs ...


Xiahe released the magic without hesitation, blocking himself. The students were prepared for it, and they didn't know how much they brought, and they frantically hit the stage.

These messy things ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ was easily drawn in the center by the tornado, Xiahe sat on the chair, his face did not change color.

This is a face-to-face insult, but if I'm annoyed, I lose all.

What about cursing people, with their ancestors have to endure, how do you do in the Yuqian meeting?

Scolded back? With so many open mouths, I certainly cannot scold myself.

Disturbed my mind and lost the debate for a while, that is, I did not practice enough.

However, even if you throw garbage, as long as it is not a magic attack, it will not be a problem for me to hold this dragon for an hour. If you have the ability, you just keep throwing it away like this.

Xiahe Tie took care of this, and the long-legged woman in charge looked depressed, and for the first time at Metatling ’s debate, she saw someone cope with it.

Professor Asra sat there, and seemed to be almost asleep.

"Now, we ask Professor Asla to speak." The female host said loudly, her voice suppressed the noisy students. The things thrown off the stage suddenly became sparse, and soon stopped.

The host looked back at Xiahe. Xiahe stood up from the seat, walked around the table, and came to the tornado. He reached out and tapped twice. The torn thing in the tornado was first petrified by his magic, and then again. Be shaped.

The tornado quickly disappeared, and a stone statue over five meters in height appeared on the stage.

This stone statue is as vivid as Xiahe's, and the body of the stone is also coated with gold.

Standing beside the golden stone statue, Xiahe looked at the stage and said, "I had a great idea before, that is, I left all my statues in the Nine Magic Academy. Now I have finished the first It ’s an honour to step forward. "

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