Daomen Invasion

Chapter 192: : Mixed Magic

Xiahe naturally released the mirror of the guardian, letting it float behind his head.

"I ’m Asra? Xia, from the Sky City School of Magic, originally I came here today to tell you about magic. Now let ’s see how you like to build statues for me. Let me start with architecture. . "

"Cough, Professor Asra, this is not enough." The host came to Xia He and made a blocking action.

"why not?"

"I mean, this statue ..."

"The material of the statue was made by the students, but it was not what I wanted."

"But ..."

"No, but since everyone is eager to fight, the statue is not good on the stage, it is better to put it in the entrance of Hall 9. Although I am young, I am also an associate professor of Juno College and can stand this kind of admiration.

"Okay!" Some students are coaxing below, they don't really hate Professor Asra, but there is this tradition, foreign professors debate here, usually in the end. All kinds of garbage are thrown onto the stage. If you do not handle it well, you will become a laughing stock.

The handling method of Asra, the kind of shameless energy, made the students very excited.


Asra! Asla! Asla!

Thousands of students cheered and coaxed together, the hostess could not take it at all. A total of sixteen people were taught by the college lecturers and professors sitting on either side. They had a magic circle under their feet. They were unaffected by any influence. They discovered the strange thing behind Xiahe's brain.

But no one said that Asra can do such a thing, it is his skill.

Whether to debate, any way you want to play, anyway, the final score depends on the opinions of these sixteen people. Everyone has read Asla ’s paper, which is very good, and the odds are also great. Then let him toss about it.

The host said: "Well, Professor Asra, this statue stands at the door, are you sure?"

Xiahe reached out his hands and motioned for everyone to be quiet, waiting for the voice to subside. Then he said: "In fact, I just showed my magical mixed-use technology. Everyone throws things on the stage. From the raw materials, the attributes are too complicated. Think about how much mental energy is required to petrify these things? "

Xiahe said so, Metatlin students thought.

Professor Asra was promoted recently, only level 20. Generally, the magician of level 20 wants to petrify the enemy, at most it can petrify a skin, and it is not permanent.

Temporary petrochemicals did not change the nature of the material. Healing or dispelling can change the petrochemical state.

The five-meter stone statue was examined by the students in the front row with mental strength, and the interior was completely reduced to stone.

And the surface of the statue, as if it had been treated by alchemy, is clearly made of metal.

Professor Asra was not bragging, such petrification is really powerful. Then there are alchemy, wind magic, and three kinds of magic mixed together to have a five-meter-high statue.

Right, there must be plastic surgery.

"Mr. Anderson of Westworld College, questioning mixed magic, I can understand. Just like some believers of the gods, they will question the existence of other gods. I have been to the green forest continent, and believers of the bright god, questioning believers of any god, think They are all heretics. Even the Lord of Dawn is being questioned. "

"Dogs bite dogs!" Some students shouted, but no one responded. Professor Asla began to speak, and then it was rude to be noisy. But no one accused him of this voice. The dog bit the dog and spoke out the contradictory views between the magicians of the Arcane Empire and the believers.

Is not a good thing, a good human being, to believe in gods?

"This kind of person who does not recognize the meaning of mixed magic, in my opinion, is a native believer in magic. We magicians don't need gods, they don't need absolute correctness. We learn magic just to constantly question and reveal this. The truth of the world! "

Xiahe eased his breath and continued: "The origin of magic is not human, but no matter what race, the contribution to the development of magic is not as great as ours. Because humans are good at summing up experience, they will not stick to old stereotypes. We are not The darling of fate, everything we have today is obtained by our own efforts. "

These words are too old-fashioned, but they can resonate.

"The combination of wind magic and fire magic I proposed is not the first. There are probably hundreds of similar magics. I just put forward a possibility to sum up the core of the mixture of two magics. So today , I will show you a brand new hybrid magic-snake inflammation. "

Xiahe said, raising his hand released a fire snake. This fire snake is weird, drawing a strange arc in the air, and the speed is several times faster than normal fire snake. It must have broken the sound barrier. The snake's tail dragged white gas, like a jet.

The sharp whistle exploded, and the snake snake flew over the student's head for a distance of more than 200 meters. Around the stage, Xiahe erected an ice shield. Snake inflammation hit the ice shield and heard a roar. The ice shield was torn apart and the ice fell to the ground before Xiahe dispersed it.

"The burning fire element makes the wind element more violent, and pushes the condensed snake element of the fire element forward, the speed is several times higher than that of the fire snake. As long as you can control the wind element, the fire element's attack trajectory can be It ’s as easy to control as the wind blade. "

Metatlyn ’s students were broad-minded, and naturally knew how much the magic meant, and applause was heard from the audience.

Xiahe and other applauses stopped and said: "The core of this magic is still the element of fire. The core of the wind element is written in it. Both types of magic are unstable. After combining, the complexity of control increases. But this is also the charm of mixed magic, it can provide more possibilities. "

Xiahe said, and released another snake inflammation, which made a small circle and exploded on the stage.

"Look, this magic can form a disorganized area for a duration of one and a half seconds. We all know that such an environment actually has the effect of magic dispel. But the consumption of magic dispel itself is snake inflammation. Four to five times. "

Anderson's face changed, as Professor Asla said, none of them were in the paper.

However, the core of the speech is still the application of mixed magic.

Just the magic of snake inflammation is enough to make his refutation ridiculous, the purity of magic? In terms of dispel magic, it is itself a four-element mixed magic, but the four elements are balanced and can be independent of each other, so it is barely pure magic.

"So, what will happen if the core of wind magic is added to fire magic?" Xiahe said, a wind blade floating in his palm. This wind blade has the shape of a sickle, with a turning point, and a hot flame burning on it.

"Everyone knows that Wind Blade is a very practical magic. Both the attack distance, the lethality and the maneuverability are very strong. However, where is the flaw of Wind Blade? By the way, the environment. The environment with disordered elements, Wind Blade is the most powerful One of the magic that can be easily dispelled. "

Xiahe said, shaking his hand, the burning wind blade flew towards Anderson.

Anderson was shocked, and an air shield was instantly formed, which was blocked before the purchase. But the burning wind blade stopped three meters before he bought it, suspended in the air, and trembling gently.

"Professor Anderson, please disperse it."

Anderson's face was blue-green, but he couldn't do nothing. He took the magic wand in his hand and released the dispel skill against the burning wind blade suspended in front of him. The glory of magic lighted up repeatedly, and it wasn't until the fourth time that Xiahe's wind blade was destroyed by Anderson.

The applause broke out again in the auditorium. Facts speak louder than words. Professor Asla ’s magic was only dispelled by Anderson four times. If such a thing happened during the battle, the person protected by Anderson was dead.

"Pure magic, easy to be dispelled, this is the first content I want to express."

Xia He finished, bowed to the audience, walked back to his desk and sat down.

Anderson walked to the center of the stage. He desperately wanted to organize the language, but it was only a matter of talent that made him continue to be shocked. Asra's level is not as high as him, but he cannot dispel his magic.

"Good classmates, Professor Asra just demonstrated the power of mixed magic for everyone. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is here. What I want to say is that the power of the magician is just an incidental thing. Learn Magic is to understand the true face of this world. Our life is limited, but our knowledge is infinite ... "

Andersen's palm, a fire snake floated up, the fire snake scale armor was there, twisting in the palm, spit out the core, hissing sound. In contrast, although Xiahe's snake inflammation is powerful, the snake inflammation itself is just a fire-wired existence, not as delicate as Anderson's magic.

This is not to blame Xiahe, Xiahe's snake inflammation, just a good at magic, not even proficient in magic.

And fire snake, and Anderson's classic magic, and ordinary fire snake are also different, but the same name.

"Pure magic, there is life." Anderson bent down and put the palm fire snake on the ground, the fire snake meandered forward, just like the real creature.

Xiahe clapped hard, Anderson glanced at him, and walked back to his seat. He himself felt that the speech was a failure.

Xiahe went to the center of the stage again: "In this world, there is a spell-casting profession called bard."

Before he finished speaking, the audience burst into laughter. Bard is also a spellcaster? That clown is also a soldier?

"Do you know where the magician is not as good as the minstrel?"

Xiahe paused deliberately, glanced back at Anderson, and then said: "In terms of lyricism, magicians are never as good as bards! Magic is alive, no matter whether it is pure or not, there is now a statue of Asla ... ! "

Xiahe said, as soon as his body turned, a melancholy porcelain figure appeared in the position where he stood.

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